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June 18


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For some(most? um.) it's Father's Day, for everyone it's Sunday, and for one very important person, a birthday. His 23rd, actually. Crazy to think I was a month away from being part of 10 of them by now. Nearly ten years! It seems not so long ago the only communication we had was the clicking of our DS buttons during D/P wifi battles with your hacked shit smh, you were making pillow forts for nights of voice chat, running Shadow Claw (or Toxic Orb Fling...) just so your favorite could beat mine, or even arguing whether fog could fill a bowl. And yet here we are now, our fog bowls unfilled having changed so much, and in some areas so little, sitting in a Discord voice channel; I'm listening to you guys spectate a League game - and Aaron making sure to point out Ame missing a nearly stationary target with something or other, good shit Ame - and typing away muted so you'll never know heheh. 


I just heard an Ashe die. Terrible.
Oh. That game ended. You'll all probably play now but I'm busy, sorry!


For the less-informed, this person I'm referring to, if it wasn't clear already, is one of - if not THE - most valuable person in my life to date and with very little competition. He ranges from a rival to the little brother I don't actually have but might as well, and challenges me in most things we do together if he doesn't blow me out of the water entirely, which is not uncommon. Watching him improve is great, really. He really puts in the effort if he makes the decision to do so. I might not give myself quite enough credit, but the times I do make progress in something and improve it's most likely with him around and sometimes directly because of his advice. Many moons ago, it used to be the opposite, and I was the inspirational cool guy of the club we had; but in time that evened out, or depending on who you ask, may have just reversed entirely.
My position in Reborn notwithstanding, of course. Not to say he hasn't contributed either, because he sure has! Good old RMXP animation jank.


Anyway, friend, I know you weren't in the best spot today and I couldn't really do much about it - ... okay, I probably could have tried a little more, so I'll take that L -what with the yard work, but today, June 18th 2017 (mark it on your calendars everyone I'll be back next year!) is your day and if you want to do something I'll drop whatever I'm doing and we'll do it. I'm stupid for reasons you're aware of that need no explaining, so I can't really get you anything, and hopefully my presence (even though it's there every day anyway ...) is something you'll appreciate.


Hold on.




He'll understand that. In any case, I haven't said who I'm talking about yet have I? Well, for you all and of course for him:




Inuki, you're the best and I don't think that's probably ever going to change. Sorry I can't really do more to show it.
Now to wait 40 minutes to post this. Tick tock.

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happy birthday inuki i still remember that foul breath edit i made its wonderful
anyway i hope u enjoy ur birthday and stuff cuz ur a cool dude that i dont know about
this is my favorite video of u i hope u remember


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ah yes, a reminder that im not only colorblind but blind to my teammates as well


Real realisies though, for all the nice things you say you must remember one thing. Above all else you're the biggest part of why i am the way i am and I'll never be able to thank you enough for it

and also thank to everyone that posted and will post! I'll hit up actual responses tomorrow sometime im very sleepy now but ikaru's response was obvs the most urgent

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this is so sweet its disgusting 


i uh. don't have much to say. you know me, i always ask whatever i feel like asking and say whatever i feel like saying and don't read the mood at all so because of that i don't have much to say in the way of your importance to me. we never really super talked but i actually love being around you the way you talk is hilarious. its been pretty cool to be around and get to know you recently, i never thought you'd be the type to sit around and listen to me ramble in a call while streaming that damn reborn game but i had fun that time. i hope your birthday is super spectacular and i especially hope for many many more. 


"i don't have much to say" i say, and then immediately say a lot. whos mans

like always, if you ever need a hand i'm not especially great at anything but i'll contribute any way i can. and thanks for having my back, as far as uh, "seven" goes. means a lot. a lot a lot. 

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Hey Inuki, firstly I really want you to have a great day, go gettem as I frequently get told.


We don't often chat but when we do you're cool and I'm obviously cool so we're cool. Keep up the good work 'cause you're important to people who are important to me which makes you important to me, and if you ever need advice on something that I can help with hit me up, I'm always happy to help.


Last thing I've never forgotten:


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37 minutes ago, Ikaru said:

 I'm listening to you guys spectate a League game - and Aaron making sure to point out Ame missing a nearly stationary target with something or other, good shit Ame

h-hey... i. look. in my defense
uh, i,

i suck at this game

s-so there!!!!


yyeah. gotm. 



hi inuki. i'm out of sentimental words cuz that's really just not where i'm at at this particular moment so please accept the below meme and know that it contains all of my love for you


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You're that guy I've heard many great things about, but never once spoken to directly. It seems safe to say that Reborn has seen beneficial change while you've been around and your friends with whom I associate speak highly of you, so I thank you for that and hope you have a kickass birthday \o

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Hey buddy boy. It's funny because Ikaru sent me a message that you can see and by the time he said "go say things" I already knew anyway what was happening. So here I am!

Here's to a happy birthday. Formal thing, because I wish all your days to be as wonderful as they can be; even amongst the negative things that inevitably happen. It's been an absolute pleasure being your friend throughout these fun internet years. Playing league and watching you drastically improve from where you started has been a blast. I think I told you years ago, and it still holds true, I never gave, or give, up on you in league because you're a great player and the sky is truly the limit with you. Sure, works always to be had but skill potential isn't there for everyone. (also note that ikaru isn't exempt from this, the faith never died for you two since I started way back when). It's also great to have sat down and talked to you about whatever actively happens. From the times where I was gushing about love interests that you listened to and genuinely seemed interested in, to times you were stressed where I couldn't just let you be having a bad time, to the times where we just sat there in call saying little. It's all super fun and cherished to me. You genuinely take interest in our time together and that's irreplaceable. I couldn't ask for more from a friend.

Heck, you're one of the people that keeps me still around, online. I'm in that weird spot where I'm trying to improve aspects of my life, but I'm still here at 2:40 in the morning writing sappy memories stuff here for you. Let that speak volumes of how I feel about our friendship. I hope it never ends~

Stay strong, head up, and don't forget that I'm super jealous that you have a tibbers and I don't!

And don't forget that if you ever need something, don't hesitate. If I can, I will. 

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I think i said it on your profile but i'll still say it again :3 Happy birthday Inuki have a great day, best wishes for you and stay a cool guy ;) 

Edited by Another Retired Shipper
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Happy Birthday Inuki!!!

You're always a great guy and super helpful with keeping spirits up in the dev team with your beautiful animation memes!

You also are the reason why tween colour exists and that is super helpful too!!!!


So have a great day! You deserve it. 

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