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Ice Type Mono Run! Winter Is Coming To Reborn!


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Journal Entry 3 - Ice VS Electric! Battle For The Volt Badge


HA! This might be a short journal entry but I got my first badge today. And while I like and respect Julia, she is TOOOOOOO easy. I literally only needed my Smoochum and Amaura to beat her full team of Electric types. I now have in my possession a Volt Badge.


After I came out of the gym, Victoria told me there was stuff going on in the Obsidia Ward. Something about plants comeong alive and attacking people. Ohh yea. I never spoke about her. Ok. A little backstory. While I was resting up, I met her and after she got her Pokemon from Ame, we decided to have a battle. To make it more fair, I used only one of my Pokemon to fight her Pokemon. I chose Snorunt and she chose her Tepig. It was back and forth but I couldn’t get the win. Then afterwards, she told me she was going off to challenge the gyms and we said our good byes to each other. But yea. Right now I’m in the Grand Hall at the moment. But pretty soon, I’m gonna go to the Obsidia Ward and solve that problem.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 18
Powder Snow
Icy Wind
Ice Shard
Double Team


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 18
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 19
Powder Snow


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 18
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 18
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 19
Powder Snow
Icy Wind
Rock Throw
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 4 - The Scrafty Gang And Oshawott Saved


So right now, I’m in the PokeCenter in the Coral Ward. It’s been pretty weird here so far. The plants are ripping through the streets! It’s fucking crazy! But I probably wouldn’t have been able to get here without Florina. Police were blocking the entrance to the Obsidia Ward but she told them that I was helping with the problem so I was allowed in. After that, I explored the ward. Doesn’t look good but again, the destruction I see… It kinda looks cool to see. Again, I know that makes me sound like a jackass but it’s just how I feel.


Anyways, I had to go down because there was no way to get to the other side of Obsidia Ward. I ran into Victoria and she told me that if I wanted to get to the other side, I had to go through the Slums. But she wouldn’t let me go without battling her. Of course I beat her and I was able to go through.


The Slums were really interesting! This seemed like a place where some of the homeless of this region would stay in. But that wasn’t the most awesome thing about this place. There was a Scrafty Gang here! Well… The gang leader was a Scrafty while the others were Scraggy’s but still! It was awesome! Before I was able to exit the Slums, I had to beat them all in a Pokemon Battle. Luckily, I was able to beat them and both me and Scrafty fist bumped. I think I am now part of that gang. Fuck yea!


Anyways, after I exited there, I had to come down to here because the Police were blocking the north road. While exploring Coral Ward, I came across this girl and an Oshawott that was trapped on a lighthouse land type of thing. Apparently, the water is too toxic for it to swim over here. I was about to send out my Delibird when my dude Cain came walking up. He told me that the chick’s name was Amaria and she was a very high ranked Gym Leader.


Ohh yea. Cain. I don’t think I mentioned him. Quick back story with me and him. While I was resting up at the Grand Hall, I ran into him and he called me cute. Yeeeaaa. That was awkward but hey. I ain’t gonna judge him. He is who he is and I respect that. Purple kinda suits him too. Anyways, he challenged me to a battle and I only used one of my Pokemon since he only had a Nidoran at the time. I chose my Snorunt. It was a tough battle and I wasn’t able to beat him. He told me I was a great battler and that he couldn’t wait to battle me again sometime in the future.


So yea. That’s how me and Cain met. Anyways, Amaria told him the trouble with the trapped Oshawott. He sent out his Grimer and was able to rescue the Oshawott. I gotta admit, that was pretty fucking smart and cool. But since he saved Oshawott, it wanted to come with him. After some pleads from Amaria, he decided he’d take it. It still looked scared though so she suggested that he use it in a battle against me. We battled and I came out victorious! Amaria was amazed at how strong I was and Cain acknowledged how much stronger I’ve gotten as well.


He left and then Amaria told me she was going to go meet Florina at the Obsidia Park. I told her I was looking for her too. She told me Florina talked about me helping them with this situation. She said she’d wait for me with Florina and went up ahead. I decided to rest up at the PokeCenter for a bit. I’m gonna be leaving in a couple of minutes to go up. We’re gonna stop all this plant life!

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 20
Icy Wind
Ice Shard
Double Team


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 21
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 21
Powder Snow
Heart Stamp


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 20
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 20
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 20
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Rock Throw
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 5 - Grass... And More Grass... AND MORE GRASS! (Ice VS Grass! Battle For The Canopy Badge!)


Well today has been eventful. I battled a mutated Tangrowth which was the cause of the plant life, had to take on that jack ass Fern and beat Florina for her Canopy Badge. I suppose I should start from the beginning though.


I left Coral Ward and went up north. The police left so I was able to continue. I soon spotted Amaria and Florina. The park was all vines and plants. It was wild! Those two went up and I heard them starting to scream. I walked up and saw some dude in black with a Tangrowth in a machine. The dude told me his name was Zero, Eve and Lumi… And then ZEL. I guess he has multiple personalities but is aware of it? I don’t know but it was weird. He or they challenged me to a battle. It was actually pretty tough. He used the Tangrowth but then it mutated into this… I don’t know but it was freaky. Even for me! It knocked out half my team but I was able to defeat it. Anyways, after the battle, he vanished and everything returned back to normal. Or at least somewhat normal. Amaria thanked me for releasing both her and Florina and left. Florina told me she’d wait for me at her gym, which was in the Onyx School.


After I rested up inside the PokeCenter, I ran up to the Trainer school in the Onyx Ward but when I went into the building, guess who was there. That bitch ass Fern! He blocked the way and had his little gang try to stop me from fighting Florina for her badge. But I’m too good. I blasted right through them. I reached Fern and he told me I wasn’t good enough. I already beat him once! He challenged me to a battle. Of course I swept the floor with him. He then started bitching about something but I wasn’t paying attention. He then said he’d take on the gym challenge and stormed off. Thank god!


After that, it was time to challenge Florina. I got to be honest… She was a tougher battle than Julia. Despite having a disadvantage, she managed to knock out half my team. That Ferroseed and Cradily of hers were surprising to me. But still, I was able to come out victorious and obtained the Canopy Badge. Afterwards, she asked me if I could try to solve the situation in the Jasper and Beryl Wards. It was the same here except apparently, it’s worse there. I accepted. So now I’m resting up here before I go up to the Jasper and Beryl Wards. But seriously… I hope I don’t have to fight another Grass Type for a long time!

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 24
Ice Fang
Ice Shard
Double Team


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 25
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 25
Powder Snow
Heart Stamp


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 24
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Metal Claw
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 24
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 25
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Rock Throw
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 6 - Double PULSE Machine Destruction


Today has been a busy day. I got up to the Jasper Ward and as soon as I entered, I could see the destruction. I was in awe. It looked bad but… I couldn’t help but enjoy looking at the destruction. But I knew I had to stop this. And I knew what was causing this. The Tangrowth inside the PULSE Machine. Ohh yes. The police station was there and I decided to enter it. The Police Chief there talked to me until one of his Police Officers came in and noticed me. He told the Chief that I had helped with the Obsidia Ward situation. The Chief then asked me to look for the rest of his Police Officers and I agreed.


I got some training in with my Pokemon and then I did some traveling through the destroyed buildings. I came out of one and entered a forest. I was going through the forest and I saw some of the Meteor Grunts. Good. I was going in the right direction. I traveled deeper into the forest and finally saw the PULSE Machine with the Tangrowth in it. But there was another person there. He called me over. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days but whatever. He told me more stuff about the machine and also admitted that he’d rather just let the Tangrowth go. But he had orders to eliminate me so we battled. HA! Him eliminating me? Laughable. After beating him, he stated that there was another machine like this up in the Beryl Ward and he left.


As I was going to leave, I saw this little girl and she yelled at me for taking out the bad guys. What else was I supposed to do?! Just let them do what they’re doing? She then sent out her freaking Salamence and flew up to the Beryl Ward.

I got back to the Jasper Ward and decided to do some more training. But while I was training, something amazing happened. My Smoochum evolved! She’s now a strong newly evolved Jynx and I think she’s got more sass now. I sent out my Sneasel to look at its friend. Those two are best friends after all. Sneasel jumped up and down for joy and they both did the thing where the lean against each other and gave a thumbs up.


I traveled up to the Jasper Ward and of course, it was all destruction too. I traveled into a forest but there was some kind of trap and I fell into a hole and was unconscious. Ohh great. That felt good. I woke up in a cage with a couple of Nuzleaf laughing at me. They left and I was stuck. A couple of minutes passed by and… Unfortunately, Fern came by laughed and then ran off. The fucking ass! He came back and told me he didn’t want to laugh in my face. Whatever. I told him to just let me out and he told me only if I beg for it. I told him to fuck off and just open it. This asshole actually had the balls to just leave there. I was furious. After another couple of minutes, a Chatot came by and let me out while chanting “Release Frieza.” I think that was Taka’s Chatot.


Anyways, I went through the forest I reached to where there was yet another PULSE Machine. Ohh goody. More of them. Except this time, there was that weird dude ZEL, Taka and another Team Meteor Grunt. As they were talking to me, that little girl came down and her and that Team Meteor Grunt started to battle. Ohh. And her name is Heather apparently. I was left battling both Taka and ZEL. It was really tough but I was able to beat them. Afterwards, they both fled, leaving the lone Meteor Grunt to run away with that girl after him.

He didn’t get far though as the Police Chief with his Police Officers stopped him. And yes. I did, in fact, find all five Police Officers. Well… One was dead inside a hole in a library but I don’t want to get into that. Anyways, the Police Chief pulled the hoodie off and Heather exclaimed that it was her father. The Police Chief also informed us that his name was Corey and that he was one of the Reborn Gym Leaders. Heather ran off and Corey told all of us that if we want to find him, go to his gym. The Police Force ran off towards the Gym as I am now resting at the PokeCenter. I’m going to challenge him tomorrow for the badge. The Police Force can do what they want with him AFTER I win my badge.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 31
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 31
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 31
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 31
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Metal Claw
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 30
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 31
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 7 - Ice VS Poison! Corey's Demise


Today has been… Not really a great day. I’m back in the PokeCenter in the Beryl Ward. I entered the Gym today. Apparently the Police Officers got sprayed with some kind of gas and they were acting like zombies. I got them to come back to their senses and as well solved the gym puzzle. Which only took like 2 minutes. I found Corey and he told me that he didn’t want to be bothered. I told him I just wanted his badge and then the Police would deal with him. He scoffed and told me to meet him in the stage room.

As I got there, he started talking about stuff. I didn’t really care though. He was a criminal and didn’t deserve to be listened to. But as the battle was about to be started, a gas was sprayed throughout the room. Anytime I sent out my Pokemon, they’d get poisoned! What a cheater! But I showed him! I was able to beat him with half my team surviving. Afterwards, he ran out and told me to meet him at the Beryl Bridge. I was preparing to catch him for the Police to talk into custody but when I got to the Beryl Bridge, I saw something shocking.


As I got closer to him, I saw that all of his Pokemon were out. He told them all to leave and that he didn’t need them anymore. He then told me that he really only joined Team Meteor was to keep a Ruby Ring he bought for his now dead wife. She was pregnant and when she was giving birth to Heather, apparently the doctor killed her for the ring and was also apparently a member of Team Meteor. So he offered to work for them as long as he could keep the Ruby Ring. Before I could say anything though, he told me to watch over Heather and that she has the Ruby Ring. He jumped up on the ledge and… Jumped. I never saw anything like it.


As I was trying to process what I just saw, jackass Fern walked up and insulted Corey. He was there to challenge him for the badge. That’s when I realized I never got the badge. Fern told me that he fell into the Lapis Ward. But then all of a sudden, a lot explosion happened. Fern left for the Grand Stairway. I came here. I just need time to collect myself.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 31
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 31
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 31
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 32
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Metal Claw
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 31
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 32
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 8 - Rescuing Victoria And Visiting The Orphanage/Psychiatric Center


I’ve made it to the Lapis Ward’s PokeCenter. It’s been crazy here so far. First, I saw the now destroyed Grand Stairway. It was very scary to see it blown up. Then, I looked around more of the Ward and saw Victoria and the Gym Leader Shelly at her gym but the outside… Corey’s body was there. I ran up to them and Victoria was trying to comfort Shelly. Then two of the Meteor Grunts came and checked the body! Fuck them. When they ran off, this weird entity appeared and took Corey’s body and disappeared with it. And it has a name! Shade. How very fitting. I followed Shelly and Victoria into Shelly’s Gym. Victoria talked to Shelly and then told me she found it odd that Team Meteor was checking on a dead body. She decided to check the Grand Stairway and I followed. Don’t want her to be careless.


When I finally got there, I saw the same two Team Meteor Grunts holding Victoria. They carried her all the way down the cave. I raced after them. It took me a couple of tries to find them but I finally did. But first, their Boss wanted to talk to me. I was prepared to battle him but he literally just wanted to talk to me. There was a door in front of us and apparently you need four keys to unlock and he was gonna find them all. He kept talking about something else but I wasn’t paying attention. I was mesmerized with the door. After he got done talking, he told me to go do whatever with the grunts that were holding Victoria hostage.


We both challenged them to a battle and eventually defeated them.


Frieza And Victoria VS Team Meteor Grunts Aster And Eclipse
Sneasel uses Metal Claw on Lunatone/Lunatone faints
Pignite uses Arm Thrust on Solrock
Solrock uses Rockslide/Sneasel and Pignite faint
Electabuzz uses Shock Wave on Scraggy
Solrock uses Fire Spin on Scraggy
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Solrock/Solrock faints
Scraggy uses High Jump Kick on Electabuzz
Electabuzz healed with Super Potion
Magmar uses Flame Burst on Scraggy/Scraggy faints
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Magmar
Magmar healed with Super Potion
Electabuzz uses Low Kick on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Magmar
Hariyama uses Force Palm on Magmar/Magmar faints
Electabuzz uses Low Kick on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Electabuzz
Hariyama uses Belly Drum
Electabuzz uses Swift
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Electabuzz/Electabuzz faints
Frieza and Victoria win


Victoria told me that their boss talked to her about the city and the door as well. We both went back to Shelly’s Gym. She told me that there’s a Psych Ward here in the Ward and to get someone to help Shelly. I left and I was met by Anna, Noel and Charlotte. Anna seems crazy, Noel seems chill and Charlotte seems… Uhh… I have no clue. Anyways, I explained why I was there and she told me that she doesn’t want the doctors help. When I asked why, the Doctor came in and I have to say, he looked really weird and creepy. He asked why I was here and Anna said I was here cus I heard that there were Gym Leaders here. I didn’t know that but I’m thankful for her to have made up a story for me. He ordered one of his orderlies to battle me.


When I beat the orderly, the Doctor acknowledged my skills but since the Arena wasn’t set up, I couldn’t take on anyone there, Anna pushed me out and told me to tell Shelly that she should think about the one that’s really affected by this. That makes a lot of sense. I whispered to her thanks and left. I decided to rest up my Pokemon here for a bit before heading back to Shelly’s Gym. I hope she feels better and we have a great battle.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 33
Ice Fang
Ice Shard



Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 33
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 33
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 33
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Metal Claw
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 33
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 33
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 9 - Battling Victoria And Ice VS Bug! Battle For The Cocoon Badge


I now have three Gym Badges! Haha. This is great. I’ll tell you though. Shelly is a hard Gym Leader to beat. But before I was able to battle her, Victoria tried to stop me. I mean I get it. Shelly went through a traumatic experience but I mean… I needed to get that badge. Me and Victoria battled and I eventually came out victorious. Afterwards, she told me to be gentle with her and left.


Frieza VS Victoria

Amaura uses Aurora Beam on Scraggy
Scraggy uses Brick Break on Amaura/Amaura faints
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Scraggy
Scraggy uses High Jump Kick on Lapras
Scraggy healed with Super Potion
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Scraggy/Scraggy faints
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Pignite
Pignite uses Heat Smash on Lapras
Pignite healed with Super Potion
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Pignite/Critical Hit/Pignite faints
Jynx uses Sing on Hariyama
Hariyama falls asleep.
Jynx uses Confusion on Hariyama
Hariyama stays asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on Hariyama/Hariyama faints
Sneasel uses Metal Claw on Kirlia/Attack Raises
Kirlia uses Calm Mind
Sneasel uses Ice Shard on Kirlia/Kirlia faints
Frieza wins


After I cleared her Gym Puzzle, I finally met Shelly. She told me she used to live in Johto and had a brother there. Yea. She’s Johto’s own Bug Gym Leader’s brother Bugsy! That’s crazy! Apparently, he didn’t care much for her. That sucks for her. Seriously. We then had our battle and boy ohh boy was she a difficult Gym Leader. I almost lost but I just scraped by.


Frieza VS Gym Leader Shelly

Illumise uses Rain Dance
Sneasel uses Faint Attack on Illumise
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Masquerain/Masquerain faints
Yanmega uses AncientPower on Sneasel
Sneasel uses Faint Attack on Illumise
Illumise uses Struggle Bug/Sneasel faints
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Yanmega
Yanmega healed with Ultra Potion
Illumise healed with Ultra Potion
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Illumise
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Yanmega
Lapras uses Ice Shard on Yanmega/Yanmega faints
Illumise uses Aerial Ace/Illumise faints
Anorith uses Rockslide/Delibird faints
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Anorith/Anorith faints
Wormadam uses Mirror Shot on Lapras
Volbeat uses Struggle Bug
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Volbeat
Amaura uses AncientPower on Volbeat
Wormadam uses Mirror Shot on Amarua/Amaura faints
Volbeat uses Tail Glow
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Volbeat
Snorunt uses Ice Fang on Volbeat
Wormadam uses Giga Drain on Lapras/Lapras faints
Snorunt uses Ice Shard on Volbeat/Volbeat faints
Jynx uses Sing on Wormadam
Wormadam falls asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on Wormadam
Snorunt uses Bite on Wormadam
Wormadam stays asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on Wormadam
Snorunt uses Bite on Wormadam
Wormadam stays asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on Wormadam
Snorunt uses Bite on Wormadam/Wormadam faints
Frieza wins



She congratulated me and handed me the Cocoon Badge. As I was about to leave, she stopped me and asked me to tell Ame about Corey. They have replacement Gym Leaders here when the original Gym Leaders retired. I agreed and left. I’m currently resting at the PokeCenter but pretty soon, I shall be traveling to the Grand Hall.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 34
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 34
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 34
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 34
Ice Shard
Quick Attack
Metal Claw
Faint Attack


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 34
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 34
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Just now, Satoshi said:

OH!! Finally you decided to return to this.
Nice to see the update :) 

Lol. Yes. I am back with this. :P I'm surprised I got a lot of stuff done in like three hours. Including editing the pics and stuff like that. Haha.

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1 minute ago, Satoshi said:

Your Lapras is doing great!!
I'm stunned to see that how you remember all the actions step by step through out the long battle :o 

I stop and pause and then write it down after every turn. xD I keep seeing everyone else either recording it or they're writing down at least what happened. I mean I know I write it down but I'm just not in the mood to jot it down so fancy and stuff you know? So I thought that this is just better than nothing. :D

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Journal Entry 10 - Fern The Jackass And Cain The Caring Boy


Before I even start what happened today, I was training in the cave below the Grand Stairway and something amazing happened. My Sneasel evolved into a Weavile! It was so unexpected. She was just picking up some kind of rock and there she stood evolving. Now both her and her best friend Jynx are fully evolved. I’m so excited!


Right now though, I’m actually writing this Journal Entry in a cemetery. I know. It’s weird but it’s also kind of peaceful. Anyways, I walked to the Grand Hall and as I was walking up to the counter, guess who was already there. That’s right. JACKASS FERN! Ugh. God I hate him. Anyways, he talked to me about the Gym Leaders and back up Gym Leaders. Btw, he’s a back up Gym Leader for Florina. Jesus. Anyways, he told me he got a key so he could get to some sort of wasteland to challenge the new Poison Gym Leader there. I asked him, reluctantly, where he got it from. He must have gotten his man period because he just blew up in my face and went to leave. Then he changed his mind and challenged me to a battle. Basically, if I win, he’ll tell me and if vice versa happens, I get to know nothing. OF COURSE, I swept the floor with him and he told me that it was Cain that gave it to him.


Frieza VS Fern

Lapras uses Ice Beam on Ferroseed
Ferroseed uses Pin Missile
Ferroseed healed with Super Potion
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Ferroseed
Ferroseed healed with Super Potion
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Ferroseed
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Ferroseed/Ferroseed faints
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Roserade/Critical Hit/Roserade faints
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Ludicolo
Ludicolo uses Water Gun on Delibrid
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Ludicolo/Ludicolo faints
Servine uses Leaf Tornado on Snorunt
Snorunt uses Ice Fang on Servine/Critical Hit
Snorunt uses Ice Shard on Servine/Critical Hit/Servine faints
Frieza wins


Thank god. Someone I actually LIKE and can stand for more than a second. And Fern also told me that he’s also the brother to the new Poison Gym Leader.


After he left, I healed my Pokemon and left to go to the cemetery in Beryl Ward. As I reached there, I saw Cain sitting there looking at two crosses. He told me the reason he was there was because he heard about Corey’s death and wanted to pay respects while also wanting to find the daughter he left behind, Heather. I tell him the reason I’m there and he then challenges me to a battle for the key. I obliged and we battled. It was somewhat tough but I came out on top.


Frieza VS Cain

Jynx uses Energy Ball on Dewott/Dewott faints
Nidoking uses Double Kick on Amaura/Amaura faints
Nidoking uses Poison Tail on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Nidoking
Nidoking healed with Super Potion
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Nidoking/Nidoking faints
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Venomoth
Venomoth uses Silver Wind on Delibird
Venomoth healed with Super Potion
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Venomoth/Venomoth faints
Jynx uses Confusion on Grimer
Grimer uses Sludge Bomb on Jynx
Jynx uses Confusion on Grimer/Grimer faints
Frieza wins


As he was about to give me the key, we both saw Heather up on a hilltop. Cain tried to explain to her that he just wanted to make sure she was ok and that she should be with her friends at this time. But she shut him up and told him she’s gonna go to Shelly mostly to get away from him. She flew away on her Salamence and Cain chased after her. I decided to stay here for a bit but I think I’m going to leave to go back to Shelly’s Gym soon.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 35
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 36
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 35
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 35
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 35
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 35
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 11 - Operation Rescue


Today has been an eventful day. I raced to Shelly’s Gym and found Cain, Shelly and Heather inside. Heather kept yelling at Cain to leave her alone since she’s with her friend now. Then Cain said that she seems to be yelling at Shelly a lot and that she shouldn’t do that. Shelly agreed and Heather dashed off AGAIN! God I wish this child would just not move.


We all went after her AGAIN and saw that the Doctor from the Orphanage/Psychiatric Ward had stopped her. After talking for a while, Shelly told the Doctor that both of Heather’s parents have passed. The Doctor then basically kidnapped her and took her back to the Ward. Shelly ran back to her Gym, blaming herself for what happened to Heather. Cain and I ran back and told her that we’re all friends and that we’re gonna get her back.


So we ran back and everyone from the Orphanage/Psychiatric Center met Cain and Shelly. We told them what we were doing back there and decided that everyone there will break out of there. As Cain blocked one doorway, me and Shelly went through the place and battled a lot of the orderlies. We got everyone’s Pokemon and headed for the top. Charlotte burned the Doctor with a cig. She’s pretty cool in my book. Then we ran out of there and headed for the Underground Railnet.

We would have went further but there was a door there and it wouldn’t open. Anna told us that it’s connected to the Old Power Plant and that someone should go ask Shade to turn it on. She also told me that Shade was a Gym Leader. How in the hell is that thing a Gym Leader?! Anyways, I volunteered to go. I could turn on the power AND get the Gym Badge. Two birds, one stone. But for right now, I’m gonna train my Pokemon before taking on his Gym.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 37
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 36
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 37
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 38
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 37
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 36
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 12 - Ice VS Ghost! Battle For The Omen Badge!


Today has been great mixed in with a little bit on bad. To start off, while I was trainign my Pokemon before my Gym Battle with Shade, my Amaura evolved in Aurorus! I was so surprised. It looks more beautiful and powerful than ever.


Anyways, I finished training and headed up to Shade’s Gym. It was really creepy inside there. I had to watch a lot of horrific stuff on these computer monitors. It looked like someone pushed someone off a ledge, a Garchomp slicing into a person’s head, a person exploding into pieces… and Corey’s suicide. It was all horrific. But after I had watched all that, I walked up and saw Shade. No words were spoken. The battle started. It was tough but I have to admit, if I didn’t have my Weavile, I don’t think I would have won that battle.


Frieza VS Gym Leader Shade

Gengar uses Shadow Claw on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Gengar
Gengar uses Thunderbolt on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Gengar/Gengar faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Doublade/Critical Hit/Doublade faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Trevenant/Critical Hit/Trevenant faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Rotom/Rotom faints
Banette uses Knock Off on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Banette
Banette uses Shadow Claw on Aurorus
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Banette
Banette healed with Ultra Potion
Aurorus uses Icy Wind on Banette
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Banette
Banette uses Shadow Claw on Aurorus/Aurorus faints
Banette healed with Ultra Potion
Snorunt uses Bite on Banette
Banette uses Shadow Sneak on Snorunt
Snorunt uses Ice Fang on Banette
Banette uses Shadow Sneak on Snorunt
Snorunt uses Ice Fang on Banette
Snorunt uses Ice Shard on Banette/Banette faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Chandelure/Chandelure faints
Frieza wins


After the match, he gave me the Omen Badge and then turned on the power. He told me to observe the screen in front of us. It showed Team Meteor Grunts kidnapping Charlotte, Anna, Noel, Heather and Shelly. Luckily Cain escaped. Shade then disappeared. So I’m now resting up at the PokeCenter. I gotta get to the Underground Railnet right away and see what’s going on.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 39
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 39
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 39
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 40
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 39
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 39
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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