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A quick question to try a monorun


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So I decided I want to try a rock type monorun. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a mistake before I tried making multiple profiles.


I go find my game.rxdata file, copy it into a safe place (this is my main game). Then I simply restart the game, and continue as planned. If I want to switch back, repeat the process for the monorun and save the game.rxdata file to a safe location. Then I just switch the 2 out whenever I want to play one or the other right?

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pretty much thats it. Just make sure you remember where you put your save files and not accidentally overwrite each other. If you wanna switch back to the original just copy it back to where your saved games are. it should be somewhere here if you didnt changed its location C:\Users\User\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn (of course this is generic cuz im quite sure my c:\ name is entirely different)

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