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New Server Toys

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Hey everyone, this is Swimming95, talking through Edge, to let everyone know about the new things that I added to the scripts for everyone's enjoyment.


Thats right, we now have more tiers. Now you can battle in all the following tiers:

Gen 1:




Gen 2:





Gen 5:


For tier sets, I am using Smogon's generic tiers for Gen 1 and 2 as there wasn't much to change. For gen 5 LC, please see my other thread to view what is allowed and banned.


I have also added in some nice functionality for everyone:


Yes, I know that PO v2 has already added temp bans but I had added them into the script before that so I will quickly list it below:

/tempban AMOUNT UNIT USER(s) to tempban someone

/maxtempban USER is for owners to set the maximum length in hours that someone can be tempbanned for (affects all future tempbans)

To untempban someone, just unban them


Just like temp bans but with mutes… easy, right?


Now you can keep track of your win/loss ratio as you battle :D Here are the commands on how to use them

/records -view your own records

/records USER -view someone else's records

/clearrecords -clear your win/loss records and start over


This will work like forum PMs. I don't think this will be used much but it might be handy to quickly message someone who might not check their forum pms... it will notify the user upon logging in if they have any mail

/message USER:MESSAGE does exactly what it sounds like

/viewmailbox will show you your mailbox and tell you if you have any new mail

/viewmessage NUMBER will show you the message at that slot in your mailbox

/delmessage NUMBER will delete the message at that slot, shifting all other mail down a slot

/maxmessagelength NUMBER is owner level to set the maximum amount of characters that can be sent over a message

/maxmailboxsize NUMBER is owner level to set the maximum amount of messages one can have in their mailbox

Normal server rules apply to mail just as they apply to the main chat and pms

Please enjoy the new functionality to the fullest and PM me (swimming95) if you have any other suggestions for the script

If at any time you forget how to use these functions, please use the added help commands as well.

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  • 4 months later...

You have a point. However, VGC tiers are outsider tiers and, as such, it promotes anti-autonomy of Reborn, if you get what I mean. Besides, VGC 2009/2010 are 4th Gen, so the tiers are most likely a by-product of Reborn's inability to find an identity of its own back then, as in 4th Gen there was no Drizzle / Hidden Abilities / other stuff to use that differentiated Reborn.

You follow?

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There's a reason as to why we haven't used them in the past two years. They're no longer relevant to Reborn. Also, if the auth approve one tier request, it's going to open the floodgates for a barrage of requests. It'll only end up giving everyone around here more headaches than we already get when it comes to tiers and their discussion.

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And there is a difference between tiers that were added in the likelihood they would be used and then ended up not being so and just not being removed for the sake of leaving them for those few hopefuls and adding onto those tiers just because one or two people request them. There's a little ambiguity between them, but not much, I swear!

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