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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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"Your mother is probably fine, unless she lives in this town, then you would have to check yourself. I haven't heard any reports of any attacks on the surrounding towns, beyond the normal bandit raids of course."
"I have no idea what their plans are only that they serve someone named Sinruth, and they are calling them selves the Red Hand. If you go to the market square I believe the commander had all the prisoners put in stocks, you could ask them there or you could track the hoard yourself shouldn't be too hard."
"Yes I would love Sinruth's Head on a pike so I could show the fate of the one who ordered the attack to those in grief, however rescuing those that were captured is of greater importance to me right now."

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Richard replied by simply shifting in place for a bit before saying "Of course Sir, I do not know what the goblins are planning with those hostages, but I'll make sure to try and help with thwarting it.".

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"I was going to go after the runts anyway like I said I made a promise that I'm going to keep, and saving someone from that list that promise so I get the others as well." Ragash said with as she begun to fiddle with a strand of her hair again.


"Well I guess we get to go and make some runts squeal the." She said casually to the others.

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20 hours ago, rustytengo said:

"I was going to go after the runts anyway like I said I made a promise that I'm going to keep, and saving someone from that list that promise so I get the others as well." Ragash said with as she begun to fiddle with a strand of her hair again.


"Well I guess we get to go and make some runts squeal the." She said casually to the others.

And with that, Althea headed out to go to the market square to go talk to the commander: "Hey sir, where have you held the goblins?". She couldn't afford to wait for Richard.

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As the rest of you turn to leave, Eoffram raises his hand.
"Before you go, don't think I will let you do this for free, as I said I'm trying to show the council you can hire adventurers to do good work."
"I am offering 15gp for each town member you return safely, 10gp for each treasure from the Great Hall of Valor returned and 60gp if you manage to bring me Sinruth's head."
"As well as letting you keep, any other treasure you can take from the cold dead hands of those bastards, of course."

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5 minutes ago, lifesapity said:

As the rest of you turn to leave, Eoffram raises his hand.
"Before you go, don't think I will let you do this for free, as I said I'm trying to show the council you can hire adventurers to do good work."
"I am offering 15gp for each town member you return safely, 10gp for each treasure from the Great Hall of Valor returned and 60gp if you manage to bring me Sinruth's head."
"As well as letting you keep, any other treasure you can take from the cold dead hands of those bastards, of course."

This is surely going to bring competition and possibly one of us may turn against each other. Althea thought to herself as she waked out.

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Richard considered the offer for a very short moment before offering the half elf  named Eoffram a handshake and saying "Well I am personally fine with that amount, Is it fine if I head out to interrogate the prisoner now?".

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Ragash looked at the bard and Barbarian "Well lets go make those runts squeal shall we?" She asked with a laugh as she heads towards the door. "Oh you can come to baldy." She says to monk before leaving the room.



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with yisan being the last one to leave he looks towards the councilman and says. "i will not accept your gold but i insist you give my pay towards the drow, halfling, and ... well i guess the monk .... he just needs some more confidence in his ability to crush skulls with his hands." he then leaves and muses to himself " i bet not a single one knows how to perform a proper interrogation"

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Richard followed Althea as the pair went to look for the goblins they had incapacitated the night before...and he took mental stock of the materials he could potentially use to speed up the process as he presumably found the cells where they were kept, and had a long conversation with the guard about why the two of them are here, and whether or not the guard can provide some boiling water.

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As you approach the Market Square you were kept in the night before, you see that four sets of stocks have been setup along one side, inside the sets of stocks is one of the goblins you captured, two more goblins you don't recognize and another creature that looks much larger then the rest, where the goblins only reach about 4ft and have yellow skin this other creature if it was standing straight would probably stand over 6ft and has a dark red/brown skin tone, this is a hobgoblin.

You see many townsfolk walking around the square, as you watch one walks up to the hobgoblin and spits in its face causing it to snarl.
Each set of stocks has a guard on watch within a few feet of it, inspecting the prisoners you see their wounds from last night’s battle have been bandaged, but a number of tomatoes on the ground near them and on the surface of the stocks indicate that their treatment hasn’t been completely kind. Etched into the wood of each of the stocks is a shield emblazoned with the head of a dragon, the symbol of Bahamut.

The guard turns to Richard, "We are here to protect the prisoners , after all, we need them to be healthy and reasonably well treated for trial."
His eyes narrow as the conversation continues, "Why would you need boiling water?"

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yisan arrives just as he hears the guard say "Why would you need boiling water?" he then rushes up and says "it will be for the tea that i will be drinking while i interrogate the prisoners." i then glare at the paladin and say " i told you to get the water! not hand it off to someone else!" "i beg your pardon sir but he is a little lazy and does not take orders well."

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"So what way are you planning this Yisan the carrot or the stick?" Ragash said as she walked up next to the bard. "The hobgoblin will probably know more then the others. Though it might be harder to break." She finishes after she looked over the prisoners.



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Richard rolled his eyes at the bard before saying "Oh fine then, the boiling water won't be necessary if with him around"


He then looks at the halfling over for a moment before quietly saying "How terrifying can you seem at a moment's notice? People usually respond well to questioning if there is a murderous bastard with a javelin who could kill them at any moment, and the bard could make a decent  'help me help you' type, no better way to make people talk than by making them feel like it is the only way they could get out of this alive...".

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Althea then asks the goblins that are being held a few questions: " I have some questions for you. We can do this the hard way or easy way. See, if you refuse to answer, one of my friends here will...do something unaimaginable. However, should you co-operate, you may get treated a bit better. That being said, here are my questions:

1) You guys took hostages. Got any idea where they are being held?

2) Who is the Red Hand?

3) What are your plans?

4) Why did you attack this village?


As she asked the questions, Althea had a very intimating look towards the goblins.

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Richard shrugged after not getting much of a response from the halfling and went up to the hobgoblin and proceeded to immediately punch it as hard as he can on its face, before pointing at the halfling barbarian and shouting "You don't recognize him do you? This bastard took on a fucking ogre and killed the damn thing, and all of the goblins protecting it while on fire! And you know what? None of your tribe is here, Sinruth and his Red Hand are scared, too yellow bellied to come back here and finish the job properly like a real warlord would!." He then stood up straight and hit the hobgoblin again before continuing with

"So tell me what you know about Sinruth's plan for the hostages, and where you are keeping them, or I will personally make sure that the bard over there records your chieftain as an idiotic little girl, and make sure that at least one man would stay here and sing it for as long as it takes, and as badly as he can, until your mind is nothing but an endless stream of the word Widdle! Ya hear me?".


Watch me fail to succeed on my roll guys

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10 minutes ago, Cronos5010 said:

Richard shrugged after not getting much of a response from the halfling and went up to the hobgoblin and proceeded to immediately punch it as hard as he can on its face, before pointing at the halfling barbarian and shouting "You don't recognize him do you? This bastard took on a fucking ogre and killed the damn thing, and all of the goblins protecting it while on fire! And you know what? None of your tribe is here, Sinruth and his Red Hand are scared, too yellow bellied to come back here and finish the job properly like a real warlord would!." He then stood up straight and hit the hobgoblin again before continuing with

"So tell me what you know about Sinruth's plan for the hostages, and where you are keeping them, or I will personally make sure that the bard over there records your chieftain as an idiotic little girl, and make sure that at least one man would stay here and sing it for as long as it takes, and as badly as he can, until your mind is nothing but an endless stream of the word Widdle! Ya hear me?".



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Watch me fail to succeed on my roll guys



Althea was shocked to see Richard punch the hobgoblin in the face.


Also I rolled 15 for Intimidation just thought you should know


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I stare at Richard, with an evil grin, holding a knife, the tip playing upon my fingers, my breath quick and heavy, the eyes burning with a fury as I declare loudly "I AM NOT A BASTARD!" Stabbing the knife right into the wooden post as close to Richard as I can, then I turn and walk away. "Yisan, let me know when you need me"

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