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Help for those in need


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Well, it is me, and it sucks. So I'm helping you guys out! If I'm allowed, I guess.

Whenever I'm on the Reborn server, players who are down on their luck, I guess, are invited to special Pokemon battles, vs. yours truly! If you need help beating a gym leader, I'll provide you with a battle against the type that's making life kinda hard for you!

Just PM me ANYTIME I'm on the server, saying something along the lines of "I need help beating Sigmund", "Mind giving me a warmup battle for Ciel" or "Terra is a pain in the ass" and I'll whip up a battle for you against your league team. Since I'm a far better analytic than battler, if you so desire I'll let you know where your strategy has some flaws and give you some pointers to fix them. But only if you want me to!

However, due to the leaders' ability to swap their teams, I will not fix my help teams around them. For the most part, they'll be teams loosely based off of those found in Black 2 / White 2's World Tournament. But that doesn't mean they're not helpful!

If you're interested in one of these cool battles, help, warmup or otherwise, looke for me on the server! I'll be Ryan C, most of the time using the [ironfist] clan tag.


Note: No affiliation to the League.

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