Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) Welcome to my newest play through of Pokemon Rejuvenation! This playthrough is going to be a major compare/contrast between Reborn and Rejuvenation, since the games are so similar. The rules of this play through are simple: just like in Reborn, I will only be using Pokemon suggested by you. Now that we have done that, let's get started: Chapter 1: "Seas the Day" We start off this game in the eyes of a little girl named Maria. She is sent by her mother to find her father for breakfast. However, if you choose, you can go to his private study and invade his quarters. When we did that... well... it get's pretty dark pretty quickly. We decided to QUICKLY leave, fetch our father, then get changed. However, we end up getting stopped by someone who looks suspiciously like a Power Ranger. Reveal hidden contents We then decide to go downstairs where we meet up with our father, who has placed our mother over a sacrificial altar. What happens next is a bit strange. Maria now starts getting called Marianette, some sacrifices are made, and as Maria is about to get sacrificed... ...we get switched over to a character named Amanda. The version I am playing is version 9, and a LOT was changed for this version. Quite frankly, Amanda is infinitely better than Amaria. She represents the huge improvement in the writing in Rejuvenation. We give her our name, and we are off! Reveal hidden contents Our character is named after the Latin word for Random. Another thing you may notice once you start the game is that the boat scene looks AMAZING! A lot of positive changes were made, and while I can't list them all, they involve the layout of each area and the graphics... Anyway, some posers named Team Xen end up attacking the boat and kidnapping our Mom with something called a "Dexoy". They are essentially fake versions of Deoxys who seem to be controlled by some person named Nastasia. However, we barely escape thanks to a woman with her Talonflame. Reveal hidden contents She tells us that our best course of action would to get a Pokemon from professor Jenner's lab. We end up arriving there and... ...wait a minute, is that Jan?! Reveal hidden contents Finally, we are brought to the starting room, where we get... ...well, that's up to you! YOU will be deciding who I use throughout the entire journey! Let me know who I should use down below, as well as what his/her nickname should be! Edited July 28, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lek Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) Use a rowlet as the starter and as for naming i always find a gimic and stick with it receantly i have been using the seven deadly sins and the seven virtues as naming examples like: greed, wrath, sloth, hope, charity etc... Other name gimics i have used are the stars so Leo, Sagitarius, etc.. Colors: White, Purple, etc.. Stars: Zeta the 6th star witch is where i got my name from but anyway u have a lot of choices Edited July 3, 2017 by Lek Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 Use Trecko with Overgrow and name it Dangerous He was a Killer in my run Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) Chapter 2: Quest Start! We are back with another log entry! We have decided our starter for our adventure! I am very excited to see what he can do! Let's meet our new friend: Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Treecko (male)! Who knows? Since this is V9, we may run into a Rowlet sooner than we may think... With our new friend, we won against our friend Amanda in what was actually a really intense battle. After we won our fight, she left, while Jenner gave us some Pokeballs to start our journey. As we were about to leave, some scrub named Ren came in and challenged us to a fight. We took him out with two absorbs. It was a massacre. As we were leaving, Jenner requested we look for his daughter, Melia. We accepted, and he gave us running shoes for our cooperation (THANK GOODNESS). Jan stopped us along the way, explaining about "PC Stars". They are strange, but quite convenient. After that, it was time to set off on our adventure! Reveal hidden contents ...wait a minute, how the heck is this possible?! This isn't allowed in the normal game! Luckily for us, a mod was released for the game yesterday by @Personthing which allows for follower Pokemon in Rejuvenation. You can find the download link here: While we were exploring the city, we ran across an officer stating that the power to the train station was out, meaning we couldn't advance. Of course, this means Melia also never crossed our path. We continued exploring when we found this individual: Reveal hidden contents Venam, my favorite character in the game, and in my opinion, a huge improvement on Cain (which says a lot, because Cain was already a good character). We will get into more details later about what makes her such a good character, but for now, back to the LP: This character told us to meet up with her in the sewers with her friends. Before we do that, however, we need more party members. Who should we catch in town? What about in the sewers? What should we name them? Let me know! Edited July 3, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vhandrake Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 Midday Rockruff! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 2:51 PM, Vhandrake said: Midday Rockruff! Expand What would be the nickname? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vhandrake Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 3:10 PM, FactoryofSadness said: What would be the nickname? Expand You can call it Fenrir Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) On 7/3/2017 at 3:16 PM, Vhandrake said: You can call it Fenrir Expand Cool! Any one else we should catch? We will be finding mons in the sewers and around the city next. Edited July 3, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 What about a Chingling? Sure it's meh but when you evolve it, it's pretty decent. At least for the beginning of the game. And I'm gonna go original and say the nickname should be Chime Chime. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 5:27 PM, Awesome_One said: What about a Chingling? Sure it's meh but when you evolve it, it's pretty decent. At least for the beginning of the game. And I'm gonna go original and say the nickname should be Chime Chime. xD Expand Cool! I've been looking for one for a while now. I'm not sure if he got moved, but Chime Chime shall be on the team eventually (as soon as I find him/her)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 I got 1 almost immediately after I got my starter in the tiny 2 patches of grass in front of the lab. It might need to be at night though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 Chapter 3: Garbage Crew Gets Trashed Before we went off to take care of Venam's proposition, we went ahead and caught our first new team member. Say hello to our second friend of the series: Reveal hidden contents Chime Chime the Chingling (female)! With our newest member, we went down to the sewers, only to find Venam with Ren. She proposed that we help fix the generator problems. Because of this, Ren and I proceeded to beat up every trainer's Mons, giving us plenty of experience. Reveal hidden contents On a side note, Ren seems to receive what I like to call the "Cal treatment". We will get into that a little bit later, but for now, on with the story! As we entered the generator room, we found Melia! As it turns out, she was investigating the cause of this, herself. While we were waiting for this, we discovered the problem: a Garbodor was eating away at the pipes. We immediately took to arms against this force, the Garbage Crew (yes, that's what they are actually called: it's actually pretty hilarious)! Reveal hidden contents Apparently, Melia's power involves attracting shiny Pokemon. Personally, I don't quite know what to think of this, but whatever, let's just roll with it. Chime Chime was able to dispose of the attackers with ease. This allowed Venam throw a Pokeball and capture... ...the Trubbish????? WHY?!?! THERE'S A GARBODOR RIGHT THERE! Either way, they leave, allowing the power to go back online. As thanks, Melia allows us to travel with her for her own studies on Route 1. There, we will be catching more team members. Until then, though, who else should I catch, and what should their nicknames be? Let me know soon, as we will be heading down to Route 1 next time! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Treecko (level 15) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 12) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 6:56 PM, FactoryofSadness said: Chapter 3: Garbage Crew Gets Trashed Before we went off to take care of Venam's proposition, we went ahead and caught our first new team member. Say hello to our second friend of the series: Reveal hidden contents Chime Chime the Chingling (female)! With our newest member, we went down to the sewers, only to find Venam with Ren. She proposed that we help fix the generator problems. Because of this, Ren and I proceeded to beat up every trainer's Mons, giving us plenty of experience. Reveal hidden contents On a side note, Ren seems to receive what I like to call the "Cal treatment". We will get into that a little bit later, but for now, on with the story! As we entered the generator room, we found Melia! As it turns out, she was investigating the cause of this, herself. While we were waiting for this, we discovered the problem: a Garbodor was eating away at the pipes. We immediately took to arms against this force, the Garbage Crew (yes, that's what they are actually called: it's actually pretty hilarious)! Reveal hidden contents Apparently, Melia's power involves attracting shiny Pokemon. Personally, I don't quite know what to think of this, but whatever, let's just roll with it. Chime Chime was able to dispose of the attackers with ease. This allowed Venam throw a Pokeball and capture... ...the Trubbish????? WHY?!?! THERE'S A GARBODOR RIGHT THERE! Either way, they leave, allowing the power to go back online. As thanks, Melia allows us to travel with her for her own studies on Route 1. There, we will be catching more team members. Until then, though, who else should I catch, and what should their nicknames be? Let me know soon, as we will be heading down to Route 1 next time! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Treecko (level 15) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 12) Expand Yay! Chime Chime! Honestly, if it wasn't for the anime, Idt I'd ever like this Pokemon. Haha. But I didn't know it was also like an event Pokemon! Does it know a move it wouldn't usually get by just normally leveling it up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) On 7/3/2017 at 7:11 PM, Awesome_One said: Yay! Chime Chime! Honestly, if it wasn't for the anime, Idt I'd ever like this Pokemon. Haha. But I didn't know it was also like an event Pokemon! Does it know a move it wouldn't usually get by just normally leveling it up? Expand It's unfortunately not an event. I had to zoom my clock forward to get it. Here's the funny thing, though. Sometimes, in this mod, if you talk to your Mons, they give you items. Dangerous already gave me a Poke Doll, and Chime Chime gave me a great ball! Edited July 3, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 7:16 PM, FactoryofSadness said: It's unfortunately not an event. I had to zoom my clock forward to get it. Expand Ahh. I see. Well it's good to know for the future. I spent the next 20 minutes - half hour running around so I could evolve my Chingling in the next level. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 Chapter 4: Cutscene, the Episode After that escapade with the Garbodor, we headed over to Goldenwood Forest with Melia. While we were there, we were looking for a new team member. Instead, I found this: Reveal hidden contents Should I use him? Also, if I do, what should his ACTUAL name be? Fortunately, we did find that new team member. Say hello to the third official team member: Reveal hidden contents Fenrir the Rockruff (male)! After we found our new friend, we went over to Melia, who was staring at a sign. We got her attention, and she asked "Are you ready?" Of course, we said yes, and... ...well, this leads into one of the parts Reborn has beat over Rejuvenation... Reveal hidden contents OH MY GOODNESS THESE CUTSCENES I am just going to upload portions of this to prove my point: The problem with this is that ALL of this is only to get you ACROSS THE LAKE. YOU DON'T BATTLE ANY OF THE TRAINERS TO GO BACK. Sure, maybe the cutscene is optional, but a new player may not know that. You could cut that scene out, and nothing would change. Reborn here strikes a better balance between cutscene and gameplay (at least in my opinion). Despite the above rant, there was something very good that came out of it. I trained Dangerous a bit, and something awesome happened: Reveal hidden contents We are going to continue our adventure with Melia soon. First, who should we add to the team? Name? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovyle (level 16) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 12) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 10) *that shiny Scatterbug: if it joins, what should its nickname actually be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vhandrake Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 9:27 PM, FactoryofSadness said: Chapter 4: Cutscene, the Episode After that escapade with the Garbodor, we headed over to Goldenwood Forest with Melia. While we were there, we were looking for a new team member. Instead, I found this: Reveal hidden contents Should I use him? Also, if I do, what should his ACTUAL name be? Fortunately, we did find that new team member. Say hello to the third official team member: Reveal hidden contents Fenrir the Rockruff (male)! After we found our new friend, we went over to Melia, who was staring at a sign. We got her attention, and she asked "Are you ready?" Of course, we said yes, and... ...well, this leads into one of the parts Reborn has beat over Rejuvenation... Reveal hidden contents OH MY GOODNESS THESE CUTSCENES I am just going to upload portions of this to prove my point: The problem with this is that ALL of this is only to get you ACROSS THE LAKE. YOU DON'T BATTLE ANY OF THE TRAINERS TO GO BACK. Sure, maybe the cutscene is optional, but a new player may not know that. You could cut that scene out, and nothing would change. Reborn here strikes a better balance between cutscene and gameplay (at least in my opinion). Despite the above rant, there was something very good that came out of it. I trained Dangerous a bit, and something awesome happened: Reveal hidden contents We are going to continue our adventure with Melia soon. First, who should we add to the team? Name? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovyle (level 16) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 12) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 10) *that shiny Scatterbug: if it joins, what should its nickname actually be? Expand Heck yeah! Fenrir made it to the team! I hope you enjoy having a Rockruff/Lycanroc as much as i do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jess Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 (edited) On 7/3/2017 at 9:27 PM, FactoryofSadness said: *that shiny Scatterbug: if it joins, what should its nickname actually be? Expand I think it will depend on the Vivillon pattern into which it will evolve... Can't find something befitting otherwise... Edit: @FactoryofSadness Regardless, since it is Male, you can name it Monarch, or Emperor, or Satyr, for some of the rarest butterfly species that exist nowadays. Edit #2: If you don't use it, I'm unfollowing you Edited July 3, 2017 by Jess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 3, 2017 Author Share Posted July 3, 2017 Chapter 5: Melia gets Massacred Finally, we're out of the cutscenes and back in the gameplay! We enter a cavern, and Melia decides to team up with us in order to defeat the trainers. This provides plenty of training for Fenrir, who desperately needed it. One trainer in particular may have been a bit TOO eager to battle... Reveal hidden contents WOAH, BUDDY! We end up going through the cave, where Melia finds a secret entrance to an Arceus statue. We decide to sit down and celebrate the fruits of our labor with a nice picnic. Reveal hidden contents This is one of Rejuvenation's strengths: the region. Every town and scene is extremely memorable, containing lush and rich environments. Reborn's environments contain a lot of grays and browns, so they are not as memorable (at least not in my eyes). Also, we now have the Scatterbug to the team. It's name will be Satyr when I get to the name rater. Melia decides that she wants to battle us before she is sent to become the normal type gym leader of Grand Dream City. While I didn't take screenshots, I didn't need to. The fight went something like this: Reveal hidden contents Fenrir is sent out first, uses Sand Attack twice against the Buneary Fenrir gets swapped out for Dangerous Dangerous uses Fury Cutter until Melia's team is massacred That would have been an enjoyable end to an enjoyable, cutscene filled day, but instead, some green fog rolls in. We then hear an explosion, and are ready to check it out. Who should we catch along the way? What should their names be? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovel (level 18) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 15) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 14) Satyr the Scatterbug (level 12) I hope you're happy @Jess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jess Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 11:20 PM, FactoryofSadness said: Satyr the Scatterbug (level 12) I hope you're happy @Jess Expand you picked the most errrr.... promiscuous name! xD I am happy anyways! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 3, 2017 Share Posted July 3, 2017 On 7/3/2017 at 11:20 PM, FactoryofSadness said: Chapter 5: Melia gets Massacred Finally, we're out of the cutscenes and back in the gameplay! We enter a cavern, and Melia decides to team up with us in order to defeat the trainers. This provides plenty of training for Fenrir, who desperately needed it. One trainer in particular may have been a bit TOO eager to battle... Reveal hidden contents WOAH, BUDDY! We end up going through the cave, where Melia finds a secret entrance to an Arceus statue. We decide to sit down and celebrate the fruits of our labor with a nice picnic. Reveal hidden contents This is one of Rejuvenation's strengths: the region. Every town and scene is extremely memorable, containing lush and rich environments. Reborn's environments contain a lot of grays and browns, so they are not as memorable (at least not in my eyes). Also, we now have the Scatterbug to the team. It's name will be Satyr when I get to the name rater. Melia decides that she wants to battle us before she is sent to become the normal type gym leader of Grand Dream City. While I didn't take screenshots, I didn't need to. The fight went something like this: Reveal hidden contents Fenrir is sent out first, uses Sand Attack twice against the Buneary Fenrir gets swapped out for Dangerous Dangerous uses Fury Cutter until Melia's team is massacred That would have been an enjoyable end to an enjoyable, cutscene filled day, but instead, some green fog rolls in. We then hear an explosion, and are ready to check it out. Who should we catch along the way? What should their names be? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovel (level 18) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 15) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 14) Satyr the Scatterbug (level 12) I hope you're happy @Jess Expand Very good. I like how you're also comparing this with Reborn graphics as well. It's an interesting read for sure. And let's go fooooor... Stunky - Hazard Smell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017 Chapter 6: Here Comes Team Meteor Xen After we beat Melia, we ran to the source of the explosion. On the way out, we ran into a foreboding sign... Reveal hidden contents Hey, look! It's INCOMING! from my last LP! He has the quiet nature and everything! We were moving onward when we ran into Team Xen for the second time this game. I didn't talk about them much on the boat, but now is as good a time as any to bring it up: they're pretty much Team Meteor. However, Jan did update this part of the game with something really funny. Originally, Melia just punched a grunt away, making them seem even more useless. However, in this update, Jan added more life and realism to the characters. There is one scene in particular which stands out to me: Reveal hidden contents I love this so much! I would explain more about it, but I recommend you play the game yourself. Seeing it in action is the only way to do this scene justice. Anyway, we ended up fighting through a bunch of Meteor Xen grunts and capturing their Shadow Pokemon. I never played the Colosseum games, so being able to do this is always a treat. We ended up going onward until we ran into these characters: Reveal hidden contents Ah, Sharon and Eli. I always saw Eli as a Pokemon version of NFL Quarterback Eli Manning: pretty stupid intellect. I love him more for it. It's also important to note that Zetta here got an actual personality other than "MWAHAHAHA, I AM EVIL". He has character now, and it's a better game for it. This is something Sirius from Reborn could also use, as his personality is VERY similar to Zetta's from V8 and below. We ended up beating Zetta and his goons without much trouble. However, Zetta then rage quit and sent us into something called a PULSE Dimensional Rift. These rifts are quite interesting, and personally, I actually like them more than the PULSE Machines. The idea of zombifying Pokemon with pure hatred is quite interesting, and builds upon the Shadow Pokemon idea established further in the cannon lore. Furthermore, a lot of these designs are interesting (not that Reborn's are not, but I just gravitate towards Rejuvenation's designs). Just look at this beast: Reveal hidden contents We finally defeated the beast thanks to the help of Dangerous! Afterwards, Garbodor help of the Dimensional Rift and Zetta while Melia got us back to Jenner's lab. It is there we rest for now while we come up with a plan. I ended up catching a fair amount of Shadow Pokemon. I now have a Shadow Kantonian Meowth, Finneon, Happiny, and Alolan Grimer. Should I use any of them? We will also be hunting a Stunky soon. Who else should we add, and what should their names be? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovel (level 19) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 16) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 14) Satyr the Spewpa (level 13) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 4, 2017 Author Share Posted July 4, 2017 (edited) Chapter 7: Venam's Arsenic Assault Last time, we were being chased by the dreaded Team Meteor Xen. We were ready to tell Professor Jenner about this dreaded team, in order to stop them once and for all... ...but first, side quests! This is another aspect I prefer in Rejuvenation. Not only are side quests easy to find, but they offer lucrative rewards. They are the best of both worlds. For this side quest, we went to stop a local gang from running away with a girl's Starly. While the thieves were about to get away, this woman crushed the boat with stone. How she did that, you may ask? Well... magic... Reveal hidden contents I know a lot of you already know who this is, but for those who may not, let's just say I think her ace may be a certain custom fusion we see later on in the game... After that happened, we went back to speak with Jenner, and... turns out he was a spy. We found Madelis, and as Melia was escaping with Alpha Metronome, she used her Houndoom to snipe the Togepi, limiting her movement. Jenner explained to us that he gave us the snag machine in order to stop the Xen grunts. As he was explaining, however, a woman named Crescent sent in her Gothitelle and kidnapped Jenner. You may not remember Crescent, but she was actually on the boat with us and our mother. This brings up another point about Rejuvenation compared to Reborn: Reveal hidden contents We haven't even got the first badge yet, and we have already met a lot of characters. We have met: Our Mom Crescent Piano Lady Augustus Nastasia Tesla (the lady with the Talonflame) Amanda Jan Jenner Ren Venam Melia Eli Sharon Zetta Madelis Keep in mind, there are the only required characters to meet at this point. If you do side quests like I do, you can even run into Karen and another Alolan character we will meet next time. In Reborn, your required meetings include: Ame Julia Victoria Cain Fern Florinia Aster Eclipse Sirius Nine is still a lot, but Rejuvenation has 16 REQUIRED MEETINGS! That's almost double! Just something I thought was interesting... Anyway, we ended up doing some training, and one of our members evolved: Reveal hidden contents By the way, that color scheme is gorgeous! Next, we went on to challenge Venam's gym. We didn't find a Stunky yet, but we DID find an abandoned yard in the back of Venam's gym. She explained to us that her old Seviper gym was closed down when Jan showed up. She then told us to take whatever we found, which was fine by us, because we found this: Reveal hidden contents A Seviper egg! Seems as if Dangerous is happy he found a new friend! Finally, we made it to Venam to challenge her to a fight, and to be frank, I misplayed way too much. The second Pokemon she sent out was a Grimer. However, I didn't think it would be an Alolan Grimer, and I left Chime Chime out. I needed to switch out, and that messed me up. I almost lost because of my carelessness. Thankfully, we managed to pull through. We will be doing the side quests next, as well as Rock Smash from the local gang leader. Where can we find a Stunky? Who else should we catch? Replace? Use? Should we use the Seviper? If so, what should we name it? Let me know! Team Recap Reveal hidden contents Dangerous the Grovel (level 20) Chime Chime the Chingling (level 19) Fenrir the Rockruff (level 17) Satyr the Vivillon (level 17) Edited July 4, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Awesome_One Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 (edited) Stunky I believe is in the patches of grass in Gearen City at nighttime. But Idt it's on the side of the Lab it's on. Edited July 4, 2017 by Awesome_One Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellowspaghetti Posted July 4, 2017 Share Posted July 4, 2017 Litleo! 😍 Name her Ashanti, which is African for warlike or aggression. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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