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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The Courtyard (Social/Prep Phase)


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"I see. I suppose we simply haven't run into each other before now then," Ritsu replies in a neutral tone before the two arrive to what is presumably the rest of the group. She only recognizes one of the individuals, but she figures that she can become acquainted with the others at some point.


"I take it this is the group dedicated to dealing with Berserker? Also who might Edmond be?" Ritsu asks the group.

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Hikari, arriving just in time for Edmond's request for introduction, just answers it (She points to Edmond for Ritsu). "I'm Hikari. I'm mostly support - healing and making you guys stronger, although I can also follow up on your attacks pretty well. Ivory helps me with that stuff-"

"Hello." Ivory says, the Mirage appearing in an almost ghostly form beside Hikari for a few moments of introduction.

"Uh... anything else..."

"If the enemy uses thunder, try to draw their fire away from Hikari as it hurts her far more than normal attacks."

"Oh, yeah that."

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"As for me, I am currently adjusted for a more offensive role," Ritsu says, nudging her chainsaw a bit. "I also have an alternate form which can make quick work of ailing foes, though that requires a bit of setup. Additionally, I have other functions that can hinder enemies if necessary," Ritsu continues, moving her tail further in view and running an electrical current through it.


"Outside of that, I do have other more supportive capabilities. I am a maid after all. As such, I can heal injuries as needed, and I do possess means to create useful items for combat. However, those items only are suited for mechanical entities, so bear that in mind," Ritsu finishes, listing off most of her primary capabilities.

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9 hours ago, KosherKitten said:


 "Well, uh, I'm not a psychic squid, but I might be kind of like those mer things? I'm not sure. I'm actually sort of a sea monster, or a submarine, depends on who you ask. Really I don't know what's different about me and humans except that I don't drown in water. Does that answer your question?"

"Hmmm, I suppose so..." the spider muttered. It was still quite strange though- a sea monster who could take on human form? Could she be a were? Not that she had ever heard of a sea-serpent shifter, but well... she also hadn't seen terribly many sea serpents to begin with. And Sylvi had always had much of the same situation going on after all, smelling so strongly like a wolf even in Human form. Even stranger though, was that that there wasn't a single tell she could find on the girl. Nothing to suggest her more beastial nature... so perhaps whatever it was that hid her true self was beyond the genetic-curse afflicting werefolk... something a bit stronger, better woven.

     "and just how do you shift in and out of this... human form?" she finally asked "It doesn't feel like there's any type of Glamour spell around you... so it has to be some sort of actual transformation..."

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Nessie (ooc: idr if I gave Nessie a proper last name previously, but this be it now)


Nessie held up her hand towards the spider, indicating that she would be a moment in responding. She first answered her superior. "I'm Artitha Corwell, better known as the Loch Ness Monster, or simply Nessie. I swing my sword and things die. Usually I focus energy into it before swinging it." she told LOTUS.


She the proceeded to answer the spider in turn. "Well, I don't actually change." She said, "or rather I don't remember doing so before. That's one of the strange things since I got here. I feel like I actually could turn into a sea monster if I tried. It's a strange feeling. Usually I'm just an amphibious girl with a magic sword."

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Looking up to where LOTUS was speaking from Friedhold spoke "My name is Friedhold von Grimmelshausen.  I believe you have seen most of my capabilities, but for simple reiteration most of my abilities favor stopping power and hindering the enemy over killing power."





Morgan gave Dackly a look that was half confusion and half questioning before closing his eyes and shaking his head slowly.  "I believe I'll be able to recognize Wyvis' friend as I saw them together earlier, so I'm going to go find them.  Maybe they'll know some of these other people we're suppose to find, or maybe I'll happen to run into them."

He then turned and started making his way through the crowd.


Morgan goes to find Melina.

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"Umm....I'm Bridgett Myth." I'm an aerial mage from the TSAB and i'm good at blasting spells.....and umm... i do have a bombardment type spell i can use but it takes a while for it to set up." Bridgett said doing her best to speak up. "and umm...this is Mornings Arrow she helps me with my spells." she finished as Mornings Arrow Chimed in "Greetings. Please take care of My Lady." is said in its monotone voice. 

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  • 2 months later...

Snow Maginot


Snow quietly followed alongside the Homefront team, blade humming quietly at her side. The entire time they headed back, her face remained steeled. She was a professional, and had to keep this visage, as to not give the wrong idea to her new... comrades. She kept near Mira, as per usual, because if anyone was going to guard the group as a wall, it was them. She analyzed everything about the courtyard as they entered, and noted the various people in the area, all brought together by the Battered Hero as she had been. She wonders why exactly a group of this size needed help with this... Trespasser. She shook the thought from her mind, reminding herself that they were powerful beings, some more powerful than the next.

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Hiroki heads into the Armory, looking rather pale as she almost blindly pushes through the small crowd in the area. 


Mitsurugi heads into the Barracks, in search of a quiet place to meditate.


Lexiel can feel Nobunaga hovering about in spirit form.


Someone might want to let Silef know the results of their other battles; the woman made a beeline for the keep, doing her best to hide the obvious fatigue that draped across her frame.

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Samantha stands around awkwardly in the courtyard, looking for someone to talk to.


Lexiel looks for a quiet place to meditate on her mana bonds, and feed Nobunaga as much mana as she can before the next conflict.  However, before she starts, she radios LOTUS a report of what she can remember of the battle, lingering on enemy capabilities and tactics.  And how we probably all would have died without Nobunaga's intervention.

Edited by DragonRage
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As soon as they had arrived back via Magnum's bus, Edmond had followed Gozer with his own set of loot, dropping it off somewhere that the humans of the castle could make use of it. Following that, he sought out Isobel and LOTUS, and waited patiently for an opportunity to speak with them.



She didn't entirely know what to do following the battle. The new group that had appeared already seemed to know each other quite well, which made getting to know anyone in it much more difficult. So she had remained silent for most of the journey back to the castle. When they arrived in the courtyard, she stood around for a few minutes, before making her way over to Samantha. "How'd your battle go?"

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Solomon had quietly flown back to the castle with the rest of the group in yet another one of his flying book based hovercrafts. And he unceremoniously plopped it (and possibly anyone who inexplicably decided not to ride the perfectly sane bus) down on the clearest space available before he immediately set off to try and find the shy young woman from earlier to ask her about what her battle was like...and also to try and find out if she was still relatively fine when compared to the people on the other side.



Atton would wander around the castle's courtyard for a few moments to try and find a relatively quiet place to rest and say his prayers. Up until he gave up and settled for finding a nice and hopefully warm place in the barracks. As he realized that for once in his life he wouldn't need to deal with the usual responsibilities that came with being anywhere near the chain of command.

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As Ghost and the others had left the killing field and filed back through the gates, she radioed in and told the Talking slab, Lotus, about the battle. There wasn't much to tell really- they had been grossly outnumbered, just as they had when they landed on this world, but it didn't make much difference. The enemy commanders had been rather shite and seemed more intent on pursuing petty vendettas than actually commanding their men, and the soldiers had so little loyalty that by the time the fight was over, they had cast down their arms and fled the field. The skeletons, while annoying with their constant reinforcements, had been manageable, and though the plant...snake... thing still perplexed and slightly exasperated her, ghost made sure to give credit where it was due for Dackly; without her strange petrification abilities, things likely would have a been a bit rougher. And she had to give credit to the Rock elemental as well- his bombs had been utterly instrumental in ensuring the battalion they had faced would never rise again.

     With that done, she had sought out a soldier within the courtyard, and upon asking their rank and determining it was likely high enough to be entrusted with important intel, relayed much the same message for them to carry to the noblewoman, Silef. And with it a commendation for how well her troops had provided support fire from the wall. The foes who had posed the most immediate threat to the fortress were dead, and the plant snake had even created some bizarre type of healing fountain in the yard- ghost knew naught exactly the specifics of its functioning, but she had test it and indeed worked, it should prove a valuable assets to the troops stationed within. All in all, the foes who posed the most immediate threat to the fort were dead... more would eventually come to replace them, of course, but until then, their victory should bring a bit of reprieve to the beleaguered defenders.


and with both of those out of the way, she had turned to climb the path up the wall, see how the current state of the killing field from on high.... when something caught her, just on the edge of her vision, and she turned to find one of the outworlders who'd been part of her squad fleeing the yard and into the fort proper. But more than anything, it was the expression on the girl's face which so thouroughly stole Ghost attention from the wall.


And just like that, there was a change of plans. She backed away down from the steps and set off after the child, the crowds doing nothing to slow her down, given she simply phased right through any idle soldiers who got in her way.

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Isobel Low and LOTUS

From the very moment that everyone arrived back into the courtyard, LOTUS was all business. With the four battles clearly concluded, his first instinct was to get a debriefing started; while the AI had in fact heard the radio messages that the squad leaders had put out, that didn't compare in usefulness to actually having a conversation, and after the initial round of battles having the information to adjust and adapt to the next ones would he especially crucial. Accordingly, he sent a message onto the squad leader radio channel. "Meet up in the courtyard, I want to discuss the battles and whatever intel we gained during them."


Also, LOTUS hadn't missed the sudden influx of yet MORE people, but, that... well, he would want to deal with that a little bit later.


While LOTUS was thinking and speaking, Isobel (as she was finding to be rather usual) was just standing there, the freckled, curly-haired botanist adjusting her bandanna nervously. This tended to happen a lot -- the AI on her belt would immediately launch into some highly tactical course of action, or some planning session, or something like that... and she just got to keep quiet. It tended to make her feel useless, honestly, and that bothered her. She figured that she was probably just here because LOTUS was, and even though (no, because) she wanted to help, that hurt.


Navin Mhasalkar

With the fighting concluded for now, after having helped Edmond out with the tasks at the end of battle, Navin found himself returning to Castle Asterlux, to act in a field as terrifying and confusing as many a battle: attempting to mend things with the divine Japanese woman he'd blundered so horribly around, and who he had driven away, if he remembered correctly, in tears. Oh... yeah, that was an intimidating thought -- at least he had a lot of experience with his destiny-driven duty, and all, but every single time he ended up in a precarious social situation, he found himself more than a little lost.


Still, though, thanks to the advice of that... strange, pantsless fairy... Navin knew that he did in fact have to apologize, and the more he delayed the harder it would probably just get. So he looked around for miss Saigai, and though it took him a moment, he eventually spotted her just as she was walking into the barracks. Signing and scratching at the back of his head, Navin followed her off to the barracks.


Perlita Diaz

Oh, God. Now that she was standing in the courtyard of a second, entirely separate full sized castle, and now that no less than four teams of the people who they had arrived to reinforce had piled into said courtyard of said castle, Perlita realized that there were an awful lot of people that the little team she and Gabriel had been with were getting folded into, and considering that she'd seen the... carnage that had resulted from the battle around the first castle, she was willing to bet that this mass of people was also a mass of hardened warriors. Yeah... that was intimidating.


"Oh Dios..." she repeated, this time out loud, and then she heaved a sigh and clapped a hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "Um... Gabriel... I think that we need to go meet some of the people of this team, but I kiiiind of don't want to do it alone, given how, you know, awkward and nervous and pessimistic I am, eheh... but since you're just the big ball of unending sunshine that you are," she barely resisted the urge to pinch his cheek for emphasis, "I figure things would probably be a lot easier if you come along and join me in meeting whoever we meet? Please? I'm really counting on you here Gabriel."

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"Meet up in the courtyard, I want to discuss the battles and whatever intel we gained during them."

She grit her teeth at the announcement, hadn't she already given him the full rundown of the battle and everything she'd taken note of? What more could the talking slab realistically need at this point, all this did was create the same type of needless, sluggish bureaucracy so common in the legion, back when she was still around to bear witness to it first hand. Feeling Tama's presence, she wasted no time,  

     "Oh for the love of.... look, I'm not going to leave without checking on her, after all that occurred out there. Go in my place, if the slab gives you any trouble, tell him I'm tending to something important and that you're the best, and only, representative he's gonna get out of me for his little meeting."

     "There may be little you can do to help her..."

     "And? Does that mean I shouldn't try at all? In the end, I may have actually done little to help out all those places we visited, but even still, does that mean I was wrong to try at all back then, hm?


He did not answer, already sensing more than a fair bit of scorn rising in her voice...


"Nothing, huh? Thought so. Now please, drop this nonsense, and just do as I ask" and she left before he could say anything else, continuing to follow Hiroki into the fort, from what she could tell, she was heading to the armory for some reason...



several minutes later....


Rather than the albino commander, what would've met LOTUS and the other squad heads before long was a small, crackling sphere of lightning and congealed storm clouds, hovering a good meter or two off the earth and casting a faint violet glow wherever it went. With a graveled tone lacking preamble, it spoke up as it arrived

"The one you call ghost will not be attending this..." it began "she has more pressing matters with someone from the group. I however, am Tama Vajra, and will be present in her stead; anything spoken here will be relayed to her nigh immediately, and anything she feels important enough to voice, I will do so for her."

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Empi Powderbelle

If Navin had been paying much attention, he might have seen a small blur in the air floating behind him. If he had known, he might have not mistaken it for a trick of the light, an illusion.


It was the fairy glamour that disguised Empi from sight. She preferred being far more open with her glamour,; usually, it was used to disguise her fairy form for when she needed people to take her seriously or when she wanted to go incognito into the human world to find her client. She could control how strong or how weak the glamour was, and what it did. Right now, of course, she needed it to keep an eye on Navin.


After all, this was Navin's first step to reconciling with Mitsu, and Empi's first step to getting Mitsu laid. She had a lot riding on this; when she got back, she could brag about being the first fairy to ever get a goddess laid. Empi holds her tongue for now as she floats behind the superhero. There was a time for snarky remarks and a time to just shut up, and this was that second one. 


Sachi Honda

Sachi ambles around in a daze, looking more resigned than terrified. The Berserker, he'd called out to her; he'd told her she had the strength to do it, to take the lives of others.


But did she really? She wasn't Mio. She could never be Mio. Mio could do it all; she was tough, she was brave, she was determined, determined enough to raise Sachi and her little brother all by herself when their parents died, determined enough to become a Hero in Sachi's place to try to keep the Taisha away from her.


Determined enough to-


Sachi made a terrified squeal as the memory of her sister's death played out before her eyes again. She instinctively raised her hands in front of her eyes, flinching, before realising there was no threat. No Vertex that had been thought killed, no Vertex to assail her now, but only in her nightmares.


She sighed, looking down. She needed a breath of fresh air. She couldn't sit here and wallow in her own despair, not yet. There would be time for that when it was over.


There were other people who needed help before Sachi did.


Gabriel Kowalski

Gabriel simply grins at her, clasping her shoulder comfortingly with that easy manner of his, as if he'd been doing this his whole life. The "introducing yourself to hardened soldiers" part, not the "everything is fine" routine; as long as Perlita knew him, Gabriel had been like that about ninety-nine percent of the time.


Then again, in the past year, they'd found out about a whole different world beneath theirs, gotten cool powers straight out of those Japanese anime, been thrust into yet another world that he was pretty damn sure was Star Wars, and now they were in some castle from the Middle Ages. At this point, Gabriel learnt the best way was just to go with the flow and play it cool. After all, it'd gotten him this far.

 "Sure thing, Perlita. I'll be your knight in shining armor this time, though I'm pretty sure you'd have done pretty good on your own. You're not that awkward, so give yourself a little credit."

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Snow approached Perlita and Gabriel, her boots clacking against the ground, her armor sounding off from the movement. She finally stopped, and looked to the two. She took an inquisitive tone, and seemed a bit more relaxed in their presence.

"What do you two think of this place? All the people? Personally makes me question how bad the situation is here."

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Of course, Gabriel being Gabriel, he had to go and spout some cheesy and probably flirtatious line about being her "knight in shining armor..." Even if his unending confidence was, as usual, fairly reassuring, Perlita groaned, rolled her eyes and elbowed him lightly. "Come ooon, Gabriel, don't make this all weird." Really wasn't making the awkwardness issue better there, either. Blah.


Perlita was alerted to the presence of Snow before she got too close (loud armor and boots tended to do that), and she stopped making a face at Gabriel before Snow got close-up enough for Perlita to embarrass herself, the healer composing herself back into being a little bit stiff. Then Snow asked a question. "Uh... well, I admit that it all seems a bit... imposing. That's a lot of people, we saw the... aftermath of one of the battles, and they seem like hardened soldiers for the most part. I'm hoping that this isn't the case, but maybe they're going to be significantly harder than our little group."

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"Hopefully that means we can take a load off, eh?"

Snow smiled, a soft giggle letting itself out behind her normally composed visage. It was a rare occasion for Snow to be this relaxed, but she seemed to be so for whatever reason. Perhaps it was the company she was with, or the prospect of not having to keep her group as focused.

"I definitely wouldn't mind being able to relax. Especially after the previous world we were on."

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Lexiel sighs, abandons her nice, quiet spot, and goes to talk to LOTUS.


Samantha, on the other hand, cautiously approaches the Gabriel/Snow/Perlita group.  "Hey, new people!  Er, hello?  I'm Samantha Grey.  It's nice to meet you?"  Any of them with even the slightest bit of magical or extranormal senses can likely feel the cosmic fire radiating off of her, carrying a distinct sense of anxiety along with its implacable, starkly beautiful power.  Because stealth, subtlety, and fine control are not things that intersect with the concept of a Phoenix host in any meaningful way.

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Some of Perlita's awkwardness disappeared for a moment, as she got kind of into delivering her own significantly less optimistic take on the situation to Snow. "No, I was afraid of the opposite, that they're going to be all drill sergeant-y. Whiplash, go faster, you're all soft, you know, that sort of thing. But, uh, less literal I guess."


Then one of the people they'd come to reinforce walked on over, and Perlita found to her initial relief that it was someone not too terribly much older than her. Initial relief, however, because the moment that Perlita registered the crazy presence she seemed to have, her jaw dropped. She didn't even have a support persona, but she could instantly sense that this woman had some CRAZY magic going on. "U-uh..."

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Snow's smile disappeared, and she seemed to steel up as she looked towards the new individual. This 'Samantha Grey' person, with their odd aura around them. It reminded Snow of someone she knew once, a long time ago, but that was in the past. She studied Samantha for a moment, before speaking.

"Samantha Grey. I am Snow Maginot."

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When Walmond arrived back at the fort, he began searching for Dackly and Gozer, having already sent Lambda off to search for the sheet of metal they were working on before. There was a bit of time before they went out again, and Walmond decided that it would be best for them to get a bit more progress with their little 'science experiment'.


Thankfully, finding the golem and snake woman wouldn't have been too hard, as they likely didn't blend in that well, "Gozer. Dackly. I trust your battle went smoothly?" Walmond asked as he approached the two, noting the large amount of metal scraps at Gozer's feet.




"The Dark One" herself moved along with the Homefront team, staying completely silent, the only sounds coming from her being the clanking of her armor as she moved. She barely even reacted to Snow being near her for the most part, as she simply kept her eye on everyone in the fort, taking note of everyone. There wasn't much of a reason to keep a close eye on them, they didn't seem that threatening (if the team they had first met was any indication), but ally or not, Mira couldn't afford not to keep an eye on them.


Her eyes briefly glanced to where Snow, Perlita, and Gabriel were being met by one of the warriors that were part of those already sent here, one with red hair and green eyes. Mira herself didn't notice any strange aura, but she felt it, with her Magra resonating slightly with them, despite the distance (which was... Not that far. Probably 10 feet or so).


... She'd need to be watched carefully.

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having back at the fortress, and much to her annoyance, finding none of the fleshies seem the least bit interested in learning how to heal their own damn selves, Aurora had eventually wandered off to a darkened corner somewhere in the yard. With not much else to do and with a fair bit of ire for how poorly the group had done overall, yet how unwilling many of them seemed to be in order to fix it, she came upon a different idea- if they would not take the initiative to learn... well that meant that most of the burden would still be falling onto her. 

      She was beyond tired of it, at this point. She'd been keeping their fleshy hides alive since the very beginning, mostly because they were more useful alive than dead, considering the things they were constantly going up against. But by the gods... by her, there comes a time in every healers life where they begin to question to true impact of what they do, of whether or not it's even making a difference anymore.... whether or not those who are healed truly appreciate it, or have simply become so accustomed to having someone patch them up at their beck and call, they develop some bizarre sense of entitlement, as if it is their right to be healed because they are too squishy to live long without it or too ignorant to learn how to be self-sufficient....

     And it was in the throes of that exasperation, that state of being totally done with the whole afair, that a thought came to her, as she sulked in her corner, watching them. 


If the fleshies wouldn't learn, then perhaps it didn't matter. If she made a few artifacts so easy to use, even an absolute dunce could activate and effectively themselves with them, then maybe....


Yes yes... there was a way to lift this burden for herself yet...


She went to work almost immediately, conjuring several small spheres of light before her and smashing them into on another in the palm of her hand, molding the divine forces therein until they were packed so tightly, they began to take on physical form... much like a potter shaping clay.



((Aurora begins setting to work making [10] "Life Anchors" this will consume the majority of the current down time, though she is still available to talk, for those so inclined to seek her out and do so))



Name: Life Anchor (x10)
Description: "This sacred stone was created by a certain spider goddess out of annoyance for how squishy her companions were... it is a small, round crystal which shines with brilliant white light, and serves as an anchor point through which power from the Positive Energy plane can be drawn out in small bursts. The user feels a bit.... unpleasant afterwards however, as if they've just borne the brunt of a parent's incredibly disappointed gaze. "
Type: Bauble
SYN/INT Threshold/Bonus: 
-[every 5 syn] adds another d4 to the amount of hp Positive Ray restores
-[10 Int] allows the effect "Positive Ray" to cure one status ailment the target is suffering, in addition to healing
Special Qualities: 
-Positive Ray: [Active. When this effect is activated, it heals a single target for {Syn or Int} ((whichever is higher)). 2 CD.]





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