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Is this team any good?


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So uhm, Hi!

I just made yet another new team cuz I wasn't quite satisfied with my previous team

Well It can barely beat a Meteor Grunt sooo Yeaah


I think this team is kinda good, I'm just here to confirm it 

Cuz I might just have my time wasted (again) and get disappointed


Blaziken (Obtrained

Adamant (M) Black Belt 

Speed Boost

Likes to thrash about

Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw, Bulk Up


Eelektross (Obtained)

Brave (F) ---


Very Finnicky

Crush Claw, Spark, Coil, Strength


Chesnaught (Obtained)

Adamant (M) Power Bracer


Likes to Run

Bulk Up, Seed Bomb, Hammer Arm, Synthesis


Feraligatr (Yet to be captured)

Adamant (M) Leftovers?

Sheer Force


Aqua Tail, Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Fang


Braviary (yet to be obtained)

Adamant (M) Leftovers

Sheer Force


Crush Claw, Fly/Brave Bird. Rock Slide, Bulk Up


Gardevoir (obtained)

Modest (F) none



Psychic. Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Stored Power


In Rotation:

Tyrantrum (Yet to be obtained)

Adamant (M) Dragon Fang?

Strong Jaw 


Crunch, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Dragon Claw 


Yanmega (Obtained)

Modest (F) none

Speed Boost


Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball


I don't really know if this team is really viable? I think it's pretty unbalanced ;-;

Oh, also feel free to you know, give suggestions and stuff

All help will be much appreciated ^^

That's all, have a nice day~








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both blaziken and shesnaught gives you a decent weakness to flying and psychic types. eelectross could posibly be replaced by magnezone since combined with the gardevoir you already have it kinda creates an unstopable duo. putting tyrantrum over Chesnaught wou'd help alot already when it comes to coverage



edit: also! for gardevoir moonblast will be the better option, and stored power will most likely be better off being replaced by a coverage move like shadow ball sinch psychic will be more reliable in most of the situations

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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Your Chesnaught seems to add a huge Psychic weakness to your team. Maybe try Shiftry? Leavanny (its type is bad, but it hits hard and uses nature power well enough in the field effects)? Other than that, I never see anyone use Eelectross. That would be fun to see how it does.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 11:21 AM, Wolfox Glace said:

both blaziken and shesnaught gives you a decent weakness to flying and psychic types. eelectross could posibly be replaced by magnezone since combined with the gardevoir you already have it kinda creates an unstopable duo. putting tyrantrum over Chesnaught wou'd help alot already when it comes to coverage



edit: also! for gardevoir moonblast will be the better option, and stored power will most likely be better off being replaced by a coverage move like shadow ball sinch psychic will be more reliable in most of the situations


 I agree, Moonblast is better.


I don't think Shadow Ball TM is obtainable right now, since it got replaced for Shadow Claw as a reward from Shade. Surprisingly, Gardevoir can learn Grass Knot (the more you know).

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  On 5/30/2017 at 11:59 AM, Alextron said:

 I agree, Moonblast is better.


I don't think Shadow Ball TM is obtainable right now, since it got replaced for Shadow Claw as a reward from Shade. Surprisingly, Gardevoir can learn Grass Knot (the more you know).


then how does their yanmega get shadowball?

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  On 5/30/2017 at 11:21 AM, Wolfox Glace said:

both blaziken and shesnaught gives you a decent weakness to flying and psychic types. eelectross could posibly be replaced by magnezone since combined with the gardevoir you already have it kinda creates an unstopable duo. putting tyrantrum over Chesnaught wou'd help alot already when it comes to coverage



edit: also! for gardevoir moonblast will be the better option, and stored power will most likely be better off being replaced by a coverage move like shadow ball sinch psychic will be more reliable in most of the situations


Magnezone might be a good addition to my team thanks ^^ as for chesnaught, I really really really want a Grass type in my team but I thought Chespin was the best choice so i settled with it

  On 5/30/2017 at 11:26 AM, FactoryofSadness said:

Your Chesnaught seems to add a huge Psychic weakness to your team. Maybe try Shiftry? Leavanny (its type is bad, but it hits hard and uses nature power well enough in the field effects)? Other than that, I never see anyone use Eelectross. That would be fun to see how it does.


I'm gonna give Leavanny a try, thanks! ^^ 

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  On 5/30/2017 at 12:03 PM, TumbleWhip said:
  On 5/30/2017 at 11:26 AM, FactoryofSadness said:

Your Chesnaught seems to add a huge Psychic weakness to your team. Maybe try Shiftry? Leavanny (its type is bad, but it hits hard and uses nature power well enough in the field effects)? Other than that, I never see anyone use Eelectross. That would be fun to see how it does.


I'm gonna give Leavanny a try, thanks! ^^


I agree with this suggestion, Leavanny is awesome. X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Fell stinger, Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, Nature Power make it really versatile and quite deadly if given the chance to set up.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 12:08 PM, TumbleWhip said:

Actually, my Yanmega hasn't learned Shadow Ball. lol I just plan to make it learn it if I ever come across the TM 


I could teach them shadow ball, since I got the game before the TM change at shades place

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