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The Iron Curtain - A Steel Type Experiment (Last Defeated Leader: Amaria)

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Amazing. Escavalier is an amazing Pokemon and is absolutely devastating under trick room. Glad you got him :D


He'll be especially useful against Samson too, if you try to get Aerial Ace on it... Or you're probably opting to take Metagross instead? Good luck, either way

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doing a steel mono myself, and would like to know how you beat Orderly John ( i think it's the only encounter you didn't describe :D)

magneton sweeps me....

my team: prinplup, pineco, wormadam, onix, pawniard, kling

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7 hours ago, HongaarseBeer said:

Doesn't Aggron have Sturdy and Metal Burst? Because that is a golden combination in many situations, including the Roserade fight!


Also, you got to love Radomus, right? He's such a funny character in my opinion

Aggron hasn't learned Metal Burst yet, but I guess the correct strategy would have been to bring Bastiodon for that fight. I usually don't because he's still a bit to passive to be on the main team. 

Radomus is an interesting character. Eccentric and rational all at once :) 

2 hours ago, RedAlert said:

Amazing. Escavalier is an amazing Pokemon and is absolutely devastating under trick room. Glad you got him :D


He'll be especially useful against Samson too, if you try to get Aerial Ace on it... Or you're probably opting to take Metagross instead? Good luck, either way

Well if I were smarter I could have bred Aerial Ace and Megahorn at the same time, since Heracross learns both. I may need to fix that, but it's worth it; Escavalier is exactly what my team will need in the future 

1 hour ago, gryson said:

doing a steel mono myself, and would like to know how you beat Orderly John ( i think it's the only encounter you didn't describe :D)

magneton sweeps me....

my team: prinplup, pineco, wormadam, onix, pawniard, kling

My first advice would be to evolve Pineco. Setting Spikes at the start can help. Past that I know I needed Onix to help beat Eelektrik, so I couldn't let it be beaten by his other mons...though having said that Onix does learn Screech at 31 I believe. Also if possible you could breed Sucker Punch onto Pawniard if you got Cacnea. I'm afraid I don't have much more in terms of strategy but I had to level everyone to at least 30+ to beat this guy, so if it's still not working don't be afraid to go all the way to the level cap. Bubblebeam or Brine from Prinplup should be able to do good damage, Brine especially with its double power when the opponent is below half

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On 7/14/2017 at 7:12 AM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Your Roserade seems like it has infinite speed, so don't give me that

It was just my problem in my Poison monotype. This thing would outspeed even Deoxys-Speed, honestly...


Good job so far! I enjoy following your run, keep it up!


EDIT: @EndearingCharacterTrait Seems like Radomus' AI won't recognize when he is slower than the opponent and go for Trick Room anyways... Similar to how Garchomp of Solaris didn't recognise Air Balloon in previous release and went for Earthquake anyways (if it was to be super-effective). Here's one thing that @Amethyst could improve! ;) Yes, I like making my life (and everyone else's lives) more difficult.

Edited by Jess
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Chapter 12: Hello Darkness


In search of Luna, I ask my boss Maxwell (cuz I had no intention of fighting yet another fire trainer if I didn't have to) where to look. I am directed towards 7th Street, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. There are plenty of useful things to be found here if I'm willing to embrace a life of crime, or at least act like I am. Among the useful things I get are TMs for Explosion and Rain Dance(!), as well as a second Piplup in exchange for drugs:



Not especially better than mine. Either way, Empy's the only penguin for me


After I bought all the black market Pokémon (to give them a better life in my PC box), I get pointed towards some suspicious character in white. I come across none other than Bennett, who says he'll lead me to the cultists' lair, where they are keeping Luna. 


This, of course, is a trap




you said it, not me


I get imprisoned, but bust out. After staging a daring escape by dodging all the guards (it was a lot easier this time, incidentally), I confront El at an altar, ready to "purge the darkness" from Luna, whatever that's supposed to mean. Does that include her preference for dark Pokémon too? I saw you throwing Shadow Balls at me earlier so how is that different(ok yeah that's ghost but conceptually speaking)? They also brought Cain here, since I left him outnumbered at the castle earlier and he got captured (again).


Just when things look bad, Gardevoir appears, and Radomus reveals he was actually there the whole time (in disguise, apparently he has a cultist robe also) ready to save our sorry butts (again). With their help we can escape. Cain's a little bothered he got caught again.




Luna gives me a Crystal Key so I can find her in Iolia Valley. Not wanting to keep the lady waiting, I head over.


While traversing the maze of tunnels, we see that Bennett is following us; he wants to apologize to Luna for the ordeal he forced on her. When I finally reach Luna Bennett is right behind me:





Bennett apologizes, and Luna accepts. But he then goes on to try and justify his actions, something no one asked for. Apparently, he did what he did because he loves her and he was doing what he thought was best for her. At one point Luna was chained to a table because of this, and he thinks that was best for her? The implications are frightening. 


Luna is unsettled by Bennett's inability to know when to pump the brakes, and tells me again to meet her alone, since Bennett shouldn't be able to follow without a Crystal Key, before vanishing. Bennett still doesn't know when to give up. 



Ah the classic excuse. If she's anything like me then your approach is definitely the wrong one


This seems more likely


Even if this is true she'll be put off by you coming on to her like a dog in heat. There's a reason she gave me a key and not you.


Good luck with that


Bennett threatens to take my key, but being the southern gentleman I am, I resolve to fight for Luna's honor

Vs Lepidopterist Bennett II




Larvesta still hasn't evolved, so at this point it is no threat. It goes down immediately to Rock Slide



Yanmega's Signal Beam does high damage, resistance be damned...but it still goes down to one Rock Slide



Scyther goes for Swords Dance before it too is one-shot by Rock Slide.



Durant does some damage with Iron Head, then Dustox does Quiver Dance. Next turn Shadow Ball puts Durant in the red, but Dustox goes down to crit Iron Head



Butterfree hits with Signal Beam, then is put to critical by Discharge (why won't it just die?). Bennett uses Moomoo Milk, allowing a second Discharge to KO



Bro she doesn't like you. Maybe it's because you're being so creepy.

Venomoth goes for Quiver Dance, then Empoleon's Drill Peck crits to put it to red. Venomoth's item (Black Sludge I assume) heals it to yellow, and apparently out of potion range, so it uses Signal Beam next, which is easily tanked but confuses. Empy manages to hit another Drill Peck anyway to finish this farce


Look don't act like a victim. Most of your problems were of your own making

4 of his 6 are double weak to rock. A shame I couldn't sweep with just Aggron really


Bennett gets all mopey after losing




No just stupid to think she liked you more than me, if that


If it were Shelly crushing on Luna she would have won...just saying

But he decides to continue his chosen path, since El agreed to make him an Elite



sounds like something a villain would say


Come back when you're half as good as Shelly, then we can talk


With Bennett gone I can go to see Luna.



Don't worry I got you. I'm not afraid of the dark. after all it's better in the dark


Might be guilty of that


Finally alone, we can have that gym battle:




Not sure I totally know what that means, but my heart is racing all the same

Vs. Dark Dreamer Luna





Forretress sets 1 layer of Poison Spikes but just 2 of Spikes. Bisharp started with Iron Head, but then set Stealth Rock before switching to Night Slash, which does significantly more damage. Forretress is beaten without throwing an attack



Escavalier is flinched by Iron Head, then takes another before doing high damage with Megahorn. Luna uses a hyper potion, then Megahorn hits again. By this point we've been affected twice by Bisharp's Rocky Helmet in addition to the Stealth Rocks and Iron Heads, so when Night Slash is chosen it is a surprise KO, though perhaps it shouldn't have been



Durant gets revenge with X-Scissor



Magneton's Flash Cannon does high damage, and with poison damage Tyranitar is put to critical health. Tyranitar's Brick Break puts us to critical as well. Luna uses another potion, we erase the healing with Flash Cannon. Tyranitar is then switched for Sableye



On the switch Flash Cannon does serious damage, yet even after the spikes and poison Sableye is still standing. Luna uses another potion, Flash Cannon again puts Sableye in the red. I'm afraid it might know Sucker Punch, but that doesn't come to pass as Magneton safely gets the KO



This time we finish the job



X-Scissor annihilates Malamar



I know I probably can't switch back for Magneton now, so Aggron is next best. He has to take 2 Night Slashes with critical health, but gets the KO with 2 Rock Slides




Durant hits an X-Scissor before Dark Pulse brings it down



Empoleon misses Hydro Pump, then eats crit Dark Pulse. The second Hydro Pump hits but doesn't get the KO, Umbreon's second Dark Pulse leaves us just 5 hp(!). Aqua Jet wins it.





Sounds like I ranked up a social link or something. I'm down with that 

We beat her, but I was seconds from defeat. For sure I did more switching than necessary, but it looked bad when 2 of mine went down to Bisharp, so this result is a good one



I won't say Stahl is crushing on Luna too, but he had some difficulty fighting her


After the heart-pounding encounter with Luna, she directs me toward Agate City, where Cain said he was going next. The gate guards are in some sort of cursed sleep...something is going on there, so preparations must be made before finding out what.


First, we search in the dark caves to find this:



This is not the only one I caught, but 31s in both defenses? Didn't think I would have such luck, though the hp is questionable 


The next stop is the Byxbision Wasteland, where through some bullshit expert gaming







ok but like someone put these signs here, so explain that if you can

I am able to catch this gem:



So great is the power I now wield that it gives Lana a clone



We do some training to help out the new team members







Now we're ready to find out what's going on in Agate City. Stay tuned, more thrilling adventures and harsh challenges await young Stahl on his journey.


Just kidding, I appreciate the support of whoever follows this :D 



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7 minutes ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Chapter 12: Hello Darkness


In search of Luna, I ask my boss Maxwell (cuz I had no intention of fighting yet another fire trainer if I didn't have to) where to look. I am directed towards 7th Street, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. There are plenty of useful things to be found here if I'm willing to embrace a life of crime, or at least act like I am. Among the useful things I get are TMs for Explosion and Rain Dance(!), as well as a second Piplup in exchange for drugs:

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Not especially better than mine. Either way, Empy's the only penguin for me


After I bought all the black market Pokémon (to give them a better life in my PC box), I get pointed towards some suspicious character in white. I come across none other than Bennett, who says he'll lead me to the cultists' lair, where they are keeping Luna. 


This, of course, is a trap

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you said it, not me


I get imprisoned, but bust out. After staging a daring escape by dodging all the guards (it was a lot easier this time, incidentally), I confront El at an altar, ready to "purge the darkness" from Luna, whatever that's supposed to mean. Does that include her preference for dark Pokémon too? I saw you throwing Shadow Balls at me earlier so how is that different(ok yeah that's ghost but conceptually speaking)? They also brought Cain here, since I left him outnumbered at the castle earlier and he got captured (again).


Just when things look bad, Gardevoir appears, and Radomus reveals he was actually there the whole time (in disguise, apparently he has a cultist robe also) ready to save our sorry butts (again). With their help we can escape. Cain's a little bothered he got caught again.

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Luna gives me a Crystal Key so I can find her in Iolia Valley. Not wanting to keep the lady waiting, I head over.


While traversing the maze of tunnels, we see that Bennett is following us; he wants to apologize to Luna for the ordeal he forced on her. When I finally reach Luna Bennett is right behind me:

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Bennett apologizes, and Luna accepts. But he then goes on to try and justify his actions, something no one asked for. Apparently, he did what he did because he loves her and he was doing what he thought was best for her. At one point Luna was chained to a table because of this, and he thinks that was best for her? The implications are frightening. 


Luna is unsettled by Bennett's inability to know when to pump the brakes, and tells me again to meet her alone, since Bennett shouldn't be able to follow without a Crystal Key, before vanishing. Bennett still doesn't know when to give up. 

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Ah the classic excuse. If she's anything like me then your approach is definitely the wrong one


This seems more likely


Even if this is true she'll be put off by you coming on to her like a dog in heat. There's a reason she gave me a key and not you.


Good luck with that


Bennett threatens to take my key, but being the southern gentleman I am, I resolve to fight for Luna's honor

Vs Lepidopterist Bennett II


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Larvesta still hasn't evolved, so at this point it is no threat. It goes down immediately to Rock Slide



Yanmega's Signal Beam does high damage, resistance be damned...but it still goes down to one Rock Slide



Scyther goes for Swords Dance before it too is one-shot by Rock Slide.



Durant does some damage with Iron Head, then Dustox does Quiver Dance. Next turn Shadow Ball puts Durant in the red, but Dustox goes down to crit Iron Head



Butterfree hits with Signal Beam, then is put to critical by Discharge (why won't it just die?). Bennett uses Moomoo Milk, allowing a second Discharge to KO



Bro she doesn't like you. Maybe it's because you're being so creepy.

Venomoth goes for Quiver Dance, then Empoleon's Drill Peck crits to put it to red. Venomoth's item (Black Sludge I assume) heals it to yellow, and apparently out of potion range, so it uses Signal Beam next, which is easily tanked but confuses. Empy manages to hit another Drill Peck anyway to finish this farce


Look don't act like a victim. Most of your problems were of your own making

4 of his 6 are double weak to rock. A shame I couldn't sweep with just Aggron really


Bennett gets all mopey after losing

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No just stupid to think she liked you more than me, if that


If it were Shelly crushing on Luna she would have won...just saying

But he decides to continue his chosen path, since El agreed to make him an Elite

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sounds like something a villain would say


Come back when you're half as good as Shelly, then we can talk


With Bennett gone I can go to see Luna.

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Don't worry I got you. I'm not afraid of the dark. after all it's better in the dark


Might be guilty of that


Finally alone, we can have that gym battle:

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Not sure I totally know what that means, but my heart is racing all the same

Vs. Dark Dreamer Luna



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Forretress sets 1 layer of Poison Spikes but just 2 of Spikes. Bisharp started with Iron Head, but then set Stealth Rock before switching to Night Slash, which does significantly more damage. Forretress is beaten without throwing an attack



Escavalier is flinched by Iron Head, then takes another before doing high damage with Megahorn. Luna uses a hyper potion, then Megahorn hits again. By this point we've been affected twice by Bisharp's Rocky Helmet in addition to the Stealth Rocks and Iron Heads, so when Night Slash is chosen it is a surprise KO, though perhaps it shouldn't have been



Durant gets revenge with X-Scissor



Magneton's Flash Cannon does high damage, and with poison damage Tyranitar is put to critical health. Tyranitar's Brick Break puts us to critical as well. Luna uses another potion, we erase the healing with Flash Cannon. Tyranitar is then switched for Sableye



On the switch Flash Cannon does serious damage, yet even after the spikes and poison Sableye is still standing. Luna uses another potion, Flash Cannon again puts Sableye in the red. I'm afraid it might know Sucker Punch, but that doesn't come to pass as Magneton safely gets the KO



This time we finish the job



X-Scissor annihilates Malamar



I know I probably can't switch back for Magneton now, so Aggron is next best. He has to take 2 Night Slashes with critical health, but gets the KO with 2 Rock Slides




Durant hits an X-Scissor before Dark Pulse brings it down



Empoleon misses Hydro Pump, then eats crit Dark Pulse. The second Hydro Pump hits but doesn't get the KO, Umbreon's second Dark Pulse leaves us just 5 hp(!). Aqua Jet wins it.





Sounds like I ranked up a social link or something. I'm down with that 

We beat her, but I was seconds from defeat. For sure I did more switching than necessary, but it looked bad when 2 of mine went down to Bisharp, so this result is a good one

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I won't say Stahl is crushing on Luna too, but he had some difficulty fighting her


After the heart-pounding encounter with Luna, she directs me toward Agate City, where Cain said he was going next. The gate guards are in some sort of cursed sleep...something is going on there, so preparations must be made before finding out what.


First, we search in the dark caves to find this:

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This is not the only one I caught, but 31s in both defenses? Didn't think I would have such luck, though the hp is questionable 


The next stop is the Byxbision Wasteland, where through some bullshit expert gaming

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ok but like someone put these signs here, so explain that if you can

I am able to catch this gem:

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So great is the power I now wield that it gives Lana a clone



We do some training to help out the new team members

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Now we're ready to find out what's going on in Agate City. Stay tuned, more thrilling adventures and harsh challenges await young Stahl on his journey.


Just kidding, I appreciate the support of whoever follows this :D 



Very well done my friend! Hoorah for victory! Btw, when can you evolve Magneton into Magnezone? I can never remember in this game. X__x

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3 minutes ago, Awesome_One said:

Very well done my friend! Hoorah for victory! Btw, when can you evolve Magneton into Magnezone? I can never remember in this game. X__x

That happens in Shade's gym after you get Yureyu key, and it's available after defeating Ciel in E16.

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17 minutes ago, Awesome_One said:

Ohh wow. Late game. That's gotta suck.

Luckily Magneton already has very good stats, and it's actually one of my faster mons right now. I'm pretty sure Magnezone is actually slower, though I have Trick Room finally so that can be a strength 

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Only the one major battle this time, but it was a doozy...


Chapter 13: The Agate Incident


I meet Cain at the Agate City Gate, and we decide to investigate, knowing it may be a long diversion. Inside the city is deserted, and eerily quiet. But we soon spot Aya and Hardy, who we earlier learned is the gym leader here, passed out in the street. 



Before we meet the same fate, Terra...happens. Thanks to her, Aya and Hardy blast off again (denying me a chance to fight Hardy I suppose...I even had type advantage!) She tells us to leave since everyone in the city falls asleep. So we end up at the Circus.


After I play the carnival games for a while, I come across the (new) Ringleader. She's struggling to keep control after the disturbance caused by Aya dropping from the sky in the middle of the circus and Hardy flying overhead. Samson leads me to where they brought Aya.



Too soon


Samson's the new Fighting leader since Kiki's gone now, but I can't challenge him (or Terra, or Ciel) without the appropriate pass...Aya's alright, but Hardy's still missing. I have to traverse Route 2 before reaching Fiore Mansion, where Amaria (it's been a while) and Titania, Amy's gf and Hardy's older sister, live. They found Hardy, luckily, so he's alright too. On TV we hear about the ongoing conflict in Calcenon and Labradorra, where Saphira and Charlotte's gyms are. Hardy leaves, and Amaria wants to go too, but Titania forbids it since 1) she's still recovering from that run-in with Solaris a while ago and 2) she has the Sapphire Bracelet that Team Meteor is seeking. I would go, but I can't get there without Surf...which they have a machine for! But Titania thinks it's pointless to give it to me now since I don't have the badges to use it yet...but she does give me a pass to fight Samson.


Back at the Circus I can fight Samson, so here we go

Vs. Strongman Samson





Hariyama hits with Knock Off, both doing heavy damage and removing my Amplified Rock, thus immediately wrecking my strategy. Bronzong sets Trick Room. I then switch for Mawile



Having been called up to the big leagues once again, Mawile tanks Knock Off on the switch. Play Rough crits yet doesn't KO...then Mawile is beaten by POWERFUL Brick Break



Samson heals Hariyama, so Bronzong can finish it with Extrasensory x2. Trick Room ends...



Bronzong falls to Blaze Kick before resetting Trick Room. It was worth a shot



Empoleon takes Blaze Kick before Hydro Pump scores a OHKO. We're lucky it wasn't Brick Break



Aggron sturdy-tanks Brick Break to flatten Mienshao with Metal Burst



Lucario's Focus Sash can save it from Metal Burst, so a different tactic would be necessary. Aggron goes down to Brick Break (it was WEAK, as if to insult me)



Metagross tanks Brick Break (just OK this time), then Hammer Arm puts Lucario in the red. They heal, we Hammer Arm, they heal again. Samson's out of potions now, so Metagross can steal the KO with Bullet Punch



Metagross barely survives a crit Acrobatics, resistance be damned (I'm saying that a lot it seems), before Zen Headbutt is a OHKO



Bastiodon sturdy-tanks a Drain Punch to strike back with Metal Burst, but Conkeldurr somehow takes it. Bastiodon goes down



Metagross is faster, so Zen Headbutt can end it



well that sounds ominous

I know I confessed said Luna was heart-pounding, but this guy...he just hits so ridiculously hard. Words like "defense" and "not very effective" meant nothing in this fight, as I learned over many, many tries. On occasions where I let Aggron fight Hawlucha he would still use Acrobatics...and it would still do so much damage, no matter that we have 4x resistance. Even though we did win, I can't help but be annoyed that it came only after my strategy completely broke down. There were times when Hariyama chose Brick Break first, and even times when it chose Smack Down to stop Bronzong's Levitate (for some reason), and I would succeed in having Metagross one-shot Mienshao, Blaziken, and Hawlucha all in a row. yet each time it would fall apart when Lucario appeared, since Trick Room usually ended around then. Its inability to fall to Metal Burst proved troublesome. And then if it fell there was Conkeldurr, which had the frustrating trait of being faster than Bastiodon but slower than Aggron, in addition to being so strong that nothing could survive even a single attack from it. I might have tried to make a prettier fight where my tactics defeated his brute strength, but that might have taken a dozen more tries...so I'll be satisfied the team bent but didn't break this one time.



Don't know if this is better or worse than Luna in the end...


Having defeated Samson, the next order of business is heading back to get the TM Surf from Amy and Tania. We've got to lend our strength to the resistance effort in Labradorra/Calcenon, so it will be necessary.


Until next time!

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Wow, good job! @EndearingCharacterTrait!

Seems like Stahl is unyielding so far! Maybe it's Valyrian steel! Since Game of Thrones is back in our lives xD

I thought Beldum was now only available after returning to the renovated Reborn City. I must be confusing it with something though...


In the Samson fight, maybe Stealth Rocks by Aggron would help with removing the stupid Focus Sash that Lucario holds. Then Bastiodon could Metal Burst it down safely. And then, you could just let Bastiodon's last HP point go in order to get Aggron again to full health. That is, of course, if you don't have a "no-healing items" clause. 

Close battles vs Luna and Samson! I'm surprised you didn't have Escavalier in your team vs Samson, to abuse the Trick Room rounds! Swords Dance would make it a beast and Iron Head/Double-Edge could then OHKO everything. Well, apart from Lucario, but you could get Drill Run for that! ;) 


Anyways, congratulations and keep going! :D 

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4 minutes ago, Jess said:

Wow, good job! @EndearingCharacterTrait!

Seems like Stahl is unyielding so far! Maybe it's Valyrian steel! Since Game of Thrones is back in our lives xD

I thought Beldum was now only available after returning to the renovated Reborn City. I must be confusing it with something though...


In the Samson fight, maybe Stealth Rocks by Aggron would help with removing the stupid Focus Sash that Lucario holds. Then Bastiodon could Metal Burst it down safely. And then, you could just let Bastiodon's last HP point go in order to get Aggron again to full health. That is, of course, if you don't have a "no-healing items" clause. 

Close battles vs Luna and Samson! I'm surprised you didn't have Escavalier in your team vs Samson, to abuse the Trick Room rounds! Swords Dance would make it a beast and Iron Head/Double-Edge could then OHKO everything. Well, apart from Lucario, but you could get Drill Run for that! ;) 


Anyways, congratulations and keep going! :D 

Beldum is indeed (still) accessible after Luna but before Samson (as long as you have a Data Chip). I probably made some tactical errors in the fight, but I lacked confidence in taking hits from him. I was saving Aggron to have a second shot at Metal Burst, so I didn't want him to lose to Hariyama if possible. And having Stealth Rock on Aggron would have required breeding I think, so to use the rocks I would have needed to bring Steelix, and team spots were competitive for this fight. I initially did bring Escavalier, but I changed for Mawile after we kept losing to high powered Brick Breaks. I probably should have tried to get Trick Room right, but I only ever got one opportunity to use it before Bronzong would faint. Escavalier probably would have worked but live and learn :D 


I'll have to be sharper to beat Charlotte though

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2 minutes ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Beldum is indeed (still) accessible after Luna but before Samson (as long as you have a Data Chip). I probably made some tactical errors in the fight, but I lacked confidence in taking hits from him. I was saving Aggron to have a second shot at Metal Burst, so I didn't want him to lose to Hariyama if possible. And having Stealth Rock on Aggron would have required breeding I think, so to use the rocks I would have needed to bring Steelix, and team spots were competitive for this fight. I initially did bring Escavalier, but I changed for Mawile after we kept losing to high powered Brick Breaks. I probably should have tried to get Trick Room right, but I only ever got one opportunity to use it before Bronzong would faint. Escavalier probably would have worked but live and learn :D 


I'll have to be sharper to beat Charlotte though

Duh, I thought Aggron learnt Stealth Rock by level-up, but needs breeding with Tyrunt after all... My mistake :) 

I'd guess that Escavalier would take hits equally well, if not more easily compared to Mawile! But again, in my Bug Mono, my Escavalier always got critical hit by EVERYTHING, so it must be an Escavalier curse or something :( @RedAlert knows what I mean...


Yes, Charlotte can be a handful. In my Poison mono it took me like 40 tries and some heavy levelling up to defeat her. In my Bug mono, it took 1 try, and 3 mons, 1 of which was a level 1 Paras. It's all about strategy ;) 

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1 minute ago, Jess said:

Duh, I thought Aggron learnt Stealth Rock by level-up, but needs breeding with Tyrunt after all... My mistake :) 

I'd guess that Escavalier would take hits equally well, if not more easily compared to Mawile! But again, in my Bug Mono, my Escavalier always got critical hit by EVERYTHING, so it must be an Escavalier curse or something :( @RedAlert knows what I mean...


Yes, Charlotte can be a handful. In my Poison mono it took me like 40 tries and some heavy levelling up to defeat her. In my Bug mono, it took 1 try, and 3 mons, 1 of which was a level 1 Paras. It's all about strategy ;) 

I gave Escavalier Shell Armor specifically to stop those shenanigans :) 

My problem was that he would fall immediately if the attack was at least POWERFUL (which it pretty much always was) though I guess EV/IVs are the reason, and I'm trying not to get too serious with that unless I have to.

I hoped that with Intimidate Mawile would have an easier time (I was mostly wrong though), plus access to a fairy move seemed helpful. In the last attempt Mawile didn't get the KO on Hariyama but on previous tries it could with prior damage from Bronzong

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6 hours ago, Jess said:

Duh, I thought Aggron learnt Stealth Rock by level-up, but needs breeding with Tyrunt after all... My mistake :) 

I'd guess that Escavalier would take hits equally well, if not more easily compared to Mawile! But again, in my Bug Mono, my Escavalier always got critical hit by EVERYTHING, so it must be an Escavalier curse or something :( @RedAlert knows what I mean...


Yes, Charlotte can be a handful. In my Poison mono it took me like 40 tries and some heavy levelling up to defeat her. In my Bug mono, it took 1 try, and 3 mons, 1 of which was a level 1 Paras. It's all about strategy ;) 

To be fair I never used Escavalier against Samson, so i didn't experience the problems you had. I'd still say it'd be well capable of anhilating the entire team bar Conkeldurr with unboosted Aerial Ace or Swords dance Iron Head.


Indeed, you did have trouble with Escavalier, one which I really wish didn't happen since it was just... So good for me. Have you seen that Attack stat? And the defenses? The only reason why it isn't used a lot is because of common fire types and the faster and more user-friendly Scizor (which also has access to bullet punch). Run him under trick room and since there aren't any priority moves that are of firetype, you have it all set for you :D


I could go on and on about this dude but I'd bore everybody here :P

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3 hours ago, RedAlert said:

To be fair I never used Escavalier against Samson, so i didn't experience the problems you had. I'd still say it'd be well capable of anhilating the entire team bar Conkeldurr with unboosted Aerial Ace or Swords dance Iron Head.


Indeed, you did have trouble with Escavalier, one which I really wish didn't happen since it was just... So good for me. Have you seen that Attack stat? And the defenses? The only reason why it isn't used a lot is because of common fire types and the faster and more user-friendly Scizor (which also has access to bullet punch). Run him under trick room and since there aren't any priority moves that are of firetype, you have it all set for you :D


I could go on and on about this dude but I'd bore everybody here :P

Wow you sure seem to love escavalier but SCIZOR IS A GOD! Bullet punch and technician along with sword dance is so strong that escavalier will probably only bulk 2 shots.  It also has access to roost. I'll fight you anytime 😛

Edited by rayyan
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36 minutes ago, rayyan said:

Wow you sure seem to love escavalier but SCIZOR IS A GOD! Bullet punch and technician along with sword dance is so strong that escavalier will probably only bulk 2 shots.  It also has access to roost. I'll fight you anytime 😛

There's a reason why Scizor is in OU, it's easy to use and has a lot of spammable attacks. I prefer Escavalier because people don't use it as much and throwing people off is something I enjoy doing. Also, it has an amazing design and looks super good.

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Chapter 14: Burn My Dread


I head back to Fiore Mansion to claim the TM Surf I was promised. Titania says it may take a minute to find it since they seem to keep a messy house. There's all kinds of stuff just lying around...




Tempting to see what another Steel enthusiast is thinking...but I know better

Of course Titania gets mad anyway



and I'm not lying, even though you ultimately are

Titania really does love Amaria, but it's apparently closer to philia than eros. It's pretty exhausting for Titania to keep up this romance with Amaria she didn't want, I can almost understand why putting on that mask every day would make her so irritable after a while. She is, of course, doing it for Amy, who otherwise doesn't have the strength to overcome her depression right now. She thinks it's best Amy doesn't know the truth.



But Amaria displays some unbelievably unfortunate timing 



Titania thinks Amaria will break if the truth comes out, and unfortunately she's right. After Amaria jumps, Titania goes after her, but she doesn't have a way to get back, telling me to handle that part of the problem.



I think Titania must be assuming Amaria didn't actually die from this, but then she must already know how durable we've already observed Amaria to be

So now I'll be needing Waterfall as well. But right now I can't do anything for these two, so with a heavy heart I continue. 


I see Cain, Aya, and Hardy again in Ametrine Mountain. The path to Ametrine City has been blocked by a wall of ice...earlier we were told that's where the radio signal afflicting Agate originates from so this is a setback. Unable to break through, we have to continue to Calcenon instead, by way of Route 3.


Hardy tells us Route 3 should be an easy trek. But that proves false since Calcenon is currently under siege. The blasts destroy the bridge to Calcenon. Saphira appears to tell us the attacks are coming from a PULSE Clawitzer. Still undaunted, we continue on, but another blast separates Hardy and Cain from myself and Aya. I pair up with Aya to push forward.


We end up in a weird cave, which we soon realize is actually a Meteor base. Eventually we come face to face with Aster and Eclipse (haven't seen them in a while). Apparently they got promoted.

Vs. Meteor Knight Aster and Meteor Dame Eclipse




Klinklang goes for Shift Gear, then Solrock uses Bulldoze, which misses Klinklang (we have an Air Balloon) and hits Dragalge. Lunatone hits Dragalge with Moonblast, then Dragalge hits Solrock with Thunderbolt. Next turn Klinklang's Gear Grind KOs Lunatone, Solrock does Bulldoze again, Dragalge does Thunderbolt again, putting Solrock to red



Klinklang does another Gear Grind on Magmortar before being blown away by Heat Wave. Solrock doesn't get healed surprisingly, instead it flinches Dragalge with a Rock Slide



Empoleon Aqua Jets to drop Magmortar, Solrock's Rock Slide KOs Dragalge



Empoleon Aqua Jets to drop Solrock, Drapion hits Aromatisse with a weak Crunch, presumably meant for Solrock. Aromatisse hits Empoleon with an electric attack (I'm guessing Thunderbolt, Thunder doesn't seem right)



Empoleon's Hydro Pump fails to KO Golurk, Drapion's Cross Poison puts Aromatisse to critical. Golurk KOs Empy with DynamicPunch, and Aromatisse's attack paralyzes Drapion



Aromatisse gets healed, then I throw a useless +electric Flash Cannon at Golurk, forgetting what the field does...Magneton is brought down to 1 by DynamicPunch, but gets confused of course. Drapion hits Aromatisse again with Cross Poison. Golurk gets healed, Magneton then KOs itself from confusion. Drapion gets hit again by Aromatisse, then lands a crit Crunch to drop Golurk (guess Aya is trying after all)


Somehow missed Electivire's frame, hmm. I bring in Metagross next. Aromatisse gets healed again, apparently with Electivires turn, because Metagross was next to move; it downs Electivire instantly with a crit Zen Headbutt. Drapion uses Cross Poison again



Meteor Mash does less than half to Rhyperior (curse that Solid Rock), then Aromatisse KOs Drapion while Rhyperior misses an attack



Tentacruel KOs Aromatisse with Sludge Bomb, then Metagross hits Rhyperior again, putting it in the red. Rhyperior does a Rock Slide, barely denting my mon but doing greater then half to Aya's



Metagross' Bullet Punch KOs Rhyperior, Tentacruel's Sludge Bomb does hardly anything to Milotic...After this is a bit foggy but Tentacruel is beaten and Metagross takes damage



Would have preferred Venusaur here Aya...

Metagross hits Vespiquen for less than I would have hoped, Nidoqueen does...something. Whatever it was basically did nothing so...Vespiquen hits Nido for not that much with resisted Attack Order while Milotic KOs Metagross



Milotic KOs Nidoqueen with Scald, then Aggron does Rock Slide, dropping Vespiquen 


Aya would bring Gengar next. It does something insignificant, then Aggron sturdy-tanks a Scald and drops Milotic with Metal Burst


Vileplume is the last opponent. It immediately beats Aggron with Petal Dance, then takes Gengar's attack



Gengar hits again, then Petal Dance hits Steelix. Steelix finishes the fight



I take offense to that 

These guys proved to be difficult...didn't help that I had to carry Aya most of the time. It took several attempts before I avoided a sweep by Magmortar and/or Electivire


Afterwards Eclipse says she's quitting, and it was convenient that we raided the base when we did since she now has an excuse to stop the PULSE Clawitzer



Just say it was destiny or something

Eclipse doesn't like the direction the team is going, and she won't support the attack on Calcenon since that's where her Father lives



Now your goals include murder and kidnapping, as well as terrorism, both urban and eco

But now that Lin is in charge, the group is a lot more ruthless and evil-er. While she's talking Sirius shows up and destroys her soul (definitely a lot more ruthless now). Trying to save me Aya gets taken hostage, so I have to finish the trek alone.


While passing through Route 4, I catch this, the one I missed so long ago



It's difficult to justify putting you in the team at this point though, so you'll be on the bench for now


In Calcenon City, I find some old friends. Anna, Noel, and Shelly, as well as Laura and Charlotte, made it here safely, so that's good. Cain's here too (we already passed Hardy of course). He's telling them about how he left Heather with Blake.




Maybe we should listen to Shelly, she knows things


Hearing about my problem, Anna suggests I go under the glacier we can't breach. Thus, I will need to use Dive, which will require another badge. Shelly says it's Charlotte's badge, so that's convenient.


When I go to see Charlotte, she's trying to comfort Laura, who abruptly got fired from the Elite 4 (It's that Bennett guy isn't it. Why is he still causing problems). Laura runs away.


Also Fern's here. He's siding with the bad guys now, since he's a bandwagon fan who's ok with murder and terrorism apparently.



But I always win


Sirius shows up with Aya, demanding my Ruby Ring



But I refuse, since by now I have to be more pragmatic in my strategies. Charlotte then shows up and steals it from me while getting all upset



This is of course an act, since Charlotte has proven to be a master negotiator and shrewd tactician




This girl is good


Having bought us time, she gives me the ring, and we head over to the gym. This was once her mother's Fire gym, and this is her first challenge here. Let's see what she can do.

Vs. Firebug Charlotte





Typhlosion leads with Heat Wave, igniting the field. Bronzong's ability is now Heatproof, and Bastiodon has high SDef and lacks the fire weakness, so the attack is manageable. Darmanitan targets Bastiodon with Hammer Arm, and he goes down. But that means Bronzong is able to set Trick Room, so everything is going according to plan.



Bronzong moves first and does Rain Dance, Aggron's Rock Slide does heavy damage to both opponents and flinches Typhlosion. Darmanitan KOs Bronzong with Flare Blitz, but its job is already done. The rain changes the field back



Before my attack Typhlosion switches for Rotom and Darmanitan heals, futile attempts to delay the inevitable. Steelix and then Aggron throw Rock Slide, Aggron's attack KOs both opponents




Typhlosion is back to take its punishment. Our attacks again crush both opponents, even though Steelix missed Typhlosion this time




Ninetales makes a rainbow with Drought, but this fight has been done for a while now. 2 more mons fall before our might.


I'd probably be frustrated too honestly

I had a lot more room for error in this fight than with Samson. Charlotte's technique is so straightforward that she really can't handle Trick Room at all. That being said it was essential that Bronzong survive the first round and not be beaten by Darmanitan targeting it (this is ultimately why I sent Bastiodon first, a brutal strategy but necessary), or by just being obliterated immediately by (crit!) Eruption...But once that happened I never had trouble, funny how this was the easier of the two big fights this time.



This result makes me feel like I know what I'm doing for once


After proving who burns hotter, I get the mostly not useful TM Flamethrower (but Aggron and Bastiodon can learn it so...) and my 11th badge, thus enabling Dive. 


Next Time: We clear the path to Ametrine! What's going on in the snowbound city? Stay tuned to find out!

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9 hours ago, EndearingCharacterTrait said:


I'd probably be frustrated too honestly

First, she gets destroyed by a Bug monotyper and my Crustle, Vivillon and a level 1 Paras which gets to like 40 with the EXP gained from Charlotte's weaklings. Then she gets destroyed by a Steel monotyper with a Trick Room'ing, Rain Dancing, Heatproof Bronzong and a squad of Rock Sliding steel types!

I honestly believe we have made her depressed to the bone. I'd be "Over it. So done!" if I were her too!


Great job with her, solid strategy! And good job @EndearingCharacterTrait for managing to suffer Aya's extraordinary strategy in the Aster/Eclipse fight. She calls it "How to lose 24/7 by choosing the only NOT VERY EFFECTIVE move you have".

I'm loving following this by the way, great writing and narration :D 

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Chapter 15: Icebreakers 

(aka why I hate the first day of class)


It's time to see what we can do about that random glacier blocking our path. With Dive, I can investigate a potential path forward. After some searching, we find another PULSE. This one's Avalugg, surely the cause of the roadblock. That's got to change, so we go to battle:

Vs. Pokémon Redoubt




Metagross easily handles this with a couple Meteor Mashes (the second one crits, speeding things up) plus a Bullet Punch, you know, for style points. Avalugg only gave us some Avalanches in response




Shelly follows after me, a bit surprised I cleared the path so easily. We go on through the tunnels and arrive in Ametrine City.




Y'know it was cold in Calcenon too. I would have thought you'd bring some pants at least


The two of us begin looking for leads on where Heather might be, but the Ametrine-ites are strangely tight-lipped about it. Eventually we end up at a menacing-looking house, still without especially useful information.




Even though Shelly is scared, we're determined to find Heather, so we search the place



If that makes you feel better, then sure



The diary tells the peculiar, sad tale of an experiment with Magneton(!) that went awry





Then Blake appears, a thoroughly unlikeable person. He says he has been looking after Heather, but not much else really. Of course he refuses to be helpful.


We had heard about a mysterious "guardian angel" who's been distributing food to the hungry Ametrine-ites, but no one wants to tell us who it is. Eventually we find a young boy who tells us about the guardian angel's guardian:



No one talks about this hero because their guardian would not want them to be doing this. Definitely sounds like Blake. We decide to confront him directly.


When we go to see Blake, he's still not going to tell us anything. Unless, of course, I'm willing to hand over my Ruby Ring



Yeah I'm way past doing things like this


Shelly, NO. You're a smart cookie, I know you know better than this

I'm in no mood to negotiate with this jerk. Turns out it hardly mattered:




*sigh* Of course you do


Then Blake leaves. We step outside, a bit defeated. It seems like we have no leads, but a familiar face appears.





Cal and Shelly apparently have some history, so she's reluctant to trust him (but then, so am I). However, he's really trying to redeem himself, so we eventually listen. He's done trying to one-up Blake now, and wants to be himself (he's Reborn). He tells us Blake will try to meet Solaris to pass on the Ring, and that there is an airborne Meteor unit incoming, so we'll need Heather's help to intercept them. According to him, we should search Blake's apartment carefully to find a secret path; that will lead us to Heather. 


Back up in Blake's apartment, we search for clues



Under the bed? Amateur


We eventually decode the mystery of the room, since Blake left all the clues we need just lying around (but dude couldn't even hide his pr0n effectively, so I'm not surprised). This leads to a secret passage, as expected.


At the end there's a small shack; Heather's locked up inside. We bust her out, and she and Shelly are finally reunited(awww)! Heather's ordeals have caused some character development too. After briefing her on the situation, she and Shelly fly off to intercept the enemy. I head to the other edge of town, where Cal has confronted Blake.


The enemy appears to slow us down, but I pair with Cal to dispatch them. While climbing the mountain I fight more (ace!) Meteor dudes, paired with Cal and then Shelly, who's learned several new tricks.


Near the summit Shelly goes ahead of me, but I am stopped by none other than Aster. Having lost his partner, he's willing to give me TM Waterfall if I beat him one more time.


And who am I to deny him this last favor?

Vs. Meteor Ace Aster




Magneton beats Solrock easily with Flash Cannon



Empoleon's Hydro Pump puts it to red (this thing never just goes down...) but she takes high damage from DynamicPunch. Golurk would ultimately outlast us with help from confusion and/or potions



Klinklang tries, but Gear Grind does not beat Golurk, so it takes a DynamicPunch. While Klinklang hits itself, it is dropped by Earthquake



Metagross beats Golurk (I had to use 3 mons for this guy...? Honestly)



Rhyperior survives a Flash Cannon with help from Solid Rock, and hits back with Rock Wrecker, which does some serious damage. It then falls on its recharge turn



Magmortar tries to blow Aggron away with Focus Blast, but Sturdy means I can Metal Burst this threat



Electivire and Metagross trade blows. Electivire KOs Metagross, but also KOs itself with Life Orb recoil



Magneton's Discharge paralyzes, but Milotic fells it with a Scald



Aggron puts in one more hit before falling as well



This time Bronzong ends up being my anchor. Several Extrasensories would finally down Milotic


Even alone Aster still managed to give me a good fight. I found out last time how Golurk had the potential to be troublesome, since it knows Earthquake and DynamicPunch, so I had to bring the balloons to not lose too many to it.


Defeated, Aster hands over TM Waterfall




 He wanted to change the world, having been affected by Eclipse's demise



Main character privileges  


I continue to the summit, where Shelly has already been defeated by Blake. It falls to me now.

Vs. Agent Blake





Jynx throws a Blizzard, but manages to miss twice. Klinklang's Gear Grind then erases Jynx. Rotom damages Klinklang before Bronzong sets Trick Room



Bronzong this Rotom with a Gyro Ball, Rotom pivots with a Volt Switch that nearly KOs Klinklang, Froslass comes in. Klinklang crushes Weavile with a Gear Grind



Bronzong puts Froslass to critical with Gyro Ball, which gets sealed by Cursed Body. Rotom KOs Klinklang next, then Froslass throws out a weak Blizzard



Froslass heals, Bronzong hits Rotom with Extrasensory. Aggron flattens Froslass with Heavy Slam, which also gets sealed. Rotom hits Bronzong for good damage



Now both my mons steel moves are sealed, and the field makes Rock Slide ice, so I don't want to use that. Luckily, I taught Aggron Brick Break with Samson's TM! Bronzong hits Vanilluxe with Extrasensory, it doesn't do too much. Aggron's Brick Break KOs Rotom, Vanilluxe misses Aggron with Blizzard but puts Bronzong to critical.



Bronzong hits Vanilluxe, Aggron's Brick Break puts Walrein in the yellow. The opponents (finally) drop Bronzong and do a little to Aggron



Aggron fells Walrein with another Brick Break, Magneton's Flash Cannon blows Vanilluxe away. Easy.


I had blatant type advantage here, so no real challenge


Blake refuses to give the Ring back after losing




Shelly must have played some RPGs before



Why does this guy just get to ignore RPG rules?

Before he can get away, Cal and Heather swoop in, and Blake gets wrecked. 





With Heather retrieved and the Ruby Ring returned to her, I remember the original reason I was supposed to come to Ametrine...

But there's no sign of radio equipment that could send a signal to Agate here. Cal deduces that whoever told me it was here must have been lying.



Sort of? Maybe Terra did say that in the middle of her babbling

Cal is actually familiar with the culprit



Sounds like we're talking about the same person then

She's apparently been with Team Meteor since before even Blake and Cal joined, but started getting promotions once Lin took over since she's a skilled programmer/hacker


Before we leave, I'm entrusted with an egg after proving my worthiness to a Pokémon Pariah




I incubate the unborn mon to reveal this cutie



my oh my...She has Vacuum Wave and Crunch, though I'm likely to lean towards special attacking 

And with friendship and training, I obtain a new team member, Gen IV's breakout star



I've been missing Fighting coverage for a while now...You would have helped a lot when I was trying to impress Luna earlier you know

Lucario is fast, and speed is a premium on this run, so we'll see how she fits on the squad


Our business here is now done. Next time I'll be confronting Terra, and thus facing yet another bad type matchup gym leader...do keep reading, I hope this continues to entertain!

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