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The Iron Curtain - A Steel Type Experiment (Last Defeated Leader: Amaria)

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Hi all, in this thread I intend to document my attempt at a mono Steel Type run. We'll see how this goes...


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: A Modest Beginning


Firstly, the hero of our story:





And the starter pokemon. It was a simple choice.




That Defiant ability will come in handy


With barely time to meet each other, the two of us are challenged by Cain



Rather forward, this one

We went into battle confident



not a good start


We were then challenged by Victoria



no really, this does not bode well

Apparently we still lack both strength and stamina, but that will soon change!

With an assist from Bidoof -> Bibarel, we meet 2 new team members:



This is the first one that didn't explode before I could catch it...The first of a surprising number of Bugs to be seen on this Steel run



Can finagle her into Steel Wormadam, don't know how much she can do for me though

Our numbers now at three, we go to face our first real challenge, Fern

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern



Lotad's Growl increased Piplup's attack, and he was helpless to stop our Peck assault. Fern's potion was wasted here



Snivy led with wrap, which was likely a mistake. Vine Whip might have been a threat but by now 3 pecks are enough



You mean this sweep? That's already a given at this point


Turns out I didn't need the rest of my bug Steel based team for this guy. Piplup already redeemed herself! 

And, she evolves after this battle:




almost feels like a legit run now


We get contracted into raiding the factory. I try to train Pineco and Burmy here, but the Team Meteor grunts use a lot of Rock types, which I (ironically) have trouble beating right now without Prinplup.

Eventually we come get to the control room. Cue the next battle:

Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse



As expected, both of theirs are faster than all of mine. Still, Prinplup takes one Shock Wave to nuke Magby with Bubblebeam. Magby's Fire Spin hits Budew. 

I then switched to Pineco after the second Shock Wave downs Prinplup, but soon realize Elekid is too strong to fight...Good thing Pineco and Burmy both know Protect! I was content to make Fern end the fight himself and spread the xp

Our performance against Elekid was not inspiring with regard to the upcoming gym battle...Nonetheless, this is a victory against the still mysterious Team Meteor, even if ??? basically let us go. 

With that out of the way, we can get back to our journey. To the first Gym!


Vs. Cheer Captain Julia


Unfortunately missed the battle with Helioptile...

I led with Burmy. Helioptile threw out a Mud Slap which did next to nothing. Burmy's Bug Bite put it to critical, which Julia tried to heal next. A second Bug Bite downs it.



I switch to Pineco for Voltorb. Sonicboom hits, Pineco uses Bug Bite to deal >1/2 damage. Pineco takes another Sonicboom before ending it.



I switch again since Pineco is now critical. Prinplup tanks a Charge Beam before one-shotting with Bubblebeam.



Emolga hits with Acrobatics but misses Charge Beam. It goes down to 2 Bubblebeams



Blitzle's Charge Beam hits, but it is KO'd by a single Bubblebeam



Electrode hits with Sonicboom, but Prinplup's Bubblebeam deals 1/2 damage. I use the second turn to heal Pineco



Pineco's Selfdestruct ftw! It was a necessary sacrifice...


Even though you were faster, potentially stronger, and had twice as many team members


The first 2 attempts saw my team being Sonicboomed into oblivion. It became essential to have more than 40 hp on Pineco/Burmy so they had a shot at beating the Voltorbs. 

Victoria is waiting to tell us about the plant fiasco in Obsidia Ward. Clearly, we're going to need more help to solve this. Luckily, helping out the stranded hiker dude nets us this pretty:




Already the second mon with Sturdy. I'll be seeing a lot of that it seems. 


The team so far:



Shoutout to Bibarel, without whom we would be pretty much nothing


Notable statistics of this chapter:

Badges: 1

Steel type pokemon: 0/4

Bug type pokemon: 2/4

Maybe someday we'll look like a real type specialist, but that day is not today


That's all for now, tune in next time if you wish. I hope this becomes entertaining for someone - I expect the hardest battles are still to come (obviously)


Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Well I'm back again. Let's get to it.


Chapter 2: When Plants Attack


Florinia asked our hero for assistance in investigating Obsidia Ward. The plants have caused great structural damage throughout the area, so to reach the source we are forced to travel though the slums.

But Victoria is worried about us, so she challenges us to test our strength:

Vs. Apprentice Victoria II





First up is Burmy vs. Ralts. Uneventful, Burmy's STAB Bug Bite is too powerful for Ralts to handle, so it goes down easily



Pignite is next, but it goes down to 2 Bubblebeams while doing some damage with Arm Thrust



Makuhita's Arm Thrust is not any more threatening at this point

The battle was no challenge; Victoria hasn't yet caught up to the (over)leveling I had to do to beat Julia


Victoria allows me to go on into the slums. Along the way we pick up this:



Drowzee won't be useful on this run, but I couldn't just leave that egg...


At the end we come face to face with Scrafty's gang:



This was troublesome only because they liked to double target my weaker members. However, Prinplup's Peck made short work of them after being boosted by Intimidate -> Defiant


All of this indoor fighting experience allows Burmy to rank up:



It's a Steel type y'all! We gon be alright

Haven't yet figured out what type Wormadam's Hidden Power is...all I know is Fighting types resist it


Escaping the slums, we get detoured to Coral Ward. Here we meet Amaria, who's puzzling how to rescue Oshawott. Luckily Cain swoops in to save the day with his poisonous Pokémon. Cain gets convinced to take Oshawott with him, and before leaving challenges us again:

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain II





Pineco's first Take Down misses, and Grimer's Sludge hits.

Pineco hits the second Take Down, and takes another Sludge. Recoil+damage puts her to critical



I switch to Wormadam, who nulls a Sludge(finally). Wormadam's Hidden Power does neutral damage to Poison type apparently, but it still lacks power and the damage is small. Grimer boosts with Harden.

Before the 2nd HP, Cain uses the 1st potion, and Hardens again after the 3rd. Then he disables HP, so I must use Tackle, which is also weak. However, with Sludge nulled Grimer can only hope to damage with Mud Slap, which does negligible damage. It takes several more turns (Cain used another potion) but Grimer goes down



I switch to Onix, who sets Stealth Rock (probably not necessary, but why not) Onix is currently my fastest team member, and also is faster than Nidorino (always thought it was faster than it looked)

Nido's Double Kick is Super effective, but we have high defense, so it does an even 20/49 damage. Onix hits a crit Rock Tomb (which still does less than half-Onix always had less attack than it looked too...) then takes another Double Kick to go into critical



Wormadam is back in, and as expected Nidorino struggles to do damage. Each hit of Double Kick does single digits. Wormadam wins out after another long round, but thanks to Focus Energy and some criticals, she goes below half hp



Poor little Oshawott here can't hope to compete with our superior stats



Venonat too goes down with no trouble



I mean, my defensive advantage will only go up from here

Cain, too, still cannot match my level. But his type coverage will likely get better before mine does


We then follow Amaria to the park, where she and Rini have gotten...well, tangled. That leaves us to face ZEL and PULSE Tangrowth

VS. Meteor Admin ZEL





I lead with Pineco, just to see what happens really. Surprisingly, we are faster! Unfortunately, we still lack Poison resistance, so we use some weak Bug Bites before Selfdestructing



Pineco's self-destruct damage was pitiful. However, Wormadam now nulls Acid Spray and double resists grass, so it is just a matter of out tanking Tangrowth





Wormadam's increased defenses and new typing have already become my secret weapon, shows what I know...

Still don't know about HP though. It was neutral again on Grass/Poison Tangrowth, so if my calculation is right it should be Rock or Dark


Up next we go for our second badge. Stay tuned!

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3 minutes ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Well I'm back again. Let's get to it.


Chapter 2: When Plants Attack


Florinia asked our hero for assistance in investigating Obsidia Ward. The plants have caused great structural damage throughout the area, so to reach the source we are forced to travel though the slums.

But Victoria is worried about us, so she challenges us to test our strength:

Vs. Apprentice Victoria II



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First up is Burmy vs. Ralts. Uneventful, Burmy's STAB Bug Bite is too powerful for Ralts to handle, so it goes down easily



Pignite is next, but it goes down to 2 Bubblebeams while doing some damage with Arm Thrust



Makuhita's Arm Thrust is not any more threatening at this point

The battle was no challenge; Victoria hasn't yet caught up to the (over)leveling I had to do to beat Julia


Victoria allows me to go on into the slums. Along the way we pick up this:

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Drowzee won't be useful on this run, but I couldn't just leave that egg...


At the end we come face to face with Scrafty's gang:

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This was troublesome only because they liked to double target my weaker members. However, Prinplup's Peck made short work of them after being boosted by Intimidate -> Defiant


All of this indoor fighting experience allows Burmy to rank up:

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It's a Steel type y'all! We gon be alright

Haven't yet figured out what type Wormadam's Hidden Power is...all I know is Fighting types resist it


Escaping the slums, we get detoured to Coral Ward. Here we meet Amaria, who's puzzling how to rescue Oshawott. Luckily Cain swoops in to save the day with his poisonous Pokémon. Cain gets convinced to take Oshawott with him, and before leaving challenges us again:

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain II



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Pineco's first Take Down misses, and Grimer's Sludge hits.

Pineco hits the second Take Down, and takes another Sludge. Recoil+damage puts her to critical



I switch to Wormadam, who nulls a Sludge(finally). Wormadam's Hidden Power does neutral damage to Poison type apparently, but it still lacks power and the damage is small. Grimer boosts with Harden.

Before the 2nd HP, Cain uses the 1st potion, and Hardens again after the 3rd. Then he disables HP, so I must use Tackle, which is also weak. However, with Sludge nulled Grimer can only hope to damage with Mud Slap, which does negligible damage. It takes several more turns (Cain used another potion) but Grimer goes down



I switch to Onix, who sets Stealth Rock (probably not necessary, but why not) Onix is currently my fastest team member, and also is faster than Nidorino (always thought it was faster than it looked)

Nido's Double Kick is Super effective, but we have high defense, so it does an even 20/49 damage. Onix hits a crit Rock Tomb (which still does less than half-Onix always had less attack than it looked too...) then takes another Double Kick to go into critical



Wormadam is back in, and as expected Nidorino struggles to do damage. Each hit of Double Kick does single digits. Wormadam wins out after another long round, but thanks to Focus Energy and some criticals, she goes below half hp



Poor little Oshawott here can't hope to compete with our superior stats



Venonat too goes down with no trouble



I mean, my defensive advantage will only go up from here

Cain, too, still cannot match my level. But his type coverage will likely get better before mine does


We then follow Amaria to the park, where she and Rini have gotten...well, tangled. That leaves us to face ZEL and PULSE Tangrowth

VS. Meteor Admin ZEL



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I lead with Pineco, just to see what happens really. Surprisingly, we are faster! Unfortunately, we still lack Poison resistance, so we use some weak Bug Bites before Selfdestructing



Pineco's self-destruct damage was pitiful. However, Wormadam now nulls Acid Spray and double resists grass, so it is just a matter of out tanking Tangrowth





Wormadam's increased defenses and new typing have already become my secret weapon, shows what I know...

Still don't know about HP though. It was neutral again on Grass/Poison Tangrowth, so if my calculation is right it should be Rock or Dark


Up next we go for our second badge. Stay tuned!

Fight a Normal/Flying type. You should have your answer there. But congrats on this run! :D

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1 hour ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Haven't yet figured out what type Wormadam's Hidden Power is...all I know is Fighting types resist it

I hope it isn't Hidden Power Bug! This would be seriously unlucky... Rock would come in handy vs Fire types! And Dark could prove itself to be useful as well, vs Shade for example!

Edited by Jess
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1 minute ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Yeah that would have been irritating. But further research has revealed that Wormadam's HP is indeed Rock

Phew! That is good! Could help as I said with Fire types, even though Wormadam is very slow, so I don't know whether it could tank a Fire attack first in order to be able to use HP Rock. But yes, it is useful! :) Better than Dark/Bug!

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1 minute ago, Tacuara said:

I think you should have access to klink by now, in the building to left of the pokemon center.

I realized that after writing this, I could have had Klink before fighting Victoria again. Klink is sure to be a big part of the team going forward



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Another quick update, the battle for our second badge!


Chapter 3: Graduating Onyx Trainer School


Before we go on, I take a moment to pick up one more team member:



Now that's a steel type

I could have had Klink before Victoria, but I didn't recognize at first that it does actually appear in the Railnet entrance. Usually I don't see it until after I have rock smash

We attempt to go see Florinia but Fern stops us



Fern closes the door in my face to force me to solve the gym puzzle because he felt like being an ass, and we have to take the long way around. Of course this fails to stop us, and we come face to face with Fern again. This time he decides to just fight us instead

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern II





Lombre leads with Fake Out, then uses Nature Power -> Tri Attack, which does significant damage. Pineco's Bug Bite does a bit more than half, Lombre counters with Absorb for some reason and allows Pineco to take this round with another Bug Bite



Roselia misses Leech Seed, Wormadam's Bug Bite does some damage. The second leech seed hits, and it becomes a battle of attrition...
Roselia's actual attacks really don't do anything, but a combination of leech seed damage and super potions by Fern allow Roselia to win 



Roselia's Mega drain  still does significant damage even resisted, but Klink outdamages with Gear Grind


Servine is next. Already damaged, Klink goes down to Leaf Tornado after attacking with Gear Grind



Servine uses Growth, Pineco attacks with Bug Bite, putting Servine to critical. Pineco goes down the next turn to boosted Leaf Tornado


I sent in Prinplup next, who immediately went down



Down to one-on-one...Onix survives Leaf Tornado with Sturdy, and ends it with Rock Tomb



Couldn't beat me even at my most carless

Somehow I almost lost this fight...letting Wormadam go down to Roselia was a mistake

Unable to stop me, Fern leaves, and I can now face his (better) sister...The battle was, of course, troublesome


Vs. Head Instructor Florinia





Maractus sets spikes, but Pineco's Bug Bite immediately sends it to critical health. One super potion and one Bug Bite later it is down



My toughest opponent yet is (naturally) another steel type. Wormadam's Confusion does little damage and Ferroseed uses Leech Seed, so I switch59582f0e740ae_klinkvferroseed.png.6d85c2d18ae83dc2bae1139b3a062bbd.png

I go for Charge + Thundershock in hopes of more damage, but the result is actually worse. Thundershock does succeed in paralyzing though. Ferroseed sets up Sandstorm, and I switch again to shake Leech Seed after taking Pin Missile


Here I tried to set up Bide, but the first Pin Missile only hits twice. The second one misses, and only after my weak bide attack does the third hit 4 times. After Spikes + Sandstorm + Iron Barbs it is enough to down Prinplup


Onix can't do much either, he is switched when his health goes yellow from Leech Seed damage


Back where I started, the only option was to spam Confusion until it went down...This took a while, and it was necessary to heal as well, but since all the enemy could do was throw out weak Pin Missiles...





Breloom wastes the first turn using Spore, which fails because of Overcoat. 3 Confusions KO Breloom, but I have to heal after the first Mach Punch and take 2 more before ending it, so Wormadam is low yet again.



Pineco's Bug Bite again puts the enemy to critical, but Pin Missile from the stronger, faster Cacnea brings Pineco to low health. I switch again


On the switch Wormadam tanks Pin Missile with a mere 1 hp! I knew my chances were slim if she went down...I used another Super potion before ending it



Wormadam's Bug Bite is weak, I switch to avoid Leech Seed


Pineco takes Cottonee's attack on the switch, and is then poisoned before the first Bug Bite. I expect the second to end it but...



I bring in Onix to clean up. Just 1 left...



One way or another.

I waste 2 turns healing Onix and then Klink before realizing Cradily's only attack is Smack Down. Onix is able to finish it alone



Somehow this only took 2 tries, though in the first Maractus was too effective at flinch-haxing through my health

I was hoping the battle would be smoother. I had to use so many potions and the enemy wasn't even that strong...The team's relatively low attack power and inability to damage Ferroseed was a great weakness...of course, access to Fire attacks will be next to none on this run so...


For winning we get TM Nature Power. Maybe it will come in handy?


Florinia's badge in hand, we set off to the next destination: Jasper Ward! Until next time!

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9 minutes ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Another quick update, the battle for our second badge!


Chapter 3: Graduating Onyx Trainer School


Before we go on, I take a moment to pick up one more team member:

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Now that's a steel type

I could have had Klink before Victoria, but I didn't recognize at first that it does actually appear in the Railnet entrance. Usually I don't see it until after I have rock smash

We attempt to go see Florinia but Fern stops us



Fern closes the door in my face to force me to solve the gym puzzle because he felt like being an ass, and we have to take the long way around. Of course this fails to stop us, and we come face to face with Fern again. This time he decides to just fight us instead

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern II



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Lombre leads with Fake Out, then uses Nature Power -> Tri Attack, which does significant damage. Pineco's Bug Bite does a bit more than half, Lombre counters with Absorb for some reason and allows Pineco to take this round with another Bug Bite



Roselia misses Leech Seed, Wormadam's Bug Bite does some damage. The second leech seed hits, and it becomes a battle of attrition...
Roselia's actual attacks really don't do anything, but a combination of leech seed damage and super potions by Fern allow Roselia to win 



Roselia's Mega drain  still does significant damage even resisted, but Klink outdamages with Gear Grind


Servine is next. Already damaged, Klink goes down to Leaf Tornado after attacking with Gear Grind



Servine uses Growth, Pineco attacks with Bug Bite, putting Servine to critical. Pineco goes down the next turn to boosted Leaf Tornado


I sent in Prinplup next, who immediately went down



Down to one-on-one...Onix survives Leaf Tornado with Sturdy, and ends it with Rock Tomb



Couldn't beat me even at my most carless

Somehow I almost lost this fight...letting Wormadam go down to Roselia was a mistake

Unable to stop me, Fern leaves, and I can now face his (better) sister...The battle was, of course, troublesome


Vs. Head Instructor Florinia



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Maractus sets spikes, but Pineco's Bug Bite immediately sends it to critical health. One super potion and one Bug Bite later it is down



My toughest opponent yet is (naturally) another steel type. Wormadam's Confusion does little damage and Ferroseed uses Leech Seed, so I switch59582f0e740ae_klinkvferroseed.png.6d85c2d18ae83dc2bae1139b3a062bbd.png

I go for Charge + Thundershock in hopes of more damage, but the result is actually worse. Thundershock does succeed in paralyzing though. Ferroseed sets up Sandstorm, and I switch again to shake Leech Seed after taking Pin Missile


Here I tried to set up Bide, but the first Pin Missile only hits twice. The second one misses, and only after my weak bide attack does the third hit 4 times. After Spikes + Sandstorm + Iron Barbs it is enough to down Prinplup


Onix can't do much either, he is switched when his health goes yellow from Leech Seed damage


Back where I started, the only option was to spam Confusion until it went down...This took a while, and it was necessary to heal as well, but since all the enemy could do was throw out weak Pin Missiles...





Breloom wastes the first turn using Spore, which fails because of Overcoat. 3 Confusions KO Breloom, but I have to heal after the first Mach Punch and take 2 more before ending it, so Wormadam is low yet again.



Pineco's Bug Bite again puts the enemy to critical, but Pin Missile from the stronger, faster Cacnea brings Pineco to low health. I switch again


On the switch Wormadam tanks Pin Missile with a mere 1 hp! I knew my chances were slim if she went down...I used another Super potion before ending it



Wormadam's Bug Bite is weak, I switch to avoid Leech Seed


Pineco takes Cottonee's attack on the switch, and is then poisoned before the first Bug Bite. I expect the second to end it but...



I bring in Onix to clean up. Just 1 left...



One way or another.

I waste 2 turns healing Onix and then Klink before realizing Cradily's only attack is Smack Down. Onix is able to finish it alone



Somehow this only took 2 tries, though in the first Maractus was too effective at flinch-haxing through my health

I was hoping the battle would be smoother. I had to use so many potions and the enemy wasn't even that strong...The team's relatively low attack power and inability to damage Ferroseed was a great weakness...of course, access to Fire attacks will be next to none on this run so...


For winning we get TM Nature Power. Maybe it will come in handy?


Florinia's badge in hand, we set off to the next destination: Jasper Ward! Until next time!

Very nice my friend! :D

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I like your style of describing the battles, keep it up!


Since steel types are generally slow, I advise you to get a bronzor as soon as possible (probs only possible when you're on your way to Calcenon though) to get trick room on it (if possible). That will make the Charlotte fight easier because her mons are faaast. You can also try to get it on Klinklang, maybe via a move tutor

Edited by HongaarseBeer
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2 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

I like your style of describing the battles, keep it up!


Since steel types are generally slow, I advise you to get a bronzor as soon as possible (probs only possible when you're on your way to Calcenon though) to get trick room on it (if possible). That will make the Charlotte fight easier because her mons are faaast. You can also try to get it on Klinklang, maybe via a move tutor

Good Advice 😀 

I expect Bronzong will be essential if I want any shot at beating Charlotte really 

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1 hour ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Good Advice 😀 

I expect Bronzong will be essential if I want any shot at beating Charlotte really 

I also want to add Beldum --> Metagross to that strategy because it learns trick room via move tutor I believe. I'm not sure if you can get it earlier than Bronzor, but it's worth a try :)

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