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Choose My Team: Rejuvenation Edition (LP COMPLETE)

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  On 7/4/2017 at 3:25 AM, FactoryofSadness said:

Chapter 7: Venam's Arsenic Assault

Last time, we were being chased by the dreaded Team Meteor Xen. We were ready to tell Professor Jenner about this dreaded team, in order to stop them once and for all...


...but first, side quests!


This is another aspect I prefer in Rejuvenation. Not only are side quests easy to find, but they offer lucrative rewards. They are the best of both worlds. For this side quest, we went to stop a local gang from running away with a girl's Starly. While the thieves were about to get away, this woman crushed the boat with stone. How she did that, you may ask? Well... magic...

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After that happened, we went back to speak with Jenner, and... turns out he was a spy. We found Madelis, and as Melia was escaping with Alpha Metronome, she used her Houndoom to snipe the Togepi, limiting her movement. Jenner explained to us that he gave us the snag machine in order to stop the Xen grunts. As he was explaining, however, a woman named Crescent sent in her Gothitelle and kidnapped Jenner. You may not remember Crescent, but she was actually on the boat with us and our mother. This brings up another point about Rejuvenation compared to Reborn:

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Anyway, we ended up doing some training, and one of our members evolved:

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Next, we went on to challenge Venam's gym. We didn't find a Stunky yet, but we DID find an abandoned yard in the back of Venam's gym. She explained to us that her old Seviper gym was closed down when Jan showed up. She then told us to take whatever we found, which was fine by us, because we found this:

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Finally, we made it to Venam to challenge her to a fight, and to be frank, I misplayed way too much. The second Pokemon she sent out was a Grimer. However, I didn't think it would be an Alolan Grimer, and I left Chime Chime out. I needed to switch out, and that messed me up. I almost lost because of my carelessness. Thankfully, we managed to pull through.


We will be doing the side quests next, as well as Rock Smash from the local gang leader. Where can we find a Stunky? Who else should we catch? Replace? Use? Should we use the Seviper? If so, what should we name it? Let me know!


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What is the mod that you're using that allow's Pokemon to follow you?

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Filler Chapter 1: A Hazardous Helper

Before we will be meeting Venam at Amethyst Cave, we decided to complete the remaining side quests of East Gearen. As I said, overall, I believe these side quests are better than Reborn. However, I will be reviewing each one individually, rather than spending a part for each side quest:


Save Starly!: We actually did this one before we fought Venam, but it's a pretty standard introductory side quest. You end up meeting Karen, who has magic powers for some reason (at least, that's your impression at first). Overall, a great first side quest.


Missing Mother: An interesting fetch quest which gives you some insight on Grand Dream City. You learn a bit about some mayor named Cassandra, who is apparently strict with the way she runs her business. This side quest is quite good.


The Hidden Library: Oh, boy, here we go. This side quest leads into a bigger story line involving the Garufa, a tribe which hated Pokemon, but were fascinated with their powers. This side quest is quite interesting...


Love Letter!: ...but then we get to this side quest. I'm not going to lie, this side quest is pointless. Here's what you do. You talk to a person, walk 50 feet right, talk to another person, walk back, talk to his secretary, and you win. It's too short and linear for my tastes. I would give the player the option to give the love letter to someone else if necessary. It IS a key item, after all, and could lead to some hilarious interactions. Sadly, this mission is a bit too linear to my liking.


Dangerous Pokemon!: I like this mission! It provides a good challenge with a good reward if you win. You have to beat up the Growlithe and their Arcanine leader, which provides for a unique challenge, but it's very much worth it.

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Battle Me!: This one is my personal favorite missions! You get to fight a girl named Novae in what is actually a pretty unique fight! She uses only Gen 7 Mons, and she can be tough if you come unprepared. Otherwise, this fight is fun at the worst.

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We then got to fight Karrina for Rock Smash, and won rather handily. For the first time, we have more than six party members. Who should we use? Box? Catch (don't worry, we WILL get the Buizel)? What should their names be? Let me know!


EDIT: The Buizel has been caught! The party has been updated accordingly!


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Chapter 8: Hazard Smell vs the World

Finally, after our fight with Venam, we were able to move onward to save Melia... at least, we WOULD be unless we weren't stopped by a mysterious new figure named Nim. Fortunately for us, Nim is actually a good character. She is funny, interesting, and helpful during the main story.

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Eventually, we found Nim, and she gave us back our money. However, despite this, she still required that we defeat her in a fight in order to advance. Because of this, we went on to battle.

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This battle was really intense! It started with a lead of Dangerous the Grovyle and Fenrir the Rockruff teaming up on the Solrock. However, when it didn't take it out, Solrock and Lunatone ended up taking out Fenrir. I then sent out Hazard Smell, the Stunky. It was only level 16, so I really didn't expect much. I used Poison Gas on Solrock and Lunatone. While that happened, both teamed up and took out poor Dangerous. The two proceeded to sweep through most of my team. While Chime Chime the Chingling was able to handle the Solrock, Nim's Inkay was able to take it out. Lunatone died from poison, and that's when things REALLY got interesting.


At this point, it was a 2v1 against Hazard Smell. I had used Poison Gas the previous turn to poison the Inkay. I decided to go for a risk, and use Poison Gas one more time for the Espurr. That's when I realized something: the Espurr couldn't touch me. The only attacking moves it had were Confusion (which doesn't affect me) and Shadow Sneak (which gains a psychic typing in the Altered Dimension, nullifying the attack). That meant all I had to do was stall out the Inkay, and I win. That's exactly what I did: I Rock Smashed the Inkay, and then healed when necessary. We ended up barely pulling through with a worn down Stunky.


We will be going after Melia next! Who should we catch? Use? Name? Also, there are some battles coming up which give us the choice of either teaming up with Ren or Venam. Which of the two should we team up with? Let me know!


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Chapter 9: Zetta's Really Bad Day

At this point, we are on the tails of Melia, who was chased to Amethyst cave. While we were looking for her, we took a quick moment to appreciate the beautiful scenery:

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While we are there, however, we ran into some Meteor Xen grunts! We stole their Shadow Vanillite and Bonsly, who are now sitting in our box. We then learned some unfortunate news: Melia was killed off by a Galvantula. Needless to say, Zetta didn't seem too happy about it...

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We end up teaming up with Ren, and there isn't much to say here, except that Ren's Scraggy put in work. Unfortunately for us, however, he still had one trick left up his sleeve:

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We ended up escaping the Dimensional Rift, and to Zetta's dismay, Crescent came back to send Zetta to an alternate dimension.


Now, in the original version, Crescent disappears, Venam leaves, and Ren makes this REALLY angsty comment, saying something along the lines of "I wonder who the real girl is, Venam, or Veronica..." I hated that line so much the first time I played it. It is angsty for angst's sake. However, in the new version, Jan replaced that with a pretty interesting conversation between our friends and Crescent, who proceeds to tell us this:

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Venam certainly wasn't happy to hear that, as she began to punch the wall repeatedly. This is what makes her a better character than Cain in my eyes. She has clear problems, and has to work to develop herself as a person, whereas Cain is set up to be the guy who can do no wrong, no matter what.


We will be moving on to Sheridan next! Who should we catch? Box? Name? Should we use any of the Shadow Pokemon? Finally, who should be used for the Keta fight? Let me know!


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Chapter 10: The Sunset Sheridan Smackdown

We finally made it to Sheridan village! As soon as we arrive, we meet two more characters: the eldest, who is the caretaker of the village sensei, and Aelita, a student of the Sensei. Aelita in my opinion is the second best opinion in Rejuvenation, right behind Venam. She is the first one to act in a situation, and always thinks of others before herself (generally, but we'll get there when we get there). She also goes through a lot of development in this game, but that discussion is for another day. Reborn could use more characters like her (as the closest comparisons I have to her at this moment are Shelly, who is extremely timid, and Charolette, who is extremely aggressive).

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We entered the Sensei's domain to find: Keta, the village Sensei! He gave us the task of finding a Soul Stone and bringing it to the place where Melia was eaten alive. Ready for the task at hand, we went ahead and...

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We ended up finding the Soul Stone and taking it to the site where Melia was killed. Strangely enough, no soul was absorbed into the stone. While this displeased Keta, he agreed to battle us and let me tell you, this fight was fun!

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You'd think that would be the end of it, but of course, the game does something Reborn is too guilty of doing, and decided "lol no badge yet". Therefore, next time, we will be entering Sheridan's secret cave! Who should we use? Catch? Name? Let me know!


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Hee hee I have a vivillon with the same pattern too :)

And I name my male growlithes Gary because he had an arcanine...

Anyway I'll follow this thread cause it looks interesting!

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Chapter 9: Blatantly Unfair

After Keta went off into a mountain to stop team Xen, were we ready to answer the call to charge and fight along si-


-oh, who am I kidding, of course not! It was time for another side quest!


I wanted to get some training in before we left, so I accepted another mission. Apparently, some people were at a dock stealing goods. It wasn't too bad: Chime Chime (Chimecho) really saved our butts during the fight.


Afterwards, we went into Caratos Mountain, a place of rich and vibrant wildlife, only to find that the place had been destroyed from the inside.

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We then ran into SEC, a very interesting robot to say the least. It seems to attack any intruders with Shadow Mons. On the way up, I snagged a Shadow Salandit (female) and Quagsire (female).

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Along the way up, we fought grunts, repelled SEC, and even got a cool new evolution:

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We finally made it to the top, but two kids invading a base of terrorists worked about as well as you'd expect. Fortunately, while Aelita was captured, we managed to find Keta! Aelita's team was really strong, so surely Keta could-

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Anyway, we finally got to Madelis, who:


Oh, no...


OH, NO...




Anyway, some of you may be wondering why there's this Quagsire following me around. Well, there's actually a way to cheese this fight:

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Eventually, after Keta sacrifices himself, we move on to the generator room and-

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We are now ready to move on to Keta's second fight! Who should we use? Catch? Name? Box? Let me know!


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Chapter 10: Ode to a Bad Gym Leader

We finished up our last part with beating the Shadow Volcanion. Aelita and the Sensei wanted us to follow them to a place where Shadow Pokemon could be purified...


...but why do that when we have more side missions?


We decided to challenge Novae from the Alola region once more in order to gain some free experience, and trust me, the battle was extremely easy. Having Fenrir (Lycanroc) made the fight really easy.


We ended up picking up our reward afterwards:

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We then were on our way back out, but were stopped by Keta's, who challenged us to a battle. We swapped our newest member out for Normal_One (Hariyama) and went down to the secret Grotto, where Keta was looking to fight us one last time.


This is one thing Rejuvenation does WAY better than Reborn: it doesn't give you nonsense about "lol your badge is invalidated". Once you earn a badge, you earn it, no exceptions. Anyway, onto the fight:

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Now that we have won, we will be looking for Saki in Goldenleaf-




...I guess I should explain this, huh? After Keta moved on, his soul manifested in this statue. What does this mean? Good question, because it's never brought up again. Yes, we get a mention of the Soul Stone, but I would have loved to see this point explained in further detail for V9. Oh, well, perhaps we will see some more in V10...


...anyway, next time, our quest to Goldenleaf begins! Who do we catch? Box? Name? It's up to you!


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Chapter 11: Ren Cockblocks Temere

After a disappointing battle with Keta's spirit, we continued our quest to Akuwa in order to fix the Snag Machine. Along the way, we ran into Amanda, who seemed depressed about Melia's and Jenner's disappearance. She felt even worse for Jan, who was stuck with all of the paperwork. Despite this, she still felt well enough to challenge us to a battle.

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After beating Amanda, we ran into some guy named Rorim B. I would post what happened, but I feel as if Rorim B as a character is inconsequential. He contributes nothing, and demonstrates something else I think is a shame.


You remember those cool Shadow Pokemon? It was a fun and interesting gimmick, right? Well, you are now only able to catch two left: Rorim B's Vivillon (which isn't accessible until later), and a Jumpluff Zetta has. While Shadow Pokemon are cool, there are barely any to catch. In fact, there are only seven total in the entire game (excluding Shadow Beldum, which I like to consider more of an event), so I must ask: why even bother? They clearly were not important enough to the plot, so why make it a thing? Yes, you see more Shadow Pokemon (like Rorim B's Sudowoodo in this fight), but you aren't allowed to catch any of them. It's a missed opportunity, and I can only hope they are brought back for V10.


Either way, we then ran into Aelita, who was about to enter Goldenleaf. However, before we did that, she wanted to test her abilities as a trainer. It was time to battle!

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Finally, after we had our battle, we were ready to head out to Goldenleaf Town! However, as Aelita was entering...


...just look...







Cool! I'm heading in for a gym battle, anyway! How can I-


...wait, what are you-




Ren's motivation here is laughable, and one person later in this version are not afraid to say it. Apparently, he is doing this for Melia in order to get stronger, but this whole motivation is going to lead into another plot point later on that I would prefer not to discuss at this point.


Either way, we need to find Venam. Who do we catch? Box? Name? Let me know down below!

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Chapter 12: "It's the Power... of RELIGION!"

*Bonus points if you get the reference

What a crazy series of events that was. We started off this journey attempting to find Venam. Of course, the first logical place to look would be in her sewer network. Therefore, we go down, and we find this:

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Either way, we decided to investigate the premises, and to our displeasure, we saw a face who looked all too familiar...

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Still, we end up meeting another "new" character as a result of this. Remember Marianette? Well, she's here now!


With Marianette, we decide to confront her father about our friends, but we are stopped by a maid:


Get used to these this chapter, as they are everywhere. They act as glorified fetch quests. We complete her trial, only to confront her father. Fortunately, we made a deal:


Thus began a long and tedious part of the game. While I do not like this overall, there is one moment which sticks out to me in particular:

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Eventually, we ended up finishing all of the trials. There was only one trial left...


...but first, it's time for a secret!

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Finally, we were ready for our final trial, only to learn that we were to battle Marianette. Interestingly enough, she was also a gym leader. Quickly, it was time to fight!

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We ended up having to leave Marianette behind (due to some drama I will get into later... trust me, it's a low spot for the game), and can FINALLY move on to Goldenleaf Town! Who should we pick up along the way? Box? Catch? Name? It's up to you!


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Chapter 13: Wrath of the Demon Chicken

When we finally made it to Goldenleaf, we were extremely surprised that the citizens there treated its people like garbage. In fact, what made it even more disturbing was the fact that there was a noose on one of the statues!


Despite the strange cheerfulness of Waffles, we proceeded to the Pokemon center, where we dispatched of a couple of citizens terrorizing the "outsiders". One of the people helping us was Aelita! It was nice to see a familiar face again. However, when informing the gym leader, Narcissa, of the incident, we ran into this guy:


He ended up trying to kill both Aelita and Narcissa, only to frame us in the process. Luckily, we were rescued by a girl named Mosely, who was willing to help us stop Geara.

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Eventually, we made it to Team Xen's lair, which was an abandoned radio tower. Of course, this place got a massive visual update, which was much needed. After we fought through the grunts, we ran into Sharon and Eli, who handed our butts on a silver platter a few times. Because of this, we needed some training:

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With our upgrades in tow, we were able to easily dispatch of Sharon and Eli, only to find something even more dangerous lurking below:


I love that line to this day!

...anyway, onto the fight:

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After Geara was defeated, we celebrated by eating a nice meal at Narcissa's house.

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Next time, we will be taking on Narcissa in order to win the hearts of Goldenleaf!


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Chapter 14: The Shadow Queen

Before we went to fight Narcissa, we decided to do a bit of training. There were two tough battles coming up, and I wanted to make sure we would be prepared for both of them. I decided to get another haircut for Waffles, and she seemed so happy, she evolved!


With our new evolution on hand, we went to the gym, where Ren was begging Narcissa to let him battle her. After grilling him for being a raging hypocrite (since he locked us out with a fence), she decided to hold a competition. Whoever would reach her first would get the chance to battle her. Of course, along the way, she would perform in a play.


I have always appreciated this about V9. This is exactly what her gym should have looked like in the first place. Before, the only way we would have known that she was an actor is her saying "Oh, by the way, I'm an actor. Just take my word for it." Here, her personality is on full display.


Either way, we ran into Ren, and had to fight for the fight to face Narcissa!

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After we beat Ren, we were able to meet Narcissa on stage! It seemed to be awesome!


...well, at least for most of the members. Dangerous may have gotten stage fright...


Either way, it was time to fight for the spirit of Goldenleaf!

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We ended up getting our fourth badge! Next time, we will be completing more Side Quests. Who should we box? Use? Catch? Name? We will be trying to win against Madame X, so is there anyone I should attempt to use? Also, should Waffles become a Kantonian or Alolan Raichu? Let me know!


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