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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The War Room (Social/Prep Phase)


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Hikari stays above the battle for the most part, casting her buffs and heals and occasionally following up on attacks when she can get a moment in-between. This works a lot better with the Pulse Rifle than it would with her normal spears since she doesn't need to try to dive-bomb the enemy to do this.


Victoria, on the other hand, is on the ground, albeit mostly in the back - ranged attacker, after all. She particularly aims for very threatening opponents, sniping priority targets - after all, her weapon is not a machine gun, so she can hardly spray and pray. 

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Ritsu decided to transform into her beast form, lashing out at any bone warriors that came to her path. A swing of her chainsaw-tail cleared out incoming foes as she moves towards the keep, and her teleportation allows her to avoid some of the archer fire.

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Venus tries to stick close to the back lines to prevent excessive focus to enemy fire -- tossing a Captive Audience at the Dragon Tooth Archers in the process for cover fire, knowing that his fastidious shots would aid little in a battle of such a scale.


Kino, on the other hand coordinates with Enma, keeping her sister and her spirits close in a defensive stance, mostly looking to silence and harrass the more troublesome melee attackers that were flanking towards them.


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The party's various attacks slowly clear a path through the army; the sudden strike by vehicle-mounted heroes caught them off guard, and they were able to make headway for those taking the slower route. Statues, some upright where they were petrified and some toppled in the midst of the fighting, dotted the area behind them, as well as slowly-thawing skeletons. The fliers would soon learn why simply flying over the army wouldn't work; the dragon tooth archers have unnervingly good aim and range, and a few of the officers started to conjure lightning bolts and spikes of ice to toss in their direction. The fireballs were directed instead at the book helicopter, slamming into it repeatedly and threatening to set the whole thing ablaze. Navin's detour toward the siege engine didn't meet as much resistance; while the enemy forces were beginning to rally, they were mostly focused on preventing any sort of relief force from reaching the keep ahead.


Magic and arrows started to fly out toward the party with increasing frequency, and the skeletons' seemingly mindless attacks grew more coordinated and better focused; someone (or several people) in the opposing army was directing them now, instead of the things just running on autopilot. Additionally, the human soldiers were proving to be a bit more competent and dangerous than their construct fellows; their armor was better at fending blows, and while they weren't quite as physically strong, their weapons were higher quality and they were harder to predict. 

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Laver Changes to Dark King's Accord, Activating Power Posture and Dead Man's Volley, Laver stands at the front of the Vehicle, Smashing away arrows and spells as a golden light shines from within his black flaming weapon, things that crash into him dealing damage, but not compromising his stance at all as he meets the most dangerous of attacks with his blade's edge.


The first attack he strikes would have been deflected into the crowded army, to be retorted or punished for in this new game of deadly tennis.


"I'll try to keep the stuff off of you guys, try not to let them beat me up too bad!"


Laver says as a nasty looking hit crashes into his leg, before being washed over with black fire to preserve his stance.




"Secret Technique go, Princess Explosion Assault!"


Wrapping a tail around the steering wheel so she can still control it, Dackly climbs out onto the hood of the truck, driving it into the air so she can Parry fireballs into the Truck's Engine block to feed it's Geomancy Flame further for a speed boost!


Gozer meanwhile, simply grabs the collar of Dackly's Vest, preventing her from falling into or off of the truck, and begins Dropping Deleterious Bombs into the Melee, the invisible explosives acting like flares, exploding as arrows are carelessly shot into them from below.


"That is not a real technique Dackly. You made that up."


"That's what a technique is, duh!"  Dackly retorts, swinging her club like a pool noodle at a particularly large fireball.

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This new development was particularly unwelcome by Aurora, as the flames began to slowly overtake the craft. Firing off a burst of healing starlight via Starsign: Virgo upon Laver, she turned her attention from trying to kill the archers to instead keeping the vehicle in tact. Drawing several Threads of Arachania from the spinnerets hidden on her wrists, she cast the golden strands outward in a complex web, falling upon the worst of the fires plaguing the book mobile before robbing them of their heat and energy, just as she'd done back on the barren world when Venus had requested she melt down and purify the golden trinkets he'd provided. 


Putting the current flames out however, wouldn't mean much in the long run if the damn knights just shot more at them. She turned her attention to the Albino woman, silver eyes transitioning to green as she called out, rather annoyed  "Stop focusing on the arrows, you fool! Arrows aren't going to burn us all to a crisp and send us to our deaths in a fiery crash~"


"Oh shut up, Cursed..." Ghost muttered beneath her breath. Despite all the spider had done, she still could not shake the initial impression out of her mind- how much the being resembled one of the Cursed races of her homeworld... resembled some half-man, half god-knows-what else hybrid born of the stock of criminals and worse, born of deeds heinous enough to warrant a fate worse than death as punishment. She certainly seemed to have the same murderous demeanor of one; in all honesty, the Caller doubted she'd ever be able to truly be at ease around her. Especially with this apparently two sided nature, where she showed exceeding coherence and articulation one minute and was little more than a hungering animal the next...

     Regardless how little she trusted the demi-god to not kill and consume her the moment she felt she'd outlived her usefulness though, the spider still had a point. She turned her instrument on the incoming blasts of fire and other spells instead, countering the knights magic with the power of her own Mantra, sending blast after blast of Resonating energies masked by harrowing sound bursts to meet the oncoming onslaughts alongside laver. 

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Morgan watched the bulbous wisp-like creature gorge itself on the magical energies impacting with the craft.  The thing had eaten so much in the last few minutes that it look almost tangible.  The thing puffed, repositioning itself with a slight huffing sound "Funny, it only ever does that when.." Morgan barely had time to lift his blade before a bolt of lightning slammed into it arcing to the craft and sending him staggering back.  He sighed in relief, he wasn't dead, a bit shocked, but not dead.

He turned to the others on the craft, his blade shimmering brightly in gold, pink, and purple hues. "I'm going on a walk, I'll be back in a minute." He then turned back around and with a slashing motion disappeared into the night.


*On the ground*

A particularly unlucky and lightning happy officer would have the unpleasant experience of a 300lb+ mage suddenly appearing behind them and slamming a magically charged great-sword(capable of burning through light vehicle armor at this point.) into their back, then disappearing just as quickly.

((Basically Teleport Splicer on one of the officers))






Friedhold sent out another sonic boom reflecting only a handful of the arrows flying at the truck.  He needed to try something new, so instead of another blast of air and sound he drew a small black pearl like object into existence and then threw it so it would detonate over the nearest archer group.  His hope was that the gravity well would grab the arrows out of the air and then release a rain of death over the archers.


It this worked well he would attempt to use it to redirect large amounts of arrows in between sonic booms.

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The approaching heat was a huge warning for Halley. While the fireballs were put down by the spider's webs, she figured that she should join the ghost-like woman's assault. She tried to get a good aim from above and fired at the spell-casting officers repeatedly, leaving a mess of explosions and smokes. Knowing her own gun's capabilities, she didn't expect them to go down in just a mere bombing raid, but it would still be good damage and hindrance to them.

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"Arrows wouldn't be a problem, but the ice and lightning will be more difficult." So, Edmond let himself fall back downwards, until he had reached about twenty feet above the ground. Once he had stabilized himself at this proper altitude, he circled around the stone vehicle that seemed to be carrying some of the group. From here, he rained shots down on the hordes of enemies. There were so many that he barely even needed to aim.


Liliya remained in the stone vehicle, doing what she could to slice at any warrior who got too close.

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Isobel Low and LOTUS

Having watched the figure in the armored suit fly up and get shot at, LOTUS made a note of the assault the (probable) man endured, and addressed him as loudly as he could, "looking" upwards. "I don't mean outright flying over the walls, I just want someone to be able to convey Isobel's PDA over the walls; I'll have her draw a certain image on it to give advice as to where to fire! On another note, while our human opponents are better armored, that armor, like all armor, has points of motion which are weaknesses if aimed well at! Looking at them, I can see a couple of them..." Having finished speaking at Edmond, LOTUS then pinpointed the weaknesses of the human soldiers for the others on the truck.


Listening to the small AI speak, Isobel frowned, but nodded, acknowledging that though drawing something that precisely would be hard, if she was pressed she could probably manage it. Then she peered at the castle, raised her chaingun arm, squinted at the castle walls, and did her best to judge the distance on a moving truck. "Hmmm... I wonder... how close would I have to be...?" She also then properly processed Sachi's question, the shy girl's query having been at the back of her head while she focused on her enemies and own tasks. "Oh! This may be a little selfish, but I'd appreciate it if you kept the ones attacking up close off me. I'm not much of a fighter."


Navin Mhasalkar

"Perfect! Thank you for your aid!" Smiling genuinely, Navin turned ever-so-briefly to thank Mitsurugi and Atton, before leaping forwards towards the siege engine he'd been advancing towards, the energy of his power tensely swirling around in the veins of his hand, in the fist that was raised in the air and hurtling down towards the siege engine he was striking at. "HYAH!" BOOM! All of that charged power erupted as the payoff of his new technique came, his fist hurtling in a heavy, timed punch onto the partially-constructed siege engine, a blow accompanied by a rather large blast, the effects of Navin's Patient Strike!

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Melina grit her teeth and hunkered down, straining to keep her barrier around the truck alive. Arrows pinged off the barrier harmlessly, but with increased intensity of barrages, the white light began to flicker with each incoming strike. She searched for that power again - that epiphany of memory, that last flickering wisp; but nothing replied. She had to protect them with her own power, not with that weird mysterious burst from earlier. Just human magic to boot for now. She took out a bitter root from her pouch and munched on it while Melina started to dosh out healing aura to the wounded on the truck. It was going to be a long haul before her next drink...

(Mass Heal and Phalanx)


Wyvis, on the other hand, was brimming with blood. "Acknowledged, LOTUS. Capitalising now." He received the weakness data of the human soldiers - there; weaknesses in the armour. He tracked a particularly tight group of human soldiers corralling their location, and adjusted his stance to an aggressive pose near the end of the flatbed truck . With brilliant vermilion light, his glaive began to glow, Oath literally feeding upon the blood of his fallen enemies. As he power boosted himself, he lifted the glaive up high, the usually silver blade dripping with thick blood. With one swift downward strike, Wyvis summoned a highly charged giant crimson blade, and crashed it against the humans soldiers.

(Fully charged Crimson Power paired with Power Bond applied to self)

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Solomon desperately tried to fend off the fireballs and lightning himself while piloting the craft for a while, before realizing how stupid of an idea that was after another section of the helicopter was replaced just before a fireball could enter through the open hole and incinerate everyone.

Rather fortunately he saw the youngish man try to fend off the fireballs with his sword for some odd reason and he decided that the last thing this young man would need is a magic induced acid trip.

Which is why Solomon cast his good old 'minor reality warping' spell on the poor, poor man before saying "THINK ABOUT SOMETHING POSITIVE!" and firing a missile made out of books at a nearby fireball slinging dick in plate mail.



In response to Navin's devastating blow Atton simply examined the other half completed siege engines currently on the field and shouted out the places he thinks Navin should hit them in for maximum effect while trying to keep the skeletal horde from swarming the three by simply firing at them as accurately as possible.

Edited by Cronos5010
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The various defenses of the book-helicopter seem to be succeeding; it hasn't fallen completely apart yet, and Laver's application of the Dead Man's Volley seems to have made an impact amongst the enemy spellcasters, knocking several of them back or sending them calling for healing. However, a couple, whether by careful observation, lucky guesses, or sheer luck, seem to have caught onto the game, and begin bouncing their attacks back toward Laver. The amount of focus on defending the vehicles, however, does come at a cost; the foes attempting to engage the party in melee press inwards, obstructing the path forward and starting to make more precise and less easily-deflected strikes at close range.


Morgan's warp at one of the officers sends the man to the ground bleeding; however, he launches a counterattack. A quickly shouted spell in some ancient language causes a mass of brambles to sprout from below, yanking the void walker backwards and entangling him as his soldiers divert their attention toward the one who'd attempted to strike down their superior. The risk they posed was somewhat blunted, however, as a crimson blade crashed down on them, scattering, slicing, and crushing. 


Navin's assault on the engine was spectacularly successful, blowing it apart in a single blow much as the defenders of the fort had done previously. However, he, along with the group that had assisted him, was now split off from the main body of the group; the officers not currently occupied with Laver's volleys or fending off absurd bibliographic assaults were starting to take advantage of this, circling about him and starting some longer incantations. 


Mitsurugi continued what she'd been doing previously, focusing on interrupting the officers even if she couldn't land a decisive blow. Likewise, Hiroki continued to pummel and blast her way on a straight path toward the gate; her armor was beginning to take some dents and scratches, but it didn't seem to be slowing the wannabe god down. Speaking of the gates, some sort of horn call echoed from the keep ahead, and the stern portcullis closing the fortification off from the field shuddered and began to rise. . .

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Using the speed boost gained from the fireball spells, Dackly swings the Truck down, swooping into a dive for whichever person has the nicest looking armor, then, she scoops them into the Dunce Cap, and throws it in the back.


"Restrain that kindly fellow!"


Dackly Shouts as the club clatters behind her, a presumably screaming man stuck inside it.


Meanwhile, Gozer has wrapped himself around the front bumper, and Gozer Dozers through anything that crashes into them with the low dive.




Sweat drips from Laver's Brow as he competes with multiple spheres, smashing them into one another to create one giant volley, even the masses should not compete with something like this.  One mistake could mean abject failure.

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Ghost continued her own attacks as the boy engaged in his deadly game of free-for-all tennis, firing off yet more and more blasts of sound and energy to intercept some of the rampant spells flying; she had seen how the projectiles seemed to grow stronger and stronger with each rebound, and she figured the more she could keep off of him, the more focus he could put into not getting fried.


And he most definitely looked on the edge of being fried.


Aurora meanwhile, continued to cast golden webs here and there around the bookcraft, wherever fires sprung up or smoke began to rise. Snake meanwhile, having somehow slept through most of the chaos, god knows how, rose his hooded head to inspect the ongoing battle and saw one thing, and one thing only: food. Glorious, fiery food. As Aurora took to sealing the flames that spouted, the Gaia Serpent drew on his natural abilities and opened his jaws wide, drawing in the fireballs and embers she missed with a strange, vacuum like force, swiveling here and there periodically to maximize the amount of flame that was absorbed into his mouth.

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Taking the siege engines, that's important. Edmond stared slightly stunned as a man apparently punched the siege engine apart. But, as strong as that punch had seemed, the group had been surrounded, and might be overwhelmed if the enemy could prevent them from reforming with the main group. So Edmond turned his attentions to the forces encroaching upon the isolated group. The HUD in his helmet set little circles of light over the enemies, allowing Edmond to precisely fire at the circle of enemies without hurting any of the heroes.



"Shit! Why're you throwing people at us?" Liliya reached out and, if the new inhabitant of the truck carried a polearm, reached out and hacked at his weapon with her flame-wreathed dagger. If he has a sword, she would try to get in close to this presumably disoriented man where his sword couldn't be maneuvered and would stab into the chinks of his armor.

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Halley pulled her attention to the circled group. She looked for the part of the enemy formation that was pulled thinner than the other parts and shot a paralyzing burst there, causing the formation to soften.


"Push through there!" She yelled at the circled group through her megaphone, hoping to get the message through.

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Solomon focused his efforts towards keeping the helicopter flying and heading towards the keep as fast as his magic would allow. While he did fire some potshots at the skeletal horde underneath him, he found it rather hard to do that while focusing on repairing the bits and pieces that were burned off the craft while also trying to keep the entire damn thing aloft.


Atton examined the surrounding terrain and realized that they were about to be swamped by enemy forces. While this would have worried most people, Atton was not most people. This is why Atton said "We need to rejoin the main group now" to the Indian from earlier, before hopefully running back to the main group with the man and firing off some well aimed shots (As well as you can aim while running anyway) at any skeletons that tries to get in their way.

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Lexiel attempts to put together a formation with her summons and Nobunaga to push forward more effectively, alongside any other allies who want to help.  Teamwork and discipline are critically important in quality versus quantity battles like this, especially for the side with the quality.


Samantha decides that the brute-force option might not be the best one.  She starts looking for enemies who look like they might be in charge, at least of groups of soldiers.  If she finds some, she'll use her Telepathic Suggestion to nudge them towards bad decisions, like sending their forces towards allies they have a bad match-up with, or not focusing fire effectively, etc.

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Anyone still straggling behind Mitsu's rampage gets quite a few curses placed on them by Empi; not of the usual fairy type, that of the baleful polymorphing and the rapid ageing type, but that of the 'locked in place by fairy dust' and 'rolling on the ground in sudden sexual frustration' type. She seems frustrated and annoyed by the situation she found herself in.

"Dammit, I'm a lover, not a fighter! Slow down a little! And hey, I'm helping! Kinda!"

<The boss does NOT pay me enough to deal with this shit.>




Sachi immediately gets on covering Isobel, placing her shield up and positioning herself between the girl and the enemies, her spear propped up and braced against her arm to force as much strength as possible on it. 

After all, this was the least she could do for Isobel, and protecting people was what she did best.

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Walmond had been basically creating a lightning storm with the amount of electricity he was throwing out. It was probably the best he could do, trying to shoot out enemy projectiles out of the sky, and so far he had been doing good. Sure, he had been forced to side step several arrows, but it wasn't the hardest-


Suddenly, Lambda had moved in front of Walmond, slashing upwards and cutting upwards with her sabers, catching a single arrow and splitting it almost evenly down the middle, the two halves flying in opposite directions, both barely missing Walmond's head. With her master more or less safe now, she went back to doing what she was doing before... Specifically, grabbing any skeletons and then throwing them off the side of the edge, either taking the time to crush them between her clawed fingers or just skipping to the throwing part.


After a split second of appreciation for his creation and it's successful attempts at negating a headshot on him, Walmond turned and went back into blasting the sky with electricity.

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The jetbike-mounted idol continues to do what she's been doing - healing and buffing whenever she could, and doing her best not to get shot down - she probably wasn't as much a threat as the helicopter thing, but was probably an appealing target to those not in range of it. 




On the ground, Victoria calmly continues to fire even as the enemies make it into melee range. Without missing a beat, she switches target from the officers to the nearest enemies, shooting anything that gets close and switching back to shooting ranged attackers if there's nothing near her. 

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Hayle Aster


Noticing the enemies now swarming Navin's she knew she had to help. Using a large gust of a snowy blizzard she launched herself into the middle group before launching the icy storm at the enemies surrounding them. Consuming all enemies close by within her reach while also being careful not to take any allies with them.


Jade O'Duffle


Seeing Halley's paralyzing blast through the mooks Jade thought he may as well help. Shooting any left standing in opening pushing forward as he does so. Best be sure to make it easier for the rest to push forward.

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Navin Mhasalkar

Navin didn't hesitate in using the opportunity he had been given to start clearing that path -- though he wasn't just going to leave the other two there, he did intend to create a way out, and that he did by approaching an officer next to the paralyzed one and readying his hands in a pushing motion... before using directional explosions on each hand to send him flying with speed and force to push the officer several feet away with a Rocket Shove. "Come on, this way!" he shouted to Mitsurugi and Atton.


Isobel and LOTUS

Isobel sat there for a moment, before looking at the castle and nodding and then speaking up. "If I can get covered and close enough, I can try to climb up the castle with my hookshot! I guess it would be kind of vulnerable but I'm quick and I don't think it would take me real long to move up if I did it well! Uh, for now, though..." She turns and then has the bright idea to use the hookshot as a weapon this time, bracing herself onto the truck and then firing it at one of the nearby officers. 

Edited by Powder Miner
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Morgan started to pull against the thorns but quickly decided he'd do better to not as the thorns began to tighten and twist as he struggled.

He weighed his situation for a moment, trapped in magical thorns, surrounded by armed men, and standing next to a mage who could take a hit.

All and all he came to the conclusion that it was time to leave, so leave he did.  Warping away by punching a hole in the veil and likely taking more than a few pieces of bramble with him, a bit less precise than he would have liked but if it works it works.

Morgan's intended target would be to warp to the book hovercraft, then begin healing those that may be hurt.





After the third use of gravity well Friedhold sat back down on the truck bed exhausted, expending so much energy at once was very tiring.  He pulled out his Eve hypo and injected the thick blue liquid, the effect was immediate, giving him the energy to stand and continue fighting for a while longer though he opted to use the gravity well a little more sparingly.

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