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Well, I have a league team that's not as strong as my general OU team (cannot use Ice Blue Sin T^T). I need ways on how I can improve my team so that it's virtually "invincible" because I think there are a lot of holes in it. (I'm actually thinking of replacing one of the Pokemon with Blaziken@Speed Boost but should I?)


Name: CHEEEN!!!

Espeon(F)@Light Clay

Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe

Timid (+Spe -Atk)

-Light Screen



-HP Fire

Chen is basically a sacrifice used to set up LS+R. The Light Clay increases the time the LS+R are up, giving plenty of time to switch in to a more powerful fighter. Her Magic Bounce ability makes up for her not having any entry hazards, as the enemy does it for her! This also counts for Pokemon trying to give Chen a status condition, as their plan will "backfire". The remaining moves are for backup attacking.


Name: Tommy Boy



EVs: 252 Atk/4 SpD/252 Spe

Jolly (+Sp -SpA)

-Dragon Dance


-Fire Punch


Tommy Boy is one of my two offense attackers (the other being Hacker Reimoo), with high EVs in Attack and Speed. After a good 2 DDs or so, Tommy can sweep with STAB Outrage very easily. Fire Punch is for dispatching Ferrothorn and for backing up Outrage, Earthquake is for OHKOing the likes of Heatran and Scizor that threaten Tommy.


Name: Remila Scarlet


Marvel Scale

EVs: 248 HP/252 Def/8 Spe

Bold (+Def -Atk)



-Ice Beam


Remila Scarlet is the very backbone of this team. She is mostly a staller and status-inducer. Her signature move is Scald, as Metal-types which resist Remila's Toxic are popping up a lot lately. Scald almost always gives the enemy a burn (it might just be their bad luck). If the target is not Metal, then Remila can give them Toxic and procced to stall with Recover.


Name: You're good as dead


Rock Head

EVs: 116 HP/252 Atk/140 Spe

Adamant (+Atk -SpA)


-Head Smash

-Stealth Rock

-Dragon Tail

YGAD is what I'd call my "Oh hey look entry hazards NOW GTFO" Pokemon. He can use Sub to safely set up Stealth Rock. Due to his Rock Head ability, YGAD can use his powerful Head Smash attack without getting recoil damage as a nice present, and with Head Smash having 150 power plus STAB, this makes YGAD a good revenge killer. If a Dragon or threat comes along, he can just say "GTFO" and use Dragon Tail to bust them out and drag another victim in.


Name: Hacker Reimoo

Breloom(F)@Toxic Orb

Poison Heal

EVs: 236 HP/212 SpD/60 Spe

Careful (+SpD -SpA)

-Bulk Up


-Seed Bomb

-Drain Punch

Ah, Hacker Reimoo...she's your average Breloom. Toxic Orb+Poison Heal combination allows Reimoo's moves to be power-packed while being healed at the same time. It also prevents other status conditions like Burn (reduces Reimoo's Attack which is her main stat) or Sleep (leaves her helpless to Fire and Psychic-types) from infecting her. Spore is a must-have for any Breloom set, as it is the only Sleep inducing move that has a 100% chance of landing. Bulk Up raises Reimoo's Attack to insane heights to the point where she can OHKO any Pokemon that doesn't resist her attacks and THKO those who do, while raising her Defence and bulk. Seed Bomb gets rid of pesky Water-type Ice-beamers. Drain Punch hits hard and helps Reimoo recover HP.




Serene Grace

EVs: 4 HP/252 Def/252 SpD

Calm (+SpD -Atk)





This here is my Trump Card, Blissey. Trump is the Tank-medic of my team, and is quite capable of taking a few hits. She's a replacement for Remila Scarlet in case she gets KOed. Serene Grace increases the chances of Flamethrower burning an opponent, which is good against Steel-types. Aromatherapy completely heals all of the team of their status conditions. Softboiled is good for stalling and longvity. Toxic is self-explanitory.

Edited by SilentSinnerInBlue
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I notice a distinct lack of multi-target moves on the team. If there's one thing you should probably carry it's those because leaders will take advantage of the fact that you aren't.

^ this

If this team is for the league, you should definitely keep this in mind... granted, I don't really see any opportunities for it... Dragonite might backfire on your by hitting teammates with Earthquake or Outrage randomly selecting targets; be ready for triple/double battles, as different leaders tend to prefer different types of battles.

That aside, it seems solid, although Poison Heal Breloom without Substitute seems a little strange- I guess Drain Punch and Bulk Up together will probably make up for that lost survivability though. The types chosen are good as well; I don't see many common weaknesses among your team, which means you won't have a hard time with any one leader in ideal situations... I'd say more, but it's nearing 6am and I can't really think of much.

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Hmm, I see. Multi target moves are a bit risky in case they hit one of my allies (which they will). Hacker Reimoo does not need Substitute due to the fact that she has Spore. Just in case Tommy Boy goes batshit crazy on Outrage, I have Fire Punch ready.

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