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Summer Party 2017


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Hey everyone! We are back at it again with a Summer Party featuring member-favorite notorious events along with some new ones we hope you'll enjoy. For this party, a majority of events will take place starting on our Discord server, but that's not to say we won't continue to host an event or two on our Showdown server. Let's break it down.


The party will begin on Saturday, June 24th starting at 12PM EST. The early start time is to give a window of opportunity for many users wanting to join in.


The party will be held on the Discord and Showdown servers. All events excluding the Theme Tournament and Auth VS (for Pokemon battles) will be hosted on Discord. Some particular events will be hosted on third-party sites or software, such as the movie showing or Auth VS.


Party Events
Now you're at the fun part: these events are planned to take place during the party. We're introducing new events, such as the previously mentioned movie showing and Auth VS, an especially retributive event. Whatever your preferences, we hope you enjoy the selection!


- Theme Tournament
This party's theme tournament is a five-type- Gen 7 OU, of types Water, Fire, Ground, Grass, Bug with the following bans:
   - the Tapu family
   - Ultra Beasts

- Jukebot music channel
We will be using a Discord bot to play music in a voice channel, where all other users are muted. Feel free to listen in or DM a DJ with your song suggestions!

- Queen's Game
Think of this like the "truth" part of Truth or Dare. One randomly-selected user will ask another randomly-selected user a question and the recipient of the question must answer honestly. Please keep in mind that almost any questions are permitted to be asked. If you are uncomfortable being asked a particular question, please make very clear to the one asking that you do not wish to be asked about a particular subject or avoid attending. The Vegas Rule is in effect: what occurs in Queen's Game stays in Queen's Game. Please respect the honesty of the event.


- King's Game

And on this side of the spectrum is the "dare" part of Truth or Dare. One randomly-selected user will issue a command to multiple other randomly-selected users that the receiving users must act out. Please keep in mind that almost any commands are permitted. If you are uncomfortable being issued a command to act out, steer clear of this event. Like with QG, the Vegas Rule is in effect: what occurs in King's Game stays in King's Game.


- MadLibs
The first new event is MadLibs! MadLibs is a fill-in-the-blank text script that users will contribute to in order to create a story. The host will request users provide particular words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, places, people, etc.) so that a script may be created and shared with everyone.

- Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever is a classic event, highlighting particular circumstances have lived through. One user will say "Never have I ever done x", and those who have done x will be deducted a point. Lose 5 (or 10) and you're out!


- Movie Showing

We will also be showcasing a movie during the party! The movie to be shown is Summer Wars through the hosting site Rabb.it. A link to the room will be supplied shortly before the movie begins and will be shared through Discord and updated here.

- Auth VS

We're saving the best for last; Auth VS is an attempt at giving the users the opportunity to battle the Reborn Staff in various games. Popular options for battling the auth include Overwatch, Smash, or Pokemon. Feel free to face the auth one-on-one or assemble a team to defeat us with a fluid strategy. Below is a list of auth who have pledged to accept challengers and the games they will fight through. More may appear in time. Note that auth partaking in League for VS will be on the NA server. Overwatch will be hosted first on the European server, then the American during the second round of VS.

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As is the norm, we've got a tentative schedule for the party. Please keep in mind that this is a framework and times may see adjustments before the party or during the party. We'll do our best to keep it up-to-date.




We hope you may attend the party and contribute to what makes Reborn such an awesome place!

Edited by Arkhi
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Question: Is there going to be a limited time for songs? You know like, what if a song is too long, will it be rejected? Just wondering because I think that if someone dropped a whole album (1 hours worth) then it would create disatisfaction in a sense where everyone doesnt get to play their songs.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited for this year's <:

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Definitely looking forward to it! And oh, I can challenge someone on Hearthstone? Better prepare my Pirate Warrior and Quest Rogue decks nah, I prefer less optimized fun decks.

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I'm sure overwatch could be streamed and battle records could be saved on system and uploaded for smash...


but all those drinking games/games you usually play when you're drinking look fun.


I'm sure I'm gonna be out of town for this but I suppose I could work something out with my laptop and whatnot.

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