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[D&D][OOC/Sign-Ups Closed] Valkyria: Scales of War


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@Megagun @Cronos5010 @Jace Stormkirk @rustytengo @Cool Girl

Alright, I think i have let this run on enough by this point. You have all had your say and each of you have made some valid points but in the end each of your characters have done what they thought wag the best thing to do at the time.

While hindsight is a valuable learning tool, it is not particularly helpful sincejust like in real life different choice would have different consequences. 

Perhaps this argument was my fault for starting the adventure with such anarchy; a burning building,  civilians to protect,  civilians reaching their breaking point and having to be calmed down and an ogre throwing explosives all at level 1.


All in all I think it has gone pretty well so far,  so I will be posting in IC in a minute to continue the story. 


@DragonRage since you said you are ready I will bring you back into the story now. PM me if you want a quick story rundown or with any other questions. 

Edited by lifesapity
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6 hours ago, lifesapity said:

@Megagun @Cronos5010 @Jace Stormkirk @rustytengo @Cool Girl

Alright, I think i have let this run on enough by this point. You have all had your say and each of you have made some valid points but in the end each of your characters have done what they thought wag the best thing to do at the time.

While hindsight is a valuable learning tool, it is not particularly helpful sincejust like in real life different choice would have different consequences. 

Perhaps this argument was my fault for starting the adventure with such anarchy; a burning building,  civilians to protect,  civilians reaching their breaking point and having to be calmed down and an ogre throwing explosives all at level 1.


All in all I think it has gone pretty well so far,  so I will be posting in IC in a minute to continue the story. 


@DragonRage since you said you are ready I will bring you back into the story now. PM me if you want a quick story rundown or with any other questions.

I would argue that none of this was really your fault and that the start of the game was a pretty standard way to get the player character's attention and make them feel invested in the entire scenario of "Find and rescue kidnapped victims", and that interplayer conflict naturally arises whenever you have any amount of players doing pretty much anything....But you specifically wanted us to stop arguing so I won't.

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So actually a good point the goblin did day that it would be about a days travel to where the goblin lair is so assuming we left the city say around 10-11 or so we will probably be getting there relatively late and odds are there's not going to be a lot of light in the lair since they don't need it. Now well Rei is perfectly fine in the dark the rest of you will have a bit more trouble even those of you with darkvison,


so the question is how do we want to do this?


though we should at least wait and see what information our friendly goblin will give us and what we are dealing with.

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the only people that need light is the paladin, barbarian, and i do believe monk. other than the drow (who have deepvision), darkvision is the same so if the goblins can see us we can see them so there is not any problems there. as for how to proceed, does anyone have a light cantrip? if so that will help out the others or they can hold their torches

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That still gives our enemy a noticeable advantage though, since either way we would be several highly visible targets trying to break inside of their fortress.


And yes, only half of the party needs light to see. Edit: A quarter of the party needs torchlight, wood elves get Darkvision, and the monk is a wood elf.

I think right now we should still rush ahead anyway to rescue as many of the kidnapped victims as possible, simply because the longer we wait the more civilians get fed towards whatever it is they keep inside of their....keep?

Edited by Cronos5010
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the thing is we really won't have much to plan until we actually know what will happen we can guess goblins, a few hobgoblins, maybe an ogre and maybe bugbears other then that we don't know so we should probably have to just wait util we get into fights to do planning. 

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hey can i roll an int check to see if i know anything about war hosts (i might have heard a thing or two from other fellow bards or adventures)? i actually have the book that goes into great detail about them for 5th ed

Edited by Jace Stormkirk
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Are they visible by moonlight or are the trees providing too much cover? Otherwise, two goblin guards should be dealt with swiftly and silently. Monk and someone else, quiet like, without flashy or loud. Perhaps a Crossbow bolt, arrow, or a knife in the dark?

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The both of us (Barbarian, Paladin) can use javelins so that is two more opportunities to deal damage, the Bard probably can run up there to stab the survivors, Althea probably can't since her ranged attack is Sacred Fire which is pretty flashy.

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There is a clearing around the castle so the goblins are visable in the dim light provided by the moon. There is 40ft of open ground between them and the treeline. There are a few large pieces of broken rubble in the open ground.

Edited by lifesapity
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best bet would probably have me and the bad use the crossbow to try and take them out along with the barbarian and paladins javelins though i don't remember the range for them so you guys might have disadvantage at this range.....i would have ragaah use a spell but they all are flashy.....an i don't think any of us have the sleep spell either. 

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The range of a javelin is 30/120 feet, so it would be done at a disadvantage unless we move 10 feet closer to them. Won't be much of a problem for the Barbarian if they are raging tho, since higher average rolls than me.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Right, so Richard is going to walk as close as possible (At least 10 feet) towards a goblin before throwing his javelin, which the rolls I got (Natural 20+5 for attack, 7+0 for stealth due to disadvantage, and 6+3 for damage if duelist does not apply to the damage) means dealing a considerable amount of damage to a single goblin.

This is just here because I wanted to clarify and also ask :
if you use a critical success or critical failure chart.
The duelist thing I PMed you about.

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On 8/3/2017 at 11:02 AM, Cronos5010 said:

Right, so Richard is going to walk as close as possible (At least 10 feet) towards a goblin before throwing his javelin, which the rolls I got (Natural 20+5 for attack, 7+0 for stealth due to disadvantage, and 6+3 for damage if duelist does not apply to the damage) means dealing a considerable amount of damage to a single goblin.

This is just here because I wanted to clarify and also ask :
if you use a critical success or critical failure chart.
The duelist thing I PMed you about.

in 5th ed you only crit when you get a nat 20(unless you are champion fighter cause then it can go as low as a 17) or auto fail with a nat 1 (dm decides other effect(s)). there is no confirm. as for the duelist, it needs to be in melee combat

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3 hours ago, rustytengo said:

good job on all those rolls to everyone


Especially for DragonRage, who somehow got two natural 1s in a row and proceeded to get a natural 20 immediately afterwards, because yes that is a thing that happens.

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