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[IC] I Wanna Be the Best Monster-slaying Idol in the Galaxy! (Intro Chapter)


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QB, responding to Yuri's request, deposits an item in Yuri's hands


Yuri Received...

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  On 7/21/2017 at 3:54 PM, DragonRage said:

Lucinda tries her luck with the mystery draw.  Why not?



Lucinda Received a...


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"...Well I'll figure out what to do with this later. Anyway, back to this stuff. So, shopping. Should we all go, or should I stay and practice since I have a Rhythm Next dress already?"

Edited by Twinwolf
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"I'll take it!" There's a moment of silence. "Just, um, because you guys don't know what to do with it. I'm just getting rid of the problem." She screws her face up into something that she probably thought looked impassive, or haughty. After another moment, she held her hand out toward the body pillow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I-I just said, I'm just getting rid of it because no one wanted to deal with it! Don't look at me like that!" Aya pouted at Yuki for a moment before shaking her head, perking up at the mention of shopping. "Well, um, that's up to you, Yuri-chan. It might be fun, but I don't know if you have any stuff left to practice or anything."

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Yuri rubs the back of her head. "Yeah, that's the main question really. If I'm going to go center, I should practice, right? Then again, I did already practice my Appeal with Azusa... if I rehearse after we go it should be fine? But then again, the Center should practice more...."

Edited by Twinwolf
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The five of you get shuttled down to one of the large malls, where QB uses GPS to guide you to a modest storefront with a signboard that reads "First Dreams" in warm, inviting colours.


Once you walk in, you find rows upon rows of generic dresses from all the major brands, and you are greeted by a female-type android. She speaks to you with a plastic - well, metal, really - smile.


"Welcome to First Dreams, the store of choice for all new idols pitiful enough to not have actual endorsement deals. We've been in service for close to sixty years, and in that time, we've helped numerous smaller unknowns get their start in this highly competitive, dreams-filled industry. We can boast of a full 50% of our clientele being elevated from being unknowns to being slightly less unknown. Our secret? Simply good service. We strive to bring you the latest in out-of-fashion fashions from the major brands, so that you, too, can fulfill your dreams of being an idol - on a budget!"


"We're aware that some people have called us a scam, or a shady service, but rest assured that any and all rumours about us hiring assassins to ensure that we were the only store in the universe to stock all the major brands is completely baseless. We hired lawyers to do that."


"With that, enjoy your shopping experience with us - oh, and just to be certain, please be informed that any and all shoplifters will be dealt with in perfectly legal and humane ways. Any rumours about kidnapping and lobotomies are, again, completely unfounded."


With her perfectly ordinary spiel that was not at all suspicious in any form out of the way, the assistant proceeds to show you the store's catalogue.



Simple Future Coord (Fashion Next)

Simple Gothic Coord (Crescent Victoria)

Simple Rock Coord (Glass Chord)



Simple Frill Coord (Sweets Fantasy)

Simple Regal Coord (Crown Smile)



Simple Street Coord (7th Style)

Simple Cuddly Coord (Rainbow Corner)



Simple Arabic Coord (Orient Dream)

Simple Elegant Coord (Rosette Masquerade)



All items cost 30000 yen each.

All dresses have the same skill: +10 Impact.

All dresses are R rarity.

Information on which brands unlock which skill trees can be found in the OOC.

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Yuri listened to the android's spiel. She was annoyed a moment as it said it was for "idols pitiful enough not to have an endorsement" but given their first performance, it was right. In any case, they probably wouldn't have had the money for much better dresses - these would do for now, although as Yuri looked them other she saw there had probably been no point in her coming - still, it was good for bonding as a unit she supposed... they still needed a name. They'd discuss it before sending a couple out to do publicity. But for right now...


Yuri turned to the others. "Well, on the bright side, these are really affordable. I think we should be going for the Cool-types to fit in with the song, but since they're so cheap you can buy one of a different type too if you want, for later performances. Fashion Next is probably the brand for the cool-type dresses, remember, since that fits the song and the people here like that brand. That seem alright for everyone?"

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Ayaka looked a bit concerned about the spiel, and definitely deflated a bit upon the "pitiful" bit, but the prospect of dress shopping perked her right back up in no time. Even if they were out of style already, it was still exciting to pick and choose them. "There's so many choices!" She darted from rack to rack, examining each dress as she went. "Oooh, this one would make me look just like Suzuka. . ." She prodded at the gothic outfit, spinning to the other side of the rack as if that would somehow get her a better view. Abruptly, she stood up straight, cleared her throat, and shook her head before moving on to the rack full of cutesy outfits. "Ahm, I mean, these dresses would fit my style as well. . ."

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"Well, you have the money - I think we got given enough for three dresses if we really wanted too, although I think that might be a bit much." Yuri says, taking a glance through the catalog - she had her own dress already, but it'd be smart to have other types for other shows.

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"That's true, but you're going to be doing an Appeal too, so it's probably smart for you to get a dress that's a bit fancier for the show. Gives a bit more impact to your performance. and like I said, these are pretty cheap. I already have a new dress from that job me and Azusa did... I might go for a Cute or Sexy type dress, for a future show."

Edited by Twinwolf
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"Okaaay~! Well, one of the top models in the system is the poster girl for Rhythm Next, so I bet the crowd would love us if we showed up in matching outfits from them." She pranced over to the rack full of them, the expression on her face suddenly going dead serious as she looked between the rack and Yuki. Her eyes flitted up and down Yuki's figure, analyzing, processing, before her face lit up once again and she snatched a coord from among the others. "I bet this one would be perfect for the show!"

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"Might as well get the same kinda dress. And one for myself. Ugh. I can't believe these things are so.....I don't even know the word....girly."

Azusa, with a disdainful look, picks up a matching, larger dress from Rhythm Next and another one from Rosette Masquerade. She generally preferred a loose hoodie, a spare shirt and loose jeans herself; she never had truck with fine clothing like this.

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Already having her personal dress, Yuri looked at the non-cool ones, for future shows. "Well, it's sort of the style that most idols go for. When you sign up for being an idol you sign up for that. I'm sure that when we get big you can get a custom outfit for your own tastes." She took a glance through them, she hovered on the sexy and pop ones. They'd done a cutesy song for their (disastrous) debut, they were doing a song with a cool tone now... logically, they'd do sexy and pop ones at some point in the near future. She grabbed a Simple Elegant Coord. "Think this would look alright on me?"

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