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I really don't want to say goodbye to any of you..


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I guess I never expected to be staying on PO forever.. But now it's time for me to leave, it's a strange feeling.. The time spent has been priceless, the friends I made will never be forgotten. Reborn is an amazing place, I felt so welcome and everybody was so kind to me. I think what I'm trying to say is, thank you. Thank you for such a memorable and happy time. I've gotten to the point in my life where I need to move on, action needs to be taken. I need to study harder, I need to work for my goals and then maybe one day I won't be such a disappointment to my dad. It's my choice I feel I need to make, while trying to not be emotional.. To my friends and clan, I'll miss you all and to those I didn't get so close with I regret. My laptop is being sent for repairs and I don't have a clue when I'll get it back, that is the reason I can't come on and speak with you all.. I only have a little time on my brothers PC anyway.

I'm not going to break down about this. I just want my friends to know, you meant a lot to me and i love you all~

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Dammit. Mori man, I'm seriously going to miss ya... You'd better work hard and kick some serious ass out there, ya hear me? Hopefully we'll see you again someday, but for now, I guess it's goodbye.

Certainly just gave the trio an extra reason to visit the UK.

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