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What I Would Like To See In Animal Crossing: Switch In A Nutshell


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As any animal crossing fan knows, there will be a new animal crossing for the switch. I am a huge fan of the series ( even though the only game I got was new leaf so cut me some slack if I miss anything ) and I can't wait to see what this game has in store. Here are some things I hope it has:


Visiting Villagers. This would give you a few options between who moves in. If you have less than 10 villagers, once a day ( until you get 10 ) 3-5 villagers will visit your town. One will need to move in however you will be able to choose from a selection instead of it being totally random.


Picking 1 Villager To Start Off With. This is another thing about choosing villagers ( and you've got to admit it is annoying to not get the ONE villager you want ). It would be awesome to start off by choosing 1 villager as there are villagers that I would love to have but don't get, however this would fill in that gap. Rover would ask you who introduced you to your town. You name a villager by typing his/her name out and it will show the results and the picture of that villager. Whichever one you choose, will be there at the welcome ceremony.


WAY More Public work projects.   Public work projects are cool, but most of them don't do anything.  Adding more public work projects that are useful would be nice. I have already come up with one. A school, where you interact with children villagers. However, they only appear at the schools. Or clubs for different personalities, like the jock club, the lazy club, the smug club, the peppy club and so on.


More Ordinances. There are a lot more ordinances that could be added, like an ordinance that lets you have 15 villagers instead of 10 or the discount ordinance, where items are a lot cheaper than usual.


There are others but those have already been mentioned in this 



Edited by LOLZLION
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Well, Nintendo released villager amiibo cards so they're likely to sell more of those and those will continue to be the way you can specifically invite someone to live in your town. And I think there were signs in various areas that said random stuff but were basically place makers where houses would go if animals moved in. But yeah, a house showing up in the middle of one of my flower fields really ticked me off.


Some of these extra tasks mentioned seem pretty boring or like a huge chore, but to each their own. As long as it's an option rather than part of the mandatory tutorial they always put in.


How about some connectivity to New Leaf, perhaps similar to the way you could connect your 3ds smash to the wiiu when playing the console version? Or at least be able to send bells and items to yourself so you don't start off from absolute scratch and perhaps use the switch version like an extension of your town where you have another mansion to design and decorate the way you wish.


Idk about unfriendly relationships, but maybe there could be more prank items? Like a false furniture leaf that is actually a letter you can hide in your friends' trees that can say something like "[Your name] was here!" Make pitfalls invisible to everyone except the player who buried it.

If you want more villagers in less space, maybe at some point there could be a way to build or trigger the building of an apartment or condo complex in the town proper?


Miniaturizing complete dinosaur skeletons and turning music duplicates into a music was something that I really liked. Really wish you could have had them painted with ore to make them shiny gold, silver, emerald, ruby, and sapphire colors. some more town miniatures would be cool, so then I could recreate Jurassic park in one of my rooms. Oh, and perhaps get miniatures of villagers when you befriend them and not just pictures to put up on the walls. I kinda wish I could turn some of the bigger/cooler fish I caught into wall-mounted trophies.


But yeah, PWPs were stupid expensive and I would love a specific slot for tools.

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16 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Idk about unfriendly relationships,

Yeah I don't think that is a good idea either.  Animal crossing is not a stressful game and is clearly directed towards children. Unfriendly relationships would kinda ruin both.  As for your apartment Idea, yeah I like it. You're probably right about the amiibo cards too, however I think it might be a good idea to let you choose one and then, you could pay money, to get another dream villager. Alot of people ( myself included ) would be willing to spend money on picking our dream villagers in our dream village. Another thing just came up with was the ability to visit CPU villages. That way you can visit towns without needing to meet someone who has another animal crossing, you would start off with one randomly generated town, but once again, you could buy another one.

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