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The Iron Curtain - A Steel Type Experiment (Last Defeated Leader: Amaria)

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On 7/2/2017 at 11:14 AM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

I think I have access to Bronzor and Beldum both before Samson, so I should be alright. And I think Trick Room is the TM recieved from Radomus, so it should work out. Thanks though 

Trick Room is amazing, especially against Charlotte. It helps out a lot, especially since Amplifield Rocks make it last 8 turns :D 


I'm looking forward to reading your later escapades! 

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What's up internet friends? The next leg of my journey is complete:


Episode V Chapter 4: The Plant Strikes Back


Jasper Ward has fallen victim to even more aggressive vegetation. At the police station we are informed that their officers have been disappearing while patrolling in Jasper and Beryl. We navigate the trashed ward and enter the forest, where Team Meteor (of course) are present in numbers. Eventually we come face to face with the admin Taka:

Vs. Meteor Admin Taka





Lileep is weak to steel, and therefore goes down easily



(Not) surprisingly, Chatot's Chatter confuses, while also doing >1/2 damage, resistance be damned. Onix doesn't even get a move before falling



Prinplup has just enough bulk to take 2 Chatters and counters with 2 Bubblebeams, thus Chatot is defeated



Really this is the same as the first time, except now Wormadam knows Confusion. Not a threat



That you did

The battle with Taka ultimately goes smoothly.


Heather shows up after to yell at us; I guess she wanted to be the hero but that job's taken. That done we can continue to Beryl Ward.


Crossing through an entirely different forest, we find an entirely different Tangrowth, and face Taka again. But this time ZEL is with him...

Vs. Meteor Admins Taka and ZEL




Having experienced how annoying confusion is, I decide to remove Lileep immediately. Klink's Gear Grind hits but Wormadam's Mirror Shot misses, so Lileep is able to confuse Klink. Glaceon's Ice Fang does some damage to Klink. Wormadam's second attack downs Lileep, Klink's hits Glaceon for grave damage.



Chatot attacks first and confuses Klink with Chatter. Wormadam hits with super effective HP, Klink attacks through confusion to KO Chatot with Gear Grind. Glaceon attacks again with Ice Fang, this time it crits and Klink goes down.



Prinplup prepares Bide while Wormadam hits with Confusion, and as expected Tangrowth attacks with Vine Whip. It's strong, but not that strong, so Prinplup can take 2 with health to spare. Glaceon uses Icy Wind in the meantime, which is still weak b/c of our resistances. Prinplup is critical on Bide's activation, and the attack floors Tangrowth. I use Wormadam's turn to heal (probably no necessary, but I lost too many times to these guys already). Glaceon gets healed before our double attack ends it. 


Espeon proves not to be a threat, it uses the first turn for Future Sight and lacks the bulk to take double targeting.



Umbreon has the bulk but not the power. After a 2 more rounds it too falls



Oh well


That's right

This took several tries before enough went right, but when it did the fight was surprisingly easy. I struggled to not lose too many turns to confusion, and at first targeted ZEL's Eevelutions, but letting Lileep confuse everyone was usually my undoing. I also could not allow Espeon and Chatot (or Espeon and Tangrowth really) take the field at the same time since they are both so fast and so strong...but the best move I made was using Bide; the first time I tried it was the first time I won.


ZEL and Taka both run away, but the third man is stopped by the cops I rescued earlier


and revealed to be the gym leader Corey. Heather is here again, she does not take the news well. Corey then dares us to apprehend him in his gym...


At the gym, the cops rush in, and are immediately laid low by the poison mist. Naturally, it's up to me to fix this:

Vs. Agent Corey





Skrelp uses Bubble, which is stronger thanks to the Corrosive Mist. However, it also gains poison type and therefore does nothing. Klink down it with 2 Charge Beams, after Corey heals the damage from the first



Croagunk hits a crit Sucker Punch, but fails to do meaningful damage. Wormadam's Confusion KOs it instantly



Skuntank uses Pursuit which does some damage. Onix hits with Rock Tomb, but the attack is not too strong. Next turn Onix is poisoned, but moving first this time sets Stealth Rock (not necessary but his actual attack was not impressive either). Skuntank's Incinerate is field boosted and does significant damage despite resistance. Onix throws out one more Rock Tomb before it is out



Prinplup's Bubblebeam also becomes poison, but since it is field boosted it still does significant damage. My hits outpace his, so even with Corey using another potion Prinplup wins this round



Its poison moves nulled, Grimer can only attack with weak Mud Bombs. It goes down to 3 Confusions



Same story here, Nidorina's Double Kick does little while Wormadam's Confusion does a lot



Knowing this guy is a good 3x faster than all of mine, I went with the obvious strategy. I mean, Pineco knew Selfdestruct from level 6 so it must be a pro by now

On this run only 2 of his 6 are a real threat, yet I still managed to lose once when Skuntank went 5-0 by inexplicably dodging all of my attacks o.0


Having failed to kill me and outed to his daughter as a villain, Corey leaves to end his life. Fern shows up basically just to make me mad, but does tell us to look in Lapis Ward for the badge we didn't get. However, an explosion at the Grand Stairway proves to be a more urgent destination. 


Before leaving I stop back at the police station, where they gift me a Growlithe for my assistance. Not gonna use that, but I can trade its egg for one of theirs!


I have a 2/18 shot at getting something relevant this time. Here's the result:



Pretty sure this is Pawniard. Guess I'm a lucky man ;) 


Next time we check out what happened at the Grand Stairway, and venture to Lapis Ward. Stay tuned! This is made possible by viewers like you!

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7 hours ago, Tacuara said:

Isnt't that egg larvesta? Would be a bad good luck if it's the case.

Maybe it is. The color palette is the same but it does look more like Larvesta doesn't it...I'll find out next time. Luckily I can still get Pawniard later but it would be helpful for Shade

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Chapter 5: Shelly Shocked (I'm sorry)


So first thing's first, I have been advised that the mystery egg is Larvesta, not Pawniard, and sure enough:




Turns out Pawniard's egg looks like this:


Honest mistake, yeah...? I mean they look nothing alike but I never got either of these before


Anyways, we went over to Lapis ward to see what was happening. Victoria is already here, as she intended to challenge the leader Shelly. However, the incident with Corey has really shaken young Shelly, so Victoria is reluctant to make her fight. While we're there Shade shows up (right the hell out of nowhere, naturally) and takes Corey away, and Aster and Eclipse let slip that Team Meteor is behind the stairway bombing. Victoria runs off to investigate the cave that's apparently under the stairs, and immediately gets captured, so I have to save her! Yay!


Along the way Pineco is able to promote:




Steel is finally the more common type on this team


At the bottom ??? monologues at me, then I pair with Victoria against Aster and Eclipse:

Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse




Lunatone and Solrock double target Klink with Psywave and Fire Spin. Klink hits Lunatone with Gear Grind while Pignite's 2 hit Arm Thrust hits Solrock. Klink's health is low now, Lunatone downs it with another Psywave. Solrock used Fire Spin again, which now hits Pignite. Pignite's 3 hit Arm Thrust brings Solrock to yellow



Magmar Fire Spins Prinplup, Solrock uses Rock Slide, which hits Prinplup but misses Pignite. Pignite downs Solrock



I can't switch, so Prinplup must go down to Electabuzz. Pignite hits Electabuzz 5 times with Arm Thrust, Magmar's attack is negligible. Next turn I bring in Onix to ko Magmar while Pignite beats Electabuzz




Nothing too special here, moving on


Having saved Victoria, we go back to check on Shelly. She is still upset, so Victoria asks me to find a psychologist



Your idea, not mine


So I end up at the Orphanage of Doom (foolishly) looking for Dr. Connal. He's not amused by my intrusion, and sics his orderly on me...




I won't show the battle with Orderly John, but my victory was by no means pretty, and I was humiliated the first time, as usual...


It wasn't, actually


Anna makes me leave before I have a chance to screw up more battles, but not before giving me advice for Shelly, so I go back to see her again. Heartened by my words, she agrees to face me in a gym battle. Victoria, however, still doesn't want Shelly to fight yet:



yeah I, like, really need that badge

So she challenges me to try to stop me:




Ok, ok, if you insist


Vs. Apprentice Victoria III





I lead with Forretress and set 3 layers of spikes, while Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick 3 times. The second one misses. Forretress is low, but I thought I could take 1 more hit so I choose to attack on the 4th turn


Which is of course a mistake



I send in Wormadam while Scraggy gets healed. They trade a few blows before Scraggy goes down



Prinplup is out to face Pignite. The type advantage is obvious, 2x Brine is enough



Kirlia goes down easily to Mirror Shot; you'll be wanting to evolve soon clearly



Hariyama starts with Belly Drum. "Lucky!" I thought, "I can end it right now with that fancy new Psybeam!"


Wrong. But it's ok, I'll just send Klink next, you know, for the exp. It's faster than this for sure!


Wrong again...


The fact that this was necessary is irritating beyond belief. Klink is actually my slowest yet I act like it's my fastest


These Victoria fights are not getting easier, but I was definitely careless there


So Victoria couldn't stop me, and I go on to face Shelly.



After solving her (college level!) gym puzzle, I come face to face with the first doubles leader. She's eager to prove she's not useless.



never liked that Bugsy guy anyway


Vs. Bookworm Shelly





There's no way I can stop Rain Dance from happening, so I ignore Illumise for now. Onix sets Stealth Rock and Prinplup Pecks Masquerain. Masquerain's Intimidate activates Defiant, so the Peck attack does serious damage. Onix has to eat Bubblebeam and Sturdy averts the OHKO

I choose to let Onix go down, he would never survive another round anyway. Masquerain is healed and Illumise uses Struggle Bug, which KOs Onix. The Sp. Attack drop nets Prinplup another attack boost, so this time Peck downs Masquerain outright



Yanmega instantly loses half health to Stealth Rock, so Shelly uses Yanmega's turn to heal...Illumise uses Struggle Bug again, and Prinplup boosts again. Peck and HP still fail to drop Yanmega that turn, but next turn Shelly wastes Yanmega's turn again on a potion, and Illumise again uses Struggle Bug. This time Yanmega goes down


Anorith comes out, on the first turn it Rapid Spins to remove my trap. Illumise Confuse Ray's Prinplup, who hits herself. Since we're at like +5 attack, the damage downs Prinplup immediately...great

Forretress subs in. Illumise Confuse Ray's Wormadam, who hits herself. Anorith hits Wormadam with Rock Slide but misses Forretress, Forretress hits Anorith with Mirror Shot, it does a bit more than half. As the rain has ended, Illumise Rain Dances again while Anorith Aqua Jets (?) Wormadam. Forretress hits the second Mirror Shot so Anorith is down. Wormadam recovers confusion and hits Illumise with HP, but it's weak now from all the stat drops



Now Shelly brings out her own Wormadam-S. I have no counters for this...Also, it's faster than mine of course. Illumise starts spamming Struggle Bug, her Wormadam uses Psybeam on mine. Naturally, the first one confuses again. I resolve to end Illumise now...Forretress hits with Bug Bite, Wormadam hits herself. Next turn Psybeam + Struggle Bug ends my Wormadam, since "it's not very effective" means nothing to Shelly. Forretress hits again with Bug Bite. I bring in Klink, Shelly's Wormadam hits Klink with Psybeam and confuses again, Illumise uses Struggle Bug. Foretress's Bug Bite KOs Illumise, Klink' s Gear Grind succeeds in hitting Wormadam, though the damage is small. 




Volbeat starts immediately Struggle Bug spamming, Wormadam also uses Struggle Bug. Forretress and Klink both hit Volbeat, it does not go down...Next turn we eat 2 more spread attacks, but Volbeat is defeated. Just one more...this is not the first time I get this close to winning, but it will be the last

We chip away at Wormadam with our best attacks, none of which are effective. Wormadam almost downs Klink with Giga Drain..but in the end we pull off a win


She acts like she didn't beat me 5 times before this

As it turns out, resisting Bug didn't do much for me. The first problem was my team's preference for physical defense even though most of hers use special attacks. If the summary above looks like a mess it's because I fully expected to lose that battle again since my strategy continued to prove flawed. In particular I had to accept sacrificing Onix to set Stealth Rock instead of hoping in vain to get any actual attacks off. I can't say I'm proud of this win, but I'm not confident I could make it much less ugly at the moment, really I was lucky to find a way to not get swept when Yanmega appeared judging from my previous attempts

The results:




Regardless, we now have Shelly's badge, and the level cap is (probably) up to 40, according to Shelly. She then asks me to inform Ame of Corey's fate so the Poison reserve can be called into action. But who could that be???????


We'll find out next time!



Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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48 minutes ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Chapter 5: Shelly Shocked (I'm sorry)


So first thing's first, I have been advised that the mystery egg is Larvesta, not Pawniard, and sure enough:

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Turns out Pawniard's egg looks like this:


Honest mistake, yeah...? I mean they look nothing alike but I never got either of these before


Anyways, we went over to Lapis ward to see what was happening. Victoria is already here, as she intended to challenge the leader Shelly. However, the incident with Corey has really shaken young Shelly, so Victoria is reluctant to make her fight. While we're there Shade shows up (right the hell out of nowhere, naturally) and takes Corey away, and Aster and Eclipse let slip that Team Meteor is behind the stairway bombing. Victoria runs off to investigate the cave that's apparently under the stairs, and immediately gets captured, so I have to save her! Yay!


Along the way Pineco is able to promote:

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Steel is finally the more common type on this team


At the bottom ??? monologues at me, then I pair with Victoria against Aster and Eclipse:

Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse


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Lunatone and Solrock double target Klink with Psywave and Fire Spin. Klink hits Lunatone with Gear Grind while Pignite's 2 hit Arm Thrust hits Solrock. Klink's health is low now, Lunatone downs it with another Psywave. Solrock used Fire Spin again, which now hits Pignite. Pignite's 3 hit Arm Thrust brings Solrock to yellow



Magmar Fire Spins Prinplup, Solrock uses Rock Slide, which hits Prinplup but misses Pignite. Pignite downs Solrock



I can't switch, so Prinplup must go down to Electabuzz. Pignite hits Electabuzz 5 times with Arm Thrust, Magmar's attack is negligible. Next turn I bring in Onix to ko Magmar while Pignite beats Electabuzz




Nothing too special here, moving on


Having saved Victoria, we go back to check on Shelly. She is still upset, so Victoria asks me to find a psychologist

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Your idea, not mine


So I end up at the Orphanage of Doom (foolishly) looking for Dr. Connal. He's not amused by my intrusion, and sics his orderly on me...

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I won't show the battle with Orderly John, but my victory was by no means pretty, and I was humiliated the first time, as usual...


It wasn't, actually


Anna makes me leave before I have a chance to screw up more battles, but not before giving me advice for Shelly, so I go back to see her again. Heartened by my words, she agrees to face me in a gym battle. Victoria, however, still doesn't want Shelly to fight yet:

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yeah I, like, really need that badge

So she challenges me to try to stop me:

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Ok, ok, if you insist


Vs. Apprentice Victoria III



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I lead with Forretress and set 3 layers of spikes, while Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick 3 times. The second one misses. Forretress is low, but I thought I could take 1 more hit so I choose to attack on the 4th turn


Which is of course a mistake



I send in Wormadam while Scraggy gets healed. They trade a few blows before Scraggy goes down



Prinplup is out to face Pignite. The type advantage is obvious, 2x Brine is enough



Kirlia goes down easily to Mirror Shot; you'll be wanting to evolve soon clearly



Hariyama starts with Belly Drum. "Lucky!" I thought, "I can end it right now with that fancy new Psybeam!"


Wrong. But it's ok, I'll just send Klink next, you know, for the exp. It's faster than this for sure!


Wrong again...


The fact that this was necessary is irritating beyond belief. Klink is actually my slowest yet I act like it's my fastest


These Victoria fights are not getting easier, but I was definitely careless there


So Victoria couldn't stop me, and I go on to face Shelly

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I lead with Forretress and set 3 layers of spikes, while Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick 3 times. The second one misses. Forretress is low, but I thought I could take 1 more hit so I choose to attack on the 4th turn


Which is of course a mistake



I send in Wormadam while Scraggy gets healed. They trade a few blows before Scraggy goes down



Prinplup is out to face Pignite. The type advantage is obvious, 2x Brine is enough



Kirlia goes down easily to Mirror Shot; you'll be wanting to evolve soon clearly



Hariyama starts with Belly Drum. "Lucky!" I thought, "I can end it right now with that fancy new Psybeam!"


Wrong. But it's ok, I'll just send Klink next, you know, for the exp. It's faster than this for sure!


Wrong again...


The fact that this was necessary is irritating beyond belief. Klink is actually my slowest yet I act like it's my fastest



After solving her (college level!) gym puzzle, I come face to face with the first doubles leader. She's eager to prove she's not useless.

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never liked that Bugsy guy anyway


Vs. Bookworm Shelly



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There's no way I can stop Rain Dance from happening, so I ignore Illumise for now. Onix sets Stealth Rock and Prinplup Pecks Masquerain. Masquerain's Intimidate activates Defiant, so the Peck attack does serious damage. Onix has to eat Bubblebeam and Sturdy averts the OHKO

I choose to let Onix go down, he would never survive another round anyway. Masquerain is healed and Illumise uses Struggle Bug, which KOs Onix. The Sp. Attack drop nets Prinplup another attack boost, so this time Peck downs Masquerain outright



Yanmega instantly loses half health to Stealth Rock, so Shelly uses Yanmega's turn to heal...Illumise uses Struggle Bug again, and Prinplup boosts again. Peck and HP still fail to drop Yanmega that turn, but next turn Shelly wastes Yanmega's turn again on a potion, and Illumise again uses Struggle Bug. This time Yanmega goes down


Anorith comes out, on the first turn it Rapid Spins to remove my trap. Illumise Confuse Ray's Prinplup, who hits herself. Since we're at like +5 attack, the damage downs Prinplup immediately...great

Forretress subs in. Illumise Confuse Ray's Wormadam, who hits herself. Anorith hits Wormadam with Rock Slide but misses Forretress, Forretress hits Anorith with Mirror Shot, it does a bit more than half. As the rain has ended, Illumise Rain Dances again while Anorith Aqua Jets (?) Wormadam. Forretress hits the second Mirror Shot so Anorith is down. Wormadam recovers confusion and hits Illumise with HP, but it's weak now from all the stat drops



Now Shelly brings out her own Wormadam-S. I have no counters for this...Also, it's faster than mine of course. Illumise starts spamming Struggle Bug, her Wormadam uses Psybeam on mine. Naturally, the first one confuses again. I resolve to end Illumise now...Forretress hits with Bug Bite, Wormadam hits herself. Next turn Psybeam + Struggle Bug ends my Wormadam, since "it's not very effective" means nothing to Shelly. Forretress hits again with Bug Bite. I bring in Klink, Shelly's Wormadam hits Klink with Psybeam and confuses again, Illumise uses Struggle Bug. Foretress's Bug Bite KOs Illumise, Klink' s Gear Grind succeeds in hitting Wormadam, though the damage is small. 




Volbeat starts immediately Struggle Bug spamming, Wormadam also uses Struggle Bug. Forretress and Klink both hit Volbeat, it does not go down...Next turn we eat 2 more spread attacks, but Volbeat is defeated. Just one more...this is not the first time I get this close to winning, but it will be the last

We chip away at Wormadam with our best attacks, none of which are effective. Wormadam almost downs Klink with Giga Drain..but in the end we pull off a win


She acts like she didn't beat me 5 times before this

As it turns out, resisting Bug didn't do much for me. The first problem was my team's preference for physical defense even though most of hers use special attacks. If the summary above looks like a mess it's because I fully expected to lose that battle again since my strategy continued to prove flawed. In particular I had to accept sacrificing Onix to set Stealth Rock instead of hoping in vain to get any actual attacks off. I can't say I'm proud of this win, but I'm not confident I could make it much less ugly at the moment, really I was lucky to find a way to not get swept when Yanmega appeared judging from my previous attempts

The results:

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Regardless, we now have Shelly's badge, and the level cap is (probably) up to 40, according to Shelly. She then asks me to inform Ame of Corey's fate so the Poison reserve can be called into action. But who could that be???????


We'll find out next time!



You are closely reaching to the depths of hell. You know what I mean. Cal and Kiki. o.o But for now, be focused on Fern, Cain, the orderlies and Shade. Loving this run! ^_^

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Chapter 6: Hii Power


With Shelly's badge and access to rock smash, I'm able to take a few steps to improve the team. First, I can go back under the Stairway and grab the mining kit. With it I succeed in digging up an Armor Fossil! Expect that to come in handy later. I can also head down to the Railnet early. After some searching (well, a lot of searching) I finally obtain my 6th party member:




Isn't she a cutie

Also Prinplup can now ascend to final form:



You'd best believe I'll be using priority moves when I can get  'em


Took some time to bring Mawile up to speed, then went over to talk to Ame. However, Fern beat us there. He's riding high after beating Shelly.




Yeah I'm really not buying that


He doesn't want to tell me about the wasteland key so I can meet Aya, but decides to say something if I can beat him. Guess he has something to prove.

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern III





I set 3 layers of Spikes while Ferroseed tickles Forretress with Pin Missile and Gyro Ball. It's attacks are still weak but actually beating this thing will take some doing



Onix subs in and takes a Pin Missile on the switch. I use Stealth Rock, then Screech while eating 2 Gyro Balls, which put Onix to red



I switch for Klink, who takes Pin Missile. I'm really just testing it's power at this point, so I attack with Gear Grind. Ferroseed's attacks are still weak, but after 2 rounds of Gear Grind Klink goes down to Iron Barbs damage while doing less than half to Ferroseed



Mawile's Crunch is now able to put Ferroseed to critical, it uses Ingrain. Fern would waste 2 potions to keep Ferroseed alive, but Mawile prevails



Empoleon is out to face Roserade, since it's not weak to Grass anymore. She eats a crit Giga Drain after using bide, which worries me. Roserade's second Giga Drain puts Empoleon in the red, but the next turn Bide downs Roserade



Ludicolo uses a laughable Water Gun before falling to one Bug Bite. Couldn't even wait for Bubblebeam dude?



Servine would miss an attack before it too falls, again to just one bite from a (big) bug



You're the one that forgot to grind

The first time I neglected to remember that Roserade has HP Fire, and I paid for it. Bide is still OP by the way pls nerf


Fern says to look for a "fruity looking" guy near Beryl Cemetery, so off we go!

At the cemetery said fruity guy turns out to be Cain. Go figure. He doesn't really want to give me the key for some reason, but agrees to if I can beat him, since nothing is free in this world.

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain III





Mawile can do good damage with Crunch, but Razor Shell lowers defense on the first hit and I don't think she will win the trade off, so switch!



This is not a good matchup for Dewott. Even using revenge our defense is too high to crack. Empoleon has yet to learn Drill Peck, so we use Brine instead. Cain uses a couple of potions while we attack, but Brine's double power at half hp does wonders



Nidoking uses Thrash on the first turn, apparently lacking anything better to do. Empoleon's Brine does ~2/3, we finish with Aqua Jet to steal the KO



Grimer only has Mud Bomb to damage Wormadam, a couple Psybeams ends it



Ain't that the truth

Venomoth's boosted Silver Wind puts Onix to critical...not that it matters since boosted Rock Slide is a one-shot



Good to see I still have Cain under control


Cain's about to give us the key, but Heather appears. Cain's looking for her because he's worried and wants to befriend her, but Heather's not having it. She leaves to see Shelly, and we follow. 

In Shelly's room we manage to make Heather mad again and she storms out



Excuse me?

Outside she's confronted by Dr. Sigmund





The doctor abducts takes Heather into custody. The three of us decide we're not having that and team up to raid the Orphanage of Doom. 

I'm paired with Shelly and with Cain's help we mow down Sigmund's army of orderlies. We rescue Heather and the other (plot relevant) kids and escape into the railnet, but are faced with a roadblock. Shelly tells me to ask Shade to power the Yureyu factory. Anna tells me to fight him, cuz why not? So we're off again.


In Shade's gym I find another party member. This one's an old favorite:



and it begins

I level up as Magnemite to get Discharge early, of course. Wormadam will be benched, she has served me well


I'm also able to get a Metal Coat from a different Magnemite. All of this combined lets me give the team a big power boost in preparation for Shade:



With this the whole team is actually steel type for the first time, woot




Preparations complete, I'm ready to challenge Shade.

Vs. Entity Shade





Mawile removes 1/2 hp with Sucker Punch before going down to 2x power Thunderbolt...there goes my 6-0



Gengar is healed twice, both times it is undone by Discharge. Magneton must take Shadow ball before downing Gengar



Doublade doesn't do anything before being one-shotted by Discharge



Same for Banette. Must be the +speed nature working for me



Forretress is up to face Trevenant. The field is not dark, so Forretress can easily tank Shadow Claws while Bug Biting. It also steals Trevenant's berry before felling it



Steelix has just learned Crunch upon evolving, so he's now up to the task. Since I luckily skillfully changed the field already, Steelix is able to tank Shadow Ball with >1/2 health before hitting a crit Crunch that lowers defense. Steelix takes another Shadow Ball before finishing Rotom 



Chandelure throws a powerful Electric HP, but Empoleon takes it, and Brine is equally powerful. I steal the KO with Aqua Jet



I suppose it does

As predicted, Magneton is a monster in the Factory/Short-Circuit field. That being said, I still had to learn to save Steelix to face off with Rotom after being swept by that beast with Steelix already down in my first attempt.

The results:



Just compare this to after Shelly. Magneton was destined to be a force on this team


Shade helps me out after my win. After the factory is powered up, he shows me all my fellow fugitives sans Cain being stolen by ???



My name is of no importance



Will I get to speak in poems when I become a ghost?


Looks like a rescue mission is in order. We've got a very tough stretch ahead of us, stay tuned to see if I survive!

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In this chapter we begin the Apophyll sidequest/arc/thing. It turns out to be pretty eventful.


Chapter 7: In Search of Strength

Back down in the railnet we come across Victoria. She tells me Cain left to find the TM Strength so he can chase after ??? to rescue the kids:



Victoria also confirms that the Poison reserve is his sister Aya, and that only he has the key needed to access the wasteland where Aya resides. We head to Coral Ward to pursue Cain.


In Coral Ward, Cain rides away on Muk (without giving me the key since he's in such a hurry now...) since it can survive the toxic water. It seems like we're stuck until Amaria appears again.



She believes the pollution is coming from Blackstream Factory and asks for my assistance to investigate, so off we go.

We break into the factory and it is clear to me that Amaria in no way needs my help really



10 on 1? Now you're just showing off


We get separated, and I fall for an obvious trap



I think I might know a thing or two about metal

But I escape, and eventually make it to the source of the pollution: another PULSE machine:



Probably should do it instead of just standing there honestly

Amaria tasks me with stopping the machine:

Vs. Meteor Admin ZEL III





Glaceon misses it's first attack before barely surviving Iron Tail. It gets healed before falling



Espeon takes Sucker Punch before setting Future Sight. A second Sucker Punch precludes its second move from happening



Forretress has way too much defense for Umbreon's attack to do much. ZEL would try to keep it going with potions, but Bug Bites fell it



Forgot how the field works, so Steelix has to Sturdy-tank Muddy Water before using Screech. I then must switch



Empoleon's presence baits Muk into using Discharge, changing the field, but the attack crits and drops her



Muk now tries in vain to hit Steelix with +electric Muddy Water, so the fight is as good as done


I flubbed there but it was fine, moving on


???, who is Solaris, scoffs at my victory, as the damage is already done:



He tries to end Amaria



but can't, since she's apparently made of iron as well



All the Meteor guys leave, and Amaria lets me use her boat to chase Cain. So, we sail to Apophyll Island.


I check out the Academy and learn a lot form reading all the books, as well as commit some petty larceny in exchange for some girl's number sticker




let's just call me neutral good


I talk to Kiki; she's willing to let me use TM Strength if I can prove my worth, which starts by climbing a volcano to defeat her gifted student Cal. Before I start I explore the island some more. Inside a cave I find this by breaking open some rocks:



I can't evolve him until I'm basically done as of now, so it feels a bit like cheating to use him. For now he's benched, we'll see if I change my mind


Then I navigate the inside of an active volcano, because convection shmonvection. At the top I challenge Cal, who's in the middle of his brooding cool guy act.

Vs. Ex-Leader Cal





Luckily for me in this area rain is super common, making this fight actually, well, possible. Empoleon survives Close Combat with critical hp before using a OHKO Brine



Empoleon pulls off a crit Aqua Jet to bring down Magmortar instantly, a lucky break



I try Aqua Jet again, but it fails to fell Charizard, so Empoleon goes down here



Charizard gets healed, which lets me drop it with Discharge on the first turn



Blaziken uses Bulk Up. Magneton's Discharge paralyzes, so I can attack again first to stop it



Delphox throws out Mystical Fire. Luckily, that attack is weak and with the rain easily tanked. Magneton hits a crit Discharge to bring it down at once, lucky again, though I think it was under control now



Typhlosion here throws a Flame Charge, again tanked due to rain+its low base power. Magneton's Discharge paralyzes again, so I get the first move next time to finish it


Apparently. I can see why Charlotte replaced you, your team needs more flamethrowers

I got a lot of help with that win, I'll admit it, but I didn't think I would get quite that much mileage from Magneton. I won't pretend like this didn't take some doing to get right though...Interestingly when I first got here the weather was actually sunny. I knew I had no chance with that so I had to wait for it to change


I head back down to the Academy to tell Kiki I won. It's revealed that Kiki is actually terminal, and she has been working very hard to make it seem like everything is fine. However, she agrees to fight me for her badge and TM.


Victoria, however, doesn't want me to fight her beloved sensei while she is infirm:



ok you're forgetting the mission here

Vs. Apprentice Victoria IV





Forretress sets 3 layers of Spikes while taking 3 Hi Jump Kicks. I allow Forretress to go down (sort of) to ensure a safe switch



Klang uses Gear Grind and does good damage, and survives Hi Jump Kick. But my second Gear Grind misses, so Klang goes down



Scraggy gets healed, then damaged by Brine, then healed again. After that I can attack twice to drop Scraggy



Emboar's Arm Thrust hits 4 times (it's faster, surprisingly) but Brine drops it



Magneton Sturdy-tanks Close Combat before Discharge fells the now weakened Heracross



I predict correctly that Magneton is faster, but Discharge does not get the KO, so down it goes



I get the jump on Hariyama with Sucker Punch, it is sufficient for revenge



Gallade uses Swords Dance before taking an Iron Tail to the face. It then chooses Leaf Blade, apparently lacking a Fighting move to use, and is beaten with a second Iron Tail


look this is happening

These are getting closer each time, but we won, mostly due to poor move choice by Victoria


Having failed to stop me, Victoria remembers what we came here for and lets me face Kiki. It begins...

Vs. Sensei Kiki





Forretress again sets 3 layers of Spikes, I'm going to need them. Machamp attacks with Rock Slides and Strength, which remains resisted. Forretress is able to tank 4 attacks before Selfdestructing



Machamp gets healed, the recovery is mostly erased by Discharge. Magneton is faster, and the second Discharge does more damage to fell Machamp. Thanks, Metronome!



Magneton takes Hi Jump Kick before KOing with another Discharge. Took no time for Magneton to be my MVP



Lucario boosts with Calm Mind, but Empoleon's Brine crits and knocks it down instantly. Yet another lucky break.



Another one. Gallade chooses Strength, which hits for neutral, Empoleon counters with Shadow Claw (thanks Shade). She takes another Strength before a second Shadow Claw wins this round



Toxicroak chooses Strength, which is still neutral and therefore tankable. Steelix's Iron Tail does heavy damage, as Toxicroak lacks defense. Steelix takes another Strength before securing the KO



Medicham chooses Ice Punch first, which does not break our high defense. Steelix gets in one good Iron Tail before falling



Medicham's first attack this time is Drain Punch, which Mawile can take with >1/2 health. Crunch does good damage. Medicham then goes with another Drain Punch, before taking another Crunch. Sucker Punch puts it in the red but I miss the KO, so Mawile is bested



Klang is able to survive Drain Punch with critical hp, and secures the win with Gear Grind. I was worried about that one...


This was quite a task, it took many tries before enough went my way. Again it feels rather lucky, but the previous attempt came so painfully close I'm not gonna complain. Truth be told since Kiki seems to favor using Strength a lot I was usually beat down by Lucario since it picks Aura Sphere instead, the rest generally were not as bad as they could have been (save for Medicham). Good thing the fighting+psychic results in a neutral against steel


Kiki collapses literally moments before giving me a badge. She's in no condition to give it to me now apparently...Victoria also notices that Cain isn't actually here, and tells me to look for him on another island.


Next time, we're off to find Cain (again). Stay tuned!

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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A long chapter here, but a good one.


Chapter 8: Trainer Stahl and the Unusually Lengthy Fetch Quest


In search of Cain we sail to Azurine Island. There we find an unassuming structure, but inside we get jumped by Team Meteor:

Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse




Mawile Sucker Punches Solrock  before taking Fire Spin. Lunatone uses Rock Slide, then Klang KOs Solrock with Gear Grind


Magmar came in next. Mawile threw a Sucker Punch at Magmar, then falls to Fire Punch. Lunatone does Rock Slide again, then Klang's Gear Grind crits once to bring down Lunatone.



Aqua Jet hurts Magmar before Electaubzz misses Cross Chop. Magmar's Fire Punch drops Klang before it can move



Magmar's turn is used to heal, which is undone by Aqua Jet. Electabuzz hits Empoleon with Thunderpunch for 1/2 health, then takes Bug Bite. Aqua Jet finishes Magmar here before it moves, Empoleon is then beaten by Electabuzz. Forretress hits Electabuzz again with Bug Bite



Electabuzz hits Steelix with Cross Chop, but it doesn't do much. Rhydon's turn is used to heal Electabuzz, while Forretress hits again with Bug Bite, which crits to take out Electabuzz, and Steelix does high damage with Iron Tail to Rhydon. 


Milotic came out next. It Hydro Pumps to down Steelix while Rhydon gets healed. 



I send Magneton next. Magneton moves first to drop Rhydon with Flash Cannon, Milotic uses a weak Twister, then takes a Bug Bite. Next turn Discharge ends it



Definitely one of the easier times I've had with this fight


Having lost the two taunt me:



so we're in the right place then


I find the secret room, where there are more Meteor dudes, including Taka, who tries to capture me:



Vs. Meteor Admin Taka III





Klefki throws some Spikes before taking heavy damage from Gear Grind. Taka heals, but Klefki is then bested immediately after



Klang survives Heat Wave before Gear Grind crits once to drop Chatot on the first go, cool



Gligar does an ineffective Acrobatics then goes down to crit Brine



Cradily's Giga Drain does good damage, but Steelix does a lot more with Iron Tail, which lowers defense. Taka tries to heal, but Cradily was already finished



Meh didn't do much for me either 


The Meteors leave, their plan already in motion. Cain tells me they are going to use PULSE Camerupt to blow the volcano and wipe out Apophyll. Which is bad. We go back to stop it. 

Kiki decides she must go to help...Cain goes ahead of us. On the way back up the volcano we're paired with Victoria to fight more Meteor dudes (Well I fought. Her mons just got doubled and lost every time).  


At the top we find Cain there with Solaris and Taka, already haven been beaten (Oh and Cal's there...). Victoria has to fight Taka, Solaris decides to handle me himself...





We'll see about that


Vs. Meteor Leader Solaris



In preparation for this fight I stocked up on a bunch of Air Balloons, and equipped them to everyone but Mawile. Thus I was able to do some misdirection:



My strategy basically involves abusing Intimidate to make Garchomp weak. Mawile can bait him to use Earthquake...


...which misses because of my balloons. As a bonus I bet that the next move will be Dragon Rush...


And I'm right! That's a free safe switch and Intimidate drop. 



On the second try he actually picks Fire Fang, but we can already take it now. Interestingly, this is the only time he does it right. I succeed in lowering Garchomp's attack to the minimum, then start phase 2.


Steelix's sky-high defense means Fire Fang now does pitiful damage. He uses Screech twice but is beaten by Earthquake, which still does enough damage to drop him in 3 hits


Klang tanks a Fire Fang then Screeches. it then goes down to Earthquake.


As insurance, I send Magneton to use Metal Sound as well. I actually manage 2 because Garchomp picks Dragon Rush for some reason and misses the first attack. 


Empoleon is back now to attack with Brine, which can now do good damage. Garchomp misses a Fire Fang, then the second Brine puts it to critical. Solaris must heal, so I get another free attack, which this time puts him to yellow. Empoleon takes a Fire Fang then finishes it with another Brine. Double power at <1/2 health is indeed frightening...



Look if you're gonna use Cynthia's theme music I expect better. She would have won

 It took several tries to get my strategy right, yet in the end I still went off script. My actual plan was to let Forretress Explode. I was going to just lower its health with Empoleon first but this works too!


Solaris isn't impressed, because apparently The Battle Didn't Count (never mind that I still took his money). 





Now Kiki is here, but her efforts are stopped by Cal's betrayal. She and Medicham are killed :( then Cal decides that crosses the line and destroys the machine (can Magmortar use Blast Burn?). Solaris leaves, his plan having failed. Cal's pretty devastated, and Victoria hates him now, you know, because he's a lying snake. 


Victoria finally gives up TM Strength, and would give me Kiki's badge but apparently it's now invalid since she's gone...(honestly who would know though?) So I have to win anther badge before I can use Strength. As such, Cain finally decides to unlock the wasteland for me (since it's now clearly the only option to save those kids, in case he forgot about that)




Back at South Obsidia, Cain tells me his reasoning:



So you admit you were wasting my time then


Ok but like you don't have to be there. And what about the kids???


So Cain was preparing himself mentally for the idea of (me) meeting his family that drove him away. He's ready now, but insists on fighting me again first.

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain IV





Klang easily outdamages Venomoth, whose attacks are not too effective. Klang's Gear Grind would waste his potions (or I guess it's ice cream at this point. Mmm.)



Easy pickings. Magneton's Discharge paralyzes but doesn't KO, which is a bit annoying. The paralysis robs Samurott of its turn



Muk goes for Minimize twice, but Klang still hits Gear Grinds. Unfortunately I miscalculate so Klang goes down to Mud Bombs before getting the KO



Steelix takes a Mud Bomb before hitting Rock Slide 



Nidoking picks Thrash (seriously?) then goes down at once to Brine



Steelix doesn't get to move before falling to crit Shadow Ball...



Haunter annoyed me, so it receives Sucker Punches


Still simple, moving on


Cain opens the door, finally



Just now thinking of this?


We navigate the wasteland with little trouble, my mons' steel bodies are corrosion resistant. Eventually we get to the hideout, and meet Cain and Aya's mom. Her name is Lana. The place has been upgraded to be a gym/poke center, so that's nice. When we head to the arena we meet Hardy and, unfortunately, none other than Fern *sigh*

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern IV





I abuse the field and use Spikes to damage Ferrothorn indirectly while it tickles Forretress with puny attacks (That's a pretty big hole in coverage it's got). Fern wastes all his ice cream on this guy 


So Fern gave up his monotype run because he lost to Aya once. Fern is weak. 

I guess Krokorok will use Dig, so I do Stockpile, but it actually does Fire Fang...Then it actually does Dig to dodge Iron Head *sigh*

Mawile takes the Dig, then lands Iron Head, which puts it to critical. Mawile throws a Sucker Punch before it goes down.


I send Empoleon, who avenges Mawile with Aqua Jet



I go with the same strategy as last time and use Bide. Roserade's first Giga Drain is manageable, but the second crits and leaves us with just 3 hp (close one...) Bide then obliterates it



The second of his new additions, but not impressive. Scyther does basically nothing before going down to Rock Slide



Serperior uses Leech Seed, then is hurt by Bug Bite. It's grass attacks are not a match for Ferrothorn's steel shell.



I was beat again by Roserade the first time around, having learned nothing from the past. I don't yet have a counter that isn't Bide it seems, but that should change


With that over I can face Aya. She's not all that motivated though.

Vs. Wasteland Punk Aya





Tentacruel throws some useless Toxic Spikes (?) and Nidoqueen throws regular Spikes. Empoleon brings Nido to red with Brine, and Forretress throws her own Spikes. At the end my spikes defeat Nidoqueen.



Gengar hits Forretress, then Tentacruel uses Muddy Water, which KOs Forretress and lowers Empoleon's accuracy, netting us a Defiant boost. Empoleon's Shadow Claw one-shots Gengar



I consider switching Empoleon for Steelix to use Discharge, but decide against since Empy is boosted. Tentacruel throws another Muddy Water that hits Magneton but misses Empoleon, Empoleon's Shadow Claw fells Tentacruel, then Dragalge drops Magneton with Hydro Pump before it can move (Magneton was slowest there surprisingly)



Empoleon damages Drapion with Brine, then takes Dragon Pulse and Night Slash with critical health. Klang's Gear Grind damages Dragalge. Next turn Dragalge is healed with Drapion's turn, then Aqua Jet beats Drapion while Dragalge drops Empoleon. Klang's Gear Grind undoes the healing



Venusaur misses Leech Seed on Klang, then Steelix must sturdy-tank Hydro Pump. Klang KOs Dragalge, Steelix hits Venusaur with Rock Slide


Steelix goes down to Power Whip, but Klang beats Venusaur with Metronome boosted Gear Grind (definitely a good investment)



Wait how does that make sense this is literally your job now

This was done on the first try, guess I should be happy Salazzle is not a thing (yet)


Having beat Aya I finally get that poison badge and her TM, which is pretty much useless for me. Aya's pretty thoroughly depressed, but Hardy's here for her, so that's nice. Now I can go to save those kids that were stolen, like, a while ago...I hope they're ok :( 


Until next time!

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8 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

This was done on the first try, guess I should be happy Salazzle is not a thing (yet)

Indeed. I guess. If gen 7 mechanics are implemented by the next episode, they might just completely update the gyms, Aya having a Salazzle to counter for weaknesses.

Earthpower/earthquake might still be an option to deal with that tho...


Well done with Aya anyway!

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12 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

A long chapter here, but a good one.


Chapter 8: Trainer Stahl and the Unusually Lengthy Fetch Quest


In search of Cain we sail to Azurine Island. There we find an unassuming structure, but inside we get jumped by Team Meteor:

Vs. Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse


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Mawile Sucker Punches Solrock  before taking Fire Spin. Lunatone uses Rock Slide, then Klang KOs Solrock with Gear Grind


Magmar came in next. Mawile threw a Sucker Punch at Magmar, then falls to Fire Punch. Lunatone does Rock Slide again, then Klang's Gear Grind crits once to bring down Lunatone.



Aqua Jet hurts Magmar before Electaubzz misses Cross Chop. Magmar's Fire Punch drops Klang before it can move



Magmar's turn is used to heal, which is undone by Aqua Jet. Electabuzz hits Empoleon with Thunderpunch for 1/2 health, then takes Bug Bite. Aqua Jet finishes Magmar here before it moves, Empoleon is then beaten by Electabuzz. Forretress hits Electabuzz again with Bug Bite



Electabuzz hits Steelix with Cross Chop, but it doesn't do much. Rhydon's turn is used to heal Electabuzz, while Forretress hits again with Bug Bite, which crits to take out Electabuzz, and Steelix does high damage with Iron Tail to Rhydon. 


Milotic came out next. It Hydro Pumps to down Steelix while Rhydon gets healed. 



I send Magneton next. Magneton moves first to drop Rhydon with Flash Cannon, Milotic uses a weak Twister, then takes a Bug Bite. Next turn Discharge ends it



Definitely one of the easier times I've had with this fight


Having lost the two taunt me:

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so we're in the right place then


I find the secret room, where there are more Meteor dudes, including Taka, who tries to capture me:

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Vs. Meteor Admin Taka III



  Reveal hidden contents


Klefki throws some Spikes before taking heavy damage from Gear Grind. Taka heals, but Klefki is then bested immediately after



Klang survives Heat Wave before Gear Grind crits once to drop Chatot on the first go, cool



Gligar does an ineffective Acrobatics then goes down to crit Brine



Cradily's Giga Drain does good damage, but Steelix does a lot more with Iron Tail, which lowers defense. Taka tries to heal, but Cradily was already finished



Meh didn't do much for me either 


The Meteors leave, their plan already in motion. Cain tells me they are going to use PULSE Camerupt to blow the volcano and wipe out Apophyll. Which is bad. We go back to stop it. 

Kiki decides she must go to help...Cain goes ahead of us. On the way back up the volcano we're paired with Victoria to fight more Meteor dudes (Well I fought. Her mons just got doubled and lost every time).  


At the top we find Cain there with Solaris and Taka, already haven been beaten (Oh and Cal's there...). Victoria has to fight Taka, Solaris decides to handle me himself...

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We'll see about that


Vs. Meteor Leader Solaris



In preparation for this fight I stocked up on a bunch of Air Balloons, and equipped them to everyone but Mawile. Thus I was able to do some misdirection:

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My strategy basically involves abusing Intimidate to make Garchomp weak. Mawile can bait him to use Earthquake...


...which misses because of my balloons. As a bonus I bet that the next move will be Dragon Rush...


And I'm right! That's a free safe switch and Intimidate drop. 



On the second try he actually picks Fire Fang, but we can already take it now. Interestingly, this is the only time he does it right. I succeed in lowering Garchomp's attack to the minimum, then start phase 2.


Steelix's sky-high defense means Fire Fang now does pitiful damage. He uses Screech twice but is beaten by Earthquake, which still does enough damage to drop him in 3 hits


Klang tanks a Fire Fang then Screeches. it then goes down to Earthquake.


As insurance, I send Magneton to use Metal Sound as well. I actually manage 2 because Garchomp picks Dragon Rush for some reason and misses the first attack. 


Empoleon is back now to attack with Brine, which can now do good damage. Garchomp misses a Fire Fang, then the second Brine puts it to critical. Solaris must heal, so I get another free attack, which this time puts him to yellow. Empoleon takes a Fire Fang then finishes it with another Brine. Double power at <1/2 health is indeed frightening...



Look if you're gonna use Cynthia's theme music I expect better. She would have won

 It took several tries to get my strategy right, yet in the end I still went off script. My actual plan was to let Forretress Explode. I was going to just lower its health with Empoleon first but this works too!


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Wait how does that make sense this is literally your job now


Well, you know, all gym leaders only have to do their job when it's out time to battle them, until then they can go fight team meteor with us, go fight plants, go see another gym leader in agate circus who know how long... 

Edir: kinda quoted a lot more than it was intended, i think you know what i was refering to :D

Edited by Tacuara
mistakes were made
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6 hours ago, Tacuara said:

Well, you know, all gym leaders only have to do their job when it's out time to battle them, until then they can go fight team meteor with us, go fight plants, go see another gym leader in agate circus who know how long... 

True. Seems like she's saying she doesn't have to battle anymore but maybe she just means she doesn't have to battle me anymore ;) 

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Chapter 9: To Chrysolia and Beyond


With strength, we can (finally) go rescue those kids. Back down in the railnet, I move all the junk out of the way, and Cain and I head up the only open path, which leads to the Yureyu building. The place is apparently a Meteor base, so I'm paired with Cain for the infiltration:



ain't nothing gentle about cold hard steel sweetie


Cain's team make for good decoys while I do all the fighting.


We eventually succeed in finding Shelly and Charlotte, and then encounter Heather with Dr. Sigmund. Having had enough of this guy's nonsense, I decide to fight him:

Vs. Dr. Sigmund Connal





Sending Empoleon first was an accident, but I decide to roll with it. We go for Aqua Jet while Nidoking does Shadow Ball, both on Raichu, which brings it to critical. Luxray's Discharge boosts Raichu and damages Empoleon, Raichu hits Nidoking. Raichu gets healed, which is erased by our double target before Luxray downs Empoleon



Raichu is healed again, Nidoking Shadow Balls Raichu, then Luxray hits Nido with Crunch. Steelix does Rock Slide. Raichu falls the next round



Electivire's Fire Punch does some damage to Steelix, but not a lot thanks to our astronomical defense. Nido Shadow Balls Luxray then falls to another Crunch, Steelix beats Luxray with Rock Slide



Cain sent out Samurott, having apparently embraced his role as my meat shield...Sigmund sends Lanturn, which is actually a threat. However, he prioritizes beating Cain apparently. I'm a bit foggy on this round but Samurott's Razor Shell and Stellix's Rock Slide put Electivire to critical, and Samurott goes down while Steelix is untouched



Venomoth gets instantly blown away by Fire Punch *sigh* Lanturn's Discharge becomes useless, then Steelix KOs Electivire with Rock Slide



Muk's Sludge Bomb poisons Eelektross here, so it goes down quicker as a result. Steelix is untouched in this round too when Eelektross goes down



Having finally realized what's happening, Steelix gets double targeted and defeated. Muk's Sludge Bomb poisons Lanturn



Rotom gets beat after some Sucker Punches, then it's 2 v 1 for Lanturn

I was a bit derelict with the screenshots here, but I expected to reset after my initial mistake so I wasn't really trying, yet got the win anyway. Not an impressive battle, Steelix just spammed Rock Slide half the time 


With Sigmund beaten we go upstairs to find Anna and Noel with Sirius (it is Sirius yes? pretty sure Solaris would not be here to get beat by me a second time). Sirius takes Anna's Amethyst Pendant before the Meteors leave. Now that we saved the kids, we can continue our escape from the city. Before we leave, I find this bad boy:



A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

 And then I can do this:




High attack, already knows STAB Rock Slide, and learns Metal Burst? Yes please


When we get outside Heather leaves immediately. Losing her pendant has made Anna Nostra ill, so we head to the Belrose Manor (Manse? whatever) as per Charlotte's suggestion. Her sister Laura's already here, having before left the Orphanage of Doom since she's 18 now. I get sent on an errand to get medicine from Spinel Town.


I navigate the forest full of paths that change direction, and arrive at the town, where there's junk teleporting all over the place. When I go to the Mart it disappears (of course). Luckily, the museum doesn't move, so I'm able to reanimate this from my fossil:



a terror from the distant past

With some TLC this happens:



Actually has quality SDef, and also learns Metal Burst? Yes please


Further investigation reveals that the mart has teleported on top of the Voclain estate (Manor? whatever), where gym leader Serra resides with her son Bennett. Serra also took in Luna, who is not her daughter, but Luna recently left. Serra's not all that worried, but Bennett wants to find her. Bennett really likes Luna.



pictured: an extreme thirst


As if by magic, El shows up at the door, claiming to be Luna's father. We say we don't know where she is, then Serra invites him to watch our gym match, because since I'm here we might as well fight. Near the end of the gym puzzle Bennett challenges me. He wants to be a gym leader, so this is a test for him.

Vs. Lepidopterist Bennett





Larvesta manages one weak Flame Charge before being erased by Rock Slide



Underestimating its power, Aggron is felled by Hydro Pump



Magneton tanks Signal Beam before Discharge is a one-shot



Same story here, but Magneton is put to critical



Klang hits Gear Grind, then takes Signal Beam. Klang would miss twice, and be damaged twice, allowing Dustox to get the win



Empoleon sets Bide, then tanks 2 hits to KO with the counter



Went with Bide again. Empoleon takes 2 more hits with just 4 hp left (this happens far too much), then blows Butterfree away



Empy throws one Aqua Jet before going down, it does less than I wanted



Mawile easily tanks double resisted Signal Beams before winning with some Iron Heads

I was still training Bastiodon, so this was effectively 5 v 6. That being said, I was still sloppy for sure.


That performance leads El to say Bennett could be in the Elite 4...but I won in 1 try, which tells me he's not better than Shelly


That done, I can now face Serra:

Vs. Beauty Queen Serra





Cryogonal throws a Frost Breath before being smashed by Iron Head



Mawile must take a Water Pulse before Iron Head is again a one-shot



Klang hits a Gear Grind, then gets confused by Water Pulse. While Vanilluxe is healed Klang hits itself. It then takes another Water Pulse (Vanilluxe is now faster) before missing Gear Grind and falling from the damage *sigh*



Magneton tanks before Flash Cannon obliterates the ice cream cone




Glaceon and Aurorus both get one-shotted. Probably should have started this way



Magneton does nothing before taking "in focus" Frost Breath *sigh*



Iron Head somehow doesn't get the KO here, so Aggron goes down to crit Shadow Ball *sigh*



Frosslass is healed and Mawile hits Sucker Punch twice, but no KO, so she too is beaten by (another) crit Shadow Ball *sigh*



Missed once and took a Shadow Ball (not a crit this time, fancy that) but eventually Empoleon lands Aqua Jet

My first offensive type advantage, yet Serra still put up a fight:



Always being slower can take a toll

I was also swept by Froslass once when it evasion-haxed its way through my team, really nothing to be done there. I guess I could have led with Magneton and just Flash Cannoned everything, but where's the fun in that?


After the fight the Mart disappears from the balcony. Also, Bennett leaves with El. Apparently, El can make him an Elite if he helps find Luna. Bennett tells him Luna is going to Vanhanen Castle (Castle Vanhanen? whatever). Serra is a bit worried Bennett will do something stupid, but decides she should be happy her son has this opportunity...though this is totally when he begins his fall to the Dark (...Light?) Side. 


We still need to find the mart to get that medicine, but Serra says it's probably not far. We shall see next time.

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Chapter 10: Protect This House


Passing back through the forest, we see that the Mart has conveniently appeared on the other side. We return to bring the medicine for Anna Nostra. Now recovered, Anna suggests I take the opportunity to fight Noel and Charlotte for their badges. Charlotte refuses; I'm not yet strong enough to face her, but Noel agrees. However before we can begin the eldest Belrose Saphira appears. She warns us that Dr. Sigmund and Team Meteor are coming to get us (again). She decides the best plan is to fight.



she means it too


Saphira tasks Laura and me to guard the house while the kids hide inside and she murders all their advance forces. Soon Dr. Sigmund appears



He brings more orderlies to entertain me. Upon their defeat Sirius appears. He's angry that the attack isn't going as planned



already doing that bro

I refuse to move, so we fight

Vs. Meteor Admin Sirius 




I ended up being forced to lead with Klang against Chandelure. Klang had to be sacrificed to get a safe switch


Chandelure's Heat Wave removes 1/2 of Empy's health, my Brine puts it to yellow. When Chandelure is healed I get the chance to attack twice with Brine + Aqua Jet, but don't get the KO, and Empoleon barely takes another Heat Wave, then Chandelure is healed again. I then can finish with Brine + Aqua Jet when Chandelure has slightly less hp



Forretress sets 3 layers of Spikes and 1 of Poison Spikes as Hitmontop misses 1 Hi Jump Kick, then attacks with Mach Punch instead. Forretress Explodes to remove this threat



I neglected to teach Steelix Dig, so Magneton is up to face Manectric. Magneton eats Fire Fang, then does Metal Sound. The second Fire Fang brings it to critical, and Flash Cannon + poison damage fails to get the KO, though it does proc another SDef drop. When Manectric is healed, Magneton's second Flash Cannon has enough power to KO



 Seviper and Aggron trade blows, but Aggron wins the bout with critical health



Aggron flinch-locks Probopass with Iron Head here, a lucky extra KO



Honchkrow is faster, so Aggron goes down here



We throw out an Aqua Jet, then Empoleon is down too



I assume Steelix can handle this, but he then goes on to miss five straight Stone Edges, and is thus also beaten



At this point I thought a loss might be incoming, but Magneton is faster, so Discharge drops the cheating bird



You should just be glad she didn't kill you too honestly

That was unusually stressful


I choose to hold Sirius at the door, but as a result Laura is injured and Anna and Noel are Taken. Saphira goes ahead to the Meteor base in Tanzan Mountain, and I follow. As a result of beating up on more Meteor dudes, Klang reaches final form:




Eventually we come across yet another PULSE, this time it's Abra. Abra is the cause of the teleporting shenanigans in Chrysolia Forest and Spinel Town. ZEL's been struggling to control its power. We're informed something quite important



she's a real bad cookie too

And then forcefully warped away. I'm separated from Saphira in the Tanzan Depths; after some wandering we come across the source of the earthquakes:

Vs. Pokémon Gargantuan








Impressive we can actually damage something this big

That took almost everything I had


Saphira pairs up with Steelix to save the twins while I go back to the base. Back to the PULSE, they are having no luck taming Abra, and they can't afford to show Lin a failed project. So ZEL asks me to stop Abra.

Vs. Meteor Admin ZEL IV (sort of)





Tried Payback here, the damage isn't bad. Dark Pulse will be Abra's attack of choice since we all resist Hyper Beam...


I just have Forretress Explode immediately.


Using my head for once, I have Magneton Thunder Wave. Paralysis gives me one extra attack


Empoleon manages to end it after more paralysis gives me more turns



After I clean up their mess, the Meteors coerce me to act like one of them so Lin isn't mad (it doesn't work, incidentally). Before anything can happen Lin leaves to take care of Saphira and Steelix. Sirius tells me to leave immediately, so as to avoid trouble. Back at the house, spirits are low since Saphira never came back. To change the subject, we decide to resume the fight with Noel that never happened.

Vs. Prodigy Noel





Aggron shrugs off a weak Dazzling Gleam, then does heavy damage with Iron Head. Wigglytuff is switched for Porygon-Z



Porygon-Z takes Iron Head on the switch, I'm actually impressed by it's tanking ability. Discharge does heavy damage, as Porygon-Z already got +SpAttack form Download. Iron Head puts it low, and activates Petaya Berry. Porygon-Z gets healed, then tanks another Iron Head before KOing



Porygon-Z's HP Fire (of course it has to be fire) drops Steelix to 1 immediately, since it's at +4 SpAttack. Steelix misses Iron Tail *sigh* then goes down the next turn



Sensing a sweep coming I decide to end it now with Explosion



Didn't know what was coming next, but this works. Girafarig's Thunderbolt does ~1/2 (no STAB luckily), and Brine does a bit more than half, though not in potion range apparently. Empoleon takes another Thunderbolt thanks to field healng, then ends it with Brine



Cinccino can still do good damage with 5 hit Tail Slap; Magneton's Discharge does 2/3. Cinccino would be healed twice, but it goes down, though not before putting Magneton below half health



Swellow's Façade does little before it's shot down



Magneton moves first and cleans up with Flash Cannon



Flash Cannon does heavy damage, but Magneton is beaten by HP Fire (again)



Clefable doesn't stand a chance now that Klinklang actually has decent speed



Nice of you to say 

Pretty much under control here, once I blew up Porygon-Z...even if the results tell a different story



pretty sure I know what I'm doing


So we got Noel's badge. He then asks us to look for Saphira, though he is not confident she survived. But when we go back to the mountain, we find Saphira no worse for wear after the run in with Lin. She also got back Heather's Ruby Ring ad Anna's Amethyst Pendant, but tells me to hold on to them since Meteor won't know I've got them/because I can take care of myself (that being said, Heather's an Elite, and Anna is...Anna, so am I really better?). She's taking the kids toward Labradorra and Calcenon, and I'm to make my way there on my own. 


Before I leave, I head back to the depths to find this:



One of the few genuinely fast mons I can get, so I'm sure I can find a place for him in my ranks


Next time it's onward into the unknown world beyond Reborn!

Edited by EndearingCharacterTrait
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Chapter 11: Castle Crashers


Beyond Tanzan Mountain I emerge into a new forest. This is the Aventurine region. After a short trek, we arrive at Route 1 (took a while to get here, didn't it?). Mere steps into the new area, we see none other than Fern, here to gloat at me I guess. (Somehow) he already has 8 badges (even though he didn't fight Noel), so he thinks he's better or something. I then put him in his place.

Vs. Swag Jockey Fern V





Aggron is faster, which I didn't totally expect, so Iron Head causes a flinch on the first turn. As a result Fern would waste 2 ice creams before it went down



Empoleon easily tanks Earthquake with help from the field before dropping Krookodile with OHKO Brine



Unfortunately the field turns on me and helps Roserade beat us with just one Giga Drain



Giga Drain again does near fatal damage, and Iron Head does good damage in return, but Aggron must then go down 



Roserade is still faster (of course), but the first attack chosen is Extrasensory this time, allowing for one Iron Head. Durant is then nuked with HP Fire



The rain does nothing here to stop HP Fire form being a (would be) one shot, but Sturdy means Forretress can still Explode to stop yet another potential sweep



Guessed wrong, so Klinklang is out versus Ferrothorn. We use Screech then take a Leech Seed. I switch



Magneton gets ticked by Gyro Ball on the switch. We do Metal Sound twice while taking just one Power Whip, since one misses. Magneton then takes one more Power Whip while getting the KO with Discharge x2



Scyther is still useless against me (you chose poorly Fern)



Serperior, too, has no coverage against the Steel type. Serperior's Giga Drain doesn't do too much, Magneton Thunder Waves. After that Flash Cannon can easily outpace Giga Drain, even with the +SDef thanks to Contrary



Your Roserade seems like it has infinite speed, so don't give me that

I once again failed to respect the ungodly beast that is Roserade, since the field made Bide not viable this time, but we managed the second time


Traversing Route 1, and then a hedge maze, we eventually make it to Vanhanen Castle, where the gym leader Radomus resides. We also find Luna, who we've heard so much about already. Then Cain shows up, back from his quest to find Heather. He left her with someone in Ametrine City, so she's fine.





Cain's also here to challenge Radomus, but 2 on one would be unfair (for us apparently), so Cain fights me to see who goes first.

Vs. Pretty Boy Cain V





With Forretress I set 3 layers of spikes while Muk minimizes twice. Forretress is equipped with Air Balloon, so Muk has no attacks to hit with since he just knows poison and ground, so Cain switches for Absol



One of the new additions to face Radomus, as Cain too has given up his specialty (guess he couldn't be bothered to get Drapion and Skuntank (well ok Aya's using Drapion but Skuntank would help)).Absol goes for Swords Dance, then takes high damage from Bug Bite. Cain would use 2 ice creams on Absol while I attack, then throws out a Slash before falling (doesn't it know Night Slash or something?)



Samurott doesn't amount to anything, a shame



Nidoking breaks my balloon with Megahorn before being put to critical with Brine. I pick Aqua Jet, but forget Cain has more Ice Cream. The next Aqua Jet fails to KO, so Empy is down



Nidoking is somehow faster (honestly...), and so does a Double Kick before falling



Durant gets blown away by Focus Blast, don't know what I expected honestly



Magneton Sturdy-tanks Focus Blast to Thunder Wave, then throws one Flash Cannon before falling



Aggron can go first now to clean up



Muk Minimizes again while Klinklang goes for Shift Gear. Next turn Gear Grind puts Muk to critical, it Minimizes again. We miss the next Gear Grind, allowing Muk to Rest; it wakes up immediately with Lum Berry. Cain switches again, having finally realized (again) that Muk can't touch us, since Klinklang has a balloon



The new addition Galvantula takes Gear Grind on the switch, then again before using Discharge, which paralyzes. Klinklang next survives a Signal Beam before getting the win



Aggron's balloon never got broken, so Muk is now helpless. Mwahahahaha



then why did you fight me

I got jumped the first time by Gengar and Galvantula, but this time was better


Cain lets me face Radomus first, but we get interrupted; turns out Gardevoir has been Taken. Radomus receives a ransom note from El, but he isn't concerned. Luna is though, and she convinces him to go after Gardevoir




Radomus deduces the culprit will go toward Reborn City, so off we go. After some shenanigans we end up beneath the stairs, and eventually come to Citae Astrae. We see Gardevoir with Adrienn, who thinks Radomus is abusive. Gardevoir then steals the Amethyst Pendant from me. 




What do you think this is, some kind of fantasy world?

As we progress, Cain and then Adrienn are perplexed by Radomus' lack of care for Gardevoir. They don't know who is lying.



I guess this was a given

At the top we find El and Gardevoir. As I see the truth, I make my choice of who to believe.



Then all is made clear.



That Imposter!

El gets mad and tries to smite us:



Vs. Parson El





Magneton is up to use Metal Sound


Bastiodon is next. He Metal Bursts for heavy damage before going down 


Explosion does some more damage


Empoleon easily tanks a Shadow Ball before Brine KOs. I'm impressed at our SDef



The false god beaten, Radomus can finally act. The real Gardevoir appears and sleeps El, so all is well. Apparently this could have happened any time...



where does he keep these hats

We head back to the city with Adrienn.



oh no

Adrienn doesn't recognize the city. We deduce that xe has somehow been time displaced.


We decide to head back to the castle, but I take a detour. After much effort I can catch a Heracross, which means I can breed Megahorn on to this guy:



0 speed IV? More perfect than I could have hoped


 After training up my brave bug knight (4th bug now!), I return to the castle. Luna's happy to see we were successful.



He's really in to this roleplay thing. Like daughter like father


Radomus invites in a new butler, who looks suspiciously exactly like El...


I can finally go on with my gym challenge. After solving the fairly irritating chess puzzles, I'm face to face with the Master of the castle, who has once again dressed for the occasion.

Vs. Grandmaster Radomus





Gallade puts Steelix in the red with Close Combat, then Steelix strikes back with Iron Tail. Escavalier goes for Swords Dance, then Reuniclus activates Trick Room. All according to plan.

Gallade is healed wit Reuniclus' turn, then Escavalier one-shots Reuniclus with the ever handy Megahorn. Steelix misses Iron Tail


Escavalier obliterates Malamar, then Steelix downs the weakened Gallade with Iron Tail


Slowking too falls victim to Escavalier, Steelix Digs and dodges Ice Punch from Metagross

Gardevoir comes in next only to be erased by Megahorn. Steelix hits Metagross, then Escavalier takes a weak Ice Punch


Another Megahorn seals the deal


Easiest battle so far, but that's to be expected since his strategy is basically made for my team. (But seriously, Escavalier is made for this fight. And Karrablast is literally on the way here!)




After the battle the power goes out. It seems the castle is under attack form Team Meteor, working with Elias. They've Taken Luna! Cain holds El while I escape to save Luna. As I leave Radomus reveals he took back the Amethyst Pendant after inviting Elias into his home, and gives advice on where to find Luna. He says she would be Taken to somewhere seedy, where criminals might gather. Luckily:





let's just call me neutral good

We can ask my gang leader about it. 


Next time it's down into the dark underworld of Reborn, to rescue the distressed damsel Luna!

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Doesn't Aggron have Sturdy and Metal Burst? Because that is a golden combination in many situations, including the Roserade fight!


Also, you got to love Radomus, right? He's such a funny character in my opinion

Edited by HongaarseBeer
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