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Fairy Run, with a Twist~


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The Devon Raid is an... interesting time. My team handled it pretty well, and the puzzles weren't that bad, but one part was. Changing the tiles around so you don't get shocked. For half of it, I thought that if you were standing on a non-electrified panel and changed it, you would then be electrified. This meant that I though you had to switch the tiles rapidly while on the treads. And then I found out that you don't need to do that. Argh. But with that figured out, it wasn't too bad, and I quite liked the area. 


Now on a different note... Lin. I hate to say it, but I can't take Lin seriously. And it's over something completely ridiculous too: I think her hair looks like a bird. I know that's a stupid, superficial complaint, and I'm not sure anyone else will agree. But everytime I see her, I imagine a light green bird sitting on her head, and it makes me smile. I think I talked about this before, but it reminds me of Seymour's hair from FFX, and completely takes me out of the game and makes me take her less seriously. Even when she's doing the most fucked up shit and killing people, in the back of my head I'm thinking, You hair looks like a bird and its hilarious


We have to fight Victoria. Her personality has changed drastically, and this time she isn't trying to stop us because she wants to protect something. No, she wants to defeat us so she can deal with Team Meteor personally. Will she be able to beat us now? 


My team: 

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Some things don't change, eh, Victoria? Of course, I had a type advantage there so I shouldn't get too cocky...


After a puzzle that took me way longer to figure out than it should have, I have to fight Arclight as well. We have a choice to refuse him, but why would I pass up a chance to battle the coolest person in Reborn? Dude runs an exclusive nightclub, how difficult could he be? 


I also switched out Clefable for Chansey, partially to test her out, and partially because Arclight is probably an Electric Specialist, and Electric types tend to have better Special Attack than Physical Attack. 




Dude looks metal as fuck

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Well, that was a bit more difficult, and I didn't expect the Mega-Evolution at all, but Chansey has truly proven her worth. Managed to beat both of them on my first try, too. Can't really say that about the next boss, though...


Another puzzle, and we arrive just in time to see Lin decapitate Ame. Huh. Wasn't expecting that. I'm not sure what I thought the Absol was for, but our friends were getting tortured and I was hopeful that no one would die. Lin leaves and we get to confront ZEL again... but that'll have to wait! 


NEXT TIME: It's the Final Showdown! ZEL brings out the Ultimate PULSE, but will it be enough to defeat us? And then: Mania in the Mist! Who is the most proficient with pixies? Find out next time! 

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We arrive at the top of... wherever we are to find ZEL lamenting everything that's happened so far. They drop this line 


which seems like it could be Terra's work, or Terra herself. ZEL isn't having a good day, and even though we reassure them we aren't here to destroy everything, they attempt to battle us with the help of PULSE Magnezone... the same PULSE that caused their creation. 




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That fight was... a massive pain. PULSE Magnezone is incredible, has a type advantage, and can hit hard with field-boosted Flash Cannons. For a while, Espeon was the biggest pain, as it kept walling my offense. I knew that I needed to let Trick Room expire and then put it back up against Umbreon, otherwise there would be no chance of victory, since Magnezone can simply outspeed any of my fairies with super-effective moves. I tried that... a lot of times. In the end, I was very lucky. ZEL didn't use their potions, either with Glaceon or with Magnezone. If Superpower had brought Magnzeone into potion range, I would have been a goner for sure. 


That being said, it was a great change of pace. I've been kind of steamrolling the game thanks to Trick Room, and the battles against Arclight and Victoria weren't especially challenging. It was nice to have a boss that really felt like a boss to me. 


With the PULSE defeated, it seems we've exorcised Eve and Lumi from Zero's body. Alone for the first time in years, he vows revenge and runs away to Calcenon. 


Before we battle Adrienn, it's time for more sidequests! I make the Silvon Scope, and use it to save Beryl Ward from Kecleons. I also make sure to gather all 15 volunteers for Adrienn.


But before the battle begins, I remember to give Chansey and Clefable nicknames! It took me long enough... I christen Chansey Danu, after a hypothetical mother goddess from Irish mythology, and Clefable Cliodhna (which is pronounced more like Kliana or Kleena because Gaelic is weird), after the queen of the fairies in Irish folklore. 


My Team: 

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That was pretty difficult. I had to experiment with team composition and leads a bunch to finally get one that worked. Sorry about not having screenshots for some of the later parts of the battle. Once Macha had to come back in, I thought I was done for, and especially so when it was a 2 on 1 vs Danu. Chansey is seriously amazing, how have I never used her before?! Mega-Mawile is... powerful, and was the biggest obstacle to overcome. That monster is STRONG. Maybe we'll have the Mega Ring before we face Titania... I sure hope so. 


And that ends the main story for now. I decide to rennovate the Railnet, since I can get a Togepi from that. I name it Taranis, after a Celtic sky god who was also identified with the wheel, and later syncretised with Jupiter. Togepi doesn't have great IVs, but they're doable. The lowest IV is Special Defense, which happens to be Togekiss' second highest stat, so I'm not that worried. I also have amazing special walls. I'm not sure what I want on him in terms of moveset, but I've got a lot of time to think about it...


With that, this playthrough really is complete. I might EV train my main members or raise Togepi in the downtime, but until Episode 17 comes out there isn't anything else that I can do. This run was a blast :D I had never played with fairies before, since my only other Pokemon experience is Ruby. This gave me the chance to experiment with something outside my comfort zone, not just with Fairies, but also with Trick Room. 


However, in some ways I think this run was... almost too easy. Even though PULSE Magnezone and Adrienn were challenging, Misty Terrain and Trick Room basically trivialized any other encounters towards the end. I suspect that the other terrain setting moves make runs easier as well, and anyone who decides to use Trick Room may not understand why Reborn is known for its difficulty... 


My next run will be a Mono-Rock run, so look out for that in a couple of days! Until then, I'll see you in Episode 17! Titania will definitely make me revisit this save file....

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@Orasha At long last, you did it! Mega Mawile is a powerful monster, there's a reason why it's in OU anyways (it is, isn't it). In any case, hearty congratulations from a fellow monotyper, and good luck for your next run!


PS: Hopefully you have a mega stone for your Mawile as well! Or a mega audino might help you consider other alternatives ;)

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  On 7/11/2017 at 7:56 PM, RedAlert said:

@Orasha At long last, you did it! Mega Mawile is a powerful monster, there's a reason why it's in OU anyways (it is, isn't it). In any case, hearty congratulations from a fellow monotyper, and good luck for your next run!


PS: Hopefully you have a mega stone for your Mawile as well! Or a mega audino might help you consider other alternatives ;)




Mega Mawile and Mega Audino are both cool and I'll probably experiment with them both. Mega Audino is more of a cleric and wishpasser though, and I already have that covered so I'm not sure. Mega Mawile under Trick Room might just be a wincon. And of course, Mega Gardevoir is also great, since Pixilated Hyper Voice tears almost everything to shreds. It's gonna be a real interesting time :D 


Even if the mega ring isn't introduced next episode, I'm definitely hype for the new Fairy types (especially Alolan Ninetales and Mimiku). 

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