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Reborn Hardcore Party System Guide


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For anyone just starting Reborn Hardcore; The party system is unlocked shortly after defeating Julia. It allows you to effectively play as some other significant characters in the story and use their teams. the catch is, you have to find them first.

So I figured we could get together a bit of a guide to the party members in the mod.

This definitely isn't also because I'm bad at finding them and want help from you guys

I'm currently in the middle of hardcore myself, So I'm past some stuff and haven't reached other parts yet. If you have any information not currently in the guide, please share!



Party Members:




The party member you start with, not much to say here.


Starting Pokemon:








Team Updates:



Hidden Pokemon:






Found in an alleyway in Northern Peridot Ward



Available directly after getting the party system after beating Julia.


Starting Pokemon:





Team Updates:

Each time you beat the real Fern, if he had any new pokemon, the Fern in your party will get them.

Batch 1 (Onyx Gym): Ferroseed, Grovyle

Batch 2 (Wasteland Gym): Krookadile, Scizor

Batch 3 (Route 2): Haxorus


Hidden Pokemon:



Talk to this guy in Onyx Ward




Check this Dumpster in Beryl






Found in the cage under the grand stairway where you rescued her from the meteor grunts.



Available after the events under the grand stairway have happened.


Starting Pokemon:







Team Updates:

- Heracross after battle at Apophyll?

- After the events atop the mountain, Victoria gains Kiki's pokemon ( Machamp, Toxicroak, Hitmonlee, Scrafty, Lucario, Gallade )



Hidden Pokemon:

- Hitmonchan



- Meditite







She's at the building in Jasper Ward where you find the Police Officer being held by the Meteor grunt.



Available after storming the Orphanage.


Starting Pokemon:











(PC)Kricketot - If you don't take the Kricketot in Peridot as the player


Team Updates:

Vivillion, Venomoth and Scolipede after the events atop ametrine mountain


Hidden Pokemon:







He can be found standing in a corner in the building on Byxbysion Wasteland that opens after turning all 5 pillars from blue to pink.



Available after clearing out the old Yureyu building


Starting Pokemon:








Team Updates:

-After battling in Randomus' castle: Zoroark, Absol, Beedrill, Galvantula (needs confirmation)


Hidden Pokemon:

- Vileplume


Talk to this guy in the building on Azurine Island


- Victreebel


Given by this ranger in the Nature Center on Route 1






She's in the first cave on Route 3 when coming from the left, in the little lab room at the top of that cave room.



Available after the real Aya gets kidnapped, Must be defeated in battle.


Starting Pokemon:







(PC) Seviper

(PC) Muk


Team Updates:

If you defeated Fake Corey (haunter) in the sidequest for his mons, but haven't picked up any (except croagunk), You can get all of them added to Aya's roster by going back to Corey's Gym after getting Fly. They will be removed from their overworld locations where the player would normally find them.

(Nidoqueen, Garbodour, Quilfish, Beedril, Crobat, Swalot, Scolipede, Stuntank, Haunter, Vileplume)


Hidden Pokemon:

- Ariados


Talk to this person in Calcelnon Pokemart






Found in Citrine Mountain 2F. Easiest way is to enter Citrine Cave across the other side of the cascade by Fiore Mansion



Obtainable after the events with Blake in Ametrine City. Must be defeated in battle.


Starting Pokemon:







(PC) Infernape

(PC) Typhlosion

(PC) Delphox


Team Updates:



Hidden Pokemon:

- Torkoal


Talk to this person in Ametrine City


- Flareon


Talk to this girl in Apophyll Academy





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She's at her Gym in Peridot Ward.


Available right after you return to Reborn City with Fly. Must be defeated in battle.


Starting Pokemon:







(PC) Bronzong

(PC) Chinchou

(PC) Emolga

(PC) Voltorb x2

(PC) Blitzle

(PC) Elektrike

(PC) Stunfisk

(PC) Plusle


Team Updates:



Hidden Pokemon:





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She's in the school in Onyx Ward.


Available right after you return to Reborn City with Fly. Must be defeated in battle.


Starting Pokemon:







(PC) Cacturne

(PC) Torterra

(PC) Gourgeist

(PC) Maractus

(PC) Whimsicott

(PC) Carnivine


Team Updates:



Hidden Pokemon:








Special Move Tutor:


There's a move tutor on the second floor of the Nature Center that teaches each member's ace moves for $10,000.



Fern's Roselia/Roserade: Sleep Powder, Extrasensory

Victoria's Emboar: Wild Charge

Shelly's Volbeat: Thunderbolt

Shelly's Illumise: Thunder Wave

Cain's Nidoking: Amnesia

Aya: None/Bugged

Cal: None/Bugged

Julia: None/Bugged

Florina: None/Bugged




-9 party members

-2 Hidden mons for each, except Fero (9/16)

-Denying a certain event mon will place it in one of the party member's party (Kricketot for Shelly)

-Completing a sidequest only part way through will result in a certain party member getting mons (Corey's Pokemon for Aya)

-2 temporary Party Members

-A secret tutor


Awesome People who Contributed


Commander (The mod maker)








If you're playing through hardcore and want to help, please share any new information, corrections to current information or screenshots that you have =).


Edited by DreamblitzX
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If you guys seriously make a guide that manages to find everything, I'll be impressed. Like I'll be super impressed. But as for finding them let's see if I remember right:


If you don't want to be spoiled don't read this section:

-9 party members

-2 Hidden mons for each

-Denying a certain event mon will place it in one of the party member's party

-Completing a sidequest only part way through will result in a certain party member getting mons

-2 temporary Party Members

-A secret tutor


What I'm going to do in E17 is add in a hint guy to give clues on where to find these mons as I did imo make them a little too obscure. The mons I call hidden mons are more like trophies for those who are masters of hunting for stuff. Some are really good, but most you can live without. If I had the time and resources, I'd totally make all the party members interact more with the game, but I suppose limiting it to HCHQ plus a few NPCs is about my limit.

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3 minutes ago, Commander said:

If you guys seriously make a guide that manages to find everything, I'll be impressed. Like I'll be super impressed. But as for finding them let's see if I remember right:


If you don't want to be spoiled don't read this section:


  Reveal hidden contents



-9 party members

-2 Hidden mons for each

-Denying a certain event mon will place it in one of the party member's party

-Completing a sidequest only part way through will result in a certain party member getting mons

-2 temporary Party Members

-A secret tutor




What I'm going to do in E17 is add in a hint guy to give clues on where to find these mons as I did imo make them a little too obscure. The mons I call hidden mons are more like trophies for those who are masters of hunting for stuff. Some are really good, but most you can live without. If I had the time and resources, I'd totally make all the party members interact more with the game, but I suppose limiting it to HCHQ plus a few NPCs is about my limit.


Oh boy that'll be a lot of stuff to find.

Does any of it require you to be playing as specific party members to find?

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Just now, DreamblitzX said:


Oh boy that'll be a lot of stuff to find.

Does any of it require you to be playing as specific party members to find?


Hidden mons, yes. The rest no.

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Can you be locked out of contents by advancing too far with the storyline?

By the way, I've found...


...Aya. You can find her in a cave on Route 3 (the road to Calcenon with the broken bridges), more specifically you have to go into the first cave from Ametrine Mountain and, instead of going on with the route, find a room on the north side. You should get into a Lab-like room with 2 entrances divided by machines. Aya should be in this room at your left.

She has:

Lv 68 Dragalge

Lv 67 Venusaur

Lv 68 Tentacruel

Lv 68 Gengar

Lv 67 Nidoqueen

Lv 68 Drapion

All with black sludge but Tentacruel, who has a rocky helmet.


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1 hour ago, Norin said:

Can you be locked out of contents by advancing too far with the storyline?

By the way, I've found...

  Reveal hidden contents

...Aya. You can find her in a cave on Route 3 (the road to Calcenon with the broken bridges), more specifically you have to go into the first cave from Ametrine Mountain and, instead of going on with the route, find a room on the north side. You should get into a Lab-like room with 2 entrances divided by machines. Aya should be in this room at your left.

She has:

Lv 68 Dragalge

Lv 67 Venusaur

Lv 68 Tentacruel

Lv 68 Gengar

Lv 67 Nidoqueen

Lv 68 Drapion

All with black sludge but Tentacruel, who has a rocky helmet.


Thanks for the info!

not sure about the locking out, that'll be a question for Commander

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I forgot to say that you need to wait till...


...Aya gets kidnapped, as you (the character) will assume that she has been traumatized before she escaped and that's why she doesn't talk anymore. Also, you need to beat her in battle before she joins you, I don't remember if that was the case for the other 2 I've found.


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Welp, gonna give my small contribution



She's at the building in Jasper Ward where you find the Police Officer being held by the Meteor grunt. She's available after storming the Orphanage (Don't quote me on this, i haven't played Hardcore in a while). Can't remember her starting team, though. Sorry.



If i recall correctly, he can be found standing in a corner in the building on Byxbysion Wasteland that opens after turning on all of the color pillars. I don't remember at all when he becomes available though.



She's at her Gym, available right after you return to Reborn City with Fly.



Same as Julia, at her Gym after returning to Reborn City.

I know it's not a lot but i haven't touched Hardcore at all for a few weeks, Rejuvenation's V9 being released and that. I'll try to help out a bit more later.


Edited by Damsel
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1 minute ago, Damsel said:

Welp, gonna give my contribution


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She's at the building in Peridot Ward where you find the Police Officer being held by the Meteor grunt. She's available after storming the Orphanage (Don't quote me on this, i haven't played Hardcore in a while). Can't remember her starting team, though. Sorry.



Thanks! Shelly has avoided me so far and when I get back into reborn hardcore over the next week or so, I was in the middle of doing a roundup of loose ends before heading through the agate checkpoint, so I should be able to get more info then =).

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8 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:


Thanks! Shelly has avoided me so far and when I get back into reborn hardcore over the next week or so, I was in the middle of doing a roundup of loose ends before heading through the agate checkpoint, so I should be able to get more info then =).

No problem. I edited my post as you can see, just not with a lot of info. I'll try to join this hunt when i have a bit more time available.

Oh, and i forgot to mention:


Julia and Florinia also have to be beaten in a battle before they join you, similarly to Aya.


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10 minutes ago, Damsel said:

No problem. I edited my post as you can see, just not with a lot of info. I'll try to join this hunt when i have a bit more time available.

Oh, and i forgot to mention:

  Reveal hidden contents

Julia and Florinia also have to be beaten in a battle before they join you, similarly to Aya.



Decided to quickly go and get shelly, so thanks for the location! now have her updated with more info. I'll get Cain at some point soonish because It's pretty late here right now. I'm not far enough through for Julia and Florina yet, but knowing that they exist is nice.

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9 hours ago, Norin said:

Can you be locked out of contents by advancing too far with the storyline?

By the way, I've found...

  Reveal hidden contents

...Aya. You can find her in a cave on Route 3 (the road to Calcenon with the broken bridges), more specifically you have to go into the first cave from Ametrine Mountain and, instead of going on with the route, find a room on the north side. You should get into a Lab-like room with 2 entrances divided by machines. Aya should be in this room at your left.

She has:

Lv 68 Dragalge

Lv 67 Venusaur

Lv 68 Tentacruel

Lv 68 Gengar

Lv 67 Nidoqueen

Lv 68 Drapion

All with black sludge but Tentacruel, who has a rocky helmet.



Here's how the party system works right now:

-You can miss both Pokemon and Party Members once you hit the Agate Point of No Return.

-If you do not recruit a member early enough, you will miss some of their added Pokemon such as Victoria's


Here's how it is going to work in E17:

-All members missed at the Point of No Return will be hidden somewhere else after defeating Ciel (Should only be Fern and Shelly)

-If you pick a member up after their real trainer gained new mons, they'll have those mons on their team, but their overall team will be weirdly leveled and need trained up

-If a hidden mon is missed, it may still be permanently unobtainable


If you got "screwed over" due to my poor design choices, don't sweat. I'll have an NPC load up any of the missed Pokemon onto a party members team when E17 rolls around. My focus this time around was making sure transferred files didn't get all screwed up or very glitchy as I got very, very lucky with E16's design. This stuff is very easy to fix compared to that overhaul.

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Dropped by to confirm Victoria's starting team is the one mentioned on the OT:




Emboar holds a Salac Berry, while Poliwrath and Hariyama holds a Damp Rock and a Sitrus Berry, respectively.

She might get an update as soon as we rebattle her (I honestly can't remember when), the same as Fern.


#EDIT: Screenshots for Victoria and Shelly:





Edited by HUEnd
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34 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

Dropped by to confirm Victoria's starting team is the one mentioned on the OT:


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Emboar holds a Salac Berry, while Poliwrath and Hariyama holds a Damp Rock and a Sitrus Berry, respectively.

She might get an update as soon as we rebattle her (I honestly can't remember when), the same as Fern.


#EDIT: Screenshots for Victoria and Shelly:

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Thanks for the pictures! I'd guessed as much about Victorias starting team based on Commanders reply just above, So any team updates she gets would be helpful to know as I might've missed them on my save. editing the OP now

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I know there are event pokemon the player can encounter that are exclusive to Hardcore, and I would be more interested in a list of those if anyone knows any. All I know is one of them, taillow, in Mr. Seacrest's garden at the beginning of the game if you interact with the headbutt tree (unless this was available in the main game too and I just can't get it to spawn for some reason).

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Updated with Cain Info.

I think there's one more party member we need to find, who is somewhere post-agate checkpoint so I won't be picking them up any time soon

then there's catching any team updates that have been missed or are later in the game, as well as the other things in commanders first message like this "secret tutor"

finally the hunt for some of those hidden mons, which will definitely take a while, and be the part that will need the most contribution towards, especially if some are missable

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12 hours ago, HUEnd said:

Alrighty, I fished this one from Discord Channel. It's Cal, probably avaiable after Ametrine events. I'm not sure which section of the mountain is that, but, there you go.




Judging by Commanders post, that should be all 9 main party members, unless one (or two) of them is actually temporary and will go at some point.

I'm still putting off the checkpoint because Adventurine woods is a pain, but Stickers. (also permanently missing hidden mons feels bad, but we've got the locations of exactly zero here so far, so it's not looking too hopeful. I'm guessing this is because, like me, most people prefer to explore and wander around as their own character.

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13 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:


Judging by Commanders post, that should be all 9 main party members, unless one (or two) of them is actually temporary and will go at some point.

I'm still putting off the checkpoint because Adventurine woods is a pain, but Stickers. (also permanently missing hidden mons feels bad, but we've got the locations of exactly zero here so far, so it's not looking too hopeful. I'm guessing this is because, like me, most people prefer to explore and wander around as their own character.


I think the main issue there isn't the fact that NPCs don't react to the player using different characters. I did a little bit with the gift mons NPCs, but honestly, that's something better done when Reborn is finished and on its final version though I'd probably make that an open source project since it'd at least double the amount of dialogue in the game (though that does not mean every NPC has to interact with every Party Member).


But if you want to know their locations:

-There's none in Opal or Peridot*

-There's none in Chrysolia or Spinel Town

-None in Tanzan Mountain or the Secret Cove areas

-None in the Wasteland

-None in Agate, Route 2 or 3, or any of the Mountains Ranges


As for missables they are the following:

-One of Fern's is missable

-Both of Victoria's are missable (I may add a way to make the second one obtainable even after the Agate PoNR)

-One of Cain's is missable


A couple people have found both of Fern's, I think someone found Aya's first one, but yeah the best hint I can give is to not think too hard about where they're located as when you recruit a character, they can have a full team before fighting the following gym leader. Fern's are very useful, Victoria's are really, really useful if you want to do a run purely as her. Cain's are eh since he has really good mons. One of Shelly's is super broken and the other is a depends on what you want to use it for. Aya's are kind of bad (except the hard to get even where she gets one really good one though I may change that event entirely). Cal's are both good, but only one is worthwhile to train. One of Julia's is really, really good for her, but she already has a solid team. Florinia's is hard to say as it's one of her only options that can do something.


But yeah, I'm probably going to be revamping the hidden mon system so that it's not merely a treasure hunt. Yes, some of them will still be hidden, but a number of them are going to disappear so don't worry if you can't find them. That's E18 talk though as E17 is all about the shift to Gen VII and finishing up the main protag stuff.

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@Commander, by 'missable' do you mean losing the mon after reaching Agate's PoNR or could this 'missable' mean certain areas we can only access once/a few times (such as the orphanage)?


I'm not sure if you can give this hint out for us but I had to ask that because I was planning to hunt them down right before Agate.

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1 hour ago, Yune said:

Does Munna count as one of Fero's hiddens via the trade in Peridot for Bibarel?


I doubt it. If anything this is probably one of the situations where a party nember can get something they're not supposed to. But I guess for fero it doesn't matter much.

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1 hour ago, Yune said:

And are Fern's two extra pokemon to have a full team for Florinia really the Drowzee and Seel/Cacnea eggs? Yes, he can get them. So disappointing if true.


No, these are the same sort of situations. they're just event pokemon that the party members can collect but shouldn't be able to. The hidden pokemon will likely be strong/fitting for the character, and can only be found when playing as that character.

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If you receive one of the hidden mons, you will get a message reading "A new Pokemon was added to [Name]'s roster."


As for Fero, I haven't added in hidden mons to him, but I do know what one will be. But yeah, he will get two mons in E18. If people want to make suggestions about his team please feel free, but the original 6 are staying more or less. But yeah, I know there's a lot of confusion regarding this, but I'm working on a little something to kind of more or less solve this issue without taking away the fact they are hidden and are still going to be hard to find. That'll be my next massive project after Altered Path.


But we aren't in the future and for now, I'll at least give you guys where one of them is so that you kind of understand how the system works a little bit better DO NOT read if you don't want to know the location:



Fern's first hidden mon is located in the house where you can take the elevator up to the roof. Talk to Skyler (after he unlocks the gate) and the conversation should net you a Pokemon.



This will apply to all the automatically added Pokemon as well such as Fern getting Ferroseed and Grovyle after beating him. So yeah, I'm going to fix this mess, but for now let's let this guide more or less be our little solution. (Very little is going to change here, but how it is presented will be changed). But just know that I'm working on it. As for the Egg and trade "glitches" how about we just call that a feature. It's one of those thing on the very, very bottom of my list to fix.

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