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Shops in The Underground


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I don't know how I never noticed before, but in The Underground their are two empty stands opposite the corners of the other two run by Bladestar. Are these in use yet (like only certain times/days) or are they placeholders for a future version?

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58 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:

Can you tell me where this underground is? I've not found it yet.

Do the first Help Plaza quest of GDC, and you'll eventually visit that place.


Edited by Revolver
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Just now, Revolver said:

Do the Help Center quest of GDC, and you'll eventually visit that place.


oh ok. do you know if it matters who you sided with in the whole darclight caves area and the resulting stuff?

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16 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:

oh ok. do you know if it matters who you sided with in the whole darclight caves area and the resulting stuff?


Exposing and not exposing Flora will result in certain events to actually happen, and certain others to not to. Expect to regret at least one thing from one route if you knew how the other went. How things ended in v9, however, seems to the same. There might be a bigger effect of the story split though. Who knows what Jan is planning for the story to go after v9.


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1 hour ago, Revolver said:
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Exposing and not exposing Flora will result in certain events to actually happen, and certain others to not to. Expect to regret at least one thing from one route if you knew how the other went. How things ended in v9, however, seems to the same. There might be a bigger effect of the story split though. Who knows what Jan is planning for the story to go after v9.



I actually played through all of V9's new content twice because of this choice, though the second time I was basically rushing through.


The first time, I went with Erin and trusted her with the information, and got kinda mad when she told florin without asking me, and Flora got arrested without really telling us anything. then at the report or whatever, I told Cassandra as little as possible because I could tell she was not exactly the good person she was made out to be, which was quickly confirmed.

The second time, I went with flora and confronted her, thus being roped into bladestar and getting the scene in the botanical gardens and the base with Erin. I liked this path a bit more, but I explored and did things more thoroughly on my first save so I'm not sure which to continue with.


I'm still wondering if there's a third path where you don't tell anyone what you saw. I assume all paths where you expose flora to someone lead to the scenario where she's arrested. maybe all of the paths where you tell nobody end up leading back to the same path as confronting and siding with flora? (if you've done one of these options, info is appreciated)


Kind of annoyed that it feels like we have to make this decision before we have enough information to make this decision, so I wish the Erin path involved the two of you keeping quiet about it and investigating it together to make a more sound decision. I'm also kind of hoping there will be decision points down the road where you can switch sides if you change your mind.


My previous post was more trying to find out if your path choice currently affects your access to certain items/pokemon/shops, I.E can you only go to this underground place and buy from the bladestar grunts if you sided with bladestar?



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33 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:
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My previous post was more trying to find out if your path choice currently affects your access to certain items/pokemon/shops, I.E can you only go to this underground place and buy from the bladestar grunts if you sided with bladestar?



Nah. Every shop that are available is accessible in V9,regardless of which pathway did you took.


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