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Help what can I do


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So right now I'm at the Demon Galvantula Boss fight and I can't exactly beat him because he just one hits almost my whole team, and from another thread I've seen that a Ground type helps, but being the dumb person I am I saved in the Portal thing so I can't soft reset and get out, Is there anything I can do? If I can't I'll just restart the game over if that's my only option. (Really don't want to though since I sr for an Axew ;w;)

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my advice would be a few layer plan:

1) battle with Venam

2) if you can, put a status on him, like poison or burn.

3) hope fot the best


it's a tough fight to the point where Solaris would probably hire Zetta for team meteor if he saw it, but in general it is doable

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