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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The War Room (Social/Prep Phase)


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Venus attempts to aid the group in their advance by firing Whisper's artistic bullets at the closest number of hostilities available that attempted to mess with the team moving forward. 




Noticing Navin's group being surrounded by hostilities, Kino and Enma follow up with Death's Breath and a basic attack, respectively, as a surging wave of their spirits lunge forward to silence the mass, attempting to bring as much damage and aid to them as possible. 

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Heading towards Mitsu and the group in that direction, she lashes out and pounces at any enemies around, still in her lion form. 

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Dackly's rather unceremonious capture of one of the enemy officers goes smoothly; the man wasn't entirely sure how to begin to deal with the. . . unique. . . contraption placed atop him, though he'll likely need to be further subdued later. Something Liliya immediately sets about doing, or would, if the man hadn't been completely enclosed by a gigantic dunce cap-like device. The various efforts of the rest of the team result in the outlying group pulling itself back into the main body; the numerous outgoing telepathic tricks and curses seem to be making it difficult for the enemy force to keep the party corralled effectively. Hikari nearly took three different lightning bolts; fortunately, they all arced off into the distance or impacted on an uncaring stone fortification, and no more seemed to be coming for the moment. 


The formation begins to break from both the front and the back; the gates ahead are fully opened, and the purpose behind their seemingly premature opening is seen - and heard. 

A mass of cavalry charges out of the gate, surging forward with the thundering of the hooves of great warhorses and the battle cries of those atop them, crashing into the besieging forces with lance, sword, and axe, and blasts of magic shattering the formation further. A verdant green banner bearing the symbol of a bow nocked with a beam of sunlight streamed from near the vanguard, seeming to actually light up the area as the soldiers rushed out toward the party. The return fire from the fort picked up pace as the unit flew out of the gate and into their foes. The momentum of the horses was enough to finish the work the party started, pushing forward until a good portion of them were riding in a loop around the party, pressing their foes backward. "Quickly, get inside the walls!" One of the riders shouted to the group; he was bedecked in a similar manner to the officers in the army they had engaged, but in the colors of the banner. A woman wearing an outfit at some midpoint between armor and formal wear followed up. "You heard the man! Get inside! I need to speak to your commander immediately!" 


The group, for those not already barreling inside on their own unique contraptions, was quickly hurried inside; those not capable of moving as quickly were swept up onto horseback (whether they wanted to be or not) and ferried in. The gate quickly slammed shut behind the party, and a glance back would reveal why; the gap they'd made in the formation quickly closed behind them, with some of the magical warriors actually pressing inside for brief moments before being blasted apart or hacked to pieces. A few dead or dying horses, some with their riders, were soon pressed out of sight. "Now," the woman said almost imperiously from atop her destrier, "which of you holds the highest rank? We have much to discuss and it must be done as soon as possible. Take three of your officers and follow me; the rest of your men can wait in the courtyard until I've determined that you are allies." Her blonde hair and green eyes, combined with her face, might have made her attractive; they were marred by a prominent scar running just under her right eye. Her silver armor - if the obviously ceremonial pieces were worth the name - covered her chest, wrists, feet, and shins. "Speak quickly. I've little patience for formalities."

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Dackly's Vehicle Skids to a stop, everyone inside dumped unceremoniously on the ground as it falls apart into rubble and ashes.


"Daaaaamn!  Fun ride." Dackly nods, arms crossed, as soon as she digs herself out of the ground with Gozer's Help.


"We were close to death." Gozer rebutts.


"Yeah, Fun."


Nodding once more, She slithers into the Courtyard, while Gozer treads behind.


She stops, then turns around at the pile of rubble.


"Rest In Peace, Princess Chainsaw.  You were the best Flying Truck I've ever driven today."


She comments with a short salute.


Once she arrives at the courtyard, she smashes the club down, and begins shouting at the man trapped within.


"Can you hear me?!"


"Struggle more if you want to be beaten with clubs with great prejudice!"




Laver makes his way to the courtyard.  There are smarter people than him to handle something like that.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Solomon did what anyone else would have done when inside of a fortress filled with potentially hostile soldiers who have presumably been working over time to keep the whole damn thing from falling apart and proceeded to dismantle the bookcopter with a soft and slow clapping of his hands.

Everyone on the bookcopter would find themselves slowly and carefully lowered down onto the ground in their own personal throne of books.

He then made a series of equally slow gestures at the passengers in a sign language that presumably no one understands that said "Don't panic".


Atton did what anyone would have done after being tossed onto a horse charging very quickly away from things that would have tried to kill them, and that is do his best to ignore the pain he feels while tipping his hat and saying "I thank you for the help, may the lord bless your efforts to serve and protect the people of this fortress" to the brave rider who carried him inside.

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"To my knowledge, I am the only person in our group with any military rank," Lexiel suggests, "If anyone here knows otherwise and wishes to step up, feel free to correct me.  If not, I will do my best to represent our interests with honor and decorum."


Samantha mostly just stays quiet in the back, and tries to pick up intent to kill them from the people they're surrounded by.  She's feeling very tense and nervous at the moment; a week of training with the X-Men and a few years of infrequent LARPing have not prepared her for a full-scale war.

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Isobel began to try to take a fairly diplomatic approach as she jogged into the courtyard... "Well, we don't really have direct ranks, b--"


...but was shortly cut off by the tablet clipped to her apron, drawing a grimace from the botanist, LOTUS' displeased ":/" on his screen. "If you don't want formalities, then I won't bother with 'em. Look, the "have no patience" routine is a bit less impressive when we just spend a not-insignificant amount of effort, fighting off a lot of your enemies, and getting shot at by them, to help with your fuckin' siege. I understand being wary and being quick, that's just being smart, but I'm tired of getting jerked around. That said, here's the deal. There aren't really ranks among us, since we're not really an army, more a band of people working for a common cause. But some of us are a bit more relevant than others for this. I should come along, since I kind of exist for the purpose of tactics and strategy, and that means Isobel will come since she's holding me but we should just count as one," Isobel waved extremely awkwardly. "Then, yes, the angel lady over there should come along because she's got a link to someone who knows a hell of a lot more about this all than we do, and whoever the fuck wants to step up as our third commander I guess can."


This entire rant had Isobel herself in fact growing visibly more and more worried by the sentence, and by the end of it she was pale and fumbling at LOTUS (to no real purpose) and panickedly muttering to him. "Whah-- what do you think you're doing LOTUS these are a lot of people with weapons that you're going to have provoked at me!"


Navin had stood silently and waited patiently upon initially arriving in the courtyard, but shouting and threats of beating with clubs pretty naturally had the superhero frowning, bowing slightly as way of apology for his movement, and then walking over to check on the source of the sound -- Dackly and her prisoner, with that concerned frown still on his face. "I, ah... I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to know what's going on here."

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Atton marched towards the angelic figure in a huff as he did his best to clean his parade uniform.

He could excuse her ignorance because he honestly has never met her before, but to be brutally honest he felt the need to correct her by saying

"Hello, I am Major General Richard Atton of the USCA army, I served in the 304th Tank Brigade as an officer for a while, and I helped lead and organize a little skirmish down in north Africa, nothing much really, just me and tens of thousands of men, and a little city that no one has ever heard of called....Casablanca was liberated, I still haven't gotten around to organizing the repair efforts yet, but I was getting there before I woke up and found myself staring at some ridiculous looking knight creature".


He extended a handshake towards her before saying "It is a pleasure to meet you, I have never thought I would see one with my own eyes".

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"This prisoner was VERY rude during the fight, so I appropriated him.  Gonna figure out if he is a bad guy or not.  Probably is, considering he shot at me."


Dackly responds, as Gozer whispers to Navin.


"We have no intention of harming him.  Though if he is belligerent, he may be disposed of his possessions."

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Upon landing in the fortress, Edmond had given his suit a quick check, just to ensure that there was no permanent damage. Satisfied, he carefully listened to the woman who addressed them. He took another quick recording, then opened the helmet, popped it off, and stuck it under his arm. Commanders for the group, people who could speak for everyone? He was entirely uncertain about his capacity for the first, but somewhat confident in his abilities for the second. Should I volunteer? There's probably others who could suffice. . . But to be entirely honest, if someone like Visrii were to volunteer, I would not be at all confident about diplomacy. I think. . . When she finished, he stepped forward, but not to volunteer precisely, as was evident by what he said. "I'm willing to serve as a possible candidate to fill this role. As was mentioned, our group is newly formed, and we have not yet had time to develop any form of command hierarchy. I do however, support Lexiel as a de facto leader of our band. In any case, having decent military training myself, consider me a possibility, but if anyone else steps forward who believes that their military background qualifies them especially towards commanding a group like this, I will be perfectly willing to let them go instead of me." After Edmond had said this, he gave a small bow of his head towards the woman on horseback, and stood still a moment waiting to see if someone else would volunteer.



When they had been ushered into the castle, Liliya had remained near the creators of the stone truck. What appeared to be a gorgon, and. . . some sort of creature made of rock. She hadn't cared too much about them beating the man trapped inside the club, but a thought did pop into her head. Addressing the gorgon, the rock thing, and the Indian man, Liliya said, "I don't know your names--sorry about that, I'm Liliya--but don't you think it might be a good idea to get him out, and then try to get info out of him? It looked like he had some good armor, so he might be an officer?"

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"Don't think yeh got the right person here. Ain't a commander, ain't a guard, ain't nothing. Though, 'Lexiel', was it? Think she's got pretty high brass, so if it's ranks yah looking for, that's her." Melina explained, though she had a disapproving look of the guy. Though it was true that Melina held quite a high rank in the College, it was a rather obtuse role; it included paper shifting and signing unimportant parchments all day, and she just pushed the paperwork upon her colleges. In return she DID cook a hell of a Farran roast. Just for making edible food in the College, her colleges were more than happy to complete the boring stuff for her. That was how she dealt with many relationships. Give an' take, and a little profit on the side if she could sneak a few favours. A habit, she supposed, from her earlier days.

She then turned to the snake lady and the gorgon/earth elemental and gave them a toothy grin and a thumbs up. "Cheers, y'all. That was the best ride of a flying chariot if I ever saw one." Melina got up her healing aura and started to heal any injuries people might of had.



"I do hold a rank equal to what I believe is referred to in the Outer Realms as 'Major'. However, I do believe there are some higher ranking officers more befitting to being the theoretical 'command'." Wyvis looked to LOTUS in a kind of calm discouragement from his rant. "LOTUS, though I do agree this situation is rather...strained in the diplomatic sense, we must hold off judgement for now, until we understand the situation more holistically." Even though he did suggest taking a more neutral tone, Wyvis felt much sympathy with LOTUS. The Guards hierarchy, though it was famous for its animosity, was not free from the occasional fool who had too many merits for his head and too big of a mouth for his words. Wyvis learnt, over the course of long years, that infinite patience can carry one a long way.

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Ghost simply rolled her eyes as some voice spouted off about the woman's manner of addressing them. As if it was anything worth trying to reprimand over, given the god damned situation called for a special sense of urgency... considering their entire base of operations was surrounded, her men were quite obviously outgunned, out-manned, and in due time her unit would be accosted even further, if those Seige engines they'd seen outside were completed. 


In all honesty, Ghost would've found it troubling if the woman hadn't spoken to them in such a manner right now. It showed she was competent enough to realize the true gravity of the odds against her men...


"I've put most of my service days behind me, but... I was the commander of my liege's" Ghost sighed, just under her breath. Old habits died hard, even after more than a decade or two. She may have shaken off most of the mental conditioning, but of course the god damn formalities remained... "-of the Emperor's Praetorian guard for approximately 30 years, before I left. During my time answering to him, I carried out whatever orders he saw fit- staging the assassination of a pivotal enemy, gathering information within and beyond the imperial borders, taking control of campaigns when he deemed the Commanders in place to be incompetent... Other tasks as well. I was the closest thing he had to a right-hand man, so I suppose I could... suffice if it's really needed."



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"Nah, He's an officer, and these poopslappers were throwing around magic. I'd rather decipher his muffled grunts than his mad cackles as he opens a portal directly in here."



"You hear that poopslapper? I'm on to you!"


She slaps the club, producing little more than a mild clang and presumably a stream of curses.


"Anyway, He's Gozer!"


"And she is Dackly."


Dackly looks irate.


"Gozer, I said your name with enthusiasm..."


"So did I"

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Walmond had shown a bit of interest at the sudden charge from the castle to carve a way through so that they could enter, his lightning storm offensive stopping for a brief moment, only to stay again as a small bit of cover as the stone truck rolled into the castle. Only a few stray bolts of electricity managed to slip past through the gate before it slammed shut, with the scientist shaking his hand to get rid of some of the crackling electricity left over, stepping off the truck just as it crumbled into simple stone and ash. His interest quickly shifted from the truck's remains to the small discussion/argument brewing with the woman, seeming to be the leader of the castle's forces, and several of his allies that he did not know the name to. However, when it became clear that the woman was looking for more militaristic figures, he decided to leave the task of speaking with that woman to more capable hands. He was a scientist, not a general or politician. So, instead of sticking around with those specific people, Walmond headed to the courtyard to wait and, potentially, at least get the names of some of his other allies. Lambda herself floated next to Walmond, silent as ever.


When he did get to that courtyard, the first thing he noticed was Dackly... Interrogating whoever was inside her club. A strange sight, to be honest, but something he wasn't too keen at approaching at the current moment. Mostly because, along with interrogating, Dackly and Gozer seemed to be speaking with two other people, the woman he had assisted in one of the first battles in this world by electrifying her knife, and a man in a white jumpsuit, by the looks of it, and walking in on a conversation was something that never crossed his mind at any point in his life. Not even now. So, instead of going over to those five, including the interrogatee, Walmond watched from a difference, his gaze periodically shifting from the interrogation to the castle around him.

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Isobel and LOTUS

"I'm not exactly demanding a polite response here, considering what I've said. But we're bringing a lot of power to her side here, and either she or her archers have seen this so she has to know exactly how much we can help" here his display flicked back to be looking in the commander's general direction, "Those vehicles we are riding around in were spontaneous, by the way, to my knowledge not even a core part of our arsenal but in fact just an example of what we can do situationally, if that tells you anything about our group's versatility," and back to the party, "I think that my expressing irritation about continuing to get pulled around after having fought two armies without much information about who they even are is not going to be a dealbreaker."


This got a fairly emphatic response out of Isobel, who was still pale and visibly rather worried. "That doesn't mean it's a good idea, LOTUS! Stop fff, ugh, just, stop!" she hissed at him.


Navin Mhasalkar

Navin raised his eyebrow at the captured man. "Well, as long as you're not making good on the threats of actually beating the captured man I don't see a problem with that." He turned to Liliya and performed his welcoming gesture of bowing with his hands palms-together in front of it. "I think we spoke previously, if only very briefly. My name is Navin Mhasalkar, by the way. Anyway, I do think it is likely that this man is an officer; the relative rarity and skill of these men compared to the skeletons would seem to indicate such."

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"Nice to meet you then. I . . . I think uhh. Dackly was it? What even is that thing? What's it doing to the man?" Liliya gestured at the odd club thing, with an expression more of confusion than of concern for the man. While she wasn't really a big fan of the whole "torture the helpless prisoner in a confined space" routine, it was probably at least somewhat deserved when one goes around commanding legions of skeleton dragons to kill people.

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"Well, right now, it is just a 600 Pound Bell with some bits probably poking him.  But, with the flip of a switch, Poisoned Clubs on robot arms tenderize him.  Normally, I use that function in combat, but in this case, it makes a nice threat."


"It's heavy, made of real steel, and I can Dunk it over people's heads, and they usually don't know how to get out of the damn thing  A very good multitool."


Dackly grins smugly.


"A weapon made through alchemy, we simply used Poison and Machinery to construct this device.  Dackly Softened it with her abilities, while I rolled it into the cone-like shape you see it in, then we simply used alchemy to fill it with appropriate machinery."


Gozer continues.

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"Oh, I see. That's more..." Navin paused for a moment to try to find the word. "...it's a bit more... well, it's a bit more brutal than I'd thought." He dropped his voice a bit so that the prisoner would not hear this. "You said you have no intention of harming him, yes? If it's just a threat, it is... not the way I would do things, but it is something I could live with."

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"It would break apart as it functioned if we actually turned it on, and we lack materials to repair it. There is no real reason to activate it, especially not on a prisoner.  It would be a waste of currently irreplaceable resources."


Gozer says in the same quiet tone, a bastion of reason in this odd situation.


"Besides, if I activated it, it would dent the armor, and I want his armor. It is shiny."


Dackly says, her cleptomania apparently winning the battle of motivations.

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"So. What does he have to do to get out? Are you gonna try to interpret his grunts or something? Waiting for him to suffocate and pass out?" Liliya leaned in towards the giant club, trying to see if any off the muffled sounds were understandable. "I'm just gonna put this out there, but. . . you know, for some people, even with really mild claustrophobia, keeping them in an enclosed metal clubs with no way out might be torture in itself. We tried to stick Mikhail in a cabinet once, I can tell you he did not like that. Was on the verge of tears after a few minutes, and he's not a weak person."

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Solomon did what anyone else would have done and slowly but surely moved his seat over to the one that has a youngish child wearing a crown sitting on it to quietly say "I honestly don't know who you are, but uh......good job?".


Atton stood there in front of the angel for a while to wait for her to say absolutely anything in response. He would have asked for her name, but he decided that would be a bad idea when he is supposed to give the impression that at the very least he knows enough people here to potentially be a general of this armed forces as opposed to being some dickhead in a military uniform.

He idly straightened up his clothes a bit, and actively resisted the urge to publicly check the state of his weaponry, as that didn't work out properly last time.

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"I'm going to be straight, if the alternatives are to let him out and risk a breach from whatever tricks he has up his sleeve, or scare the hell out of him with claustrophobia, I choose me."


"I'm going to interpret his grunts, and if I'm not satisfied, I'm going to rob him blind, and toss him out a window or something.  He's got skeleton medics out there waiting for him, probably."


Dackly responds simply.


"I mean, I think this thing has air holes at least..."




Laver throws a thumbs up.


"I'm pretty surprised how many arrows didn't hit me, so I suppose it was you guys who did the really good job here!"

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"Really?  Overwatch has been-  Oh.  Oh!" Lexiel shifts her narcojet rifle to hang from her shoulder on its strap, and shakes Atton's hand firmly, "Pleasure to meet you, General.  Good to learn we've got experienced officers in our ranks.  This may or may not sound weird to you depending on where you're from, but you've probably got more experience than I do in large-scale wars.  Most of my battles have been closer to the squad level; my current rank is Strike Captain of Overwatch.  Overwatch's heirarchy doesn't correspond that well with the US Army's if I remember right, but General is a lot higher than Strike Captain.  Unless you have a major objection, I'll follow your lead.  Though I reserve the right to speak up if I believe you're making a mistake, and I do expect you to at least listen to my advice if I have it.  And that of our fellows; there's a lot of strong personalities here, and cracking down with military discipline is likely to end with a group making... ill-conceived choices.  Sir.  Better to let them have a say unless time is absolutely critical."

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"Very well. Angel, you with the enchanted tablet, pale one, and you, princeling, follow me." She gestured to Lexiel, Isobel, Ghost, and Laver in turn, and then jerked her hand toward the castle proper in what seemed to be a practiced signal. Several liveried servants - more than a few with their own weapons strapped to their belts - rushed forward, helping the knights off of their horses and leading the latter off. Ten of the men started toward the castle along with their liege, while the rest moved in various directions, some moving back up to the walls, some moving back toward what could be assumed was the barracks, and others simply milling about. Two or three stopped to peer curiously at Dackly and her club, and one with a prominent plume on his helmet - which was currently sideways under one of his arms, revealing somewhat unkempt dark hair. 


The group selected to meet with the liege-lady was escorted quickly into the entrance hall of the castle, and forward into what was once a banquet hall. The place was dominated by the central table, rearranged to hold a large map of the surrounding area marked with a mass of minature red flags and three green ones in a cluster. "Setting aside the matter of your insolence toward the reigning lord of the land for the time being, we have much to discuss. The first being who - and what - you are. My diviners did not inform me of any other forces in this area, and I see no way that you could have reached this fortress in a span of less than three days, much less through the demons outside the walls."


The plumed officer talked to the group outside. "My apologies for Lord Silef. She can be. . . prickly. Especially given the gravity of our current situation. I'm afraid we can't let you move about the keep just yet, but we aren't quite as hostile as she may lead you to believe." His expression changed to a quizzical one as he peered over at Gozer and Dackly. "Pardon my rudeness but. . . what are they, and what are they doing?"

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"Who is your leader?! You are a disgusting Slob! Are you listening to me?! What do you wanna do with your life?! What are your plans!? What is your rank!?"


Dackly screams, poking the club.


Gozer simply keeps a careful eye on the prisoner and their wiggling little armored boots poking out from beneath the club.




Laver looks completely caught out when he is singled out as one of the people to come along, but quietly and nervously follows.


"Well, uh, I'm Laver, I'm The Heart Doctor."


He says, capitalizing "The Heart Doctor" intentionally.


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