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Bzzzt! An Electric Mono


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4 hours ago, Jess said:

@Revan As always, great job!

By the way, when you're on pm me to send you my shiny Electrike. It also has Flame Burst, so it will be helpful to you soon! :) 

Thank you~! And, will do.

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On 7/5/2017 at 2:42 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

If you need any items let me know and I'll see what I have. Like your run XD

Sorry for the hella late reply, I've been super sick. Thank you.



Also, for all my readers, consider this a formal return. I am back, and still as unlovable and boring as ever. Woo!

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On 7/12/2017 at 4:54 PM, Revan said:

Sorry for the hella late reply, I've been super sick. Thank you.



Also, for all my readers, consider this a formal return. I am back, and still as unlovable and boring as ever. Woo!

NONSENSE, I still love you :P 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, hello! Sorry for the excessively long wait. Life has no been going my way lately, and some stuff has been going down... But! I have returned, in full! Expect the latest, greatest and longest episode in a bit! All I need to do is finish writing it up.

Edited by Revan
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