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Reborn's Assasin


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This journal contains your greatest adventures and memories Max. DON'T LOOSE IT AGAIN. 

Now this story requires some explanation in case I get around to publishing it (thanks Cain). As you readers can probably tell by the tittle, I have an unorthodox job. Hey I don't judge you for the bad things you've done. However you probably haven't killed over 100 people....(dammit). Other than that  I have a cybernetic arm (god Max you could've broken that more easily) where I keep a holographic personal computer and.... well that's a secret ;). But long story short, I have work to do and reborn is the place I've got to be.

Name: Max

Gender: Neutral


Ame starts my adventure with a call. She puts on the whole welcome to the region act but I wasn't listening. Of course I was thinking of "work". I was half way off the train when I felt like I got punched in the back by a Metegross. BOOM was the last thing I heard. Looks like my luck was strong today because I was both far enough away from the blast to not die but also just barely didn't roll into the poisoned water. Is it bad that this wasn't the worst start to an adventure I've had? First thing I noticed was the smell. No matter where you were in Reborn City, it smelled like rot and poison. Even death in some places. Ame's voice managed to grab my attention. Before I knew it I had Julia talking to me. I liked Julia. Her personality and voice were properties I would usually hate but there was something about her that made me smile. She was the perfect fit for her job. Of course to her question "Are you taking on the Reborn league?" I had to give a smile and a yes.

It was quite a scene, the station. People running both towards the station and away, crying, people generally panicking. I knew I was lucky. I was greeted by a girl in a black and white kimono, Victoria I think. One set of paperwork later and Ame was helping me pick out my starter. I went with a Torchic (now named Phoenix). Downstairs waiting for Victoria I met Cain. His flamboyant exterior was more than enough to grab my attention. Apparently he also wanted a battle. Phoenix preformed marvelously for his first battle and has speed boost. Now all I need is double team, baton pass, and a power trick Shuckle. Cain and I healed up then met up with Victoria and Ame. After a quick talk and a metaphorical smack on the bum I was of. Of course it was storming. I saw the clouds overhead but come on! I would like one sunny day in my miserable life please. Anyway, knowing Reborn's reputation I decide to catch some Pokemon. One Meowth later and I was stopping a bunch of thugs from killing a Pachirisu. I didn't even challenge them to a battle. I just slammed their faces into the concrete.


I don't know why I get the way I do around Pokemon. I feel more sympathy towards Pokemon than I do towards people. I guess that's why I'm good at my job. But hey... I got a Pachirisu now. 

I decide to explore the Peridot ward. Lets cut to the chase, I got a fishing rod from some poor bastard trying to fish in the toxic waters, a rose incense from a woman who was just as aware of the stink as I was, a Budew who was attracted to the rose scent a traumatized Espurr, a Blitzle enjoying the stormy weather, a Teddiursa who was really annoying to find, and a jerk. Have you ever had that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and you know you wont like them. Yeah that's Fern.  Needles to say Phoenix stomped his team and managed to evolve.

No more distractions I've got a competently leveled team and I want to take on the gym leader. Or not. My personal computer was buzzing to let me know that one of my targets have been located. In a nearby alleyway there he was. Only known as Chavez he had many people buying his death. Not that I knew why... Not that I ever know why. This thought made me hesitate. Restraint isn't usually one of my qualities but I wanted to stop, until he said my name. He knew he had a price on his head and he was willing to fight for his life. What followed was a mess of shouts and blood. Nothing gives you a bigger rush than when they fight you. I caught a black eye in the process but slammed his head into a pipe, cracking his skull open. I didn't even think beyond that point, it was all instinct. I covered up all evidence of our fight cleaned up the blood and shoved the body into a nearby crate. To seal the deal I pulled out my personal computer and checked Chavez's contract as completed. This was just another day in the office for me. 


Combuskin (Phoenix)

Speed Boost


Double Kick


Sand Attack

Meowth (Maeve)





Budew (Shine)



Water Sport

Blitzle (Steed)




Thunder Wave

Espurr (Pipin)
Light Screen




Teddiursa (Nikolai)

Baby-doll Eyes

Fake Tears



In Reserve

Shamrock (Pachirisu)

Quick Attack








Edited by SomePheonix
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I think I made this while coming down from something probably wont be updating it

Ehhhhhh screw it it's fun



Combuskin (Phoenix)          Pipin (Espurr)       Maeve (Meowth)    Nikolai (Teddiursa)   Shine (Budew)    Steed(Blitzle)       Shamrock(Pachirisu)

Scratch                              Confusion             Scratch                Furry Swipes            Mega Drain         Charge                Quick Attack

Ember                                Covet                   Fakeout              Baby-doll Eyes           Growth               Shock Wave         Bide

Double Kick                         Light Screen         Bite                    Lick                          Stun Spore          Tail whip              Charm

Sand Attack                         Fakeout                Furry Swipes       Feint Attack              Worry Seed         Thunder Wave      Spark

Being a hitman is a cycle. At first you think about it. The murders. The families. It sucks. But eventually you stop thinking and the killing, the fighting. It gives you a rush like never before. You start taking riskier contracts, you start taking more contracts. All to satisfy your cravings. Then you relapse into thinking about it again. The guilt hits you harder than before, and you feel as if the only way to repent is to pull the trigger on yourself. Take a wild guess where I am.

I stumbled out of the alleyway wanting to hurry up and challenge Julia. But there she was stopping in front of me. Apparently she needed help with Team Meteor. So here we are at this factory and Julia decides to blow her way in. BOOM! Wait where did she get the explosives? Nevermind Fern is back and he has a sister. The sister, Florina, has obviously been traumatized by something. She makes a big deal about wanting to be neutral and productive but I know. So we get into the factory to discover why the lake is basically dead. "Estimated toxicity over 90%" that's one way Team Meteor is dangerous. We decide to team up in two teams. Yay I get to listen to Fern more. Pipin and Phoenix deal with the grunts rather easily. What is with evil teams using the same 4 types anyway? Well we meet back up with the gym leaders and Julia needs to blow up a door (Your being awfully blunt today Max). The grunts guarding the explosives were pretty tough actually but Maeve and Nikolai came through. So before Julia gets to blow her way through the door some Meteor people open the door. Poor girl. The fight went pretty well because of Steed's Lightningrod. Looking up I see that they haven't quite dealt with the leader's Serviper. I decided to help them along. I tackled the Serviper and knocked it out with an elbow to the head. That's how you deal with the region's evil team. After a brief monologue he disappears along with the rest of the Meteor grunts. Hey at least Julia found a use for her explosives and we have one less source of pollution in Reborn City. One transition later and I'm battling Julia. My strategy was simple. Have Shine use Worry Seed to prevent Maeve from getting effected by static. Because of Technician a Fakeout would hopefully take one third to one halve of the enemy's HP. From then on one to two scratches would take the out.

I would be lying if I said my plan went perfectly. Her first few pokemon went down okay but I forgot her Emolga had Static and there went that plan. From then on Shine and Phoenix cleaned up until her Electrode. The haunted pokeball did crazy damage and managed to out speed Phoenix but Pipin managed to pull through. After getting my badge I learn that Julia might be narcoleptic (without fully understanding what that word means). On my way back to the Great Hall I'm stopped by Florina who needs help with the Obsidia Ward.

Obsidia was a strange hell. Plants shot out of sidewalk cracks to grab at people. Trees grew at supernatural speed blocking off entire streets. I even almost got a vine to the stomach. I needed a break. I went to the pokemon center and fell asleep in a corner.

Edited by SomePheonix
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Might as well keep doing this

Name: Max

Gender: Neutral

Let’s talk about my arm for a bit. My personal computer is kind of like the computers in Dead Space and other sci-fi. A holographic screen activated from a button on my palm. Here I store my contracts, my phone numbers, etc. Something I forgot to mention is my knives. By twitching muscles in my shoulder I can activate some kind of wrist mounted crossbow. It’s a useful weapon that can be easily concealed. Also there is the rope dare witch is just the standard knife  with a thin pretty much everything prof wire attached  witch can be shot out and realed in easily. As for the secret I mentioned earlier is going to have to remain as such.

I admit sleeping before helping with the plant issue was a bad idea. The problem had spread quite a bit but at least Phoenix learned Flame charge. Because of the plants blocking the roads I would have to cut through the slums but first let’s go get some candy. I’m only slightly ashamed that I looked up how to do the sliding puzzle but guess who has a Swirlix now.

Phoenix(Combuskin)  Pipin(Espurr)   Nikolai(Teddiursa)  Shine(Budew)  Num(Swirlix)  Maeve(Meowth)

Flame Charge               PsyBeam          Lick                             Mega Drain     Fairy Wind      Scratch

Double Kick                  Light Screen     Fury Swipes              Worry Seed     Endeavor         Fake Out

Scratch                          Covet                Feint Attack              Stun Spore      Fake Tears       Fury Swipes

Sand Attack                  Fake Out          Baby-doll Eyes          Growth            Round               Bite

To the slums! Or not. Victoria had tried to go through the slums but found it to dangerous so she wanted to see if I was ready, fair enough. The battle went by quickly. Maeve took out her Raltz, Pipin her Pignite and, Num her Makuhita.

 The slums were dank and cramped, illuminated by the weird shards. Fittingly they were called “light shards” and touching them felt good (what do you want from me that’s how the feel). Oh and they heal the team. One odd jumping puzzle later and I find moving boxes. Fun times in the slums. Turns out that I really should have taught Espurr Disarming Voice because the cause of all the box shenanigans was a gang of Scraggys.

Num and Phoenix continue to fail to disappoint. Lucky me their leader tears down a metal gate and lets me pass back into Obsidia. Florina needed me to fetch her friend before we could deal with the source of the plants. Down to the Coral ward we go. So this girl apparently named Amaria needs to save an Oshowatt. I’m on the same page as her but I done have any pokemon that can touch the poisoned water. That was until one specific paragon of flamboyant homosexuality appeared. Cain had the idea to use a Grimer to float the poor thing across. Well I don’t think the Oshowatt liked having to touch the slime but loved the rescue, so much so that he wanted to join Cain. We decided to help him out with a battle. Pipin had dealt with the majority of his team and Nikolai dealt with the rest. If anything it showed that the little guy had potential. Anyway with Amaria in toe we go back to Obsidia to deal with the plant menace. It didn’t go very well. As soon as we get into the park both Florina and Amaria get instantly attacked and captured by vines. You wana know what I did? I grabed each vine and squeezed each vine until they went limp because they couldn’t catch someone who knew what they were doing. Suddenly a man (?) came to basically talk towards me for a few seconds until I sent out Phoenix to battle him. His only pokemon was a strange Tangrowth. Apparently he was using something called the Pulse as some kind of artificial mega evolution. Phoenix managed to get him to about half heath where Espurr and Nickolai finished him off. Suddenly and without warning all the vines and plants started dying off. Some more team Meteor crap later and the guy disappeared. I never got his name.

After some thankyous Florina urged me to come over to her gym but with the threat of the hour finished off I decided to explore Obsidia. The people running the daycare seemed to recognize me and after pestering them for a bit they revealed themselves as Meteor Grunts. After a brief battle (seriously this was getting rather easy) they told me that their job was already finished and that I will never find the key or the original couple.

I found the key inside five minutes and the daycare couple inside ten. They thanked me for the help and welcomed me to their daycare any time. Other than that I helped a salon undercut their competitor and got a Glameow for my troubles.

Hermione (Glameow)



Feint Attack

Fury Swipes

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I recently downloaded the weather control mod. It's high quality, 10/10 would download again.

Name: Max

Gender: Neutral

Have you ever heard of the Ash region? I don't expect you to. After all, it is a lot easier to not think of that sh*t hole of a region. But it doesn't change the fact that I lived their for some time. It was tough. It was hell. It was my childhood.

After taking out my frustrations on the local wildlife, this was my team.

Phoenix(Combuskin)    Pipin(Espurr)    Nikolai(Teddiursa)        Num(Swirlix)    Maeve(Meowth)  Shine(Roselia) In Reserve    Hermione(Glameow)

Scratch                       Psybeam         Cut                              Fairy Wind       Fake Out              Mega Drain                         Growl

Flame Charge             Light Screen     Feint Attack                  Endeavor         Scratch                Worry Seed                         Scratch

Double Kick                 Fake out          Lick                             Fake Tears      Fury Swipes          Stun Spore                          Hypnosis

Sand Attack                 Covet             Furry Swipes                 Round            Bite                      Growth                               Feint Attack


Next step was Florina and, ooh an arcade! Oh no coin case. Ooh a free egg from some concerned chick. Ooh it hatched into a Seel, lets not use that ever. Ooh a Lilipup, let's not use that either. Moving on TO FLORINA! GOD DAMNIT FERN! THIS JACKOFF DECIDES TO BLOCK THE WAY TO FLORINA SO I HAVE TO TAKE THE LONG WAY AROUND BECAUSE HE IS A PRIDEFUL C*NT.

Anyway the students he used to stop me were pitiful. But more notably this gym has a puzzle (sorta). Julia's gym kind of had one but that was more busywork and I wish it didn't happen. But this was literally a pokemon test. I, much like all of you who also challenged the Reborn League, I went to Bulbapedia. Fern (the prideful c*nt) decided to stop me himself and managed to succeed once. The first time I made the mistake of trying to sweep his team with Phoenix witch his Lombre swiftly put a stop to. From then on my team had lost it's ace and was so disorderly we got stomped to the delight of Fern. The second time I sent out Shine who actually fared much better against the Lombre. Then Maeve took care of Servine and Pipin finished his Roselia. After getting pissed for a few seconds he decides that if I can fight through the Reborn League then it would be easy for him then stormed off. Florina's gym was centered around sand for some reason. Not that that helped her much. Phoenix managed to sweep through most of her team with all of his speed boosts. That was until her Ferroseed. Me being the dumbass I was (and still am) I forgot Ferroseed had Iron Barbs and not Sturdy and Double Kick managed to destroy my HP. After her Cotonee finished Phoenix off Pipin cleaned up the mess. Finnally her Cradilly, destroyer of worlds. This motherf*cker destroyed half of my and Teddiursa only managed to take her down because of insane luck with paralysis but anything to seal the win. 

Now that I have two gym badges Florina told me that it might be a good idea to destroy two other pulse Tangrowths who had destroyed the Jasper and Beryl wards. I decided that if they had already been destroyed they could wait another day. I'm going to go to sleep on a park bench.



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You know that feeling you get when you've been grinding and your game crashes loosing you half an hour of time and over 500 thousand EXP points?

Edit: Finally done grinding everyone up to level 25. Everyone including the five new pokemon I caught because I love doing that

Edited by SomePheonix
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Do yall like procrastinating? Because I love it!

Name: Max

Gender: Neutral

The Ash region is your stereotypical third world country. Mostly desert, terror groups, and what little government their is, is a fascist dictatorship. What sets it apart is its weird amount of cults and the Queen of Bugs. The queen is a pokemon said to have been created along side Arceus but we'll expand on that later. The cult thing, however, is somehow both easier and harder to explain. In the Ash region's history, there have been over 50 cults with members in the hundreds that have made homes their. Why this is, no one knows. Maybe they thrive in the chaos. After all in a region where dozens of people could die every night, who would notice a few more?

While on my way to the Jasper ward I picked up a Vanilite out of a vending machine (named WEAK ARMOR after his ability before a used an ability capsule). The Jasper ward was infested with pokemon. You couldn't really blame them for wanting to live their after it's transformation. Despite that the police station was still open. Upon walking in I was immediately greeted with a quest to find all of the missing police officers. After grinding for a bit I needed more healing Items and back in Peridot I found a Tynamo (Battery) and a Snubble (Pug). Battery was only level 10 but a least he has a large move pool and by large we're talking Joltik circumference because this thing gets four. Other than that I found three shinnies while grinding. A Beedrill, a Scaterbug and, a Pidgey (Diamond, Darkness and, Purple Heart respectively). Also I found an Emolga (Charge). Because of my lack of self control I will only be covering the pokemon I used today.

Phoenix (Combuskin)   Pipin(Meowstic)   Maeve(Meowth)  Battery(Tynamo)   WEAK ARMOR(Vanilite)   Nickolai(Teddiursa)

Quick Attack               Light Screen         Scratch              Tackle                  Avalanche                      Cut

Sand Attack                Fake Out             Fury Swipes        Spark                   Astonish                         Fury Swipes

Flame Charge             Covet                  Fake Out            Thunder Wave      Uproar                           Lick

Double Kick                Psyshock              Bite                   Charge Beam        Icy Wind                        Feint Attack

Note: This is after I got everyone up to level 25

In the forrest I fought through pokemon and Meteor grunts alike and on the way Maeve evolved into a Persian. Towards the end I met another Pulse Tangrowth. The poor thing seemed a lot less aggressive than the last one and it even looked.... sick. Its guardian, a guy named Taka, reviled to me that the Pulse tech had a profound negative affect on the pokemon and that he had orders to stop me. I liked Taka. He was always half-assed about his work for Meteor but needed money or something. This was until I battled him. His Lileep wasn't that tough after it was paralyzed but his Chatot is a basterd. The thing's Chatter managed to get  the confusion every other turn and was only brought down by Battery's Thunder Wave and spamming Avalanche with ARMOR. Finally, his Tangrowth was a monster. It managed to take down Battery before he could get his Thunder Wave off. This is where Pipin managed to get his chance to shine. A light screen prevented one shots and spamming Psyshock finished it off.

After he left I was able to go into the Beryl ward but on my way back I managed to free two of the five police officers. Before hitting the Beryl ward however, I decided to explore. I rescued a woman from her apartment building and got a department store sticker. No use for that but, thanks. I got several powerful healing items from Nikolai and a Mareep (now named Spotlight). Getting tired I decided to fall asleep in the Pokemon Center again.



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