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Beating Garchomp


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So I recently reached the part with the lvl 75 garchomp battle and lost the first time, I couldn't take no for an answer especially since Solaris was basically rubbing in my face how strong his pokemon are. I managed to beat him by using my Ditto with imposter instead of limber (ability capsule). I went into the battle with 5 pokemon with sturdy with the ditto as the lead. I used my ditto-garchomp to use dragon rush until dead and used the sturdy pokemon to self-destruct and revive my ditto with cotton candy until the garchomp died finally lol.


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13 minutes ago, Alphagar said:

How long did it take you with Ditto?

I would say... if i got lucky with dragon rush flinches then in 3ish turns, if i didnt then this would take atleast like 5 turns lol and if dragon rush misses then it takes a whole lot longer. I had to reload a lot until i got lucky because I didnt wanna waste the cotton candy.

Edited by Xenoic
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  • 2 months later...

I recently beat Solaris using many ingredients:


A healthy dose of Sand Attack

A zest of Sturdy

A large amount of Bulk Up

Some well-placed Struggle

A hint of patience

And a fresh Garchomp that was slowly and lovingly cooked for all the family to enjoy :D 

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...are there any fire-types with Sturdy available pre-Solaris (or any in general for that matter)? If so that's a foolproof win - get ~60 fresh waters (same price as potions but better healing so why not?), first 40 stall its PP (10 dragon rush, 10 earthquake, 5 stone edge, 15 fire fang) and the last few serve to keep you alive during struggle. Any sturdy 'mon works but the chance of fire fang burning after 15 uses is pretty high so you'll probably need a reset or two. Not sure if you get rawst berries this early.

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