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[IC] TotMV:G^2: Clash of Fate: The Courtyard (Social/Prep Phase)


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Dackly, drawn like a moth to a bright light, goes towards the bright light with equally intelligent motivations.


"Making Bling, Huh Aurora?" She says to the spider lady.


It is then that she hears Walmond, and responds.


"It was a little boring, I wish they had at least brought out like, a giant robot or something.  I got a ton of loot though, Gozer, if you would!"




Like a treasure chest, Gozer unfolds a part of himself, revealing a king's ransom of Glittering Green Emeralds, they seem to practically glow, in a way the dim sun could never manage to achieve.


Like someone telling a secret, Dackly leans in to Walmond, and stage whispers


"They're maaaaagic..."

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4 hours ago, ElfCollaborator said:

Sachi Honda

Soryn Éclaire

"...Miss Sachi..?" Soryn gently rested his hand on Sachi's shoulder, an attempt at grabbing the young girl's attention. She had seemed to be contemplating something deep in thought, if it weren't for the distressed squeal she had emitted. "Is everything all right? Perhaps you may want to visit one of our healers if you sustained any injuries during your last battle?"


Magna Sigyl

Meanwhile, a familiar grim reaper could be seen comically running towards the barracks.

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Having finished the battle with Berserker, Ritsu took the brief period of downtime to lounge in her lion form. She hadn't done so in quite a while, and she needed a change of pace. She ended up situating herself near the barracks, where she started some self-diagnostics to make sure everything was working as intended. However, her diagnostic was interrupted by something bonking off of her.



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When Walmond found Dackly, he was greeted with the sight of Aurora, working on something bright. He wasn't sure what it was, exactly, but he could feel a resonance of magic that was similar to most healing magic, thought with it's own unique touch. Remembering the conversation the two had before, however... Walmond decided not to comment on it. If there was one thing that the spider had made clear is that she found him uninteresting.


However, his attention quickly went back to Dackly and Gozer, raising an eyebrow at the emeralds stored inside the golem, "Interesting... I assume you acquired those gems from the soldiers you fought against?" Walmond asked, genuinely curious at the source of the emeralds. As he asked this, Lambda could be seen approaching him, the large metal sheet, relatively untouched, in her hands as she held in front of her.

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"Yup, whenever I petrify my foes, Gozer can turn those statues into Emeralds, which contain pure unadulterated Life Force! It's handy as all get out, and I can use them to enhance nearly anything, whether it's magical, physical, or what have you."


"They are the Crystalized Essence of the things she petrifies.  By shattering them, that essence is released, resulting in an incredible power output.  However, these gems can be used indefinitely by drawing on them in smaller amounts."


Dackly gestures for him to follow.


"While Aurora makes her fancy bling, I plan to do the same, but better! Feh Feh Feh!" Dackly cackles in a strange way, moving to the Armory, alongside Gozer.


"We can continue our previous work with you." Gozer says, following.

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"What? I'm not making what this 'bling' you speak of is..." the spider had responded to dackly with a tone of obvious indignation, as she continued working "I'm making something that will fix the problem so many of these fleshbags seem to have with staying alive on their ow-"


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like that, the snake was talking to the human mage from earlier, the one with the soulless golem, if Aurora recalled correctly, which she did, given she could see see the construct right beside him.


"While Aurora makes her fancy bling, I plan to do the same, but better! Feh Feh Feh!" 

"Wait, what!? I told you, I'm not making.... what are you even-" and they were both gone before she could say anything else. Aurora simply sat there, dumbfounded as to what had just happened. But soon enough, her eyes drifted back to the shimmering gems she had finished so far- nowhere near enough.


"oh forget it..." she sighed, before going back to her work "lovely, now I'm apparently caught up in some competition I wanted nothing to do with, ontop of everything else.... simply lovely... damn fleshbags better be thankful for this...."


then again, if they weren't wouldn't be her problem; Aurora won either way with this solution. But it definitely wouldn't help her growing exasperation with them if they didn't...

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Isobel Low and LOTUS

LOTUS has little eyebrows appear above his eyes on his screen display, evidently surprised, but he doesn't let the pause go on long. "...I am not going to lie... I didn't actually expect everyone to show up here so quickly. I had gone and pre-supposed that coordinating couldn't possibly be that easy. I'm certainly not going to complain, though. Actual punctuality, oh, that's fantastic. Even if Ghost sent a proxy, I don't see a reason to be annoyed with that."


"Right, in the interest of keeping things brief (though I'll want you to stick around, Edmond, unless you have some other plans), I just have a couple of things I want to specifically go over with all of the squad leaders present and able to contribute the discussion. Three, actually. First of all: the nature of our opponents. When Aurora killed Assassin, her last words implied that she had been taken over or possessed or something of the sort, as she changed appearance shortly before she died. Unfortunately, though, I didn't get much from her on the topic, on account of she died. Edmond, did you have something similar happen? And that comes to the second topic I wanted to discuss, did you get the identities of any of the other Servants from Berserker?


And the third thing I wanted to discuss related to you, Lexiel. You told me that your group very nearly lost the battle, and it probably behooves me to ask what the factors that led up to that were, so that we can adjust next time to prevent it happening again. Was it, if I had to guess, lack of healing ability? My group very nearly took losses because we could barely keep up, and we had multiple of them -- those skeletons were quite problematic."


Isobel tried to be pretty much ignorable, as LOTUS was on a roll (as he tended to get) and she didn't frankly have much to contribute. She just settled for watching the others if they replied, having not much of anything else better to do then maybe try to glean some pieces of their personalities by watching how they talked. Really, Isobel wished that there was a garden around here, or just somewhere she could have the opportunity to work in her element, instead of being a piece of the scenery, upstaged by something the size of her hand on her belt.

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Spicy HG looked around the courtyard, some many interesting people around, strange powers, odd outfits, that creepy looking spider woman in the back, it finally felt like being at home again.

After a while she decided on someone to go try and talk to, the strange looking man floating around on a throne of books, some sort of mage without a doubt.


Solomon would notice a young(looking) woman just under average height, with fiery red hair, and holding a glaive at her side, begin approaching him.  If he had a sense for such things(or cared at all) he might notice faint divine energy radiating off of her, nothing especially powerful though.

"Hey, I just got here with the new team and I wanted to talk with someone who looked like they've been here for a while.  You're it.  My name is Spicy HG by the way."

She didn't even seem to consider the fact that Solomon might not even want to talk to her, she simply jumped head first into talking with no hesitation.

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Solomon did not seem to react to the young woman's statement at all as he thought that the woman was talking to literally anyone else in the castle. And he looked around the place for a few awkward moments to try and find them. It took a little while longer before he finally said "Wait! Were you talking to me or something?".

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"A lack of good support and medics made things harder, but our real problems was a lack of attacks with a large area of effect," Lexiel shares, "I had both one of our strongest healing abilities and our best attack for clearing out the swarms of weak enemies we faced.  This made it exceptionally difficult to defeat our enemies in a timely enough manner to prevent us from taking casualties.  I believe we may have overspecialized our squads.  There's nothing wrong with preparing to face the enemies at hand, but sending so many of our heavy suppression experts to fight the assassin left the rest of us with insufficient anti-infantry firepower.  Additionally, based on what I heard about the assassin fight, as I suggested before we assigned teams my anti-magic abilities would have been extremely effective in that battle.  We should strive to create more balanced squads in the future, to prevent these situations from being repeated.  Training more medics would also probably be helpful, but many of our comrades seem too... prideful and macho to learn the healing arts.  Doesn't make me any less badass to be able to heal (and I still can't get over how awesome it is that I can say that without getting censored), but try telling them that."

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Spicy HG looked directly at the man on the book-throne.

"Yes, you.  Are you not used to being talked to?  Is this team that antisocial to?"

She looks somewhat worked up, like shes annoyed at something that happened in the past.

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Solomon shrugged before he replied by saying "Well it's not like you specified who you were talking to...". He would then walk away from his book throne to offer the HG a handshake before he said "But anyway we both got off a bad start. My name is Solomon D. R. by the way...and I am sort of busy right now". He then sat back down on his book throne, and he loomed thoughtful for a moment before he said "We can still walk and talk though, or well...float and talk anyway".

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Isobel Low and LOTUS

There was a moment of contemplation on the small AI's part, before he let out a long sigh, halfway between a natural voice and an electronic crackle. "...Right. I suppose that I do need to take responsibility for that. The mismatch in team buildup was the direct result of a pair of critically flawed assumptions on my part. First of all, and this is why I over specialized so greatly (though now that I know the capabilities of at least the Assassin team more directly I suspect it still would have been a mistake), I misunderstood Nobunaga and believed that the abilities listed in regards to each Servant would be exhibited in their battles -- but it appears I was critically incorrect on that count, and it resulted in teams that were with the exception of mine poorly suited to their tasks.


Secondly, though I'm hesitant to say that the amount of force I brought to the assassin battle was unneeded, as I had to make use of Nobunaga twice to deal with the amount of injury those terrible skeletons could put out, I assumed that the fort and castle teams would require fewer personnel and would be lower intensity -- that's another cause of your problems, Lexiel.


I believe that I've received enough information and learned enough lessons to put together a significantly more well-rounded set of teams for the future, but I have been through enough by now to know that not to admit my mistakes would be a recipe for poor judgement later. Hopefully the influx of new forces will help, as well"


LOTUS' somber tone was maybe undercut a bit by Isobel actually contributing to the conversation. When Lexiel talked about people being too macho to learn to heal, the blue-aproned botanist suddenly grinned, and pulled one of her healing poppies out of her plant pouch, spinning it around in a gloved hand. Whatever Tama was was frankly kind of intimidating, so both her grin and her following line turned out far more sheepish than she had intended, but still, she joked: "Maybe they're afraid of becoming too much like the pretty flower lady?"

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"Oh, umm, sorry for interrupting, it's nice to meet you though."

She looks thoughtfully at Solomon's floating throne, for once in a long time she wished she could transform solely for ease of transportation.  Not that that was going to happen any time soon.

"What exactly was I interrupting if you don't mind my asking?  You seemed to be just floating there looking over the courtyard."

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"Ha!  We all could do to be a little more like you, Isobel," Lexiel chuckles, "Humble, aware of our own limits, and willing to take advice from others?  If only we were all so blessed.  Let us give thanks for reinforcements, and hope that they follow in your fine example."

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1 hour ago, StormLord said:

"Oh, umm, sorry for interrupting, it's nice to meet you though."

She looks thoughtfully at Solomon's floating throne, for once in a long time she wished she could transform solely for ease of transportation.  Not that that was going to happen any time soon.

"What exactly was I interrupting if you don't mind my asking?  You seemed to be just floating there looking over the courtyard."

Solomon slowly assembled a more humble looking floating throne for his apparent companion after he saw the way she looked at the one he was sitting on. And he stopped moving momentarily to gesture at her to clamber onto it before he finally replied by saying "I was looking for a friend of mine earlier, since I wanted to continue the nice conversation we had before we actually had to go and fight the Assassin and the Berserker". Solomon's expression looked a bit strained after he finished saying those words. As if he was putting a great deal of effort to try and do...something.

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Spicy HG look at least somewhat surprised when offered a throne of books the sit on, and accept the offer she does, taking a seat on the throne like a proper evil queen.

"Thank you for the chair.  Maybe you can describe this person for me and I can help you look for them?"

She paused long enough for Solomon to respond to her first question before continuing.

"On a side note, do you happen to know of any gods or goddesses in the group?'

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So, the identities, and the nature of the servants. No one else had offered much on the subject, so Edmond spoke up. "So, LOTUS, the identities of the other servants are thus: Jeanne d'Arc as Saber, and King Arthur as Lancer, and Gilgamesh as Caster. Jeanne's going to have lots of fire and is set up in a burnt village not far from here, Arthur has a divine or cursed spear that apparently blew up someone it touched and is sitting in a field in the direction of the mines that Caster is camped on top of, though I didn't get much else on Caster. Except not to trust him. Cu considered him to be the greatest threat of the three." He paused a moment.


"We also got some confirmation. It's some sort of mud from the grail that's corrupted the Servants. They don't have full control of themselves, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to break that hold until they're at the point of death. I'm sorry, I didn't get anything else." Edmond finished, watching LOTUS carefully to see how he responded.


"As far as teams go, mine worked quite well. Silef was a turning point, but every single person contributed well, and we weren't suffering from any lack that I could see."



Liliya watched as Samantha walked away without a word, a little bit peeved. However, that did change a bit when Liliya saw her almost receive practically the same treatment from others. She followed, considering that her own method of address had been vague, and might not have been heard. "Sam! How'd the battle go for you?" Hopefully she'd be able to get in on the conversation, and perhaps make some connections with the new group.

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7 minutes ago, StormLord said:

Spicy HG look at least somewhat surprised when offered a throne of books the sit on, and accept the offer she does, taking a seat on the throne like a proper evil queen.

"Thank you for the chair.  Maybe you can describe this person for me and I can help you look for them?"

She paused long enough for Solomon to respond to her first question before continuing.

"On a side note, do you happen to know of any gods or goddesses in the group?'

Solomon seemed to be a bit relieved after hearing the sound of HG's voice, and he quickly responded to her question by saying. "She is a short young woman with braided platinum blonde hair that goes by the name of Bridgett who carries around a pendant with a red gem basically everywhere. I think the gem had a spirit or an AI inside of it as well called Morning's arrow or something. And she is probably hiding in some secluded corner of a building right now.". Both thrones slowly started to move towards the barracks after he said those words, and he would quietly listen to HG's next question for a good long while before he finally decided to say. "I think we have at least one deity running around the place right now, although for some odd reason I have never seen a God anywhere near here.".

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Tama (and Aurora, who sounds quite miffed in the background)


A giant Spider-woman's indignant screech could be heard in the distance, at the mention of people being too "Macho" or prideful to learn how to heal their own damn selves. From the utter exasperation in her voice, it seemed the spider agreed all too much with that assessment....


Tama, not entirely sure why the spider god was screeching, simply ignored it and said his own peice after edmond "I should also mention that those tasked with defending the fort did decently well. Of course, I myself was drawing most of the aggression and doling out most of the suffering, but we had a dedicated healer, several others who had situational mending skills of their own, and even though the overall power output was low aside from a few outliers such as myself, the girl clad in the fiery armor, and the woman who controls that child spirit, it was heavily mitigated by the plant snake and her companion- I believe they were called "Dackly and Gozer" or some such nonsense. Both Ghost and I agreed, for as vexing and troublesome as they can be, they proved invaluable for clearing out the field in record times, one of them somehow petrifying weakened foes and removing them from the equation entirely, and the other eventually unleashing a massive burst of energy that nearly destroyed everything left alive and all but confirmed our victory.

      Overall, while the composition may have been a tad lackluster in some areas, it was sound enough to get the job done in the end. Even if the earth elemental hadn't unleashed his bombardment, it likely would've only been a while longer before we finally routed them the hard way, after their reinforcements stopped arriving."

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21 hours ago, Zetaark said:



Magna Sigyl

In her hurry, Magna felt her leg catch on something metallic, before tumbling straight in the ground. "Hey! Who leaves their weapon lying around like that?!? Why I oughta-" Magna said in a huff, as she sprung to her feet. Dusting herself off, It was no wonder why she didn't notice (other than her inattention) what she tripped on; It was none other than the robot whom she had met earlier. "What's the big idea, Rizu?"

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"Rizu? What exactly is that supposed to be?" Ritsu asks, now turning her head towards the thing that bonked into her, which turned out to be Magna. "At any event, I decided that this was a good spot to rest and repair myself. The better question is how did you managed to trip over me? Unless you're just inattentive, I find it difficult to think that you wouldn't notice me here," Ritsu asks, turning the rest of her body towards Magna.

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Samantha jumps guiltily, producing a spike of poorly suppressed energy, and turns to Liliya.  "Ohmigosh I am so sorry I didn't hear you before.  Uh, the battle went well I guess?  I didn't really get hurt much, but some of the others got pasted pretty bad.  We won though, and that's what counts, right?"

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Sachi Honda


Sachi screams as she lashes out at Soryn's touch instinctively, flailing around before stopping herself. Luckily, in this form, she isn't strong enough to do serious damage to him; it's more akin to being lightly slapped by a small child.


It takes her a while to calm down, breathing heavily. If there's any physical injury on Sachi, it isn't apparent at all. What's apparent is that this girl is incredibly, extremely troubled.


Gabriel Kowalski

If Gabriel is bothered by Samantha or Lilya's presence, he doesn't show it at all. Then again, he doesn't seem very bothered about much of anything.

"Oh? Who are you two lovely ladies, then? You two with the bigger group?"

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