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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: V^3 Mini; The Canyon.

Hal Henderics

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Keith looks down at Shanks and makes a small noise of acknowledgement. He looks away to inspect his jar for any holes for a few minutes, appearing very casual. Then he seems to have a moment of realization, looking down at the tonberry before freaking out and nearly falling off of the hovercraft.

"Fuck! Not another one of those freaky lizard things!"

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Shanks breaks off his staring war with Azurian to gaze up quizzically at the pseudo-Shinra man. Hmmm... so he'd seen his kind before eh? Just where was this one from then? He didn't smell like a resident of Gaea. Didn't sound like one either- the accent was just... off. 


"Got a problem, humaaaan?" His voice, while pitched a bit high, held an odd, pervasive presence to it. Almost like the perfect example of a wise guy's quip, with a subtle hint of gravel beneath it. For some though, perhaps even more surprising than the fact that he sounded more like a stereotypical mobster on the corner, and not exactly like a chew toy, was that he was capable of speech at all. Heh, not many got to hear his people speak in a tongue they could actually comprehend... instead of their native series of clicks and hisses and psuedo syllables. Or rather, some did. It was just that very few lived to tell about it.

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"Hm?" Azurian looks concerning at the man freaking out. Something about a freaky lizard. He then takes a look down at his feet to see the gremlin once again, only this time he's not hauled up in the air vents. He saw no problem with him then or now. But it is kinda weird, it's almost like he's following him.  "I don't know why you're so scared," He shrugs as he speaks to Keith.  "I don't see the problem with him here. Hell, we were helping each other out inside the ship. Besides, an enemy of our enemy is an ally and the mooks in the ship were definitely not friendly with him."

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Keith stares at the lizard for a bit before deciding to cautiously remove himself from the rail. After a few seconds he crouches to get a better look at Shanks with a frown. 

"Hm... no, not nearly as fucked up as 687. Never mind, you just reminded me of an unstoppable being from another dimension that wanted to kill everyone. Everything that resembles it tends to be similar, thus the freakout."

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Elica has leaned against the railing, arm and tentacle wrapped around it, listening to the others. The one in the tattered cloak seemed at least relatively reasonable, but it was to soon to tell for sure. Hopefully she wasn't going to be surrounded by idiots during this adventure. At least Cim seemed content, looking over the pilot's shoulder at the controls. Maybe when they actually got to civilization they would find something they could both appreciate. Looking back over the group she finds she doesn't have names to attach to any of there faces, and she doubts they all caught hers.

"Can we like, get proper introductions rolling? I swear if we don't, I will start naming you all, and it will sound something like, 'bitch, idiot number one, idiot number two, competent guy number one, competent guy number two"

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The hovering vehicle begins to rise, and then, to zoom off, taking the party towards the smoke in the distance.


Green Grass whizzes by, as do flowers.


The Figure in yellow motorcycle gear scratches his behind, chuckling to himself quietly as he pilots the vehicle.


The masked man, wrapped in his cloak, looks over the party, before beginning to speak.


"Who are all of you, and why were you in the Halberd?  I had meant to clear it out, when I found you all instead."

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Elica responds first.
"I'm thrasher model XV6, unit number 105, but you can call me Elica. I'm an artificial being, responsible for commanding a low ranking squadron in service to our master."
Cim speaks up next
"I'm Ribbonare model X3, unit number 200, but you can call me Cim. Im an artificial being who serves in the aforementioned squad" 
Elica stops leaning against the rails standing up straighter and allowing her tentacle to wrap into a circle around her on the floor
"As for why we are here, I was hoping one of you could answer that, we woke up here. All I recall is a vague feeling that someone needed help. I blame prime directive, order three"
Did this mean they didn't know what happened either? shit. this day just kept getting better.

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Elica looks like she's about to say something, before pausing as she considers something.
".....Don't tell me....you lot don't have recovering souls do you?"
For once she sounds more concerned then aggressive.

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"I don't know what you guys were fighting outside but I'd rather not go back there anytime soon." Azurian spoke leaning against the rails.  "There were a lot of those things inside, and some of them I don't think even I could handle. Like, there was this golden walker machine with rockets on it's back and pincers for arms. I don't know about you but I don't want to deal with that. Plus those purple bugs are all over the damn place, like there were even coming out of these giant purple machine capsules made out of steel. It's almost like they have the potential to create a vast army. So unless you are your group have some huge plan in the works I don't screw that place." He paused for a moment before adding one more thing.  "Oh yea, my name is Azurian. Don't forget it."

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"The Soldier and Thief speak the truth, those bugs are much more of a threat than individuals like yourself would be able to handle.  You were all lucky to survive.  My only regret is that you caused them to stir before I could find their source  That ship they have infested is my own I had been surveying the land of Green Greens, when apparently, shadowbugs still remained Those creatures were once the fuel for a war on our world, one which sought to devour it to grow his own terrible power."


"The golden machine you saw was the Heavy Lobster, so long as it's control mechanism is not compromised, it won't be a problem to any of you."


"A steel capsule? So this was sabotage." He grunts.


"Wario, Speed up, I fear our time grows shorter, The world may be threatened once more, if my fears bear any fruit."


The other fellow, Wario, apparently, Speeds up the machine, jerking slightly. You are nearing the source of the smoke, it appears to be a collosium, with a village and port surrounding it.

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Keith smiles at the mention of the bugs.

"Actually, I'm thinking we may be able to use those bugs for something. Or at the very least figure out how to neutralize them en mass. Also no, we don't have whatever a recovering soul is."

Keith looks thoughtful as he hears the name Wario.

"You mean the jump man?"

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"Hold on, a threat to the world? And......none of you have recovering souls. I have....no words."
Cim sighs, being the helpful one he proceeds to explain what a recovering soul is, he also looks worried.
"A recovering soul, is a soul, that leaves the body once it is slain, and begins to amass energy from itself and the environment, when it has enough, it forms a new body around itself, returning to life."

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Azurian was waiting for anyone to start asking questions but he has very little patience, so he decided to ask them himself.  "Alright, before we reach our destination I have some questions for you. First of all, who or what are we fighting exactly. These purple bug things are nothing like I've ever seen. I'd like to know a little bit more of our enemy before we continue. Second, whats so bad about the capsule? Does it preform some other major purpose other then seemingly create more of those bugs? Third where exactly are we going? Actually, a better question to ask where exactly are we?"

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In responce to Cim's explaination Keith shrugs.

"Why would we need that? We're mortals, our advantage is that we're practically unstoppable in the face of overwhelming odds. One of us dies... another steps in and replaces them. It's why we contain gods where I'm from."

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"Bah, That hack wouldn't know a Jump if it landed on him!" The Biker-like fatman says after hearing that.


Meanwhile, the Masked figure listens to the conversations.


"The shadowbugs are primordial essence given form.  I am not sure it is safe to toy with them.  But perhaps something can be done with them, if we could simply get control of that capsule."


"What I do not understand is how that capsule is even producing them.  When Tabuu attacked This World, he had to use Mr. Game and Watch to create his army."


"I don't know what the capsule's purpose is. But it managed to fill my entire ship with shadowbugs while I was flying it, before turning into various monsters and forcing an emergency landing.  It is a threat."


"I am taking you all to the Colosseum Town.  A village created around the Colosseum where we commonly do battle.  We have always called the world you are in "This World". I know no othr name for it."


As he finishes, the Skiff comes to a halt in front of a mildly bustling village of sorts.


"Do what you must, then Meet me at Professor E-Gadd's.  I have to gather the rest of our fighters.  Wario, could you make sure they don't get into trouble?"


He addresses the man, who is startled out of picking his nose, quickly changing the action to a salute.


"Sure, Meta Knight. Alright chumps, off the Smash Skiff!" He leaps off the vehicle, causing it to groan in protest and lean forwards more than is safe, before returning to normal.

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Keith shrugs and hops off as well. He turns to Wario.

"You know someplace where I can trade out these duds? I could do with something a little more human. Hell, even some pants to replace this jumpsuit would be good."

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Hearing the name Professor Azurian remembered the robot core he... acquired from the panicking robot. He turned towards the masked kight and asked.  "Hey, you think this E-Gadd fellow knows anything about rebuilding robots?" He takes out the core to show the man.  "I got this from inside the ship and it have some benefical uses in the right hands."

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"Yeah, Orange isn't the new black, no matter what they tell you."


"Come along tour group." Wario Jokes, walking off to a store with a giant sign denoting it as a clothing store.


It seems to have a number of very strange outfits, one of the most mundane looking ones being a 3 piece suit, but with a lot of chains, zipper pockets, and two belts.

Meanwhile, Cobalt wanders off, (14, 19) The closest thing to metal would be the light poles, it seems, the metal making them up seems to be clean and strong.


"Huh? Yeah, E-Gadd's pretty dang smart, he can probably knock that out easy." Wario responds in Meta Knight's place, as the masked warrior is already long gone.

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"Alright then, I'll head over there first and get this out of the way. If you could give me a general direction on where to head off to that'd be appreciated." Azurian tells the fat man, awaiting to get some directions to head out.


Get directions and head off to E-Gadd's place

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