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Pls Help me with Monorun Ghost


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Hello guys! :)


I hope this is possible here, since i want to do a Pokemon Rejuvenation (intense Mode) Ghost Monorun! Would be really awesome. Could anyone pls edit following Pokemon in? :)


This are the Mons i would like to have:


Ghastly - Male - Modest - Perfect IV would be really nice!

A Decent Poison Attack (like Sludge e.g.) would be nice too, since it doesn't learn any with level Up.


Litwick - Male - Modest - Perfect IV would be really nice to!

Please let it hold a Dusk Stone too.


Snorunt - Female - Modest - Also perfect IV pls. If possible with Spikes!

Please with a Dawn Stone.


Frillish - Male - Modest - Pls perfect IV and Confuse Ray!


Honedge - Adamant - Pls perfect IV and with Shadow Sneak already.


Mimikyu - if already possible in Version 9. Male - Adamant - perfect IV!



THAANK you a lot in advance! :D

Save File attached!


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I think you could use the Reborn Sandbox mode. You can get all the pokemon that you want and add the natures and IVs that you need.


Also, it's Monotype, not Monorun (Monorun is when you use only 1 pokemon to complete the game).


Edit: the link


Edited by Alextron
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1 minute ago, FlygonBlade said:



What do you mean with Sandbox mode?


Oh I'm sorry, forgot about that, thx for correcting me.


Yeah, actually i didn't notice you talked about Rejuvenation and not Reborn. My bad.

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20 minutes ago, Alextron said:


Yeah, actually i didn't notice you talked about Rejuvenation and not Reborn. My bad.

No problem at all - I probably need someone with RPGXP to edit this.

Edited by FlygonBlade
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