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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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To Richard

You find a number of willing participants and a couple of guards, and are shown the way to the stockpile to collect your equipment.

To Maris

You find a small nook in the corner of a building underneath a tree, that still has a good view of the square,

To Yautja + Ragash

"Thank you???" he replies to Ragash.
 He then points to the west "Over there is The Marooned Schooner tavern and around the corner is the Avandrian Hostel inn, I sent a messenger to the inn to organize seven rooms just before."

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Richard would immediately starts to collect and tally the equipment he has available and starts to try his best to organize the volunteers he has into one long bucket line.


A few moments afterwards Richard would then try to motivate the volunteers by throwing the first bucket of water on the first fire after travelling outside of the market.


((OOC: Richard helps out with the bucket line he tries to organize for as long as he can hold out))

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yisan nods to the drow and says "m'lady i am deeply grateful you helped us with that ogre, should you ever require my assistance i shall do my very best to help, i would also like to know more about you but that can wait for a bed calls for me" and i walk of following the halfling.

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To Richard + Althea + Maris

While you are off on your own, a messenger comes up to to inform each of you that there is a room booked for you at the Avandrian Hostel and the directions to get there. Courtesy of Commander Markus.


To Everyone

When you eventually aproach the Avandrian Hostel, you see a large three story structure, with warm light flooding out from the bottom floor. Inside you find a large busy common room with a raging fire, As you enter a middle aged halfelf with a scar down his right cheek greets you. Upon inquiring about your room a keyring bearing the symbol of Avandra and a set of directions, leading upstairs, are given to you. 

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Richard had spent quite a bit of time making sure that the bucket chain he created could face off against the fires in the area he was assigned and sticking around long enough to help out with the chain. 


After receiving the message I eventually thanked the messenger and walked into the hostel, and after receiving the directions and a key I would say "Have you seen a half elf cleric here? Her name is Althea".

After saying that and receiving an answer he would presumably find a seat and wait for her and possibly others to arrive.

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Ragash headed to the inn after a bit of waiting around to see if she was needed for anything.


Once she got there she got her room key and headed up to her room to well not sleep because elf but she wasn't going to pass up a bed she rarely got to lay on one of those.

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To Althea
About an hour later, one of the other clerics taps you on the shoulder. "Go get some sleep child, you look like you could fall asleep any moment. We wouldn't want you to make any mistakes because of that. Besides I think we have seen the worst of it, it seems to be calming down now. May The Dawnbringer's light shine bright and illuminate any darkness in your path. "

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12 hours ago, lifesapity said:

To Althea
About an hour later, one of the other clerics taps you on the shoulder. "Go get some sleep child, you look like you could fall asleep any moment. We wouldn't want you to make any mistakes because of that. Besides I think we have seen the worst of it, it seems to be calming down now. May The Dawnbringer's light shine bright and illuminate any darkness in your path. "

Althea was about to insist, but notices that there are no more injured to treat. She then tells one of the clerics: "Alright, could you please deliver a message for me? Tell them that I knocked two goblins unconscious and I would like them imprisoned so that the next day, I can interrogate them. So Althea heads where everybody else headed. She notices Richard, grabs her key, and sits next to him with a bit of a sad look on her face.


"Man, what a mess..." she pauses. "It's my fault what happened back at the Tavern. If I hadn't thrown that sleep medicine so predictably. I guess there's no use blaming myself....you know....I think I want to stay here for a while, you know, at least until tomorrow...I want to interrogate them. Find some info about the Red Hand and what they plan to do. I have a feeling a war is coming. And...I want to do what I can to destroy them....." she said as she clenched her fist.


She then looks at Richard with the same look on her face, but with determination and commitment: "I know you said you wanted to head to Sayre, but....that might change...And if possible, I want you to stay...." she paused and then asked: "Will you help me?"

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Richard did what he thought would be appropriate for the situation and kissed kissed her hand before saying "I wasn't planning on leaving you here in the first place m'lady, now I think this is an appropriate time to go to sleep, we will have a lot of work to do tomorrow".

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5 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

Richard did what he thought would be appropriate for the situation and kissed kissed her hand before saying "I wasn't planning on leaving you here in the first place m'lady, now I think this is an appropriate time to go to sleep, we will have a lot of work to do tomorrow".

"Yeah, I guess you're right...." and with that, Althea kisses Richard's cheek, walks to her room, and falls asleep on her bed, trying not to worry about anything else.

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As you sleep, your mind relives your past experiences. Both of the battles the night before and everything leading up to it. When each of you wake up you feel a little stronger.

Morning arrives, when you head down stairs you are told your complimentary breakfast will be ready soon.

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On 7/14/2017 at 8:09 AM, lifesapity said:

As you sleep, your mind relives your past experiences. Both of the battles the night before and everything leading up to it. When each of you wake up you feel a little stronger.

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Morning arrives, when you head down stairs you are told your complimentary breakfast will be ready soon.

what about rustytengo?  also i shall update my character


Yiasn thanks the informer profusly and begind to indulge himself on eggs, bacon, bread, milk, sausage, berries, ect.

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