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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The War Room (Social/Prep Phase)


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Isobel fidgeted a little as there was a brief silence, before LOTUS once again spoke up.

"...right. I suppose that makes my next line of questioning obvious, then. How quickly can you find the approximate locations of the enemy Servants? If you could do so now, it would contribute a great deal to comprehension of the overall situation and how precisely we are to deal with it. It's fairly clear that the Servants need to be dealt with first, since they are the decisive force multiplier here. I would prefer to take Assassin out immediately, given that her death would allow House Asterlux much more leeway in troop deployment, but I get the feeling that because she is a linchpin, she may be hard to get for -- something which also applies to Caster. If this proves the case, then we just kill the other Servants until we get to her. Given the evident nature of Caster's abilities, giving him too much time would be a poor idea."

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"Well, you could always start blowing their minions to pieces again! I have several ideas on how to combine your group's various powers to do so already. . . But! As for your actual questions, it will be difficult unless I am already close or they are in the midst of doing something that takes a lot of mana, like unleashing their Noble Phantasms." 


"Actually, I believe I may have a solution for you. Among my troops, I have several diviners; they are kept at a minimum of combat duty to keep fresh intelligence flowing in as much as possible. Now that we know of at least some information about them," she nods at Nobunaga, "we should be able to scry their locations with more success than before. Though knowing their true names would make this easier still."


"If any of you are from Earth, they should still be drawn from its history. Although who knows how closely mine matches yours? They could be men instead of women in your world, or maybe they were never born at all! Or, the timeline could be exactly the same up to a certain point. You never know, really."

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LOTUS lets out an electronic sigh. "Isobel and I do hail from a place where Earth exists, and indeed I believe Isobel is from Earth. However, the descriptions we were given either exceed the scope of what happened in my Earth's history, or could apply to many figures. I can't identify any of the presently living servants, but I believe that the identity of the deceased Rider is probably Lu Bu -- I have done some learning about ancient tacticians and strategists, and he was a Chinese general who famously rode a red horse. Otherwise, I'm coming up blank. I haven't done much research otherwise on ancient mythology, unfortunately."


Isobel then timidly speaks up. "E-erm... please excuse the interruption, I... think I can contribute here. Nobunaga, could you tell me more about berserker...? I was born in Scotland, and there are a couple of famous figures in Celtic mythology that wield magical spears."

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"Wait!  I believe I recognise Saber!" Lexiel explains, "I was not born on an Earth, but I have visited them many times during my travels and read some of their history and legends.  I believe this Saber is the ancient Khan of the Mongol faction known as the 'Dothraki'.  Daenerys Targeryan, also known as the Queen of Dragons, who fought a war of conquest against the powers of Europe, all of whom worshiped a single god at the time.  I don't recall anything about her loathing magic specifically, but everything else fits, and the information I got on your abilities, Nobunaga, suggests that some Servant abilities are intrinsic to your class.  Maybe antimagic is part of being a Saber?  Or maybe I just didn't read that part of her story."

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Both Isobel and LOTUS got that look one gets when they can tell something's wrong but aren't quite sure what, Isobel organically and LOTUS by popping a small raised eyebrow over one eye.

"...I... do not think that's right. I've heard of Mongol khans but never of this "Daenerys Targeryan". As far as I'm aware, Genghis Khan, and... maybe some of his sons or grandsons, were the only ones to really fight Europe. I can't quite put my nonexistent finger on it other than, but I'm pretty sure that's not the correct answer. Ugh. This would be much easier if my Tactical Uplink was functioning, let me tell you."

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"The mad dog? He's a beast covered in spikes, that I've seen become even more horrifying with his Noble Phantasm. I believe he has at least two of them; his spear has some sort of powerful curse behind it as well. European, I think. And the few times I shot him, it seemed to hurt more than I'd expect on a monster like him, so I believe he's a demigod of some variety." She cocks her head a bit at Lexiel's theory. "I never heard of the Mongols conquering all of Europe - if they did, it was after my time." 



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"You shot him, hmm? Does that mean that his retaliatory ability doesn't apply on attacks made from a distance?"


"Famous European spearmen... famous European spearmen... uh, um, I apologize that my knowledge is fairly limited here, but I can name a couple. Try Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, or Achilles. I'm not sure how any of these three would relate to the abilities you described, but, well... they're the best I can come up with right now."

Edited by Powder Miner
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"Eh? No, he doesn't reflect damage, although who knows what he'll do to you if you get too close with a sword. The troops near him, though. . . That was a pain. Literally." She nods in response to Isobel. "Three possibilities are better than no guesses at all. I'm sure Lord Silef's diviners can work with that."

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Isobel let out another long breath. "Hmm... hmm... umm, I think I can narrow it down a bit between those three. Um, if we're talking about a berserker, I don't think it's very likely to be Diarmuid, because even if my knowledge of myth isn't as sharp as I guess it should have been, he was more the charmer type than the angry one, and Achilles was raging sometimes but for a very specific reason... I think I would recommend looking at Cu Chulainn first. As I recall, he had an itc... uh, okay, the simile I was gonna use wouldn't work, he was reckless and maybe a bit paranoid, he killed his son because he didn't identify himself fast enough, so he would be the most likely to be all berserk."

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Ghost had already more or less excused herself from their conversation by that point. She may have still been in the room physically, but her mind had set to focusing on matters far more engaging than the history of world she'd never known or even heard of before. She'd closed her eyes, and gradually, blocked out everything in the surrounding environment; every word, every color, every sensation, until at long last, the veil that was reality was stripped before her eyes, and all that stop before her, in it's stark, naked glory, was the true inner workings of this world...


It's Tonal Architecture. The ethereal resonances of all things that existed within it; the grass, the trees, the ground, even the many skeletal soldiers outside the fortress and the very people she was sharing the room with right now. She opened them again, and they shined with crimson light, their gaze distant, removed, as if she were in a trance, asleep with her eyes open. No longer was the a place of color, of vision, but one of sound. Pure, unadulterated sound, sound the likes of which, ordinary ears and minds could not even hope to perceive, sound the likes of which could very well change the very nature of the world itself, if one knew what notes to replicate, and in what order. They came in Pulses, and those pulses mingled together to form rhythms, and those rhythms to form hymns. And each Hymn, but a mere verse in the far grander song of creation itself. A Chord. A Resonance.

      Ghost could feel herself becoming lighter already, adrift in the sea of ancient, sacred noise, carried along it's currents, touring the many resonances all around. The Noble Woman, her's strong, resolute, like the blast of trumpets in the hail of a king's return from war, yet at the same time, something felt... hollow to it. As if beyond the surface, the Hymn changed, so significantly, it might not even be recognizable as one and the same. But Ghost cared not for the noble woman. And so she moved on before she could be bothered to listen any further.

      Next were the others in the room- the three who had accompanied her from the larger group. The Apparent Officer's, hers was not unlike the Noblewoman's, but Ghost sensed... something faded, something that once held far more sway within the mingled resonances of her song, but had already lost much of it's grip... and seemed for all the world to be losing even more as time went on. And from the traces of it that remained, it sounded like something black, twisted, the choking, mangled screams of countless... an acoustic burst of helpless fervor, that left her feeling as empty as the day she'd been told her child was dead and the mistrust that had been growing for her liege had been proven justified. And for that reason, and that reason alone, Ghost was glad for the Angel. Whatever her story might have been, she had obviously triumphed over the worse of the demons that once held her down.


Ghost only hoped she would have an opportunity to know the same triumph, someday. But she knew she would not. Not until things were answered, and many men were dead or wishing that death would visit them, but knowing the cry of his pale steed would never grace their ears. 


Then, the boy with the crown. His was by far, the most complex of all them. A hymn that despite it's overall Genial Nature, certain rhythms... were off key with their brethren. As if marred, scarred and withered by something, she did not know. But that was not the complex part. No, it was the many, many hymns that she sensed, all connecting to his own in a way that she had never seen before, not outside of the likes of Devas and their contracted Callers. But yet, even still, so vastly different, she knew not what to make of them. Either way, this... boy... this child whom she had kept free of harrying fire while he'd focused on playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with so many of the officers during their flight to this fortress... there was something far more to him than there seemed. 


The Last she turned her ears to were there girl and the talking slab she carried. What she heard, did not surprise her. The slab's verse was like a military cadence, succinct, clear, driven with purpose. But it was also a cadence song with cynicism and snark. As if by soldiers who may have mouthed words about power and valor, but in the end knew, that either some or all of them would not make it home alive from whatever battlefield they would find themselves in, and so would take whatever chance they had to feel at least somewhat in control of their destinies, defiant of whatever fate might have in store. The girl meanwhile was in stark contrast. Her Hymn was quiet, soft, almost... subdued by that of her companions. like the sweet nothings whispered upon a spring wind. But warm nonetheless, like a mother's lullaby. Something kind about it, but at the same time, it felt like something fragile, that acted at times as if it were solid stone. But a reliable stone nonetheless. There was not much more to hers than that. 


Finally however, Ghost had enough of her touring. It was time for business, time to get to the reason she'd drowned out the physical world to perceive it's hidden innerworkings to begin with. She turned her ear to the very earth itself. And like a mammoth's cry of acknowledgement, there they were. All of them, coalescing beneath the structure just as the Noble had said. Roaring, drowning noise, they were a mingled and chaotic mess, bearing a resonance that seemed constructed of a little of just about all things this world had to offer. For these lines, had been to all places it was possible for one's feet to carry, and then some. For all intents and purposes, they seemed to be the nexus of existence, carrying traces of everything. And the Resonance they carried... was massive.  Even through all the chaos though, she picked up on a pattern that seemed to dominate and subjugate the rest into the background. 


And what she heard was the story of an entire world, far bigger than the mere sliver they had found themselves stranded in. A world that had existed for a great many eras, and if left to it's own devices, would likely see a great many more, regardless who held the reigns of power on one continent, who fought wars with whom. A tale of a wild realm, that had never been subdued by it's inhabitants, but was merely waiting for their squabbles to someday run it's course, that it may swallow up that which they had originally taken from it to begin with, and return to the state in which it was in the days before there dwellers to even fill its space. 


And that... was what she needed. To understand. To hear. So that she might replicate, and alter. Taking a single breath, she let reality flood back in, her other senses again alive and flaring with the sudden onslaught of stimuli- light, heat, touch, the scent of sconces burning and the taste of the war torn air. But she bore it like was nothing at all. For to her, it was. Years, nay, decades spent delving beneath the surface, this rush was nothing like she hadn't already experienced in the times gone by.


Tama however, shuddered at the sheer extent of what they had heard. What they had felt. And shuddered even more when he recalled just how very capable Ghost was of ensuring he'd not taste a single of any of that power.


But he had to admit. She was a smart woman. A very smart woman. At times, she knew him too well...


She noted the Deva's reaction. And felt all the more resolute that whatever her plan would be when she actually drew from it, the Tiger would have no direct part. 

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"I think that talking things over too much might be a mistake.  Right now we have a massive advantage in that the enemy does not know of our capabilities or goals," Lexiel suggests, "The longer we wait, the more time they will have to prepare and adjust our plans.  I propose that we four put together squads tailored to strike at a specific one of these enemies, and then hunt them down before they can ready themselves.  My summons and ranged attacks might make me a good match for the one who harms all who strike him in melee, and I could likely mess with the head of the one who is fixated on the 'one god'.  My appearance tends to have that effect on zealots of that flavor."

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"Well, if it's squads we're doing, there'll need to be an opening to get them out into the field- without being slaughtered as soon as they leave the gates" As she spoke, her voice carried a peculiar undertone to it- a resonating tone that not even the keenest ears in the room would've picked up, but anyone with a decent sense for magic could likely detect. With one palm held open, a sphere of pure white pulsating essence formed there, ebbing and flowing like the tides of a sea, and a smile on her face bloomed with it, "at the very least, I could use these leylines to provide a distraction- a very large distraction -that should hopefully be enough to cover their deployment. And if no one else feels up to the task, I suppose I could try and find this supposed 'Assassin'. It's been a long time since I hunted a fellow killer..."

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The smile fades and is replaced by a hard look, the stare of a woman who's grown tired of such idle negotiations and is ready to finally do something to change the situation she's found herself in. The sphere of pure essence remains in her hand "Fine, but it has to be kept quick- she has a point. Every moment spent standing here, just talking about a plan instead of actually putting one into action, is one that our window to do anything at all in wanes. We've already taken more than enough time, by my assessment." That said, she turned and headed towards the door, clutching her fist closed and dismissing the energy she'd drawn- not even a mere fraction of a fraction of the vast wellspring waiting beneath the fortress.

     "I'll find a few of the more mystically inclined to help me create an opening for the rest of you, ensure it goes smoothly. And besides, having the more magically-versed among us going after this murderous witch is probably wise. Once you've all prepared and have made it out, we'll mobilize ourselves."

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"She has a point in that it's about time we got moving, because they have Caster and Assassin on their side the longer we take the stronger they can get. From the information we currently have, we can likely find Berserker, and since we've personally seen her, Assassin; and I want Assassin taken out of commission as fast as possible." He shifted his emoticon on his screen to Silef's direction. "Thanks to just the scarcity of information that we have right now, I want to go out and hit these two now, so if you could have your scryers look for the two of them, that would be fantastic. Once the search begins, I'm going to head out and start informing the others and choosing who our teams are going to be -- I'm getting an idea of the questions we need to ask. I could also search for anyone who might be able to pick up the descriptions of the other servants, but that path of action would take some time."

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"The name was Cu Chulainn? Very well." She waved one of her guards over. "Bring the names and descriptions that this Nobunaga provided to the diviners." The man bowed, and then hurried off through one of the doorways leading out of the room. Silef looks back toward LOTUS, and then at the rest of the group. "You should inform your troops of everything we have discussed here. My men will do their best to support your strike." She closed her eyes for a moment, and sighed. "If you help with this, I will allow you access to the vault that holds the Asterlux house's heirloom weapons and armor. It is only fair." 

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"Finally, getting something actually done..."


Ghost turned and walked out of the door after him. It was time to find a few helpers, and see just what things were like beyond the wall- of course there'd been ample opportunity earlier when they were out in the thick of it... but well, when one was riding on a burning platform made of books with smoke, spells, and the general haze of war clogging the air, not to mention visciosly fighting off enemy attacks in an attempt to survive... well, such a situation didn't really lend itself to taking in the full scope of the battle field.

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  • 3 months later...

Once Bridgett got back she started wandering around the Castle to find a quite place where shes could refile her cartridges. She eventually found her way to a part of the castles she hasn't been yet which she figured was the area with the war room. Not really seeing anyone around she found a private corner and set out her cartridges and started to refill them.

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Solomon entered inside of the room with all of the grace and tact of a man who is trying their best to not disturb their 'friend' and whatever possibly shameful activities they were doing too much with HG following closely behind him. And of course it didn't take too long for him to find Bridgett..as despite her best efforts she was still the only other person in the room that he wasn't dragging around the entire place. ((OOC: The last time she did this she mentioned how the room glowed, and also I have already cleared this with Rustytengo)) He would then slowly step off of his throne before he decided to make his presence known to the platinum haired woman with a hopefully polite cough. And a much less polite "Hey Bridgett! How have you beeeeeennnnn? And what are you doing right now?".

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For much the same reason as Bridgett, quiet, the exhausted Nessie wandered into the War Room. Excalibur dragged behind her, it's tip only just barely avoiding scraping the ground. Spying the rooms other occupants, she considered leaving. But she didn't have the energy left to search out another place of solitude in which to regain her energy. As such, she silently walked to another corner away from Bridgett's and sat down. Resting her back against the wall and her sword across her crossed legs, she shut her eyes and attempted to rest.

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Bridgett was enjoying the peace and quite she that the area was giving her though unfortunately that broke when she heard a cough. 


18 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

 "Hey Bridgett! How have you beeeeeennnnn? And what are you doing right now?".

 Bridgett jumped a little as Solomon spoke out to her causing her to bump one of her cartridges off the table(or what ever she was using) and roll away. She looked a Solomon blushing a bit in embarrassment "I...m fine. I was just refilling things of mine for the next fight.  Did you need me for something?" she responded.

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