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Just Another New User


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Hello everyone! I've lurked as a guest for a while now, mostly looking at the various guides and enjoying reading about different monotype challenges. Monotype runs are actually the reason I decided to finally join; I have a few playthroughs going on and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you.  


My history with Pokemon is...well, pretty scrubby. Out of all the official games, I've played Ruby the most; I've probably done upwards of 20 runthroughs of it, including a Normal Monotype run. I also was swept up in the Pokemon Go craze until it made my phone bill skyrocket. Around that same time, a Pokemon fan game whose name I can't remember made the news, and it was through talking about that with some friends that I first heard of this glorious game. Pokemon from 6 generations (and probably gen VII eventually)? A key that speeds up the game, making grinding, breeding, and hatching eggs take far less time? A dark story line that explores some of the Pokemon Universe's darker implications? I really couldn't have asked for more. 


My first playthrough was fairly successful, moreso then I expected, but the Route 1 puzzle broke me. I didn't know about the guy who exchanged candies for Honey, or that you could just buy honey from the flower shop, so I seriously thought I had to run around with Honey Gather, and I rage quit. About year later I decided to reinstall the game (and episode 16 had come out!), and I finally managed to take my team past Route 1... only to be walled by Charlotte (Empoleon is great, but not for Charlotte). 


So yes, I'm doing challenge runs despite not beating the game before. How will that work out? Will I make it further? Will Charlotte continue to wreck me? You'll just have to tune in to find out.


Outside of Pokemon, I'm a theater kid who specializes in stage combat, a breakdancer, and also a writer. Oh, and I also really enjoy Japanese history (pre-Meiji era), as well as paleontology and Egyptology. 

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welcome to reborn! i am a local bard here to help you in anyway you may need. i myself have also struggled with Charlotte and my advice to you is to get a trapinch and evolve it into a flygon it learns bulldoze with lvl up and put balloons on your other poke to they do not die take any damage

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As for how to beat Charlotte, there are many ways to go about that nowadays. Using Rain Dance is a potential way. Another way that I recently read about is to have a Pokemon with Wide Guard in your party, since Typhlosion usually uses Eruption. Maybe if you combine these, it may go well for you.


As for me, I made Rain Dance + Tailwind my best friend when defeating her lol good luck.

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  On 6/9/2017 at 2:02 PM, ProjectIceman said:



As for how to beat Charlotte, there are many ways to go about that nowadays. Using Rain Dance is a potential way. Another way that I recently read about is to have a Pokemon with Wide Guard in your party, since Typhlosion usually uses Eruption. Maybe if you combine these, it may go well for you.


As for me, I made Rain Dance + Tailwind my best friend when defeating her lol good luck.



A big part of the difficulty was that I chose Empoleon as a starter and was using Mamoswine as my principle Ground type. Being Neutral to fire just can't cut it in her field, especially in the first few turns, and even Thick Fat Mamoswine goes down pretty fast. The closest I got was when her Typhlosion decided to use Hyper Beam for basically no reason, which allowed me to KO either him or Darmanitan. 


If I ever revisit that save I'll try Rain Dance, but at this point I'm going to wait and see how far some of my Mono challenges go. 


  On 6/10/2017 at 3:16 AM, lil ed said:

Welcome friend! What's your favorite type to monorun?



Well, like I said, I beat Ruby with a mono Normal run (I think I used Slaking, Dodrio, Castform, Girafarig, Zangoose, and Kecleon; it speaks to that games lack of difficulty that I was able to beat it with that lol) and I enjoy a lot of Normal pokemon, though I haven't started a Normal run of Reborn yet. Currently I'm doing an Electric run, which has been completely blocked by Florinia, for now; a Dark run that I'm procrastinating on, that has to grind a bit before they'll be able to beat Noel (that Clefable...ugh); and a mono Fairy + Fairy Egg Group run that you can find here

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