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Getting Down & Dirty With The Ground Type Mono Run!


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2 minutes ago, Zellorea said:

Also good luck, may early game be Merciful. 

May Fern be merciful mostly... I'd never do a run with grass disadvantage, cause I hate losing to this asshole! xD

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1 minute ago, Jess said:

May Fern be merciful mostly... I'd never do a run with grass disadvantage, cause I hate losing to this asshole! xD

I silently pray that he dies at the end of this game Wait what? No, I said nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Zellorea said:

Like @Jess Said earlier, love the story in this run! No doubt I will be doing something similar in my next run! Also good luck, may early game be Merciful. 

Thanks! ^_^ But honestly, if it wasn't for people like @Jess and even you @Zellorea, I wouldn't even of think of doing this. So I have to thank all the Mono runners before me for this. :D


9 minutes ago, Jess said:

May Fern be merciful mostly... I'd never do a run with grass disadvantage, cause I hate losing to this asshole! xD

Nidoran will be most helpful for Fern. Haha.

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Episode 1 - The First Meeting With CatDog Err... Fern And A Surprise For Quakez


Quakez, after exploring everything he could at the Lower Peridot Ward, decides to explore Peridot Ward. After battling a couple of trainers and training his Pokemon in some of the alleyways, he goes over to a big looking Power Plant and sees a green haired boy standing in front of it, talking to himself. The green haired boy turns and sees Quakez looking at him, listening to what he says. Quakez goes to introduce himself but the green haired boy, who tells us his name is Fern, starts to go off on him for whatever reason. At one point, he calls himself the cool cat and top dog.



Quakez, with his hyper attitude, interupts Fern and says he’s gonna call him CatDog from now on. This infuriates Fern and they get into a battle. Fern sends out a Lotad and Quakez sends out Dreidel (Baltoy). In just 2 Psybeams, with Lotad getting in a Bubble Attack, the Lotad goes down. Fern next sounds out his Snivy. Quakez calls back his Dreidel and sends out King Nido (Nidoran M). King Nido hits a Peck Attack onto Snivy with it retaliating using Wrap. The next turn turns to be too much for Snivy though as it goes down to another Peck. Fern sends out his last Pokemon, which is a Budew. Quakes decides to stay in with King Nido. King Nido hits Budew with a Peck attack. Budew responds back with a Stun Spore attack which connects and Paralyzes King Nido. The next couple of turns, King Nido can’t move and the Budew gets in a couple of Mega Drains. The last turn, King Nido finally breaks free of Paralysis and knocks out the Budew with a Peck attack winning the battle. After the battle, Fern talks smack to Quakez, basically just saying that he doesn’t have a single badge and calling him a bad trainer. Quakez goes to explain why but doesn’t get a chance to. Fern tells him later loser and walks off leaving Quakez standing there with a laughing kind of smile on his face. Fern’s a jerk but Quakez seems to have some sort of respect for him. As he’s about to go to Julia’s gym, not knowing what else to do, his King Nido pops out of his PokeBall and starts glowing. Quakez has no idea what’s going on or how to help his old friend. He soon starts seeing that King Nido is getting bigger and his body is changing.




The glowing stops. Quakez realizes that his Nidoran has evolved into a Nidorino. He’s never experienced a Pokemon evolution before. King Nido, now a Nidorino, looks up to his trainer and smiles. Quakez bends down and hugs his old friend. He tells his Pokemon he’s so proud of him. Quakez then puts King Nido back into his PokeBall and continues to Julia’s Gym.


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47 minutes ago, Awesome_One said:

King Nido, now a Nidorino, looks up to his trainer and smiles. Quakez bends down and hugs his old friend. He tells his Pokemon he’s so proud of him. Quakez then puts King Nido back into his PokeBall and continues to Julia’s Gym.

If a Pokemon of yours, e.g. Nidoking, ever disobeys you, make a side story out of it! Kinda like Ash getting himself flambeed by Charizard's Flamethrowers! xD


Great job! And I love Fern's nickname btw! I promise I have never thought that Fern deserved to be shitting outta his mouth. Hey wha, who said that? Oh well! :D 

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Episode 2 - Booming Our Way Into Team Meteor's Base!


Quakez reaches Julia’s Gym and just as he’s about to walk in, Julia runs out of the door and bashes right into him. She apologizes and says she would love to battle him for the gym badge but she’s got to deal with a group called Team Meteor and that she’s going to the Power Plant. As she’s running off, she yells to Quakez that he should come help too. So Quakez rushes off and meets Julia at the Power Plant. The door's locked but Julia seems to know how to get it open. Wait… Is she gonna use the Kamehameha?!



She must have cus Quakez didn’t see any bombs! But after Julia booms open the door, two people come up and we are reintroduced to CatDog (Fern) again and introduced to a new person called Florina. She looks almost identical to Fern. And apparently is BFF’s with Julia. Well… According to what Julia says anyways. But it’s definitely clear that Julia DESPISES Fern. When Florina talks, she kinda talks like a robot, to which Fern usually calls her Flobot. But it's more like what a robot would say more than how a robot would sound. Fern seems to have calmed down and is trying to be cool with Quakez but he don’t have any beef with him. But it’s time to focus. There’s now more people to deal with this Team Meteor. Julia, Fern, Florina & Quakez go inside and Florina is easily able to tell that whatever Team Meteor is doing, it’s poisoning the lake. Julia and Florina team up and go to the right while Quakez and Fern team up and go to the left. They see and fight the first grunts of Team Meteor but Quakez realizes something. They’re covered in a weird black costume. Just like the 1 he saw on the train. This enrages Quakez and also saddens him. He blames himself for what happened to the train station and vows to take down Team Meteor no matter what.



After beating up some Team Meteor Grunts, Quakez and Fern come into a room where Julia and Florina are. There are steel bars blocking the entrance to another room. Florina suggests that she could hack the steel bars to get it to open while Julia suggests to find dynamite to blow the door open. Quakez and Fern go to a room below them, fight some more Meteor Grunts, find the dynamite and bring it back to Julia. But just as Julia is about to blow open the door, it appears as if Florina has hacked the steel bars and the entrance is now available to go through. This upsets Julia cus she wanted to boom it open. This makes Quakez laugh but Fern tells him to shut up and get going. They all go through and are introduced to the supposed leader of Team Meteor. He lets us know that Florina didn’t hack the system but that they had simply let them in. After more talk about why they let us in, he calls his Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse to deal with Quakez and Fern while he deals with the gym leaders. So it’s Double Battle time! Team Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse VS Quakez & Fern! They send out Elekid and Magby as Quakez sends out his Goggles (Trapinch) and Fern sends out his Budew. This battle doesn’t really take long. Elekid and Magby both attack the Budew. Budew attempts to land a Stun Spore but misses. Goggles uses Bulldoze and destroys Magby, Elekid & even the Budew but the battle is won, even though Fern is obviously upset with Quakez for making his Budew faint. The leader is upset with how fast Aster and Eclipse lose the battle, calls back his Pokemon and all 3 of them escape. Soon afterwards, Julia puts dynamite (I’m guessing) in the room and everyone gets out in time as the dynamite explodes, making the power plant unable to be explored anymore. Fern disses Quakez and leaves. As always, Quakez just laughs it off. Florina says she needs to go back to Obsidia to deal with the situation there and leaves. Julia says she had fun. She says she’ll see us soon as she goes back to her Gym. Quakez decides to go train for a bit before taking on Julia for her Gym Badge.



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25 minutes ago, Jess said:

If a Pokemon of yours, e.g. Nidoking, ever disobeys you, make a side story out of it! Kinda like Ash getting himself flambeed by Charizard's Flamethrowers! xD


Great job! And I love Fern's nickname btw! I promise I have never thought that Fern deserved to be shitting outta his mouth. Hey wha, who said that? Oh well! :D 

Haha. Maybe but I kinda doubt that will happen. I'm always so on the edge when it comes to my pokemon listening to me. Haha. And yea. Thought it'd be cool to put something in that would kinda get him to hate you more. :P


26 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

Well done bro :D, ahah it's very funny the Fern's nickname xD, keep it up bro ^^

Thanks dude. And yea. I thought it'd be pretty funny. And I deff will keep it up.

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Episode 3 - Battle For The Volt Badge!  Quakez VS Gym Leader Julia!


After some training in the Underground Railnet and in some of the alleyways, Quakez walked up to the door of the gym and took a deep breath. This would be his first ever Gym Battle. He's nervous but very excited.



 He stepped through the door. The first thing he saw was a computer near the entrance. He walked up to it and pressed the button to turn it on. Ame’s face popped up on the screen. She tells him that they’re using the telecom system which is connected to the Grand Hall and that there’s one in every gym. She tells him that every Gym Leader has a team of 6 and that also every Gym Leader has a Field Effect. This is shocking to Quakez. He’s never heard of Field Effects. And the gym leaders in his home region usually had up to 3 or 4 Pokemon on their team. But he’s excited for the challenge. Ame wishes him good luck. Quakez challenges and defeats all the trainers in the gym and solves the gym puzzle which is just to get the Voltorb to Self-Destruct near the steel grates. The next room is the room Julia is in. Up on the ceiling, there are streamers that say “KABOOM!!!” Quakez chuckles to himself as he walks up to Julia.



Julia greets Quakez to the Super-Duper Ultra-Hyper Electro-Dazzle Happy Boom-Time House of Cheer! Quakez looks at her in confusion. Julia then tells him that she is a former cheerleader captain of the Onyx Trainer School and does a cheer. She does a cheer and Quakez can still only give a confused and weirded out look. This is a little too much hyperness, even for him. She says she’s wired and the battle begins. Julia sends out her Helioptile while Quakez sends out his King Nido. It takes one Double Kick and her Helioptile goes down. Her next Pokemon is Voltorb and Quakez switches in Goggles. Voltorb hits a Sonicboom but Goggles uses Bulldoze and one shots it. She sends out another Voltorb and the cycle repeats itself. She’s down 3 Pokemon already. Julia’s next Pokemon is Emolga. Quakez calls back Goggles and sends out Dreidel. Julia starts off with a Quick Attack and Quakez orders Dreidel to use Rock Tomb. Julia uses a Potion the next turn while Dreidel goes for Rock tomb again and the next turn repeats the last. She then switches Emolga for Blitzle but it gets hit from Rock Tomb. Blitzle uses Quick Attack but barely affects Dreidel. Dreidel uses Psybeam and knocks out the Blitzle. She sends back out her hurt Emolga while Quakez swaps in Wishy Washy (Barboach). Emolga, faster than Wishy Washy, hits an Acrobatics but faints to his Water Pulse. Julia sends in her last Pokemon, her ace, Electrode. He returns Wishy Washy and sends out TongueClumsy (Gligar). Julia has her Electrode go for Charge and Rollout but doesn’t do much. Tongue Clumsy uses Fury Cutter & finishes Electrode off with a Quick Attack and survives it’s ability, Aftermath. With that, Quakez has earned his first badge ever, the Volt Badge.









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So apparently, I put up too many pics. xD Idk if I'm ever gonna be able to do it again anymore or whatever but if I am, I'm only gonna do it when it's really important. Like a big moment or evolution or something like that. But besides that, I'm only gonna do writing. Speaking of which, should I go back and edit some of the posts I posted to take out some of the pics I put up? Something tells me it might look a bit smoother if I did that.


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I've actually decided to go ahead and delete some of the pics. I'm sorry if you enjoyed them but it just feels like there's too much going on. So I apologize but I'm taking some of them down. Stories will stay up obviously. Haha.

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Episode 4 - Obsidia Ward: Plants VS Humans! Part 1


Quakez, excited with his 1st ever badge, leaves the gym and runs into Victoria. She congratulates him but tells him there’s something bad going down in Obsidia Ward. The plants are coming out of the ground and attacking people. She runs off towards Obsidia Ward and so does Quakez. When he reaches there, he sees Florina talking to the police blocking the pathway to Obsidia Ward. Florina greets Quakez but tells him that she needs to go to try to solve the problem in Obsidia. As she’s about to leave, she stops and asks if Quakez is trying to get through to Obsidia. He answers yes and she asks the police if he can go into Obsidia, to which the police officer agrees. She tells him the situation happening but Quakez has no idea what she’s saying. When she gets done explaining, he asks her if she means we’re just gonna go find a way to kill the plants. Florina sighs and says affirmative. She says she’s going to Obsidia Park where the plants seem to be growing more and she goes there. As Quakez attempts to go there, there’s a huge crack in the road. Little cracks all over the place with vine like plants moving out of some of them. He sees that he can’t reach the other side and has no other choice but to go to South Obsidia Ward. As he’s going down, he sees Victoria again. She tells him the only way to get to the other side is to go through the slums. But she says that there’s dangerous people in there and that there’s some debris that seem to move on their own. Quakez tells her thanks and that he’s gonna go in there to get to the other side but Victoria says he can’t. Quakez assures her he can take care of himself but Victoria won’t allow it unless he proves it in a battle. She sends out Ralts. Quakez plays along, a little annoyed with her because she’s taking time away from him trying to solve this plant situation. Quakez sends out Wishy Washy. Wishy Washy uses Magnitude and almost knocks out Ralts. Ralts uses Confusion on Wishy Washy. Victoria uses a Potion on Ralts but it only proves to waste her time as Wishy Washy uses Magnitude again and knocks out Ralts. She sends out Makuhita as he swaps out Wishy Washy for Dreidel. Quakez tells Dreidel to use Psybeam and in one hit, Makuhita goes down. Victoria sends in her last Pokemon which is Pignite as Quakez returns Dreidel and sends out Boney. Pignite hits an Arm Thrust on Boney but he bravely uses Bone Club and knocks out Pignite giving Quakez the victory. She sees that he can take care of himself in there and tells him to promise her he’ll be ok. He says yes and they hug and Victoria goes back up to Obsidia Ward as Quakez goes towards the slums. The only thing that Quakez didn’t like about this is that this will waste more time from helping with the mission at Obsidia Park.


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Episode 5 - Slums? Boxes?! Pokemon Gangs?!!!


Quakez goes into the Slums and fights off all the trainers inside. He definitely knew some of these people were on something or were drunk. He wasn’t usually weirded out but he was right now. As he’s going through the slums, he sees a box scurry away from him, further into the slums. Quakez jokingly questions himself if he got high somehow and just imagined that happening but it still scares him a bit. He continues further into the slums and sees a Scraggy go into a box and run off. Maybe it was a Scraggy in the box that he saw before. He feels more relieved now and continues forth. He sees yet again another Scraggy run into the next room. He runs into it and sees that two Scraggys pop out of boxes and the other one runs up to a Scrafty. The Scrafty turns around and initiates a Pokemon battle with Quakez. Two Scraggys start out the battle while Quakez uses TongueClumsy and Goggles. TongueClumsy uses Fury Cutter followed with Goggles using Bulldoze, knocking out one of the Scraggys and nearly one shotting the other. Scraggy uses Faint Attack on Goggles and does a decent amount of damage. Another Scraggy enters the battle. TongueClumsy uses Fury Cutter again but on the fresh Scraggy. Goggles once again uses Bulldoze and knocks out both Scraggys. The only Pokemon left is the gang leader, Scrafty. TongueClumsy uses Fury Cutter on Scrafty. The Scrafty then Headbutts Goggles and makes her flinch. TongueClumsy uses Fury Cutter again on Scrafty. It survives the hit and finishes Goggles off with a Headbutt. Quakez sends in Wishy Washy but it doesn’t get a chance to attack as TongueClumsy finishes off Scrafty with a Fury Cutter. The Scrafty, impressed with Quakez battling abilities, moves away the steel debris and leaves the slums. Quakez goes and leaves the slums as well.


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Episode 6 - Cain: The Beloved Rescuer And Trainer


Quakez makes it out of the slums and heads down towards Coral Ward to rest up himself and his Pokemon. After staying at the PokeCenter for a while, Quakez decides to stroll around the Ward for a little bit to see what’s there. He goes down a dock and sees a girl with blue-greenish hair staring out onto a lighthouse. Quakez decides to talk to her. She says hi to him but can’t talk to him at the moment. She points out towards the lighthouse. Quakez sees that there’s an Oshawott stuck there. The girl tells him that she’s a Water Type Pokemon Trainer but can’t use her Pokemon to surf on the water because it’s poisoned and it’ll hurt any Pokemon that tries to surf on it. While trying to figure out what to do, here comes one of Quakez good friends, Cain. He tells us that the girl’s name is Amaria and that she’s one of the highest ranked Gym Leaders in the Reborn Region. She tells him that that’s not important right now cus of the Oshawott stuck on the lighthouse. She’s scared it’ll hurt itself but Cain knows exactly what to do. He starts singing as he sends out Grimer and has it go on the water to get the Oshawott to safety. Amaria is thankful that Oshawott is safe. Quakez high fives Cain and tells him that was a smart move. Cain tells Quakez that he looks good and Quakez laughs about it, telling him to shut up. Cain is about to leave when Oshawott calls for him. Amaria thinks that Oshawott has taken a liking to Cain due to the fact that he saved it. Cain is a Poison Type Pokemon Trainer and wants to stick to that. Again, he goes to leave and Oshawott calls out for him. Amaria pleads with Cain to accept Oshawott into his team and he gives in. Amaria notices that Oshowatt is still a bit shaken up and thinks that a battle with Quakez will calm it down. Cain looks at Quakez, who gives a thumbs up, and both trainers prepare for battle. CCain sends out his Grimer and Quakez sends out his King Nido. King Nido goes for Fury Attack but misses. Grimer uses Sludge but does very little damage. King Nido again goes for Fury Attack and hits. Cain orders Grimer to use Mud-Slap and hits King Nido with mud in its face, blurrying it’s vision. Quakez decided to send out Dreidel. Grimer misses with another Mud-Slap. Quakez tells Dreidel to use Psybeam and takes down the Grimer. Cain’s next Pokemon is Oshawott. Quakez calls back Dreidel and sends out Wishy Washy. Wishy Washy uses Magnitude and makes the Oshawott faint. Cain sends out his Nidorino. Quakez smiles, recalls Wishy Washy and sends back out King Nido. Cain says to Quakez that he didn’t know he had a Nidorino and is eager to see which one is the better one. Quakez says that’s exactly why he brought it out. After multiple Fury Attacks, Double Kicks and potions, King Nido is just BARELY able to beat Cains Nidorino. Cain smiles and says he’s gonna have to train his Nidorino. He sends out his last Pokemon which is a Venonat. Quakez sends in Boney and with one Iron Head, brings down the Venonat and Quakez is victorious. Amaria apologizes to Cain, not realizing how strong Quakez was. Cain, making a sexual remark towards Quakez, says he’s full of surprises in all of the right ways. Cain says he’s gotta go to the Wasteland to talk to his sis and leaves. Amaria says she needs to get to Florina to help her with the Obsidia Park situation. Quakez tells her that he is also helping her to combat this problem as well which makes her remember that he’s the person who helped her with the Power Plant in Peridot Ward. Thinking why either of us are down here in the Coral Ward, she leaves to head for Obsidia Ward and Quakez goes to the PokeCenter to rest for a bit before going to Obsidia Park.


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Episode 7 - Obsidia Ward: Plants VS Humans! Part 2


After resting at the PokeCenter, Quakez goes up to the Obsidia Park and meets up with Florina and Amaria. Florina says the trees are in the way and gives him Cut. Amaria asks if Quakez will chop down the tree. He obliges and has the tree cut down. Amaria and Florina proceed up and Quakez hears those two screaming. He rushes up and sees a device with a Tangrowth in it and a strange man next to it. Quakez also sees both Amaria and Florina snared up in vines, choking them out. The strange man turns and tells Quakez that his name is Lumi, Zero and Eve, collectively known as ZEL. Quakez gives them a confused expression. How can you have three names? Does he have multiple personalities? He’s too focused on the machine to ask though. They reveal that the plant life that’s been destroying the city is because of Tangrowth and the machine it’s connected to which is called a PULSE. ZEL dares Quakez to try to stop them and they start a battle. ZEL sends out the Tangrowth while Quakez sends out Dreidel. Quakez is about to order Dreidel to use Rock Tomb but before he can, Tangrowth seems to mutate. It grows more vines and get metallic arms. This stuns Quakez but he knows he can’t let them win. Quakez tells Dreidel to use Rock Tomb but Tangrowth uses Vine Whip first, doing a good amount of damage to Dreidel. Dreidel lands the Rock Tomb but seems to do little damage. Dreidel again goes for Rock Tomb and hits but still does do very little damage. Tangrowth goes for Mega Drain and again, hits Dreidel pretty hard. Dreidel goes for a Psybeam attack but only does a bit more damage than its other moves and faints to Tangrowth’s Vine Whip attack. Quakez sends in Goggles and has it use Dig. Tangrowth misses Vine Whip. The next turn, Googgles hits her Dig attack but Tangrowth uses Mega Drain and almost knocks out Goggles. Quakez orders Goggles to go for Dig again and Tangrowth misses its next attack. Goggles hits its Dig attack much harder this time but unfortunately, faints to Tangrowth’s Vine Whip. Quakez sends in TongueClumsy and continuously orders her to use Fury Cutter while the Tangrowth uses Mega Drain. In the end, thanks to Fury Cutter getting stronger every time it hits, TongueClumsy is able to win he battle and thwarts ZEL’s plan. They seem to be arguing with themselves. Quakez hears that since Tangrowth is incapacitated, the plants will stop growing and everything will go back to normal. Before they escape, they tell Quakez to not think it’s over. They leave and Florina and Amaria are freed from the vines. Quakez hugs both of them even though Florina doesn’t hug back. Florina suspects that the person is a member of Team Meteor. He thinks back and they were all in black and looked weird. Amaria can see that he looks really upset and asks him what’s wrong. He told her the story of the train ride over and how he saw a Team Meteor grunt and didn’t do anything to stop him from blowing up the train and station. Amaria tells him he didn’t do anything wrong and he couldn’t have known about this. But it’s good that he’s helping out with thwarting their plans. This makes Quakez feel better, making him smile. Amaria goes to the Grand Hall to tell Ame what happened in Obsidia Ward. Florina tells Quakez that she’s going back to her Gym in the Onyx Ward School and that she expects him to be there. She leaves and Quakez goes to the PokeCenter to rest up and heal his Pokemon.


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Episode 8 - Fern Closes School


Quakez goes up to the Onyx Ward and goes inside the Onyx Trainer’s School and finds Fern inside. Ferns tells him that he’s not worthy facing the Flobot for the Gym Badge. He gets his “henchmen” to block the entrance to Florina’s Gym Stage. An irritated Quakez uses the other entrance and battles all of Fern’s henchmen and makes it all the way to Fern who’s blocking the entrance to Florina’s Gym Entrance. Fern says that Quakez not good enough to do the Gym Battles and suggests that he just turns around and leaves. Quakez laughs and says no way CatDog which upsets Fern. Fern challenges Quakez to a battle. Fern sends out Lombre and Quakez sends out Boney. Boney uses Iron Head but doesn’t do much damage. Lombre uses Absorb and gains its HP back. Boney then is ordered to use Headbutt and hurts Lombre a lot. Fern uses a Potion and Cubone uses Headbutt again. The same thing happens the next turn. Seeing that Cubone is going to faint, Quakez calls back Boney and sends out King Nido. Lombre hits Absorb on King Nido but does little damage. King Nido battles back with Peck and Lombre faints. Fern sends in Servine as his next Pokemon as Quakez swaps in Goggles. Servine goes for Mega Drain and does a lot of damage. Goggles uses Crunch and does a decent amount of damage. Goggles goes down the next turn by Servine’s Leaf Tornado attack. King Nido is sent back out and Poison Stings Servine until it faints. Fern sends out his final Pokemon, which is a Roselia. Quakez sends in TongueClumsy. Roselia uses Mega Drain but gets one shot by Acrobatics, securing the win for Quakez. Fern thinks Quakez is full of himself because he’s doing the Gym Challenge. Quakez tries to explain why he’s doing it but Fern, as always, interupts, not letting Quakez speak. Fern says that since Quakez isn’t good and a second rate trainer, he’ll have no problem doing the gym challenge himself. He leaves, presumably going to challenge Julia for her badge. Quakez goes to the Healing Center inside the school and decides to train a little bit before taking on Florina for her Gym Badge.


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Going pretty well. :)

Your descriptive writings are enough to visualize the situation. But still I think that a pic of the encounter with gym leaders or important characters before the battle begins will seem good. That is upto you, coz you are doing a good job. A picture will only add good presentation to your story. Anyways CHEERS!! B)

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3 minutes ago, Satoshi said:

Going pretty well. :)

Your descriptive writings are enough to visualize the situation. But still I think that a pic of the encounter with gym leaders or important characters before the battle begins will seem good. That is upto you, coz you are doing a good job. A picture will only add good presentation to your story. Anyways CHEERS!! B)

Thanks a lot! :D Yea. I decided I'm only going to do pics for evolution, end of gym battles and important events.

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Episode 9 - Battle For The Canopy Badge! Quakez VS Gym Leader Florina!


After healing up at the Healing Center inside the school, Quakez goes to battle Florina but sees that he has to get past her puzzle. Which seems to be answering a bunch of questions on the computers in the school. He reads the books all over the school to answer the questions correctly. After unlocking the door, he walks in and sees that the Gym Stage looks kind of like a classroom. Students are on the side of the room. Quakez never fought in front of a crowd before. Even if it is only a few people in a room. He only obtained one Badge so this was making him feel anxious and nervous again. Florina thanks him again for his assistance at the Power Plant and The Obsidia Park but that doesn’t mean he gets the Badge just for that. She tells the class to take notes on the battle and it commences. Florina sends out a Maractus as Quakez sends out his ClumsyTounge. ClumsyTongue takes out Maractus in one blow with it’s Acrobatics attack. Her next Pokemon is a Breloom and Quakez sends out King Nido. King Nido uses Peck and Breloom uses Leech Seed. Even though King Nido is getting its health sucked thanks to Leech Seed and Florina using all her Super Potions to heal her Breloom, it eventually goes down. Florina’s next Pokemon is a Ferroseed. Quakez sends in Goggles. Goggles hits it with Bulldoze while Ferroseed lands it’s Leech Seed onto Goggles. Goggles continues to use Bulldoze until Ferroseed goes down. Her next Pokemon is Cacnea and he sends back out his King Nido. King Nido hits his Poison Sting attack while Cacnea responds back with Pin Missile. But after missing his Poison Sting the next couple of turns, it goes down to Canea’s Pin Missile. Quakez sends out TongueClumsy and orders her to use Acrobatics to knock out the Cacnea. Florina sends out a Cottonee and Quakez sends out Dreidel. Cottonee misses its attacks and faints after multiple Psybeam attacks. She sends out her last Pokemon, her ace, a Cradily. Quakez chooses Boney to fight it. Cradily uses Smack Down but has little affect on it. Boney uses Iron Head and takes a huge chunk of its health. Florina keeps telling Cradily to use Recover but Boney’s Iron Head is too strong and eventually Cradily goes down. Quakez gets the Canopy Badge, earning his second badge.



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Episode 10 - Jasper Ward's Destruction...


After the battle, Florina asks Quakez where he plans to go to next. Since he doesn’t know the Region that well, he says he doesn’t know. She asks him for a request. She wants him to go to Jasper and Beryl Wards to see if he can help the people there. He asks why she can’t do it. She replies with that since she’s a Gym Leader, she can’t always be away from her gym and must stay there for now. Quakez agrees to go and help the people of Jasper and Beryl Wards. Florina says farewell and Quakez leaves. As Quakez gets to the gate of the Jasper Ward, a police officer tells him that Florina has told him all about Quakez and will let him through if there’s anything he can do to stop the mess in the Jasper and Beryl Wards. The situation is just like in Obsidia Ward but they caught it early. Unfortunately, Jasper and Beryl weren’t so lucky. Quakez goes up and sees the destruction of the city. The vines are going through buildings. Some of them have fallen onto the ground. Quakez looks on in horror at all the destruction the plants have caused. He knows exactly what’s doing this. The PULSE machine. The Tangrowth. Quakez thinks it’s gotta be ZEL doing this again. Luckily the Police station looks like it hasn’t been touched. Quakez looks over at the side of the building a sees a member of Team Meteor. Quakezz can see he’s talking on a walkie talkie but can’t hear what he’s saying. Quakez shouts at him and they engage in a battle. Quakez easily overpowers the Team Meteor Grunt and wins the battle. Quakez asks what they’re planning on doing but the grunt won’t speak. Quakez has no choice but to continue deeper into the Jasper Ward.


Edited by Awesome_One
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Episode 11 - Stopping The PULSE & Boney's Uprising


After Quakez trains his Pokemon in the ruins of Jasper Ward, he goes through all the destroyed buildings and reaches, what looks like to be, a forest. He sees a lot of Team Meteor Grunts and battles his way through all of them. Quakez reaches the end and sees what he saw at the Obsidia Park. The PULSE Machine with a Tangrowth in it. But he’s surprised to see it’s not ZEL. It’s someone else. He has light brown hair and wears a red scarf. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. He tells Quakez to come closer to him and tells him that his name is Taka. He asks Quakez his name and says he figured it was considering that he stopped the PULSE machine in Obsidia Park. He tells Quakez about the PULSE Machine and what it does, which morphs the Pokemon and amplifies their power. But the Pokemon also destroys its own body in the process as long as its in the machine. But Taka seems to be different than the rest of Team Meteor. He kinda seems like he wants to set it free. In a weird nice way, he tellz Quakez that he has orders to kill him and to not take it personally. Quakez smiles and dares Taka to try to. The battle starts as Taka sends out a Lileep and Quakez sends out Goggles. Goggles digs underground as Lileep misses with Confuse Ray. Goggles hits her Dig attack but Lileep hits her second Confuse Ray. Taka uses a Super Potion while Goggles gets passed his confusion and lands a Bulldoze attack. Goggles again gets by confusion and knocks out Lileep with another Bulldoze. Taka sends out Chatot as Quakez brings in Boney. Boney uses Iron Head and almost one shots Chatot but it survives as Chatot uses Chatter and takes away half of Boney’s HP and also confusing him. Chatot uses Chatter again but Boney lives with a sliver of health. Quakez encourages Boney that he can do it and Boney gets through his confusion and knocks out Chatot with another Iron Head. Taka’s last Pokemon is the PULSE Tangrowth as Quakez sends in TongueClumsy. Tangrowth morphs into it’s PULSE form and TongueClumsy hits Tangrowth with Acrobatics. Tangrowth responds back with Mega Drain gaining back some HP. The same sequence is repeated two more times and with that, Tangrowth is down and out and Quakez is the victor. Taka doesn’t seem to mind that he lost. In fact, he looks somewhat happy. Quakez can already see the plants and vines receding since the PULSE Machine is no longer active. Taka tells Quakez that there’s another machine like that up in the Beryl Ward. Quakez feels like Taka wants him to stop the machines. But if he does, why doesn’t he just stop it himself and get out of Team Meteor? Quakez goes to leave forest but sees a small child with pink hair. She starts yelling at Quakez saying she was gonna take out the Meteor grunts in the forest and that her dad won’t let her take out the bad guys. Quakez tries to explain to her that her dad is just trying to look out for her and protect her but she interrupts him by saying she thinks he might be trying to punish her because of her looking like her mom. She also admits to stealing her moms ring as well. She tells Quakez that she lives in the Beryl Ward and that she’s gonna stop the bad people there and doesn’t want him coming up to beat up the people. Quakez is shocked as she calls out her Salamence and flies into the air to go to Beryl Ward. Quakez walks back to the PokeCenter in the Jasper Ward which thankfully hadn’t been destroyed. After he got his Pokemon healed he sent all his Pokemon out. He told them that he loves them all and is really proud of them for helping him taking on Team Meteor and the Gym Battles. All of his Pokemon smile and cheer. Boney jumps up and Quakez catches him and holds him in his arms. He tells Boney he’s really proud him today. That was the first time Boney didn’t seem scared to battle. Boney looks up at him and Quakez could feel that he was smiling at him. Suddenly, Boney starts to glow. Quakez shocked and excited, puts Boney down. He and his Pokemon look on as Boney starts to evolve.


In a couple of seconds, the glowing stops and everyone sees that Boney, the Cubone, is now a Marowak. Quakez could see that Boney had no fear anymore like he was when he was a Cubone. All of Quakez other Pokemon go up to Boney and cheer for him for evolving and becoming brave. Boney spins his bone around and gives Quakez a thumbs up.


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Episode 12 - Police Round Up! Part 1


Quakez decides to go to the Police Station to talk to the Police Chief. The Chief tells him that more and more Police Officers are turning up missing everyday. Just then, a Police Officer comes in reporting for duty and recognizes Quakez. He tells the Chief that he was the one that stopped the Obsidia Park plant destruction and wonders if he’s gonna help the Jasper and Beryl Wards. Quakez says he’ll try his best and the Chief grants permission for Quakez to walk around Beryl Ward but asks Quakez to do something for him. Five of his Police Officers are missing in both Wards and wants him to try to find them. Quakez says of course he’ll look for them. Quakez decides to look for the Police Officers before heading up to the Beryl Ward. Quakez remembers a little alleyway near the PokeCenter in the Jaspal Ward. He looks and spots an Officer. The Officer said that a plant ripped up through the ground and trapped him in the alleyway. He thanks Quakez and returns back to the Police Station.



He then searches through the forest where he battles Taka but finds no one. He then sees an opening throught the forest. He’s back in Jasper Ward but behind the buildings he was at. He searches the first building and sees a Meteor Grunt trapping an Officer in a corner. Quakez walks up and challenges the Grunt to a battle. The Grunt refuses but Quakez puts a stipulation on the battle. If Qaukez wins, he’s gotta let the Officer go and leave. If the Grunt wins, Quakez will never interfere with Team Meteor again. The Grunt says he only has one Pokemon and Quakez agrees to only use one Pokemon as well. The Grunt smiles evilly and the battle begins.



The Grunt sends out a Raticate and Quakez sends out TongueClumsy. It only takes one move to knock out the Raticate and the Grunt loses. Quakez can’t help but bust out laughing at how fast the battle ended. The Grunt tells him to shut up and leaves the building. Quakez goes to the Police Officer to make sure he’s alright and he says he’s fine and thanks for saving him. The Police Officer then leaves the building and returns to the Police Station.



Quakez checks out the remaining buildings and finds no one and decides to finally go to the Beryl Ward.


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