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Activities for the bedridden


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Hi comrades, 


My health has been kinda terrible these past 25 hours with four hospital visits, unnatural blood loss, and the symptoms of the latter over this duration. I'll probably be in bed for the majority of the next two days as I attempt to recover, but I prefer to be optimistic. 

So! I'm looking for suggestions for passing the time with only an android phone, an iPod touch, and earbuds. If there's anything you think I can do to pass the time that you are willing to share, I would be grateful for suggestions. Over and out!

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First of all, i hope you get better soon! Second, when it comes to kill time, other than playing certain games, all of them on PC, i spend a huge amount of time drawing, painting, etc (I'm studying arts at the university also) So i suggest ask for some paper, pencils and do some drawings, you can use your devices as references for ideas.


That's my contribution! Again, i hope you get better soon! 

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Sorry to hear that you aren't in the best of health.  If you have a laptop, most of your online activities can be done in bed (whether work or leisure).  If not something that can be done on a smartphone is another option (though I can't help you there, since I'm probably one of the few people on here that still has a fliphone).  I suppose the classic option of books is always there, though more limited to what someone can pick up from a local library (or your  personal collection).  

My personal choice would either be a game or anime/manga.....preferably a comedy to counter my probably sour mood, but to each their own.


Sorry if I'm not much help, but everyone as pretty much covered all I can think of at this time.

Edited by seki108
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if you've ever played town of salem, ''Pinkamena'' is basically a free version of it on your phone. it's also my little pony themed which you may or may not like. it'll kill some time, i used to play it on the bus on the way home from school.


i hope you'll be ok! :(

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Fidget spinners!










Alright, alright I'm not funny.


Forreal though, now would be a good time to catch up on some reading. J R R Tolkien just came out with a new book called Beren and Lúthien https://www.amazon.com/Beren-Lúthien-J-R-R-Tolkien/dp/1328791823


It takes place about 6500 years before the events in the Lord of the Rings and follows the story behind this mortal man who named Beren who wants to hook up with this immortal elf name Lúthien.


I mean its J R R Tolkien we're talking here so you can't go wrong with this book.


I don't know how comfortable you are with reading a whole fuckin book off your phone but you can buy this book off amazon and read it using the kindle app.

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Ok so first as people said you got a plethora of things to watch or get started AND ON THE TOP OF THAT LIST!!!


Your Lie in April aka Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. Music melodrama that looks gorgeous and is gorgeous.


Koe no Katachi, gorgeous AND emotional, it'll have you sat for a few hours thinking about what you watched, 5 hours for the price of two.


Orange Is The New Black because you need to catch up for the new season.


You wanna read? Start the fkn Dresden Files, hit up a library, you can start with any of them because they're individual stories. Except the midpart trilogy, so avoid Changes, Ghost Story adn Cold Day. Ok so mainly the early ones but whatever.


Then there's comics or mange if you like, btw you can get a shitton of anime if you wanna use a random 30 day free trial if you ain't already, read Prison School and watch your sanity deteriorate as you question just what makes japan Japan.


Oh also you can get a myriad of emulation devices for tablet, in case you wanted to continue your relationship with GBA FE, Old Pokemon or wanted to pick up something new like, say, a Kirby game, Sonic GBA, basically most of the nintendo library.

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1 hour ago, President Felix said:

Oh also you can get a myriad of emulation devices for tablet, in case you wanted to continue your relationship with GBA FE, Old Pokemon or wanted to pick up something new like, say, a Kirby game, Sonic GBA, basically most of the nintendo library.


Their should be some Emulation apps for Android. So, you don't necessarily need a Tablet.

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Sorry to hear you're so unwell!!!


I'd probably just end up watching youtube or playing animal crossing, but I suppose if you want something more intellectually stimulating you could try listening to podcasts on areas that interest you. 

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Good  recover to you my favorite modo ( still don't forget the warning point ! ) 



Jokes away , i hope you will get better , i'm confident about that , same as you.



If you can , time to watch somes series ( i have so many ) , or you can always hunt beautifull girls on tinder ( lol ). 

Edited by Zarc
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Oh dear, Arkhi, I hope you'll recover quickly!! If it's possible, maybe someone can bring you a book from the Witcher series from a library, they are very fun and interesting to read.


And listen to the new Gorillaz album if you feel like it. Or maybe AM from Arctic Monkeys, those are nice.


Anyway, hope you get well soon

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11 hours ago, Arkhi said:

Hi comrades, 


My health has been kinda terrible these past 25 hours with four hospital visits, unnatural blood loss, and the symptoms of the latter over this duration. I'll probably be in bed for the majority of the next two days as I attempt to recover, but I prefer to be optimistic. 

So! I'm looking for suggestions for passing the time with only an android phone, an iPod touch, and earbuds. If there's anything you think I can do to pass the time that you are willing to share, I would be grateful for suggestions. Over and out!

first of all, get well soon!

second of all: ANIME!

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I'd advise against starting anything that might tax you, even if it is only the mental effort of learning, digesting or experimenting with a novel idea or entertainment. Rest, plenty of it and in good quality, accompanied by peace and mental and physical inertia is what is best for healing. Listen to whatever music soothes and relaxes you (preferably something mellow as opposed to something very frenetic), don't stare at a screen for too long, or try to make the brain work too much. Try to maximise the time spent sleeping and doing nothing in particular.


I find that a lot of people undervalue the importance of doing nothing, especially of doing nothing in the right way, and of the right quality. 'Emptiness' has a negative connotation in Western parlance, but it is to be understood as synonymous not with a want or lack, but with clarity, peace and contentment. Try some holistic emptiness, and sincerely do nothing. If you get bored, appreciate the boredom; it has its uses in paving the mind smooth and making it fertile for new ideas at a future date. 


Get better soon, and take care, Ark. All the best.

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Well, that sucks. Take your time to recover Ark, and all the best. If you want to entertain yourself, you can always watch some good anime (original suggestion yay), Ergo Proxy and Baccano! are very good imo, or some neat shows such as Archer, and you can also watch some movies (I recommend Monty Python: The Holy Grail and The Imitation Game if you haven't watched them maybe even The Room). You could even just sleep and do nothing if you choose to.

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lessee. most things have been covered already, and im pretty sure most of the mobile things I play around particularly your cup of tea coughcoughduellinkscough, so ill just settle with a get well soon.


oh, but do try watching the room, tho. its a trip. really is.

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Thank you all for the positive support! I'm feeling much better rested and rejuvenated- while I didn't get around to all these suggested activities, they're now a list to turn to over the summer.

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