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Themed Run of Reborn


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So, me and my roommate were talking about possibly doing different types of Reborn runs (currently doing a mono-ghost and a mono-dragon run [using sandbox mode to get a basic team with not over overpowered pokes])


We decided to take a page out of Radomus' playbook, not with the types that he uses or the strategy we think he should use, but a chess-themed run. 


we were wondering what you would use for what pieces.  So far, we have this for a fun run


King:  Pidgeot holding a Helix fossil (thank you twitch)

Queen: Nidoqueen

Knight: Rapidash

Bishop: Bisharp

Rook: Bastiodon

Pawn: Smeargle


And this for a possible over-powered run


King:  Gallade 

Queen: Gardevoir

Knight: Absol (only because i've been told that bad things happen when i use my knights when i play chess)

Bishop: open for suggestions (Thinking maybe Bronzong?)

Rook: Aggron, Rhyperior, or  Aegislash (strong and bulky)

Pawn:  Imposter Ditto (pawns can be anything...so can this guy lmao)


What kind of pkmn would you pick or replace with my current choices for either type??

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In games that eventually evolved into chess (but are still played) the bishop is an elephant (and it moves a little different, but that's neither here nor there), so Phanpy, Donphan, and Mamoswine could all be options. 


Rooks are based on castle ramparts, so once Gen VII gets here you could use Passoland as well. 


For a knight, blitzle could also be used. 

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