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Questions about Heart Scale, Mamoswine and more



Hey all! New guy here and lost in forums for answers. (i am at the point where i just beat Shade in the game)

1) Best place to get heart scales? I havent unlocked the tutor yet but i need many moves. Does it work like the main series? I mean can i teach my piloswine ancientpower even though he never knew it?

2)I use onix and i am at a point where i don't have a metal coat but i have a link stone, should i evolve him or steelix is crap and i should just use another pokemon?

   (also is there another place to get onix? because i would love a shiny one)

3) Pokemon to look out for? My Team is Charizard, Dewgong, Arbok, Buterfree, Onix and Swinub. I have murkrow and noibat in shiny forms, i semi use them and love them but they are a bitch to level up. I love Weavile, Lapras, Ditto, Dragon, Ice and Dark pokemon generally. I also got from trades porygon Z, torchic, ralts, treecko, chespin, eevee and larvesta but i feel i would be cheating if i use them (i used porygon Z and it was really great) i want my first run to be "legit".

4)The trainers in grand hall, do they change or can i fight them as much as i want???

I ask about some pokemon because i dont want to look at a guide and spoil myself about the plot. Thanks in advance!

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1) Best place to look for them is either via mining or via stealing from Luvdisc (For which I think you might need the Good or Super Rod, I don't know exactly). And yes, the Move Tutors work like in the main games, meaning you can get AncientPower on Piloswine.

2 and 3) It's purely your decision on what you want to use. There are almost no unviable Pokemon (Unown being probably the only real exception), meaning you can use close to anything you want. And, as for for "legit" you want your run, it's best if you don't use Mons you got from trading until you can get them legit. I don't know where you are story-wise so I can't tell you when you can get them. (You'll be able to get Ralts and Eevee at basically the same time, though).

4) You can battle them as much as you want. They change daily, but are always the same on that day, so the trainers that are up on Saturday will always be the same, but only on Saturdays etc.

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1) Wild Luvdisc (Good Rod in Tanzan Cove), and yes even swinub can learn Ancient Power IIRC

2) I don't know about steelix and onix can be found in "Path to Byxbysion Wasteland Secret Grove, Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Depths, Hiker event in Peridot Ward, Glitch City (Victory Road)"

3) IDK

4) Each day there are different trainers but you can battle them as much as you want everyday.



Edited by Greninja
Greninja'd lol
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13 minutes ago, Superman said:

Hey all! New guy here and lost in forums for answers. (i am at the point where i just beat Shade in the game)

1) Best place to get heart scales? I havent unlocked the tutor yet but i need many moves. Does it work like the main series? I mean can i teach my piloswine ancientpower even though he never knew it?

2)I use onix and i am at a point where i don't have a metal coat but i have a link stone, should i evolve him or steelix is crap and i should just use another pokemon?

   (also is there another place to get onix? because i would love a shiny one)

3) Pokemon to look out for? My Team is Charizard, Dewgong, Arbok, Buterfree, Onix and Swinub. I have murkrow and noibat in shiny forms, i semi use them and love them but they are a bitch to level up. I love Weavile, Lapras, Ditto, Dragon, Ice and Dark pokemon generally. I also got from trades porygon Z, torchic, ralts, treecko, chespin, eevee and larvesta but i feel i would be cheating if i use them (i used porygon Z and it was really great) i want my first run to be "legit".

4)The trainers in grand hall, do they change or can i fight them as much as i want???

I ask about some pokemon because i dont want to look at a guide and spoil myself about the plot. Thanks in advance!

1)The best place to get heart scale is by mining which you will get after you reach grand stairway. Pulis wine learns ancient power normally at some level (I really forgot which level it does so).

2)Just to note that ini evolves to steelix by holding a metal coat while using link stone. 

According to my opinion,You should evolve him as soon as possible..

3) I think you should replace your dewgong/swinub with treecko...

4) They change according to days..

5) I would be able to give you some mons if you need :D 

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13 minutes ago, S.paul said:

3) I think you should replace your dewgong/swinub with treecko...


I...definitely wouldn't. Alongside Treecko being only available very late (as in, E16 content), it's just not that good, in all honesty, without all the necessary TM's. At the very least, I would definitely keep Swinub, Mamoswine is a monster.

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No, the Scyther line is not available yet.


As for the Metal Coat...unless you want to hope to get one from wild Magnemite, you'll have to wait until you have 7 badges.

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I think it is 5% but you can use a fainted pokemon w/ compound eyes as your lead and a second pokemon w/ frisk to tell if the magnemites have a held item to get it more easily

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14 minutes ago, Superman said:

thanks !!! One last thing, does anyone have a information about sneasel (...and razor claw)? i love weavile and i would love to get one soon for my main team

I can give you a razor claw :D 

Edit: @Superman figured out a shiny 5iv sneasel :P 

Edited by S.paul
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31 minutes ago, S.paul said:

Enjoy :D 

But that minun isn't a trashmon :P 

 Well, thank you, mr. S.Paul

I'm trying to breed a 5 or 6 iv, calm nature minun to become the agility/nasty plot batom passer in my electric team. I am giving some of my atempts away in wonder trade. Most of people would think it is trash, but I love those weaklings-pikachu-wannabes.

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5 minutes ago, pdart0304 said:

 Well, thank you, mr. S.Paul

I'm trying to breed a 5 or 6 iv, calm nature minun to become the agility/nasty plot batom passer in my electric team. I am giving some of my atempts away in wonder trade. Most of people would think it is trash, but I love those weaklings-pikachu-wannabes.

Is it still going on?

I would like to join it :P 

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