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Ralts in V9?


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I went to the original place where ralts should be found, but I need metal powder, 3 cell batteries, and pokeball to unlock this machine. Is ralts within that machine to be unlocked? If so where can I find cell batteries and the metal powder.

Edited by keklord
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Ralts is, indeed, inside that machine. You have two options. One is, as mentioned, wait until V9's postgame to gain access to the necessary items. The alternative is to acquire the Cell Batteries and the Metal Powder in a different way.


Specifically, Charjabug's on Route 3 have a 5% (20% with CompoundEyes) chance to hold a Cell Battery, while the Ditto from the sidequest has a same chance to be holding a Metal Powder. Bring a Mon with Thief or, ideally, grab the Thief TM in Route 2, grab a CompoundEyes Vivilion, teach it Thief and get to thieving.

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