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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The Courtyard (Social/Prep Phase)


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  On 7/21/2017 at 1:53 AM, Strider said:


"I'll be sure to remember that. I try to make a point of not offending people, so it's good to know. And, don't let me hold you up. Let's talk a bit more about your home universe, and maybe some more about botany. In any case, good luck!" He smiled, and waved as they presumable left.


He turned to Wyvis, trying to force himself into the attitude that he felt command warranted. "Do you know whom these descriptors might apply to? I sent Hikari off to find some more of our team, but if you could collect anyone you know, that would be helpful. Let's see. . . a cowboy, he might have a brimmed possibly leather hat, boots maybe, and a pistol--that's a small gun--probably stuck in holster on his belt; a guy with explosive fists, sorry, no more info on him; and a cat like robot, so a form of artificial humanoid with cat ears. If you could find any of them, that would be helpful." With a nod, Edmond jogged over towards the bus currently being packed up.


"Magnum! That was your name, correct? You've been assigned to my team for the upcoming battles."



"That's me boy, and man am I ready for some Sunday Night action!" Magnum offers a handshake with his large, calloused right hand, weathered from years of labor. "Eddy, right? I heard that name pop up around you. Lots of names floating around aren't there? Feels like a new job all.over again, I suppose this is a new job. You know, back on the Raiders it was hard to keep track of all the names. The old boys and the stars, everyone knows their names, even Joe Schmo on the street would know them. But there's all the normal guys, all the coaches, assistants, the front office, cheerleaders, ball boys, water girls, staff...it's enough toake your head spin like a category 5 twister! That's why I gave everyone a nickname, like Fatty Slim, or Metamorphosis Tony."


"We're up against a fella by the name of Berserker? If he's anything like the Viking Berskers I know, he'll have some weakpoints right out in the open. Those Berserkers, always trying to make up for defensive holes with an unstoppable offenses. But Defense wins championships."

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At Wyvis' statement, Edmond gave a sort of confused smile. “Yes, collaboration is helpful. . .” The statement had just been so. . . optimistic and sincere, that Edmond hadn't been entirely certain how to respond. Wyvis seemed helpful, and seemed well qualified for combat, but it had just seemed odd.


When Solomon approached, Edmond responded in a calm tone, “Hello, Solomon. Could you get off your throne for the briefing? It's slightly distracting.” He was planning to say something else, trying to determine a polite way to convey that it seemed rather lazy to simply hover on a throne at all times, when the cowboy got his attention. “Ah, yes. I'll be giving a briefing in just a moment, once everyone is here, and they've settled down.” A quick turn, to shake Magnum's hand, and to greet him: “Nice to have you here, Magnum. I suppose you can call me Eddy if you want? . . . You're talking about old-fashioned American Football? Actually, give me a moment. You can tell about it when we do introductions, after briefing.”


Edmond glanced around, and decided that the group seemed to have arrived. A quick head count revealed nine people, including Edmond, the desired number. Once he was satisfied that everyone was present, he cleared his throat, raised his voice slightly, and begin to speak. “My name is Edmond Cooper, and I've been assigned to lead the Berserker team, to which you've been assigned. I expect some of you were present when LOTUS gave an explanation.”


However, it would be prudent to give a recap for both those who know, and those who didn't hear this, so here's a brief overview of the situation.” He was operating under the assumption that Lord Silef was aware of more than he was, and had no need of this briefing.


This war seems to have begun through fairly standard disagreements between the lords of noble houses. However, the war came to the state it is in currently through the arrival of a set of seven beings called 'Servants', created by the Holy Grail. They are quite powerful, and there are five that we likely need to defeat: Assassin, the one we met before, and as far as I know, unidentified; Lancer, a western king with a holy spear; Saber, some woman with a connection to dragons and an antipathy towards God; Berserker, tentatively identified as Cu Chulainn; and Caster, also unidentified. For now though, you simply need to know about Berserker. He is covered in spikes, apparently, and carries a cursed spear, which we must be wary of. In addition, when he is around, troops around him reflect attacks back at the attacker. This does not apply to Berserker himself though. In addition, Lord Silef will be joining us in the attack against Berserker, and there will be three other teams acting simultaneously with us, to take on Assassin, the team defending this castle, and the team defending our own castle. That, in essence, is our current tactical information. This will be added to in just a moment.” His preliminary feeling was that Magnum's bus would probably be the most practical transportation system, though it was possible that someone in the group would have a more effective method. And that will be revealed in introductions, hopefully.


For now, I'd like your names, or nicknames if you prefer, and a quick summary of your skills, and anything else which we need to be aware of. To begin with, I'm a military engineer. Those skills aren't terribly useful in this pre-industrial world though perhaps I might be able to help allies with technology. Also, this suit can fly, and this rifle is a decent long range weapon with which I have training, and it is capable of striking weak points in armor from a distance.” He then gestured for the group to give their introductions.


OOC: Just assume that this is delayed until everyon on team berzerker is there.

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Isobel Low and LOTUS


Isobel had set off jogging towards Lexiel at LOTUS' semi-urgent verbal nudging to get moving quickly. While they moved, LOTUS was talking in his loud announcey voice: "Everyone I assigned to my team -- that is the giant laser girl, the half-spider, Venus, Friedhold, Laver, the goddess, the WW2 general, the girl with the bikini cloak combo, and the fiery psychic superhero -- I want you all to start grouping up. I need to talk to another team leader briefly, but I'm going to have to make things snappy when I get over there!"


Isobel tapped LOTUS' side lightly, the noise drawing his attention; the two of them had reached Lexiel. "Lexiel, I'm going to give you a radio headset -- I'm putting all four teams in touch on FM 104.5, so take this and we can get full squad leader coordination." Isobel extended a hand towards Lexiel; when she opened it, her personal radio headset was in there. "Umm, sorry if this is presumptuous, but please take care of this, it's actually my personal headset! It's just that you need it more than I do right now, so..."


Navin Mhasalkar

"Umm, yes. Apologies for taking so long to find you: I, ah, was not quite sure who you were. Well, ny name is Navin Gopinath Mhasalkar, and I fight hand-to-hand. I have learned some Aikido, but primarily my attack power is rather augmented by my superpower: I create explosions from my fists. This means that I can do a fair amount of damage, and I have formed a technique which allows me to pierce heavy armor, as well as one that should be fairly punishing to light armor, though it may take a little more time for me to battle those who are in-between."

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"Howdy folks, the name's Magnum, Magnum BOOOOOMTOWN. Former Head Coach of the Abyssal Black Hole, the mighty mighty Oakland Raiders. 5 Time World Champion! Also former National Announcer. Doesn't look like we have many Americans around here to appreciate all that, so I'll cut straight to the meat of it."


"I've spent a stretch around this Multiverse and ours and I think I've picked up a thing or two. I'm not going to be out on the field with you youngins, but I will do everything to support you from the sidelines. I'll help for a strategy and coordinate it so that we work as a cohesive unit, supporting each other instead of a bunch of freelancers trying to do this and that with no clear plan. If you need a boost, I've got plenty of Beaver-Aid as well, and if you haven't had any of it let me tell you, this stuff has some serious kick! You'll feel like you have double energy, at least for a little bit. You all are welcome in the BOOMTOWN EXPRESS as long as you promise not to smudge the flat screen."

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Jade tips his hat to his group, "The name's Jade. I guess you could call me a cowboy. I've also been called a gunslinger, mercenary, sharpshooter, take your pick." He takes out his revolver and starts spinning it as he continues, "As those names imply, I've got deadly aim with this here revolver. Just tell me what to shoot and I'll hit right on the bull's eye. Also, I'm smarter than impressions may have you believe. Seeing as I'm quite adept at using a replicator, if any of y'all know what that is." He gave a light chuckle be holstering his gun. "But that's basically me in a nutshell."

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"Well how unfortunate..." ghost muttered "it could've been a trump card otherwise, if things had really come down to it. I suppose we'll just make do with what we have on hand- speaking of which" She looked back and forth between the void mage and the gorgon, and around to the other places in the courtyard. It really did seem like these two were the only ones in her squad who'd bothered to form up thus far. She also took note how most of the other groups were already ready and given the rundown... it was a good thing they were staying in the fort and hassling the invaders, otherwise... 

    Well, hell, in all honesty, if it weren't for that fact Ghost wouldn't have been anywhere near as lenient to that failing

     "Can one of you two go and gather the others at this spot? Like I mentioned, I've got to get the exit methods ready. Our task is to stay in the fort and help end the siege anyway, so it won't hurt much if we wait for a full briefing. And I can't really come up with a solid plan when I've only met and heard what two of you can do, anyway. I didn't quite hear who exactly the tablet assigned earlier, but-"

     "oh for the love of..." the graveled voice of the old god rang out before she could finish, a sphere of static and storm clouds forming in-front of her. He addressed those gathered there with an almost bored undertone hanging off his every word as he recounted the roster: "A girl with the mech- whatever the hell a mech is. A sunglasses-blue-helmet robot, The girl who summons a ghost, someone called Wyvis, an ice mage, a a giant with a sword of ridiculous proportions" the sphere seemed to focus explicitly on Morgan as he recited the description "and finally, some healer who is  apparently a friend to the affore mentioned man called 'Wyvis'."


"Yes, all of them. If you don't know who some of them are, focus on finding the ones you do know first, and I'm sure they can help you get the others."


With that said, she headed off, leaving the two to decide who would fullfill the request. It was time to tap the lines and get each of the individual spaces ready for deployment...



Without much to say, the spider had looked about at the mild chaos of the courtyard as others mingled and finally formed into groups.


Before long though, and with nothing else to really do by that point, the one who had apparently declared themselves the leader of the group- she had no idea how the hell it had happened, but to hell with it, it seemed like no one was trying to slit his throat over some form of usurpation, and she didn't really feel like dealing with the dysfunctional drama the Outworlders had already made themselves notorious for anyway -called out to them to form up.

    And so she did, moving towards where the others of the apparent Assassin's assassin squad- the irony of which for once was not lost on her given the slow but steady return of her rational self -were assembling.

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Sachi Honda

"I-it's fine.....o-our butler was the s-same way, really. H-He always s-spent a long time talking about t-things.....a-and anyway, I-I'd be abandoning my duty i-if I just let you guys f-fight without me, right?'

Duty was something that had been instilled into Mio when she was young, and then Mio had imparted it upon her and her brother once her parents were gone. It was why Sachi had become a Hero to begin with; because, even if it was scary, it was the right thing to do.  She could've chosen to walk away and let someone else become a Hero in her place, but it wouldn't be right.


And look where it got Mio.


The tiniest of voices rang out in her mind, reminding her of the fate of her sister. She, too, had been dutiful.


And she had been rewarded with death.

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Hikari, having found the others on the team at some point, finds the android maid thing - Ritsu. She taps her on the shoulder. "Uh... I'm not sure I know your name, but you fit the description of the last person for the team going after Berserker. That's you, right?"

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"Yes, I'm one of the ones with that team. I presume we are all gathering?" Ritsu asks as the woman comes for her. She then looks back to Magna and the other girl who is apparently named Hiroki. "If you'll excuse me, it seems that the rest of my group is ready," she tells the other two as she moves to the area that the Berserker team is meeting.


"Incidentally, my name is Ritsu,"she informs the woman who came to get her.

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"I've been around for a fair amount of time, though I wasn't here from the start," Ritsu answers, looking at Hikari, then at the people who are around at the meeting place. "What about you? I take it that you've been here for a fair bit of time if you're wondering whether I'm new," Ritsu asks, deciding that learning about this new group should be something of a priority.

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Halley was informed and rounded up with the rest of the siegebreaker team. Apparently, her commander was switched, so she just decided to wait as she continued drilling the book.

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Soryn Éclaire


'Duty,' he mused, as he let out a small smile. After living for some five hundred odd years, a concept like duty seemed to have been forgotten to him by time. The feeling of having a driving force, opposed to the listless, boring lifestyle he had led not too long ago.


"If you believe strongly that your 'duty' will always guide you, then keep doing as you are, Miss Honda. I believe there's more to you than meets the eye," he said. Despite his prior beliefs, he could see that Sachi was, in fact, standing up for herself in her own little way. She had a good head on her shoulders, despite lacking the confidence in some areas. "But I believe our conversation is coming to an end, as they seem to be calling you. I won't keep you any longer, but I do hope to converse with you at a more opportune time, perhaps over tea. Do come back safely now."


Magna Sigyl

"Distracted? I'll have you know that I'm always focused!" Magna yelled incoherently, having forgotten her original goal already. "Sheesh! AI may be sophisticated, but they sure never programmed in manners!"


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Nessie (ooc: oi strat you remember ages ago we talked about Aurora being able to smell that Nessie was fishy? I think that might actually matter finally)


It didn't immediately register in Nessie's mind that bikini and cloak girl referred to her as LOTUS announced a need for her presence. But it tickled her subconscious enough to make her double check her outfit, causing her to realize she was being called on. Since nobody else named stood out in the slightest, she was left with the sole option of seeking the spider. She made her way over to where the arachnid woman was. She felt inclined to say something, so she spoke the first thing that came to mind. "Greetings, miss, what can I do for you today?" She asked, defaulting to her customer service mode. It made sense that she'd fall back on that when faced with a crowd of people and a strange woman she didn't know, but it was clear that it didn't fit the situation. Unsure of how to follow such an odd introduction, Nessie was frozen with a stupid grin on her face; even spider women deserved service with a smile.

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"FM 104.5?  Radio isn't the most secure comm out there, but I doubt people who live in castles are going to be intercepting our transmissions," Lexiel mutters.  She pulls a holographic eyepiece with an attached microphone from one of her pockets, and turns a dial (etched with an Overwatch logo) on the side.  "Testing radio communications.  Please respond, over."


Samantha stands where indicated, and tries to be a bit less of a beacon of POOOWAAAAAA!

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((Trust a gordon's fisherman~ but yes. yes I do.))


Aurora looked at the girl- a girl who may have looked like just about any other human she'd seen over the centuries(?) but far more scantily clad and fishy smelling for her own good -for a few good seconds after she approached her.

     "What?" the goddess asked... in all honesty, she'd never been asked how someone could "help her" today, especially by one so heavily resembling a human... but she couldnt be human. No, no, this smell was far too... persistent? pervasive? No, no... powerful, thats what it was. As strong as if she were some aquatic entity who had spent their whole life, or the vast majority of it, in or around a body of water, like she was even apart of the water itself... a smell not much unlike that of a certain...


illithid. An illithid capable of quite literally controlling the tides of any waters he came across as if they were an extension of himself...


"What are you?" she asked, rather pointedly as she leaned in a little, examining the girls features a bit closer. She didn't see any scales or fins hidden... "you smell like you're a mer or illithid, or something else that lives in the water, but you look like just as much of an ordinary fleshbag as the rest of these lot do..."

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Nessie wasn't exactly expecting that response to her absurd question. "I don't understand." She said in confusion, "An illiwhat?" The spider was right that Nessie lived in water. Smell? What? It was just such an unexpected turn that she had no idea hoe to respond. "I'm Nessie, if that's what you want to know." she tried explaining. What was she? Nessie didn't know herself. She glanced down at Excalibur, the sword she had been born holding, it was a likely clue to her origin. Although it seemed like the spider was more interested in Nessie's place of residence than the circumstances behind her existence.

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These people sure sound confident. Hopefully, that confidence will give us an edge in battle, rather than provoke missteps. I've seen too many fallen to know that fate does not take kindly to pretentiousness. But with the qualification and skill I have seen so far, I can only expect the best of outcomes.

"My name is Wyvis of Nivinuxis, Guard Captain and Reaver and I am pleased to meet all of you. I use a glaive in battle, and will primarily be providing medical and empowerment support through blood magic. If you see a crimson aura around your weapon during a battle, do not worry, it is simply a method in which I collect the energy I need to battle. Given time, I will be able to provide a very large empowerment spell; so shout out any time if you require assistance, and I will help out to the best of my abilities."

Wyvis mulled over the optimism presented forth in each of their introductions. Well, the preparations of a battle was always the brightest, at least. It was perhaps to each and everyone's knowledge that every battle may be their last, and eventually each will meet their end in due time. And so, Wyvis noticed, man tended to smile the most before war, to sate what very well be their last chance to smile. Or perhaps not to burden their comrades with their own psychological burdens.

Men often thought of this as tragic. But Wyvis, fitting to a Guard of the Sun, bore this burden and never lost heart. Wyvis smiled warmly.

"Very well! Our team seems to be in order. Though the question that remains is transport; how will we move towards our foe? Though under familiar circumstances, I would suggest a march; I see from our previous ventures that we have much better means of transportation. Say, have we any word from our collaborators on the planned means of transport? Or do we decide such matters on our own?"


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  On 7/21/2017 at 5:27 PM, Strider said:


At Wyvis' statement, Edmond gave a sort of confused smile. “Yes, collaboration is helpful. . .” The statement had just been so. . . optimistic and sincere, that Edmond hadn't been entirely certain how to respond. Wyvis seemed helpful, and seemed well qualified for combat, but it had just seemed odd.


When Solomon approached, Edmond responded in a calm tone, “Hello, Solomon. Could you get off your throne for the briefing? It's slightly distracting.” He was planning to say something else, trying to determine a polite way to convey that it seemed rather lazy to simply hover on a throne at all times, when the cowboy got his attention. “Ah, yes. I'll be giving a briefing in just a moment, once everyone is here, and they've settled down.” A quick turn, to shake Magnum's hand, and to greet him: “Nice to have you here, Magnum. I suppose you can call me Eddy if you want? . . . You're talking about old-fashioned American Football? Actually, give me a moment. You can tell about it when we do introductions, after briefing.”


Edmond glanced around, and decided that the group seemed to have arrived. A quick head count revealed nine people, including Edmond, the desired number. Once he was satisfied that everyone was present, he cleared his throat, raised his voice slightly, and begin to speak. “My name is Edmond Cooper, and I've been assigned to lead the Berserker team, to which you've been assigned. I expect some of you were present when LOTUS gave an explanation.”


However, it would be prudent to give a recap for both those who know, and those who didn't hear this, so here's a brief overview of the situation.” He was operating under the assumption that Lord Silef was aware of more than he was, and had no need of this briefing.


This war seems to have begun through fairly standard disagreements between the lords of noble houses. However, the war came to the state it is in currently through the arrival of a set of seven beings called 'Servants', created by the Holy Grail. They are quite powerful, and there are five that we likely need to defeat: Assassin, the one we met before, and as far as I know, unidentified; Lancer, a western king with a holy spear; Saber, some woman with a connection to dragons and an antipathy towards God; Berserker, tentatively identified as Cu Chulainn; and Caster, also unidentified. For now though, you simply need to know about Berserker. He is covered in spikes, apparently, and carries a cursed spear, which we must be wary of. In addition, when he is around, troops around him reflect attacks back at the attacker. This does not apply to Berserker himself though. In addition, Lord Silef will be joining us in the attack against Berserker, and there will be three other teams acting simultaneously with us, to take on Assassin, the team defending this castle, and the team defending our own castle. That, in essence, is our current tactical information. This will be added to in just a moment.” His preliminary feeling was that Magnum's bus would probably be the most practical transportation system, though it was possible that someone in the group would have a more effective method. And that will be revealed in introductions, hopefully.


For now, I'd like your names, or nicknames if you prefer, and a quick summary of your skills, and anything else which we need to be aware of. To begin with, I'm a military engineer. Those skills aren't terribly useful in this pre-industrial world though perhaps I might be able to help allies with technology. Also, this suit can fly, and this rifle is a decent long range weapon with which I have training, and it is capable of striking weak points in armor from a distance.” He then gestured for the group to give their introductions.


OOC: Just assume that this is delayed until everyon on team berzerker is there.


Solomon had to stifle a laugh when Edmond mentioned how the Assassin was still unidentified for now, but other than that he was sort of cooperative enough, I mean he did step off of the throne, even if he only did that to step on some more books that still kept him floating on the ground.

Solomon immediately laughed after hearing Edmond's request, and he continued by saying "My name is Solomon, and I am a practitioner of the unified magical theory with a focus on chaos magic and summoning a very specific item. This means that I know a whole damn lot about magic, and that I have a very weird way of using said magic. Essentially I cast 'fly' by creating a floating construct made out of books, I cast 'powerbolt' by firing metal books at people, and I have my own little spell that causes your mind to do something, I will not explain what that 'something' is in this context. That and I am pretty sure that I know who the Assassin is by now, or at the very least what legend I think they are from...I mean it's sort of obvious". He stopped talking for a while as he thought long and hard about the assassin's identity before suddenly saying "Oh! I am also good at talking to spirits, especially the kind that make weak willed men do really stupid drek to get away from them.".

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The spider leaned out and sighed. So it seemed getting the answer to such a simple a question would be like pulling teeth... she largely disregarded the knightly sword on the girl's person at the moment- there were hundreds upon hundreds if not thousands of enchanted blades and such in her world, and even with the energy she sensed from it, this one did little to truly stand out to her. Honestly could've belonged to just about any pompous holy knight she'd slain in the past.

     And even if she'd been as rational then as she was now, she still would've lost count of how many those had been.

     "Ill- ith-id" the spider clarified "Squid people. A smart bunch, scheme and set traps, even against each other, fight with their minds rather than their bodies- could try to literally blow your mind into pieces with a mere thought if they wanted, and are about a hundred times more dangerous to a party of foolhardy adventurers because of it. Just like Mer are fish-folk: scalely, finned, not as smart as illithids by a long shot, generally shaped like humans but still living in the water instead of the land. You smell alot like both of those, like... a river or lake maybe a little like the sea itself.... but there's no way an ordinary human could have such a strong scent of those as what I'm getting from you. Even a fisherman still has the base stink of his race lingering off him after years spent on the water, covered up by the smell of the sea perhaps, but still stinking like the human he is in the end nonetheless... you though? You don't stink under it all. So where did you come from? How did you get here?"

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Nessie was slowly starting to catch up to what was happening. It seemed the spider lady was confused because Nessie appeared human but smelled like the loch. Since no one had bothered to question Nessie's appearance, probably because they weren't as sensitive to smells as the arachnid, she had been caught off-guard. "Well, uh, I'm not a psychic squid, but I might be kind of like those mer things? I'm not sure. I'm actually sort of a sea monster, or a submarine, depends on who you ask. Really I don't know what's different about me and humans except that I don't drown in water." She was able to explain now that she understood. "Does that answer your question?"

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Kino and Enma


Kino and Enma had gathered with the Sieging group at Lexiel's apparent behest. The overall group had been divided into groups of four and from that the sisters could gather, they were to contribute in a mission of siege, alongside esteemed hero Nobunaga, unfamiliar as the names were to the twins. Enma had her fill of excitement of exploring some parts of the castle, but quickly felt bored otherwise, and the sudden gathering was the only thing that managed to arouse her interest for quite a while.


Say, nee-san? We're fighting again? We're finding new friends again?


So it would seem to be. Though I guess we should be more careful. You didn't fare that well the last time, did you not?


Enma tried to conceal her embarrassment, It's not like you fight any better without me.


All the more reason to take care, Kino said, winning another favorable verbal exchange. All the more reason, dear sister. 






Venus left the Armory into the Courtyard, and soon he heard his name addressed -- somewhat stentorian -- from whom he recognized, albeit little, to be LOTUS. He admittedly harbored quite a bit of regret from scaring the young Hiroki off -- her fear of him back then at his revelation was rather apparent -- and wondered if he would have the chance later to make amends. And yet he wasn't that averse to the idea of being feared, should it come to pass that the young lass would not find it in herself to comfort herself despite the menacing display he had given her -- he was used to being feared as much as loved, finding both aspects important between his professions as artist and assassin. He managed to entertain the thought of wondering whether he was more artist than killer, or perhaps the other way around -- few saw the beauty in death as he did, as he approached Isobel and LOTUS at their calling. Perhaps another imminent fight, another imminent performance, would prove inspirational. 

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LOTUS was quick to respond on the radio. "Yes, yes, radio works, great. Now I've got to go and organize my team."

Before he even finished the sentence, Isobel was continuing to be his gopher, jogging her way over to the forming group.


"Alright, alright, I've secured comms between the teams so now I need to learn more about you all. To start off, I will want your names so I don't have to keep making up vague descriptions, and an explanation of your capacities would be fantastic. I've observed your combat, but I suspect that you all haven't used everything you have, and it would be great if I could learn about them.


I suppose that in turn I'll start off. I'm the Logistical, Operational, and Tactical Uplink System, or LOTUS. I am capable of performing tactical analysis and suggestion, which includes calculating optimal movement patterns, finding weaknesses for you all to exploit, and suggesting ways to fire faster through little quirks of efficiency."


The woman holding LOTUS spoke up. "Umm... I guess I should do the same. I'm Isobel Low, and I'm not really a tactical person at all like LOTUS, umm, but I do think that I can maybe help here and there. I've got these healing poppies I've breeded, and I should be able to help out if any of you get knocked down or anything." She adjusted her bandanna.



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