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Fairy Run, with a Twist~


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My Team: 


    Manannan          Futakuchi   Aonyobo       Kasha         Keseran       Ittan-momen   Brigid             Macha      




I'd heard some spoilers rumors that PULSE Avalugg was pretty difficult. But I have some pretty good stall tactics, and it's base speed is real low, so we'll see. I decided to box Kasha and Macha for Keseran and Ittan-momen. 




Big Root gives Ittan-momen even more HP from Leech Seed, allowing him to Substitute more. 





I started out with Keseran, who put Avalugg to sleep and seeded him. Since Avalugg is so slow, I wanted to guarantee a safe switch in, so when Avalugg woke up, I let him get OHKOed. 



I sent out Ittan-momen, who stalled him out with substitutes. Thanks to Avalugg's large HP, and his big root, Leech Seed healed Ittan back to full each turn. After using something like 8 substitutes, Avalugg was at the magic pixel of health that leech seed brings pokemon to, and missed with an attack. Since his substitute was still up, I had Ittan-momen KO it with Energy Ball. 


Honestly not that hard, but that's what speedy SleepSeed does. I think we're officially at the point where I don't need to cheese with Perish Song anymore, because I have better, tastier cheese. 


After that, I backtrack all the way to Calcenon, and find that I can pay money to fix the bridge. Considering that I haven't spent much (in fact, at this point I was probably near the maximum amount), I decide to fork over some cash to make backtracking easier. I also pick up the Magmarizer and the Electirizer and trade them form Magby and Elekid; I won't be using them, of course, but I like completing sidequests where I can. I think the only sidequests I haven't done are the ones where you trade specific Pokemon for other pokemon. 


I meet up with Shelly in Ametrine, and have to talk to everyone to figure out where Heather is. We also stop by in a haunted house that tells us the tragic backstory of ZEL. Shelly might also be hitting on us? I have 0 problems with this. 



After a ton of plot and character development, we rescue Heather, learn that Blake is a terrible person, and are now ready to ascend the mountain. I've boxed the Stall brothers for this one; they're both weak to Ice and I'm planning ahead. I'm really digging how Shelly is used in this chapter, she gets a lot of development and becomes a lot more confident. Also, she named her Scolipede, Venomoth, and Vivillon after Cain, Anna, and Noel! That's just too precious. Also I really want one of the Meteors' jetpacks. Seriously, could I use those instead of fly?? :D 


We reach the top of the mountain, but before the ice man cometh, we have to battle Aster. He is pretty distraught, and offers us Waterfall if we win. He's also using some of Eclipse's Pokemon :( I feel kinda bad, but I really need Waterfall, so here goes. 





After getting defeated once due to how slow his Pokemon are, I forgo leading with Trick Room and just lead with Bean Sidhe. Solrock sets up Stealth Rocks, but is then OHKOed by Aqua Tail.



Golurk? Outsped and OHKOed by Aqua Tail.



Magmortar? Outspeeds Bean Sidhe and OHKOs her with Thunder. Welp. 



I send out Carbink, who tanks a Heat Wave to set up Trick Room, and attacks with Power Gems until Magmortar is KOed. 



Next out is Rhyperior, so I switch Carbink out for Brigid. Since Magmortar's Heat Waves turned the field into a watery one, Rhyperior can't use Earthquake, allowing Brigid to bring it down with a few Moonblasts. The AI doesn't really seem to understand field effects here, since Rhyperior just kept on trying to use Earthquake and failing. 



Next up is Electivire. Brigid sets up Misty Terrain but is KOed. I send out Aonyobo, who tanks an Ice Punch to KO it with Moonblast. 



Finally its Milotic, who tanks a Moonblast to take out Gardevoir. 



I send out Macha, who takes an Ice Beam and brings Milotic to low HP with Play Rough. Another Ice Beam, another Play Rough, and Milotic goes down for the count. 


Eclipse's death seems to have redeemed Aster, as he gives us the Waterfall machine and then departs. I wonder if he'll eventually team up with the other disgruntled ex-Meteor, Simon. With that out of the way, we ascend the mountain to take on Blake. 





This is a doubles battle, so we're leading with Carbink and Brigid. Jynx hits Carbink with Energy Ball while Rotom uses Blizzard. This freezes Carbink. Uh oh. Brigid uses Misty Terrain, which thaws Carbink, allowing him to set up Trick Room after all! Carbink sets up Stealth Rocks, since Blake's team is weak to them, while Brigid hits Jynx with Moonblast. Rotom hits Carbink with Thunderbolt, KOing him. 



Jynx hits Brigid with Energy ball, and I bring out Macha. The bulldog KOs Jynx with Fire Fang (I was really expecting Blake to use a potion there, welp).



Brigid brings Rotom into the red with Moonblast, and he returns the favor by hitting her with Thunderbolt. Blake brings out Vanilluxe as a replacement, and uses a Hyper Potion on Rotom. Macha hits Rotom with Fire Fang, and, anticipating being KOed, Brigid uses Wish. I predict correctly, as Vanilluxe KOs Brigid with Flash Cannon, and I send out Bean Sidhe to replace her. 


Blake Hyper Potions Rotom again (it was at over half HP, weird play), and Macha KOs Vanilluxe with Close Combat. Meanwhile, Blake's overzealous potion use is for nothing, as Bean Sidhe OHKOs Rotom with Superpower. 



Blake brings out Froslass and Weavile, who stand 0 chance under Trick Room. Macha misses with Play Rough, but Bean Sidhe OHKOs Weavile with Superpower, so its okay. 



Froslass hits Bean Sidhe with Shadow Ball, which is weakened by the field, and Blake brings out Walrein, his ace. Macha hits Walrein with Close Combat, leaving it with a magic pixel of HP, and Bean Sidhe hits Froslass with Play Rough. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much damage. Froslass uses Blizzard, which brings Macha to low HP, and Granbull is finished off by Walrein's Avalanche.



I send out Aonyobo. Bean Sidhe gets revenge for Macha by getting a critical Play Rough, KOing Walrein.



And Aonyobo finishes off Froslass with a field-boosted Moonblast. Blake is defeated before Trick Room expires. 

In general, not that difficult. Doubles is a little easier for me, since I can set up both trick room and misty terrain in one turn. 


Blake messes with Shelly's expectations and doesn't give us the ring, even though we won. But its okay, as Heather and Cal swoop in to save the day, and Cal gets the ring and gives it back to Heather. Blake runs away, and apparently our Sleep spell is in a different castle, which means Terra is in on the scheme with Team Meteor. After catching a ride down the mountain with Cal, I replace Aqua Tail with Waterfall. That extra 10 base power just isn't worth the lower accuracy. 


NEXT TIME: Dangers of the Digital World! Will the Glitch Field be too much? Will Mewtwo sweep my team? And what of Terra? Find out next time on Pixie Run Z! 

Edited by Orasha
didn't proof read oops
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11 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

how do you get the animated sprites into the post?

If you go to http://www.pokestadium.com/tools/sprites and search a pokemon, you can open whatever sprite you want in a new tab and copy the link. When you paste the link, either using the Insert other media button or by just pasting it in the text box, it should appear. 

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After confronting Terra, we follow her into the virtual world. As someone who never played a Gen I Pokemon game, I can't fully appreciate the work that was done with this area, but I still love it. The weird trainer dialogue, the 8-bit remix of the Opal Ward theme, the trainers being MissingNos... I loved it. They more than make up for Terra's l33t speak. 


Speaking of Terra... oh boy. I... really don't know how I feel about her. I think the way she talks is just.. bad. I can understand the signs in the virtual world being weird or her even speaking like that in there, but how does she do it in real life? That and the hammer thing are just extra bizarre. It just really takes me out of the game. As far as personality goes, she feels sort of out of place, especially since we don't know much about her (and yeah, I know we learn more about her later, but it isn't very much). Like Cain, she's meant to serve as the comedic relief, but I think her humor is supposed to come from how absurd she is. And for me it just... doesn't work. 


Terra also feels weird because she clashes so heavily with the atmosphere. We've just seen a girl put into a coma by a Pokemon, things are finally heating up with Team Meteor, Heather was locked in a shed, a whole city was starving, etc. And here comes Terra with a gigantic mallet up her butt. I just dunno. On a positive note, the interactions between her and Cain were enjoyable for me, l33t speak aside. 


I've also been informed elsewhere that a lot of characters in Reborn might be based off of real people, so maybe the person Terra's based off of really did always use l33t speak online. However, sacrificing the tone of the game or the plot immersion for the sake of a reference that only a few people will get just seems... weird. 


But enough about me complaining, I'm sure Terra gets criticized enough. 



My team:








Yep, I've finally remembered to give my Carbink a name. I keep on forgetting to do that with various pokemon throughout this run. I thought Loki was fitting, since that's a trickster god and Carbink's job is to set up Trick Room. 



Other than that opening screenshot, I don't really have any. But its okay, because Mewtwo wasn't as much of a problem as I thought he would be. Mewtwo is super fast and his psychic attack receives a boost from the field. The glitch field makes the game function like a Gen 1 game, but I'm not super familiar with that so it still hurts to wrap my head around how it calculates stats. 


Luckily for me, Sturdy allows Carbink to set Trick Room and explode, leaving him at low yellow HP. I send out Keseran to put him to sleep, and he's able to act first because of Trick Room. Sleep goes off without a hitch, and Jumpluff ends up scoring the KO with Acrobatics because Mewtwo slept for 2 turns. 

If I didn't have access to Trick Room, that fight would have been a lot harder, possibly warranting my Perish Song user. But thanks to the Twisted Dimensions, Mewtwo goes down. 


After defeating that miniboss, I go back to the circus to prepare myself. After comparing base speeds, the only Pokemon who will pose a problem under Trick Room are Hippowdon (only Macha the Granbull is slower) and Quagsire (none of my Pokemon are slower). Trick Room will be vital against Garchomp, because that sucker is OP and above the level cap. Trick Room lets me limit the effect of the Glitch Field. I'm going to try and lead with Loki, and if that doesn't work I'll lead with Aonyobo to hopefully take out Nidoking before he KOs her. 


My team:












Nidoking leads with Blizzard, but misses, giving Loki an easy time setting up Trick Room. He then explodes, taking Nidoking with him (there wasn't really a need to set up Stealth Rocks since her team resists them for the most part). 



So far, better than expected. I'm not sure who she'll send in, so I send out Kasha. Terra brings out Claydol, and that's a pretty good match up. Sylveon sets Misty terrain before Claydol attacks, lessening the damage thanks to her increased special defense. Kasha then hits Claydol with Moonblast, but its not enough to KO, and the doll responds with Bulldoze. Anticipating getting KOed, Kasha uses Wish, but Claydol uses Explosion. Well, tries to use Explosion. A misty field prevents that. I switch out to Bean Sidhe, who takes a Psychic, but Wish brings her back to full health. Then she KOs Claydol with Waterfall. 



She brings out Excadrill, but I'm not going to switch out, and Bean Sidhe OHKOs the mole.



Trick Room ends, and Terra brings out Hippowdon. I switch out to Macha, but then remember that Trick Room ended, and so bring back Bean Sidhe. Its okay though, because Azumarill is a tank. Unfortunately, Hippowdon is also a tank, and repeated damage from Waterfall makes Terra use all her potions. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it runs out Misty Terrain as well, which is more annoying. Finally, with only 3 HP left, Bean Sidhe KOs the hippo. 



Quagsire comes out, and I just have Bean Sidhe suicide. One Aqua Jet doesn't do much damage, and she's taken out by Scald. 



I send out Kasha, who sets up Misty Terrain again and switches out to Ittan-momen. Whimsicott reminds me why I keep him around as he tanks a Blizzard and 2HKOs "swagsire" with Energy Ball. 



Next its her Garchomp. I switch to Aonyobo, who tanks a Bulldoze to set up Trick Room again. 



Moonblast takes a little more than half Rawrchomp's HP, and she falls to a second Bulldoze. I send out Kasha, who KOs it with Moonblast. Garchomp goes down! 


That was pretty intense. When Trick Room ended and I had that misplay against Hippowdon, I really thought I would lose. It was also pretty incredible that Aonyobo could tank a Bulldoze as well. I'm not sure I would have been able to win without Trick Room, though. I'm also pretty sure I was a tad underleveled for that fight, but oh well. Terra got rawr'd on my first try. 


NEXT TIME: Carnage on the Cascade!

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Great fight once again! And great description/narration too @Orasha It is oddly pleasing to read your installments! :D 

Radomus has given you the gift of your lifetime with the TM for Trick Room! And Carbink has been an absolute star when it comes to suicide leads, with Sturdy and Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Explosion and Power Gem!



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On 7/1/2017 at 6:35 PM, Jess said:

Great fight once again! And great description/narration too @Orasha It is oddly pleasing to read your installments! :D 

Radomus has given you the gift of your lifetime with the TM for Trick Room! And Carbink has been an absolute star when it comes to suicide leads, with Sturdy and Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Explosion and Power Gem!



Aw thanks! :) and yeah, this run has shown me the power of the twisted dimensions :D without Radomus and Carbink, I'm not sure I would have gotten this far


17 hours ago, nasserthemaster said:

 Where did you get a snorunt? I can't seem to encounter one in ametrine 2F?

I ran around for a long time in the room in the mountain right next to Route 2. I think there's like 5% chance of an encounter though, it's pretty low. 



15 hours ago, rayyan said:

Great job. Trick room is absolutely evil and carbinks name suits him well. Good luck because you'll need it in the upcoming fight/s 

Thanks! Trick Room is honestly incredible, I almost feel bad :D 



Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days, life has been pretty busy recently. I should be back with the next installment in a day or two. 

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Well done against Terra (and in general)! Was kind of late when I came across this, i should probably explore the forums more to come across similar interesting content.


The Fairy Egg run is an interesting twist, you've already beaten the major hassles you might've faced till now. I wonder how you'll fare against Titania in the next episode...

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On 7/4/2017 at 10:25 AM, RedAlert said:

Well done against Terra (and in general)! Was kind of late when I came across this, i should probably explore the forums more to come across similar interesting content.


The Fairy Egg run is an interesting twist, you've already beaten the major hassles you might've faced till now. I wonder how you'll fare against Titania in the next episode...

Thanks! Titania is going to be an interesting battle, I'm not sure how I'll fare either :D But I have faith in Trick Room and Misty Terrain. 

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Alright everyone, I'm back! Sorry for the massive delay, I try to upload an installment per day but sometimes life gets in the way. 


Since we can finally use the Waterfall Machine, I decide to go exploring. At some point I also reached maximum money, but that's okay since I'll be spending a lot once I can fly back to Reborn City. While exploring, I head back to Calcenon for some relationship points and dialogue, and follow up with Aster and Eclipse. Chandelure may have destroyed her soul, but she's not dead, exactly. Instead, she's in a coma, so Aster has hooked her up to life support in her old house. What a sweetheart. 


After finding a lot of items (and some Pokemon that are useless for this run), everything is (probably) cleared out, so its time to head down the Celestinine Cascade. Titania is pretty pissed that we spent so long exploring


This also raises an interesting question: just how long do events take in game? 


My Team:








Pretty standard team for me. Futakuchi is here for type coverage, since she's the only mon I have that can check Psychic types with super-effective moves. 

In the sewers Water Treatment Center, I also totally miss a relationship point with Titania. Welp. Not that I really want them, she is a murderer for Arceus' sake. Titania is absolutely brutal in this segment. I love that she uses Aegislash as a melee weapon, but the brutality is pretty dark. I mean the game was dark to begin with, but this is still pretty dark. I kinda like it though. 


Eventually we discover the source of the corruption, another PULSE monstrosity. 




I lead with Brigid, who sets up Misty Terrain. This nullifies a great deal of what makes the fight difficult, like Swalot healing every round thanks to the murky water. Thanks to Misty Terrain's special defense boost, Brigid is able to get off a Wish and hit with a meager Moonblast before succumbing to Sludge Waves.



I send out Aonyobo, who is hit with an Infestation, but is brought to full HP by Brigid's Wish. Her first Psychic lowers Swalot's special defense, and 2 more Psychics put this monster out of its misery. 


Now that the PULSE is dealt with, we have to turn the water back on in all the rooms to proceed. Without a map, this probably would have been mildly annoying, but I've got some questionable good habits from playing old school RPGs. Turning the water back on and seeing it purified is also a great effect, it really makes you feel like you're saving the city. 


Taka confronts us, and he and Titania have a spirited exchange. He was helping us the whole time, and even returns Amaria. It feels pretty bad, but I refuse to fight him (I gotta get all them Shade and Anna relationship points), and I head back up the waterfall after Titania and Amaria. There, we meet up with Florinia and Julia, who breaks the fourth wall a tad.



Team Meteor isn't happy, and have pulled out all the stops to confront us. We're forced into a doubles battle with Florinia against two of the biggest assholes in Reborn, Fern and Blake. Hopefully the Flobot can pull her weight...





For this battle, I lead with Loki, and Florinia leads with Hippowdon. Blake and Fern send out Haxorus and Walrein. I'm going to be prioritizing Blake's Pokemon, since he's leading with his Ace and has higher level mons in general, not to mention he hits Florinia super-effectively. Hopefully my partner's AI won't get in the way too much...


Haxorus starts out by poisoning Loki with Poison Jab, while Walrein OHKOs Hippowdon with Blizzard. Loki sets up Trick Room, and Florinia sends out Torterra. Thanks to the twisted dimensions, Loki acts first, hitting Walrein with Power Gem and bringing it to about half HP, and Torterra KOs the walrus with Wood Hammer.



Haxorus poisons Torterra with a Poison Jab, and Blake sends out Mamoswine. I anticipate Loki will be KOed, and set up Stealth Rocks, while Torterra deals massive damage to Mamoswine with Superpower. Unfortunately, its not enought to KO, and Mamoswine takes out the turtle with Icicle Crash.



Haxorus attacks Loki with Outrage (which I suspect was meant for Torterra), but fairy types are immune to Dragon. Florinia sends out Tropius, who has a 4x weakness to Ice. Geeze Rini, couldn't you have come with a better team? Still alive, barely, Loki KOs Mamoswine with Power Gem! Tropius hits Haxorus with Leaf Blade, and Fern's dragon finally takes out Loki with Superpower.



I send out Bean Sidhe while Blake sends out Rotom, which could be bad. Luckily, Stealth Rocks do some damage. Tropius hits Haxorus with another Leaf Blade, and Trick Room allows Bean Sidhe to KO the electric threat with Superpower. 



Haxorus hits Tropius with Poison Jab, and Blake sends out Weavile. The little weasel uses Ice Shard, a priority move, to disregard Trick Room and KO Tropius. 


Yes, it was a critical. However, Bean Sidhe is able to get an easy KO with Superpower, thanks to Weavile's low HP stat and 4x weakness to fighting. 



Haxorus hits Bean Sidhe with Poison Jab, but luckily she isn't poisoned. Blake sends out Jynx while Florinia sends out Ferrothorn. Ferrothorn KOs Haxorus with Gyro Ball 


while Bean Sidhe OHKOs Jynx with Superpower.



Blake sends out Froslass, while Fern sends out Roserade. Ferrothorn takes out the ghostly lady with Gyro ball but has its move disabled thanks to her cursed body


But the lack of a target causes Bean Sidhe to hit Roserade with Play Rough. Several Superpower debuffs and Roserade's resistance to Fairy mean the attack does barely any damage, and Fern KOs my Azumarill with Giga Drain. 



Unfortunately for Fern, its now a 2 on 1. And though it takes me three Pokemon, the Flobot and I manage to take out the rest of his Pokemon: 






Overall, a pretty long battle, but not an overly difficult one. Fern has a hissy fit and storms off, and actually seems to have hurt Florinia's feelings a bit. Sirius plays dirty and KOs Florinia with Poison Fang, and Solaris and Orderly John decide to take me on as well. Luckily, Julia bursts in to save the day, taking Seviper down with her Electrode, and helps us face the Meteor leader. 





Loki gets taken out by Scizor and Whiscash before he can even move, and I bring out Macha. This isn't exactly a great start. Electrode hits Scizor with Thunderbolt, and Scizor responds with Superpower, taking Electrode to critical HP. Whiscash hits Macha with Waterfall, but it does barely any damage, and Macha KOs Scizor with Fire Fang. 



Solaris brings out Tyranitar, and Electrode hits it with Thunderbolt. Tyranitar responds by KOing the ball


with Superpower, lowering his attack and defense, and also gets caught in the Aftermath. Whiscash uses Waterfall again for chump damage, and Macha KOs Tyranitar with Close Combat. 



Julia brings out Eelektross while Solaris brings out Excadrill. I decide to switch Macha out for Bean Sidhe, since she's bulkier, has no defense debuffs, and because Macha is dangerously close to the level cap. The last thing I need is for her to disobey me at an important time. Bean Sidhe tanks an X-scissor from Excadrill, taking almost no damage, and Whiscash continues to do barely anything with Waterall, while Eelektross does heavy damage to the steel mole with Flamethrower. Taking advantage of the low HP, Bean Sidhe KOs the mole with Aqua Jet.



Whiscash decides Waterfalls are useless, and sets up Dragon Dance instead, and Eelektross hits the catfish for very little damage with Flamethrower since its target was KOed. Solaris brings out Gyarados. Whiscash, now fast, hits Eelektross with Waterfall, while Gyarados uses Outrage on Bean Sidhe. I can't believe the leader of Team Meteor forgot that Dragon moves don't work on fairies. Bean Sidhe responds with Play Rough for a little more than half of its HP, and Eelektross KOs Whiscash with a move that drains health (probably a grass move, but I don't remember what it was). 



Orderly John sends out his own Eelektross, making writing summaries of this battle incredibly annoying. I switch out Bean Sidhe for Aonyobo, since I know John's eel is gonna attack me with an electric move. Gyarados hits Julia's eel with Waterfall (which ends up making her flinch), and John's eel hits Aonyobo with Thunderbolt as predicted. Then Gyarados and John's eel team up on Julia's, hitting it with Outrage and Flamethrower, burning it. In a stroke of luck, Julia's eel avoids being KOed by burn damage by KOing Gyarados with Volt Switch! 



Julia brought out Rotom Fan, who has a Balloon, while Aonyobo sets up Trick Room, and Solaris sends out Mandibuzz. John's eel hits Aonyobo with an electric move, bringing her to critical HP, while Gardevoir OHKOs Mandibuzz with Moonblast.



Rotom hits John's eel with Volt Switch, and she brings out her eel, who is immediately KOed by Tyranitar's sandstorm and by the burn. 



Solaris sends out his Garchomp, but its not quite as scary anymore. John KOs Aonyobo, while Rotom hits Garchomp with Hidden Power for half its HP, and Garchomp uses Earthquake. I send out Bean Sidhe, who gets KOed, but its okay since Rotom gets the KO on Garchomp. Then Julia and I team up on Orderly John. Unfortunately I didn't get screenshots of those bits. Oops. 

That battle was a little more difficult, but again, more tedious than anything else. 


After a whole lot of plot and character development (including Amaria having amnesia), Titania runs off to her gym in the desert. A showdown with steel types... I'm not sure how I feel about that. Julia tells us we should battle Seel Ciel. But that will have to wait for next time! 


NEXT TIME: Rematch in the Big Top! Will Ciel Soar Above Me, or Will My Fairies Pierce the Heavens? 

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17 minutes ago, Orasha said:


This also raises an interesting question: just how long do events take in game? 

Also, we meet Fern at Grand Hall when he already has the key to Byxbysion Wasteland right after defeating Shelly. Fern has just defeated Aya when we get to the Gym. In the meanwhile we raided Blacksteam Factory with Amaria (defeated ZEL), crossed Azurine lake on her yacht, attended a lecture by Kiki at Apophyll Academy, ,climbed Pyrous Mountain, defeated Cal, Victoria, Kiki, explored Azurine island, fought Aster/Eclipse, then Taka, saved Cain, returned to Apophyll Academy, climbed Pyrous mountain again, fought Garchomp (Solaris), got back to Coral Ward, fought Cain again, travelled through Byxbysion and got to Aya's Gym.

So, either Fern got ROYALLY lost in Byxbysion (abducted by Misdreavus, then by Mr. Bigglesworth and then by the Squirtle which resides at some part there), or we are just walking at the speed of light.


Some time balancing issues in this game are indeed WAY too obvious. The Titania waiting one on the pic you attach is just another one of those cases...


Great job overall! @Orasha These 3 consecutive double battles gave me hell in my Bug monotype. I'm glad to see you handled them better than I did! :D 

Well, the first and second (Fern/Blake) were nothing, but Orderly John/Solaris is quite challenging...

Good luck for Ciel! 

Edited by Jess
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1 hour ago, Jess said:

Also, we meet Fern at Grand Hall when he already has the key to Byxbysion Wasteland right after defeating Shelly. Fern has just defeated Aya when we get to the Gym. In the meanwhile we climbed Pyrous Mountain, defeated Cal, Victoria, Kiki, explored Azurine island, fought Aster/Eclipse, then Taka, saved Cain, returned to Apophyll Academy, climbed Pyrous mountain again, fought Garchomp (Solaris), got back to Coral Ward, fought Cain again, travelled through Byxbysion and got to Aya's Gym.

So, either Fern got ROYALLY lost in Byxbysion (abducted by Misdreavus, then by Mr. Bigglesworth and then by the Squirtle which resides at some part there), or we are just walking at the speed of light.


Some time balancing issues in this game are indeed WAY too obvious. The Titania waiting one on the pic you attach is just another one of those cases...

Maybe he got lost in the tunnels? I know that the first time I played the game, I seriously got lost in the loop in the hidden grotto and had to look up a guide. Not my proudest moment...


But even that one, that only stops making sense if you really think about it. With Titania, she even points out how long its been... and she's half starved and delirious when we get there. I understand the need for suspension of disbelief but yeah this cutoff was very obvious. 

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Just now, Orasha said:

Maybe he got lost in the tunnels? I know that the first time I played the game, I seriously got lost in the loop in the hidden grotto and had to look up a guide. Not my proudest moment...

I've learned to always carry Escape Ropes with me when I got lost in Ametrine mountain. I was diving around, surfing, sliding on ice... After a good 30 minutes I returned to Ametrine city...lol


2 minutes ago, Orasha said:

But even that one, that only stops making sense if you really think about it. With Titania, she even points out how long its been... and she's half starved and delirious when we get there. I understand the need for suspension of disbelief but yeah this cutoff was very obvious. 

I think Titania would whine even if it literally took us 5 minutes... It's in her character, always grumpy and complaining. I don't really like her persona... I think Ame did that to stress how obnoxious and impatient Titania is.

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1 hour ago, Jess said:

I've learned to always carry Escape Ropes with me when I got lost in Ametrine mountain. I was diving around, surfing, sliding on ice... After a good 30 minutes I returned to Ametrine city...lol


I think Titania would whine even if it literally took us 5 minutes... It's in her character, always grumpy and complaining. I don't really like her persona... I think Ame did that to stress how obnoxious and impatient Titania is.

I might have used an escape rope and then checked a guide, but I don't remember. And yeah, Ametrine is very maze like :D I think I spent like 2 or 3 hours trying to clear it out each time. 


Probably. She seems very pushy and doesn't like when others disagree with her. I'm not sure how I feel about her character tbh. 

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20 hours ago, Orasha said:

while Gyarados uses Outrage on Bean Sidhe. I can't believe the leader of Team Meteor forgot that Dragon moves don't work on fairies.


In battles with multiple opponents, the user selects itself as the target, but hits an adjacent opponent that is selected at random upon each use of the move.

Taken from bulbapedia.

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17 minutes ago, St0mpa said:


In battles with multiple opponents, the user selects itself as the target, but hits an adjacent opponent that is selected at random upon each use of the move.

Taken from bulbapedia.

Huh, didn't know that. That's actually pretty interesting :D thanks for sharing! 

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So I have to apologize again; when I started this, I tried to do one upload a day, but I've been busy a lot and that hasn't really worked out. 


Last time we defeated Team Meteor in back to back double battles. Now we have to find Ciel and get our hands on a Flying Machine.



No, not that kind! 


My team: 










Pretty standard. I've lowered Macha, Bean Sidhe, and Aonyobo's levels down to 74 so they (hopefully) don't go over the cap against Ciel. I've also switched out Futakuchi for Kasha, since another terrain setter is more useful than Mawile. Futakuchi is rapidly losing pace with the rest of the team, and she will probably be boxed until Adrienn. After the fairy gym, she'll probably retire until Mega Evolutions become available, and even then... I'm not sure. 


Also there are some errors in the items here, I did remember to put an Amplifield Rock on Brigid, and I switched Macha's Charcoal for a NeverMeltIce, since its a flying gym. 


Looking over Ciel's Pokemon leads me to believe that Trick Room + Misty Terrain will continue to be a solid strategy. Misty Terrain isn't even completely necessary, since I might be able to sweep with Bean Sidhe or Macha. Regardless of my thoughts on Misty Terrain, Trick Room is absolutely vital, since threats like Gliscor can simply outspeed everyone and OHKO with Earthquake. Aqua Jet isn't enough to KO, even after Stealth Rocks, so the Purple Terror can just tank it to take out Bean Sidhe. But enough talk! Let's get to the battle! 





I lead with Loki, of course. It tanks a lot, setting up Stealth Rocks and Power Gemming Togekiss to about half HP. This is apparently Ciel's potion range, because she uses one, allowing Loki to set up Trick Room uninhibited. It's job complete, it explodes, taking about 1/4 of Togekiss' HP with it. I send out Macha, who scores a critical Ice Fang, KOing the flying fairy. 



Archeops comes out, and is immediately KOed by Stealth Rocks and Ice Fang. 



Ciel brings out Noivern, but its a repeat of what happened to Archeops:



Out comes Gliscor. Man oh man is it a pain. It doesn't take much damage from Stealth Rocks, and Earthquake can put a serious dent in my team. If Macha can't get the KO, which she probably won't, she'll be taken out and I'll have to hope that Bean Sidhe is enough. But, the bulldog pulls through with another critical, KOing the purple terror! 



Serves him right. Out comes Talonflame, who takes massive damage from Stealth Rocks. I switch to Bean Sidhe, which is uncontested since Ciel uses a potion. Unfortunately, I forgot about Gale Wings' effect, and Bean Sidhe is OHKOed by Acrobatics. I send out Aonyobo, who, miraculously, is able to tank a hit and attack with Psychic. Ciel uses another (probably her final) potion, so Aonyobo hits with another Psychic. Unfortunately, she goes down on her next turn. I send out Macha, who is able to tank a hit to KO Talonflame with Ice Fang. This also takes her over the level cap. Greaaaat.


Next up is Altaria, so I send out Kasha. The pixie tanks a Hyper Voice to hit with Moonblast, bringing Altaria to low HP. Unfortunately, Hyper Voice KOs Kasha next turn. 



Its up to Brigid now. Macha might disobey and cost me the match (not to mention at low HP from Talonflame). The flower tanks a Hyper Voice and gets the KO with Moonblast. 

Huh. I didn't get that many screenshots towards the end since I thought that Talonflame was going to sweep me. Another massive misplay on my part; its possible Bean Sidhe would have been able to at least do some damage with Aqua Jet (though probably not KO), but in the end I managed to persevere and tank more than I thought was possible. Mega-Altaria's defeat was thanks to Sylveon and Florges' massive special defense. 


With Ciel defeated, we get our hands on Flying, which allows us to return to Reborn City! I'm a bit of a showman, so I decide to fly to the research center on Route 1 and walk through the Grand Gate.... 



Wow. All the wards have been completely renovated, which means there's a ton for us to explore. And so much side content to do.... You know what that means, right? Running around all the wards with itemfinder...again


There's seriously so much to do, I don't even know where to start. I finally snag Randall's Klefki after a very... interesting side quest. I'm not sure how useful Klefki will be: generally its job is to set up spikes and dual screens, allowing a setup sweeper to get boosts in peace. But my Trick Room and Misty Terrain tactics don't mesh well with setup sweepers... Regardless, its nice to add another fairy to the collection. 


We also pick up an Eviolite and Toxic, which means Chansey is actually a viable choice! Once again, I'm not really sure how she'll work with my Trick Room strategy, but I'll probably mess around with her anyway. How could I pass up one of the best special walls in the game?


While I'm breeding Seismic Toss onto Chansey, I decide to experiment with Clefable as well. Since she has to gain like... 43 levels at least, I decide to EV train her. My planned set is an all-out special attacker (like I said, setup sweepers aren't that useful to me, and Calm Mind isn't a TM anymore) using Moonblast, Flamethrower, Charge Beam, and Moonlight for recovery. I sort of regret not soft resetting for a Clefairy with Misty Terrain, since Chansey has better special defense and stall capabilities than either Florges or Sylveon. 


EV training is substantially less annoying than I feared, though getting the exact spread can be tedious (at least to me). It also helps that I have access to all the "Power" items and have to train Clefable by like 40 levels. My Seismic Toss Chansey hatches and has... passable IVs. Its health IV is really low, but that's Chansey's highest stat anyway so I'm not too worried, and her Special Defense IV is real high, which is fantastic. 


After literal hours of grinding (on sped up mode, no less), we finally have two new members of the team leveled up and ready to fight. And since I have more Pokemon to use, I decide to take some out of the rotation. After a lot of consideration, I decide to retire Jumpluff and Florges. Jumpluff is a fantastic stall setter, and Keseran has constantly proven his worth throughout this run. Unfortunately, his high speed means nothing under Trick Room, and Misty Terrain prevents status. If there's another high level boss encounter later on, he might make a return, but for now he'll be chilling in the box. Florges is outclassed by Chansey as a special wall, and is a worse attacker than Sylveon (who now has access to Hyper Voice). Sylveon can't heal status, but Chansey can, making Florges basically superfluous. Farewell Brigid. 


Back to Clefable: I decide to run an unconventional EV spread of my own design, and it might be trash. Basically I've gone for max Sp. Atk with 132 in HP and 126 in Defense. This is to (hopefully) make Clefable a better physical wall (though I could be better off running 252 defense and 4 HP, but oh well), since Chansey and my other fairies have Sp. Def covered. I also cheese the game to get Life Orb earlier than intended (which I could have done when I originally went through Route 1, but oh well), which really lets Clefable shine. Magic Guard is amazing. 


We also put Ice and Fire Punch on Macha, making her a more potent pokemon, as well teach Hyper Voice to Sylveon for obvious reasons. Also let me just say that I'm super glad Clefable and Chansey have fast leveling rates because... it took forever. I think I've mentioned that a few times, but seriously, it took a lot. 


With all that training out of the way, its time to progress with the plot! Well, it will be, next time...


NEXT TIME: The Raid Goes South! Will Victoria or Arclight Manage to Defeat Me? And Just What is Lin's Plan? 

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I'm glad you got a clefable and Chaney to do some work I was wondering where they went in the mono egg group challenge. Great work progressing through this run and almost finishing it though the real nightmare steel type remains. I've had fun reading your play through and the nice names your mons had.only sad to see that Florges has retired and one question. Did your Florges have grassy surge?


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38 minutes ago, rayyan said:

I'm glad you got a clefable and Chaney to do some work I was wondering where they went in the mono egg group challenge. Great work progressing through this run and almost finishing it though the real nightmare steel type remains. I've had fun reading your play through and the nice names your mons had.only sad to see that Florges has retired and one question. Did your Florges have grassy surge?


This is my first time using Chansey and she's great! Like I know it has a reputation but seriously I had so much fun using her :D Steel is going to be... interesting. I might have to change my whole strategy around since they're super slow too. Luckily I have steel checks but if I get outsped its basically over. And no, Florges didn't have grassy surge, isn't that a Tapu Bulu exclusive? 

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29 minutes ago, Orasha said:

This is my first time using Chansey and she's great! Like I know it has a reputation but seriously I had so much fun using her :D Steel is going to be... interesting. I might have to change my whole strategy around since they're super slow too. Luckily I have steel checks but if I get outsped its basically over. And no, Florges didn't have grassy surge, isn't that a Tapu Bulu exclusive? 

Oops I mixed up. Yes it's exclusive to tapu bulu. Good to see you're enjoying chansey. Are you using it as a toxic stall with healing moves like soft boiled cause summing up with its special defense and health it works like a charm against special attackers though wish it could learn block or mean look to not let the poisoned escape. Maybe you can evolve it in blissey if it's part of the egg group cause it's stats are better. 

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19 minutes ago, rayyan said:

Oops I mixed up. Yes it's exclusive to tapu bulu. Good to see you're enjoying chansey. Are you using it as a toxic stall with healing moves like soft boiled cause summing up with its special defense and health it works like a charm against special attackers though wish it could learn block or mean look to not let the poisoned escape. Maybe you can evolve it in blissey if it's part of the egg group cause it's stats are better. 

Toxic + soft boiled + heal bell + seismic toss is an amazing set :D I'm not evolving it into Blissey though, since Chansey with Eviolite actually has better special defense. Anything that isn't a physical attack or super effective, it just shrugs at :D 

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17 hours ago, Orasha said:

Toxic + soft boiled + heal bell + seismic toss is an amazing set :D I'm not evolving it into Blissey though, since Chansey with Eviolite actually has better special defense. Anything that isn't a physical attack or super effective, it just shrugs at :D 

with eviolite it can even shrug off non super effective non STAB physical moves to a decent extent and blissey cannot do that at all

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