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2nd Corrupted Pokeball



I found a second corrupted pokeball in the railnet underground, I've already acquired the ralts from the first one with a magnet powder, and now I'm curious what's this second one for? I tried talking to the dude who fixed the first one but he wouldn't do it anymore. also I can't seem to find anything about this in the forums. 

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  On 7/2/2017 at 3:55 PM, gabgonzales said:

I found a second corrupted pokeball in the railnet underground, I've already acquired the ralts from the first one with a magnet powder, and now I'm curious what's this second one for? I tried talking to the dude who fixed the first one but he wouldn't do it anymore. also I can't seem to find anything about this in the forums. 


As far as I know, you can get a Ralts only from the first one so there's nothing special about the second.

It might be a bug that's known already.


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Isn't it because you find the corrupted pokeball inside the railnet before the renovation, so in order still be able to get ralts if you've done the renovation, you got one more pokeball?

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