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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The War Room (Social/Prep Phase)


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"It is good to meet you.  I am Gozer.  The one Driving is named Dackly, A close friend."


"We have no proper Titles, but we are both loyal clerics to Nyx, Goddess of Night and Patron of Monsters, and we have experience traveling realities already, having picked up tricks such as this one."

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"Goddess... I must say that I'm not a religious person myself. But, traveling realities? I would guess that would take a lot of magic to accomplish" Walmond replied, bringing a hand to his chin as he narrowed his eyes an thought. If traveling realities was a feat others could accomplish by their own, then his own issues shouldn't be as big of a problem as he thought.


... What was he getting wrong then...

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Walmond straightened at Gozer's response, surprise clear. However, instead of sounding like he was sorry for bringing up something that could've been a tragic experience, he simply smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow, "So revival is another feat you've accomplished? Fascinating. How was this accomplished?"

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In the midst of conversation, another vehicle rumbles into the roadside stop adjacent to the ruins. The Boomtown Express comes to a screeching halt next to the other vehicles whose occupants would hear the thumping lyrics of the Marshall Tucker band being blasted at full volume from the van's subwoofers.



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"A necromancer who knew entirely too much about his craft helped Dackly to revive me in a form closer to my true self.  Being what I am, this did not change very much.  The Necromancer had talents in necromancy that brought the art beyond necromancy, the ability to revive the dead was beneath him, and he had taken for himself the power to enforce his magics over things that were not living or dead as we knew them."


Gozer responds.  It seems Gozer is not feeling too tragic about his death.  In all likelihood, he cannot.

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"Hm... Necromancy as well..." Walmond muttered. Back home, necromancy was considered an impossible art, the dead stayed dead and that was it. Even though he had begun to research how to create his own mechanical constructs with forms of sentience, something that was considered impossible as well, Walmond shared the majority of people's thoughts on Necromancy.


It would seem like he was wrong once again.


"Another surprising twist on top of everything I've learned in the last hour." Walmond stated, barely phased by the sudden arrival of the "Boomtown Express". However, the after a few seconds, he groaned in slight frustration, mostly the music coming out of it. He was a big fan of music, yes, but whatever was playing from that was... VERY nerve grinding, and due to the level of volume, very difficult to simply ignore.

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"Always ready!" Halley stretched her limbs, itching for another fight.


"Though, one thing. Are we going to fight another army of endless skeletons? That would totally not end well for us, considering that you had to bail us out back there," she questioned.

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2 hours ago, IntSys said:

"Always ready!" Halley stretched her limbs, itching for another fight.


"Though, one thing. Are we going to fight another army of endless skeletons? That would totally not end well for us, considering that you had to bail us out back there," she questioned.

Solomon was content with sitting inside of his hovercraft as he made engine revving sounds inside of his head and slowly but surely examined the various books he had summoned. Most of them were just variations of the same book, although he had to throw away a certain regrettable example after realizing that it's cover was a little too suggestive for some of the more easily influenced members of the party.
He continued to sit there and examine books while waiting for something particularly interesting to happen, although a mumbled "At worst we would just be clearing a path to the keep right?" could be heard coming from him after Halley's question.

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"All you have to do is break through to the keep. They're focused on attacking the front, not defending the rear, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Now, let's not waste any more time! Onward, men! I'll be right behind you up until we reach the gate - then I'll have to retreat in spirit form until you convince the mages in there to drop the ward long enough for me to get inside it!" She points her sword over the last hill between the group and the keep. Once over it, the structure comes fully into view, along with the force besieging it.

Hundreds of the skeleton-things from before mill about or barrage the great stone walls of the keep with arrows, along with decidedly more living-looking soldiers in simple chain and leather armor. Among those are a few in more ornate, and sturdier, plate armor in red and gold colors, sitting astride horses. The area is dotted with half-built siege engines, as well as more bonfires that light it up as if it were day; as the group climbs a hill, a fireball streaks out from the battlements of the keep, crashing into one of these and knocking out one of the beams supporting the construction. As that particular conflagration spreads, the source of the numerous existing fires is made clear. It doesn't take long for some of the mounted troops to notice the party; they shout and wave their own blades in their direction, causing a good portion of the group to turn towards them and ready their weapons. This, in turn, prompts a barrage of arrows - several of which seem to glow slightly - to fly out toward the besieging force, with some finding their homes in the flesh of the enemy troops or striking the dragon tooth warriors just so. After a moment, a series of booms rattle off in quick succession, destroying more of the blue-gray things.


Freefrom combat initiated! Objective: Reach the keep in one piece!

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Dackly Guns the clutch, twists the gas pedal, activates the Blinker fluid injector, and it appears that Dackly knows nothing about trucks.  Thankfully, this truck is more of a magic vehicle, and works anyway, zooming forward.  It really is a good thing this vehicle does not actually work like a Truck, as one might notice Dackly has no legs with which to push down the pedals properly, nor depth perception to drive a vehicle at all.


Gozer shifts out of the Passenger's Seat onto the roof of the vehicle

Dackly Petrifies any Skeletons in their way, Ramming into them as Gozer lifts them up and into himself.


"Don't worry about the melee Skeletons, try to keep those arrows off of us."


Gozer asks in a booming tone as a Skeleton smashes into the windshield, Dackly quickly starts headbutting it, The snakes in her hair biting it viciously as she starts drifting around due to not watching the road.




Laver Shrieks in Terror, Smacking Solomon's Bookmobile to try and heal it as it presumably crashes into things.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"You may want to move Dackly" Walmond's voice said, and not a second afterwards, the large, clawed hand of Lambda burst through the back window, grabbing the skeleton that was currently being bitten by Dackly. Not even a second after the hand found it's target, the skeleton was dragged through the window and, without a moments hesitation, Lambda throws it off the side of the truck, watching as the skeleton crashes onto the ground and rolls several feet back as the Truck continues it's path.


Walmond watches this with little interest after his quick warning, lifting his hand and looking towards the sky, snapping his fingers and causing short Magic Bursts to fly out and strike several of the falling arrows to the best of his ability. 

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Friedhold would have moved from Solomon's hovercraft to D&G's truck mostly because flight was a poor choice for the young girl who had grown all her life underwater and was thus terrified by the sky.


Either way Friedhold uses Sonic Boom to try and reflect arrows away from the vehicle.




Morgan on the other hand climb onto Solomon's hovercraft due to it being one of the few vehicles with enough room for him to work.

He bends over and inspects several of the books while asking Solomon "Where did you get all of these?"


Once the battle begins however he takes the defensive, trying to block or reflect what arrows he can and occasionally returning the favor by using Suffer on the archers.

Edited by StormLord
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Isobel Low and LOTUS

Isobel crouched against the side of Dackly and Gozer's truck, using her dexterity to keep a fairly stable position on what would otherwise be quite the precarious spot. Still, this didn't seem to make Isobel too confident, as she clenched her teeth and waved her hatchet threateningly at any skeletons coming her way. LOTUS, on the other hand, was quite talkative. "I've analyzed the terrain and developed a path that should keep us from getting bogged down too much by these skeletons -- if you want to follow it, then turn left about 15 degrees right here," states LOTUS, beginning his Pathing Advice, "But that isn't the only thing I can help with! If you can send a message to the defenders somehow --turn right!-- I can point out a pretty ideal firing solution for them!"


Navin Mhasalkar

Navin came slightly later, as part of the group of those approaching on foot, and he stopped for a moment to peer around at the area, before clenching his fists and beginning to advance towards one of the siege engines, moving purposefully. "I'm heading towards one of those siege engines, and if anyone is coming with me and gives me the chance to prepare a technique I've been working on recently, I should be able to do some very significant damage!" Navin began to purposefully move the flow of the energy of his superpower within him, moving it by flows and ebbs into his left first -- taking on a calm expression, the destiny-driven fighter preparing a Patient Strike.

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Aurora had taken up a place on the flying book vehicle before it took off, if for no other reason than the fact that flying was easier than walking. that and it would've saved the trouble of having to plow through skeleton after skeleton with an attempted charge. Of course, there was always the threat of the god damn archers, but the mindless drones weren't the only things with ranged options. Taking position near the front of the vehicle, she held out her palm and with it projected a burning light that soon erupted into a rapid series of identical flares, each sending another bolt of cosmic radiation to tear through the enemy below. She made a special point to focus her aim on the Dragontooth Archers busy lining up shots against the group; she saw as others tried to simply deflect the arrows, but in all honesty the idea seemed far less constructive in her mind than simply aiming to counter and destroy the ones firing them in the first place...



Ghost had taken a place atop the insane librarians construct as well. While see could've well just ordered Tama to carry her and press forward on foot, she didn't see much point in the effort when this... flying contraption of... tomes (at this point, the shock of their situation had thoroughly worn off and she'd just shook her head and shrugged it off) was about and offering to carry them.


Of course, even up here and relatively safe from most of the infantry forces, there was still bowmen and certain siege weapons to worry about. With her instrument in hand, she'd taken to trying to deflect the worse of the arrow volleys with one burst of concentrated sound after another.

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Get word to the defenders? Edmond listened to the voice coming from some woman in a jumpsuit. It didn't seem to match her, perhaps from the small item resembling a compad? It was almost certain a personal computer of some sort... Edmond pulled up from his forward motion, aiming straight up. Do there appear to be any obstacles to flying straight up above arrow range, then going horizontally, before dropping into the fort to alert the defenders?



Liliya found herself in a stone vehicle, resembling a car. Sh had no clue how it was even working, except the possible explanation of magic. Which actually seemed like a pretty likely and reasonable explanation. In any case, Liliya sat in on of the passenger seats of the vehicles, decently protected by the stone for the most part. Every so often, she would activate her precognition, in order to catch some stray arrows that had passed by the other people's defenses. If a dragon warrior came close enough to the window of course, she made a point of stabbing it repeatedly.

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Bridgett flies a little off from the group of charging vehicles with a slightly grumpy look on her face from what who can say, but unfortunilty the first batch of dragon tooth skeletons she meets as they are subjected to a full force Mythral Buster.

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Solomon's hovercraft slowly but steadily changed shape as it took to the sky in all of its inexplicable and helicopter shaped glory.

He could be heard shouting something that sounded like "Knowledge = Power bitches!" in response to Morgan's question before it all just devolved into a mass of swear words and black speech as the enemy inevitably started to unload arrows into his craft, because of course they would do that, who wouldn't fire at the flying book based construct raining down death and destruction with the help of its passengers?.


Either way he eventually settled for quietly singing an odd little song about chopping down mountains with his hand as large chunks of the helicopter fell off of it to try and crush some Dragontooth soldiers before it was swiftly replaced piece by piece due to Laver's best efforts.


Ghost's efforts were appreciated by Solomon as while the helicopter itself didn't really mind having a couple dozen arrows sticking out of it, the sometimes exposed passengers couldn't really say the same.


Aurora may have felt better about the whole thing if everyone and everything on the helicopter was a spider or made out of spiders, and if she were shooting exclusively at hostile human forces as opposed to trying to get into a fortress filled with the damn things on a vehicle piloted by a particularly dickish example of that race.



Atton ran after the Indian as he tried to do his best to distract the nearby skeletons, mainly by shouting biblical verses before shooting them.

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Mitsurugi simply gave a slight, nearly unnoticeable shrug at Empi's comment, before diving into the battle herself. She flashed from target to target, delivering a quick strike or two before flickering to the next, her movement fast enough to be nigh-invisible. She favored speed over agility, but still felled her fair share of foes. She made her way over to Navin, carving away at the front edge of the path between him and his target. It was a good plan, trying to assist in destroying the siege engines before they could set up to assault their presumed refuge.


Hiroki, on the other hand, was utilizing the weight and power of her mech to bash a path directly to the gates. She swung her main cannon like a baseball bat, crashing straight through the spine of one of the skeletal warriors before the end spat hot death at one of the enemy soldiers. Her shoulder guns worked mostly autonomously, mostly saturating the enemy line in front of her with plasma and occasionally shooting an arrow out of the sky entirely. A beast leapt toward her, only to be crushed underneath one bulky foot and then blown apart by the leg-mounted cannon. 

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Empi, for her part, doesn't do much to attack. Of course she didn't; she was a lover, not a fighter. Still, she wasn't bad at handling herself, placing curses on her opponents, causing them to stumble apart, blinded and stunned by fairy magics. 


She could always use her bear, but she decided to just let Mitsu handle all the murdering. Besides, she was better at it than Empi.

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Jade O'Duffle


Jade takes aim at the skeleton archers on the wall. He aims to kill them, or however deader a skeleton can be, One by one he sharp shoots some of archers down, occasionally reloading when needed. He mainly used basic rounds, seeing as they're more effective at this sort of thing. He also makes sure to keep up with the group, don't want to get left behind.


Hayle Aster


Hayle focused on helping Dackly, Freezing any skeletons that didn't happen to get petrified by the snake woman. It was very tiring, she was not used to casting this many spells in such a short amount of time. But she had to! In order to not be a burden, she had to help!

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Samantha sticks close to Solomon's book vehicle, doing her best to cover its advance without exposing herself to a lot of fire.  Battles this big aren't exactly her specialty at the moment.


Lexiel, on the other hand, decides to observe Nobunaga's combat capabilities first-hand, since the summon is oddly reluctant to share any information at all about anything.  The two of them tear into the enemy lines with bullets, blades, and lightning darts flying.  Lexiel also manages to leverage some extra power by fluxcharging Nobunaga when it comes active.  What little damage the minions manage to deal is easily healed off, as they learn why you don't mess with a high output, anti-magic blast cannon with backup.

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Wyvis and Melina hitches a ride on the truck. Wyvis observes the environment vigorously, smacking a skeleton or two a little too eagerly. Melina set up a barrier around her location and shot towards him a look of suspicion. "You know something, don'tcha?"

Wyvis stared back at her with the friendliest, most innocent face. "What do you mean?"

"Tch, don't pull that shit out of your ass on ME! That last bit, with the whole shield business. No way that was human magic; and your face ain't one of a innocent fool."

Her irritated jabs was met with calm testimony. "I profess to know nothing. I am only a guard who happens to be a Reaver; there is no way I would have known the extent of your power."

"Of COURSE it ain't! No-one's pulled that shit since the Dragon Wars, and I'll have to die 'least 30 times to try and do a Phalanx that big!"

"Again - I haven't the education you have received, Melina. I do apologise if my ignorance irritates you."

Melina huffed at the stubbornness, but slunk back down, knowing that when Wyvis wanted to keep a secret, he would carry it until the end of his days. "Donno why you lyin, but I ain't likin it. Better we have a nice talk afterwards, you hear?"

Wyvis moved his head, though it was hard to tell if he was nodding or it was because of the truck. "In any case... we should focus on the task at hand. Melina - your barrier."

Both of them turned to their respective posts, a strange bitter feeling in both of them.

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Halley hopped onto Solomon's hovercraft. The battlefield was quite a sight for her; such wars just don't take place anymore in her world, after all. She readied her blaster and fired an array of energy blasts at the skeleton archers, suppressing their fire momentarily. She then took out her megaphone and did the cocky thing. "STAND DOWN, VILLAINS!"

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