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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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Maris ducks under the incoming grabby hands from Yautja and sneaks down the corridor, trying to get close enough to make his move without upsetting the drakes.  (Stealth roll 8!).  He readies an action to use his clothes as a net/flail to knock down and entangle drakes that try to swarm him.

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To Maris @DragonRage

The Drakes keep their eyes focused on you as you come up the stairs, they start hissing but but they don't move to attack.

You watch as pieces of flesh and bone are torn off Richard's body and taken into the nearby alcoves. His hands, disfigured,  lie open,  whatever he was carrying, taken.

Edited by lifesapity
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Maris charges towards the drakes and Richard's corpse, swinging his robes like a net!  He intends to trap/stun the drakes long enough to get a piece of Richard's body and run for his life to safety.

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Ragash follows after Althea and Maris as they headed up the stairs ready to burn any of the drakes that might come at them with magic. She all ready got one person killed do to her wants so she figure it would be a good thing to at least do her best to protect the other's if she could. 

Edited by rustytengo
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With two swift strikes Maris breaks the bones in Richards hand, in response one of the swarms moves towards Maris and starts biting at his flesh, but they can't seem to find purchase.
He reaches down grabs on of the fingers that the drakes had already started to bite off and rips it off the rest of the hand and turns and runs down the stairs past Ragash, as he does the swarm lashes out one final time but his swaying clothes intercept their strike.

More pieces are ripped off Richard as they tear his body apart and take the chunks into the alcoves.

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Maris considers casting Druidcraft to help ward the drakes off with some skunk stench, but then he realizes that he left his only casting focus behind.  Resolving to ask someone to cut him a quarterstaff the next time he gets a chance, the monk rejoins Ragash and Althea.  "Well, that was bracing," He states calmly, "It seems the Dao smiles upon us today.  Excellent.  If I passed through the wheel now, I would feel like I'd abandoned you."  He dresses as quickly as he can, and stows his razor and bowl back in their pockets.  Then, he finds a third pocket, as far from his bowl as he can manage, for the finger.  "Ugh.  I'll need to wash my robes soon, and get the meat off that.  It is... dripping.  I do not like it.  But for Richard's sake I shall persevere."

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  On 9/2/2017 at 3:51 AM, rustytengo said:

Ragash frowns and follows Maris pulling a little on Althea 

"Come on we did what we could. He wouldn't want you to die." She said trying to get her to follow them.



"NOOO!!! He promised to protect me! I can revive him!" she said as she cried. She then picked up Richard's body and said: "Let's get out of here! I'll revive him once we're safe" she said as she tried to remain strong.

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  On 9/2/2017 at 9:51 PM, lifesapity said:

@Cool Girl

As Althea aproaches the top of the stairs, she looks around and Richard's body is gone... all the drakes left behibd is a red smear where they pulled his body parts into the alcoves. 


Althea notices a red smear. She then thought Maybe if I use Spare The Dying on the red smear, he'll come back. So, Althea decides to give it a try. 

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