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Ice Type Mono Run! Winter Is Coming To Reborn!


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Journal Entry 13 - Joining The... Magma Gang?!


Today has been a somewhat peaceful day. First things first. I ran to the Underground Railnet but only Victoria was there. She told me Cain was going go to Apophyll Academy to challenge her master and also Fighting Gym Leader for her badge. She then ran off to Coral Ward. I raced off there to. Along the way, I heard people talking about two gangs. The Magma and Aqua gangs. I felt intrigued to possibly join the Aqua Gang but I knew Cain and Victoria most likely would need me. But they’re pretty good trainers. They can take care of themselves right? 


I went up to the Lapis Ward and looked for the Aqua Gang. When I finally found them, they shooed me away and banished me from there hang out. I can’t believe it! Why would they turn me down? I then decided maybe I could show them I’m good if I took out some Magma Gang members. I found their hiding spot and challenged the two Magma Gang members to a Double Battle. They agreed. Didn’t take long as I swept through them. They were quite impressed since I used only my Ice Types. They asked me if I would like to join their team. I thought about it. I hate fire but at least these guys want me to be in their gang. And they don’t seem that bad. I couldn’t believe myself when I answered yes. I would join the Magma Gang. They told me to go to their leader and talk to him. I introduced myself as he did to me. His name is Maxwell. He told me they were gonna do a mission tonight and needed my help. They told me to meet up with them at an abandoned house.

I found it and they instructed me that they were gonna storm into an old, cranky lady’s home and take her Pokemon before the Aqua Gang can. We all agreed and left for her house. We battled a couple Aqua Gang members, got the Pokemon and left to the Magma Gang Hideout. The leader was impressed with my battling skills and decided that they’d take out the Aqua Gang tonight. We stormed their hideout and I faced off against the leader of the Aqua Gang, Archer. The battle was intense but I was able to come out on top.


(Magma Grunts VS Aqua Grunts) Frieza VS Aqua Gang Leader Archer

Delibird uses Spikes
Remoraid uses Water Pulse on Delibird
Delibird gets confused
Delibird hits itself in confusion
Remoraid uses Ice Beam on Delibird/Delibird faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Remoraid
Remoraid uses Water Pulse on Weavile
Weavile gets confused
Remoraid healed with Berry Ice Cream
Weavile uses Night Slash on Remoraid
Remoraid healed with Berry Ice Cream
Weavile uses Night Slash on Remoraid
Weavile hits itself in confusion
Remoraid misses Signal Beam
Weavile uses Night Slash on Remoraid
Remoraid uses Water Pulse on Weavile/Weavile faints
Jynx uses Energy Ball on Remoraid/Remoraid faints
Sharpedo hurt by Spikes
Sharpedo uses Aqua Jet on Aurorus
Arurorus uses Thunder Wave
Sharpedo uses Aqua Jet on Aurorus/Aurorus faints
Jynx uses Energy Ball on Sharpedo/Critical Hit/Sharpedo faints
Wartortle hurt by Spikes
Wartortle uses Yawn on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Wartortle
Wartortle uses Aqua Tail on Lapras
Lapras uses Body Slam on Wartortle
Lapras falls asleep
Wartortle uses Aqua Tail on Lapras
Lapras stays asleep
Wartortle uses Bite on Lapras
Lapras stays asleep
Wartortle prepares to use Skull Bash
Lapras wakes up and uses Body Slam on Wartortle
Wartortle uses Skull Bash on Lapras
Lapras uses Body Slam on Wartortle
Wartortle prepares to use Skull Bash
Lapras uses Body Slam on Wartortle
Wartortle uses Skull Bash on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Wartortle/Wartortle faints
Frieza and Magma Gang win


After that, Archer told the other members of his gang that their gang is over and left the hideout.


We all went back to our Hideout and the Maxwell praised me. He tried giving me a Houdour as a token of his appreciation. I thanked him but declined. I’m an ice type user anyways. Wouldn’t do any good for me. I shook hands with everyone and left. I’m resting at the PokeCenter right now but I’m soon gonna go to Coral Ward and see if I can catch up with Cain or Victoria.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Snorunt
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 40
Ice Fang
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 40
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 41
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 40
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 40
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 40
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 14 - Cleaning Out The Power Plant


Today has been eventful as all hell. I made it to Coral Ward and caught up with Cain. He told me everything that happened with the kids and that he planned to get Strength from Kiki. He hopped on his Muk and swam away to Apophyll Academy.


As I was waling away wondering what I was gonna do, Amaria came out of a warehouse and asked what I was doing there. I told her and she told me I couldn’t go anywhere because of the poisonous water. She then told me she found out that there was a Power Plant that was making the water toxic and that she was going to go and try to shut down the plans and asked me for help. I couldn’t go help with Cain so I accepted and we went to Peridot Ward. We couldn’t get in the door so she used her Lapras to make an ice staircase up to the roof. We went inside and battled a couple of Team Meteor Grunts. We then went into another room and she had me go ahead while she took on a bunch Team Meteor Grunts. I looked through all the rooms and the Leader sighted me and made me fall down a hole.


I was trapped in a cage with a bunch of other Pokemon. With their help though, I was able to escape and take down some more Team Meteor Grunts. Before I get into the real action, as I was battling some of the grunts, my Shiny Snorunt evolved into a Glalie! Now my team is fully evolved. It’s so damn… Cool. Haha. Anyways, continuing with the story. I went into this room and saw ZEL and the Leader. I also saw a Muk in a PULSE Machine. The Leader told me about what the PULSE Muk is doing. I was distracted and he was about to kill me with his Garchomp! Luckily though, Amaria came in time and froze the Garchomp saving my life. The Leader seemed interested in her Bracelet. Those two battled as I battled ZEL.


Frieza VS Team Meteor Grunt ZEL

Lapras uses Water Pulse on Glaceon
Glaceon uses Mirror Coat on Lapras
Lapras uses Body Slam on Glaceon
Glaceon becomes Paralyzed/Glaceon could not move
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Glaceon/Glaceon faints
Espeon uses Quick Attack on Weavile
Weavile uses Faint Attack on Espeon/Espeon faints
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Umbreon/All states rises
Umbreon uses Faint Attack on Aurorus
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Umbreon
Umbreon uses Confuse Ray on Aurorus
Umbreon healed with Ultra Potion
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Umbreon
Umbreon uses Quick Attack on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Umbreon
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Umbreon
Umbreon uses Confuse Ray on Aurorus
Umbreon healed with Ultra Potion
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Umbreon
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Umbreon
Umbreon uses Faint Attack on Aurorus
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Umbreon/Umbreon faints
Jynx uses Sing on PULSE Muk
PULSE Muk falls asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on PULSE Muk
PULSE Muk uses Discharge on Jynx/Jynx gets paralyzed
PULSE Muk uses Discharge on Jynx/Jynx faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on PULSE Muk
PULSE Muk uses Sludge Wave on Weavile
Weavile uses Night Slash on PULSE Muk/PULSE Muk faints


It was actually somewhat of a tough battle but I came out on top and the PULSE Machine was stopped. Before Team meteor left, he had Garchomp use Superpower on Amaria! I didn’t have time to stop it. After wards, they left. I went over to make sure if she was ok. She said yea and that she was gonna go back to her home. I forget where she said it was but she said she wanted me to visit there sometime. She left and then I left and rested up at the PokeCenter in Peridot Ward, which where I’m at now. Ohh yea! She gave me the key to her warehouse and I’m gonna use her boat to get to Apophyll Academy. I guess helping her was a good thing after all.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 42
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 42
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 42
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 42
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 42
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 42
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 15 - Kiki's Test: Freezing Fire Types


So I’m finally here at the Apophyl Academy. It’s pretty chill here. But today has been hot. When I first came here, I searched all over for someone that looked important or Cain or Victoria. I came across the Academy and searched the rooms in there. A girl told me Kiki was teaching a class down from the school. I left to go search there and sure enough, she was there teaching a class. I decided to wait til she was done to speak with her. I did but she wanted to speak in her room. So I went back there and Victoria was there talking to her explaining the situation.


Kiki told her that she needed to apply for graduation and that she would give me a test in order to get Strength and be able to use it. I had go to the top of Pyrous Mountain and beat a person called Cal. Then she would accept my challenge for her badge. Ohh yea. She’s a Gym Leader. So I ran off. Victoria stopped me outside and told me some stuff about Cal… I think she has a crush on someone. Haha. She ran back in and I ventured all the way up the mountain.


It was tough but I was able to do it. It was so hot in there though! I hate the heat. I searched for Cal and found him. He asked me why I was up there and I told him what I was doing there. He told me he figured Kiki sent me. He then went on to tell me about his brother and relationship with Shelly. Something bad happened between them. After that, we engaged in battle.


Frieza VS Cal

Infernape uses Close Combat on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Infernape/Critical Hit/Infernape faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Magmortar
Magmortar uses Lava Plume on Weavile
Weavile uses Night Slash on Magmortar/Magmortar faints
Jynx uses Sing on Blaziken/Misses
Blaziken uses Blaze Kick on Jynx
Jynx uses Sing on Blaziken
Blaziken falls asleep
Blaziken stays asleep
Jynx uses Confusion on Blaziken
Blaziken healed with Ultra Potion
Jynx uses Confusion on Blaziken/Blaziken faints
Charizard uses Fire Fang on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Charizard/Charizard faints
Typlosion uses Sunny Day
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Typhlosion
Typhlosion healed with Ultra Potion
Aurorus uses Thunder Wave on Typhlosion
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Typhlosion
Typhlosion uses Solar Beam on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Typhlosion/Typhlosion faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Delphox/Delphox faints
Frieza wins


Somehow, I swept through his Fire Type Team and came out victorious. He congratulated me and I left. Right now, I’m resting up in the Academy before I go see Kiki. I can’t wait to get my fifth Gym Badge!

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 43
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 43
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 43
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 43
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 43
Water Pulse
Body Slam
Ice Shard
Ice Beam


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 43
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 16 - Ice VS Fighting X2! Kiki Faints!


Well today has been a hell of a day. I came back to Kiki’s room and told her I beat Cal. She then told me to meet her outside for our battle for the Gym Badge. Victoria told me Kiki just showed her how to run the place and that she’s also dying… I still don’t know how I feel about that. I remembered back into Shade’s Gym place. A video I remember showed a woman getting killed by a Garchomp… That was Kiki. I said nothing and went to battle her. 

Victoria stopped me and pleaded with me to not do this considering her condition. I know it would be hard for her… But I know how all of this ends. So I went to walk away. She stopped me again and challenged me to a battle. I win, I could battle her. I lose, I can’t. 


Frieza VS Victoria

Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Scraggy
Scraggy uses Payback on Glalie
Scraggy healed with Choco Ice Cream
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Scraggy
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Scraggy/Scraggy faints
Emboar uses Arm Thrust on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Emboar
Emboar healed with Choco Ice Cream
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Emboar/Emboar faints
Deibird uses Aerial Ace on Heracross/Heracross faints
Jynx uses Sing/Misses
Hariyama uses Belly Drum
Jynx uses Confusion on Hariyama/Hariyama faints
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Gallade
Gallade uses Psycho Cut on Delibird
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Gallade/Gallade faints
Frieza wins


I came out on top but it didn’t feel good. She reluctantly let me go challenge Kiki. Now, for the first time since I’ve been here, it actually took me a couple of tries to beat her. She is one hell of a Gym Leader. But after like ten tries, I finally beat her.


(It did really take me a long time to beat her. After the third try, I stopped writing down step by step what happened. I probably would still be doing it at this point. :P Just know that basically Jynx, Delibird and surprisingly Weavile were the MVP's in this battle.)


As she was going to get the badge, she collapsed. Fainted. Me and Victoria helped her up and brought her back to her room. Maybe that was too many battles for her to handle. Her and Victoria talked and it got pretty heated. Victoria ran out of the room and Kiki asked me to leave. As I was about to head out, Victoria asked me if I saw Cain. I totally forgot about him. I haven’t seen him at all and he left waaaay before I did. She told me he could have been stuck on Azurine Island. So for right now, I’m resting up my Pokemon and myself before I go search for Cain.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 43
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 44
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 44
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 44
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 44
Water Pulse
Ice Beam
Ice Shard


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 43
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 17 - Operation Pretty Boy Cain


I’m in the PokeCenter in Coral Ward at the moment. Resting up my Pokemon before I return to the Apophyll Academy. I reached Aurine Island. The place was so swampy and messy. I had to walk through mud and muck. It was disgusting. But I finally made it to the place and of course, it was Aster and Eclipse in there. They thought they had the upperhand since it was one VS two… They were wrong.


Frieza VS Aster And Eclipse

Glalie uses Crunch on Lunatone
Lunatone uses Psywave on Glalie
Solrock uses Fire Spin on Solrock/Misses
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Solrock
Solrock and Lunatone healed with Ultra Potions
Glalie uses Crunch on Lunatone
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Solrock
Glalie uses Crunch on Lunatone/Lunatone faints
Solrock uses Rock Slide on Glalie and Aurorus
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Solrock/Solrock faints
Magmar uses Fire Punch on Glalie/Glalie faints
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Magmar
Rhydon uses Iron Tail on Aurorus/Misses
Magmar uses Fire Punch on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Magmar/Magmar faints
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Rhydon/Rhydon faints
Elecabuzz uses Cross Chop on Aurorus/Misses
Milotic uses Hydro Pump on Aurorus/Misses
Lapras uses Ice Shard on Electabuzz/Electabuzz faints
Miltoic uses Hydro Pump on Aurorus/Misses
Aurorus uses Thunder Wave on Milotic
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Miltoic
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Milotic
Milotic uses Hydro Pump on Aurorus
Lapras uses Protect
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Miltoic
Milotic uses Hydro Pump on Aurorus/Aurorus faints
Delibird uses Aerial Ace on Milotic/Milotic faints
Frieza wins


After our battle, one of them oh so smartly told me Cain was here and left. I searched the room and moved a big piece of machinery and found a door. I went through and was face to face with Taka and some grunts as well as Cain being locked up. Taka told me that the plan was to have the Camerupt, which was in another cave, hooked up to the PULSE Machine, have it use Eruption and make the volcano erupt. Then they were gonna try to capture me as well. So I battled Taka. His Klefki was annoying but I got the job done and defeated him.


Frieza VS Taka

Klefki sets up Spikes
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Klefki
Glalie swapped out for Lapras
Klefki sets up Spikes
Klefki sets up Spikes
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki/Klefi got confused
Klefki uses Draining Kiss on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki
Klefki healed with Ultra Potion
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki
Lapras uses Ice Shard on Klefki
Klefki uses Draining Kiss on Lapras
Klefki uses Foul Play on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki
Klefki healed with Ultra Potion
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki/Critical Hit
Klefki snapped out of confusion/Klefki uses Draining Kiss on Lapras
Lapras uses Water Pulse on Klefki/Klefki faints
Glalie gets hurt by Spikes
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Cradily
Cradily uses AncientPower on Glalie
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Cradily/Cradily faints
Glalie uses Ice Shard on Gligar
Gligar uses Acrobatics on Glalie/Glalie faints
Delibird uses Icy Wind on Gligar/Gligar faints
Weavile gets hurt by Spikes
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Chatot
Chatot uses Chatter on Weavile/Weavile gets confused
Weavile hurts itself in confusion
Chatot uses Heat Wave on Weavile/Weavile faints
Chatot uses Chatter on Delibird/Delibird gets confused
Delibird hurts itself in confusion
Chatot uses Heat Wave on Delibird/Delibird faints
Aurorus gets hurt by Spikes
Chatot uses Chatter on Aurorus/Aurorus gets confused
Aurorus hurts itself in confusion
Chatot uses Heat Wave on Aurorus/Critical Hit
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Chatot/Chatot faints
Frieza wins


He still was able to take the PULSE Machine and Camerupt though. I released Cain and he told me he was going to the Apophyll Academy right away. He left and I came her really quick to heal my Pokemon up. Gotta stop them from blowing up the volcano!

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 44
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 44
Icy Wind
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 44
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 44
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male (Item Held: Sea Incense)
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 44
Water Pulse
Ice Beam
Ice Shard


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 44
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 18 - Garchomp Battle, Betrayal And... Kiki's Sacrifice


Today has just been… Bad. Although, I already did know the outcome. I’m in Kiki’s… old room with Victoria as I write this. When I got here earlier, it was decided that Cain and I would go to the mountain and take down Team Meteor. But eventually, Victoria came to help, really only because Kiki sent her away. So after me and Victoria tore through some Meteor Grunts, we saw Taka and Solaris with Cal standing next to them and Cain already lost (the battle I mean). It was weird that Cal was standing with them though.


Solaris ordered Taka, his apparent son, to battle Victoria as he used only one Pokemon to battle me… And he was right. He only needed one. I couldn’t beat him despite having the advantage. I felt so crushed. But not as crushed at what happened next.


Kiki somehow made it up the mountain and attempted to stop the PULSE Machine but it turns out Cal was working with Team Meteor and stopped her Medicham with his Magmortar and… had it throw it into the lava. We were all shocked. And then it happened. Solaris used his Garchomp to kill Kiki. Cal then used Magmortar to destroy the PULSE Machine in retribution. Team Meteor retreated as everyone mourned over Kiki.


Since Kiki had… retired, I couldn’t get her badge but I didn’t care about that. Since she passed, Victoria now has to take over the school which means no more traveling around with her anymore. It sucks but… she’s gotta do it. Anyways, I’ll spend a little time helping her here and then I’m gonna ahead to the wasteland. Maybe a Gym Battle will cheer me up.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 44
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 44
Icy Wind
Brick Break
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 44
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 44
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male (Item Held: Sea Incense)
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 44
Water Pulse
Ice Beam
Ice Shard


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 44
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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Journal Entry 19 - Ice VS Poison! Battle For The Venom Badge!


Today was somewhat of a better day. I got my fifth gym badge! Before I was able to get into the wasteland, I ran into Cal. He told me he only joined Team Meteor because he wanted to change or something. I didn’t really get it. But he seemed regretful. So I forgave him and he ran off. Then I ran into Cain. Before he unlocked the door for me to go into the wasteland, he battled me. I thought it’d be a good warm up since I would be battling his sister. It was somewhat challenging but I was able to beat him.


Frieza VS Cain

Venomoth uses Signal Beam on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Venomoth
Venomoth healed with Choco Ice Cream
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Venomoth/Venomoth freezes
Venomoth healed with Choco Ice Cream
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Venomoth
Venomoth stayed frozen
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Venomoth/Venomoth faints
Nidoking uses Poison Tail on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Nidoking
Lapras uses Ice Shard on Nidoking/Nidoking faints
Jynx uses Energy Ball on Samurott
Samurott uses Razor Shell on Jynx/Jynx faints
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Samurott
Samurott uses Razor Shell on Weavile/Weavile defenses fell
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Samurott/Samurott faints
Glalie uses Return on Muk
Muk uses Sludge Bomb on Glalie
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Muk/Muk freezes
Muk stayed frozen
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Muk
Muk stayed frozen
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Muk
Muk stays frozen
Glalie uses Ice Shard on Muk/Muk faints
Weavile uses Night Slash on Haunter/Haunter faints
Frieza wins


Afterwards, he unlocked the door for me and I was able to go through it. I was shocked when I saw the wasteland. It was all purple and gunky and just… Yuck. But it looked awesome at the same time. I trekked through it though and came to a house that was fully intact. It was weird but again, it was also kind of cool. I went inside and met the mother, who’s name is Lana. She told me I could go into the arena but she was with someone. And who was she with? Dick head Fern. He beat her as soon as I went in. Then he started making fun of her and me. God I wish he’d just leave me and everyone else alone. Then this other person came in. Apparently, he’s the Rock Type Gym Leader of Reborn and his name was Hardy. I feel bad for him. He had to deal with Fern for a lot of his childhood. Afterwards, Aya left to heal her Pokemon and he decided to battle me.


Frieza VS Fern

Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Ferrothorn
Ferrothorn uses Power Whip on Glalie
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Ferrothorn
Ferrothorn uses Power Whip on Glalie
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Ferrothorn
Ferrothorn uses Gyro Ball on Glalie/Glalie faints
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Ferrothorn/Ferrothorn faints
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Krokorok
Krokorok uses Thunder Fang on Weavile
Krokorok healed with Choco Ice Cream
Weavile uses Ice Shard on Krokorok/Critical Hit/Krokorok faints
Scythere uses X-Scissor on Aurorus
Aurorus uses AncientPower on Scyther/All stats raised/Scyther faints
Roserade uses Giga Drain on Aurorus
Aurorus uses Aurora Beam on Roserade/Critical Hit/Roserade faints
Serperior uses Iron Tail on Aurorus/Aurorus faints
Serperior uses Giga Drain on Lapras/Critical Hit
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Serperior
Serperior uses Giga Drain on Lapras
Lapras uses Ice Beam on Serperior/Serperior faints
Frieza wins


Of course, I was able to beat him. That was no trouble at all. Sure he said he was going easy on me but let’s be real. He tried all he could and couldn’t beat me. Aya came back and Fern decided to sit down in the stands and watch the battle as Hardy decided to be the referee for the match. It was a hard battle but I came through and beat Aya for the Venom Badge!


Frieza VS Gym Leader Aya

Jynx uses Confusion on Nidoqueen
Delibird sets up Spikes
Nidoqueen uses Crunch on Jynx
Tentacruel uses Sludge Wave/Hits everyone/Poisons Jynx/Nidoqueen faints
Jynx uses Confusion on Tentacruel
Delibird uses Icy Wind
Tentacruel uses Sludge Wave/Hits everyone/Jynx Faints
Dragalge uses Dragon Pulse on Delibird/Delibird faints
Tentacruel healed with Ultra Potion
Weavile uses Night Slash on Dragalge
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Tentacruel/Critical Hit
Dragalge uses Shadow Ball on Glalie
Tentacruel healed with Ultra Potion
Weavile uses Night Slash on Dragalge/Dragalge faints
Tentacruel uses Freeze-Dry on Tentacruel
Weavile uses Night Slash on Gengar/Gengar faints
Glalie uses Freeze-Dry on Tentacruel/Tentacruel faints
Weavile and Glalie use Ice Shard on Venusaur/Venusaur faints
Drapion uses Poison Tail on Weavile
Weavile uses Slash on Drapion
Drapion uses Poison Tail on Weavile
Glalie uses Return on Drapion
Weavile uses Slash on Drapion/Drapion faints

Frieza Wins

Fern left and Aya seemed to be too hard on herself. But what about, I don’t know. Hardy calmed her down and decided to stay there to help her with stuff since she became a new Gym Leader. Hopefully he can help her. But soon, I gotta go with Cain and find the kids.

Pokemon Team


Shiny Glalie
Nickname: Snowball/ Female
Docile/ Ice Body/ Level 45
Ice Shard


Nickname: Shady/ Male
Hardy/ Vital Spirit/ Level 44
Icy Wind
Brick Break
Aerial Ace


Nickname: Kiss Me!/ Female
Bashful/ Forewarn/ Level 44
Powder Snow
Energy Ball


Nickname: Grim Reaper/ Female
Jolly/ Pickpocket/ Level 45
Ice Shard
Metal Claw
Night Slash


Nickname: Lappy/ Male (Item Held: Sea Incense)
Calm/ Hydration/ Level 45
Water Pulse
Ice Beam
Ice Shard


Nickname: Elegance/ Female
Calm/ Refrigerate/ Level 44
Aurora Beam
Icy Wind
Thunder Wave


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