Yellowspaghetti Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 ...poor waffles. Her pika power was not enough 😂 But totally alolan raichu. They say they become that way by "eating too many sweet pancakes" but everyone knows waffles are better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
espeon860 Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 think you can get a zubat now i think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 On 7/10/2017 at 9:25 PM, espeon860 said: think you can get a zubat now i think Expand What should the name be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
espeon860 Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 batman lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fabidieboy4 Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 you should add the pokemon from the mystery egg and call the phantumb that has the best nature and stuff: LostBranch Reveal hidden contents keep it for valerie and the puppet master (came in clutch for me) and for the pokemon from the egg here are some names : Ryhorn = Giov Chinchou = DeepLight Togepi = Space Sneasel = aColdNight Elekid = Plug In Shroomish = Fruitpunch Azurill = Haikyuu!! (volleyball anime but you can also name it Volleyball) Aron = Gajeel Trapinch = Goggles Starly = POWERFUL Drilbur = Clay Cottonee = Cottonleaf Darumaka = shofu Zorua = Mungen Axew = Pyriet Pawniard = DarkPawn Vullaby = BoneBird Larvesta = RedSun Wishiwashi = GoToSchool Mareanie = CoralVenam (banefull bunker is to op (you can spam it untill you run out) Stufull = BreakingPoint Reveal hidden contents oh and ps: i dont know if i need to say it now but when you get mawile reset for a female and name it Mom ;-; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 11, 2017 Author Share Posted July 11, 2017 Filler Chapter 2: Sheridan Sidequest Showdown Before it was time for us to traverse through Route 4, we decided to occupy our time with side quests! Before we did that, however, we caught ourselves a brand new team member! Reveal hidden contents LostBranch the Phantump! Keep in mind the level. You'll see what I mean in a bit. After catching the new team member, I bred her with a male Yamask in order to create an egg. I then traded away the egg, and got a Mystery Egg instead. Here is what we got: Reveal hidden contents Does anyone know what it is? For the sake of keeping time, I will keep this short, and only describe the missions in short detail: Hidden Library 2- A nice ending to a little part of the story, but honestly, Karen is the worst. She is a very poorly written character. Stolen Cargo!- This mission was much better, as it provided a fun and unexpected challenge. Players who come in unprepared will get decimated. Cute Pokemon- Offscreen, I caught an Aipom. For this mission, we had to trade away the Aipom for this Pokemon: Reveal hidden contents Should we use and/or rename Pancha? Get an item!- This is hands down my personal favorite mission in the game. This mission is a huge love letter to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Red/Blue Rescue Team, right down to the music used when stealing from the Kecleon Shop. Of course, any Mystery Dungeon player may think they can't muscle their way through... ...and they'd be both right and wrong. Reveal hidden contents What you need to do is use a Ghost Type. In LostBranch's case, I used Will-O-Wisp, Leech Seed, and Curse. Kecleon just saw a ghost and tried to bait it out with Sucker Punch. I ended up KOing 7 Kecleon, bringing her level to this: Does anyone know where I can find a Link Heart? Battle me again?- This is a decent second battle with Novae, but that Lycanroc may take too much advantage of the field effects... After the side quests were finished, we moved onward to Route One once more, where we discovered some secret agents discussing the status of the lake. One was named C, and he appeared to be a bug type master. Thanks to Hazard Smell (Skuntank) and her Toxic, however, we were able to breeze past it. However, that was when we found the threat once more: Once again, we had to take it out, and once more, we succeeded with ease! Next time, we will be trying to obtain a Zubat, as well as heading out to Route 4! Who should we box? Use? Catch? Name? Let me know! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fabidieboy4 Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Locations for the link heart Reveal hidden contents River's End (surf needed for access) space between the 2 support metals of the building at the upper left area Sheridan Village big green flowers left of the daycare, surf needed, by the heracross Xen Backup Lab Hidden Cave rock on the top right from the pond on the right, surf needed Oblitus Town big rock right from the healing star GDC Judicial District flowers top left on the park right of the Police Department so the earliest you can get is after beating valerie ;-; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellowspaghetti Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 I'm pretty sure the egg is a wishi washi. Belu would be a cute name for it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rayyan Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Just stumbled on this run will be following this. Good luck and I think the egg is a marril or maybe wishiwashi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 11, 2017 Author Share Posted July 11, 2017 Chapter 15: NIM-Possible Flinching As we were heading to get our TM for Flash, our Mystery Egg finally hatched! Say hello to the newest member of the team: Reveal hidden contents Haikyuu!! the Azurill! Afterwards, we finally bought the TM for Flash. We gave the move to Chime Chime (Chimecho), and decided to head into the Mirage Forest. There, we encountered a rather grumpy Kingdra statue. However, it was no match for the Toxic of Hazard Smell (Skuntank). We ended up moving into the scientific camp, where we discovered a horde of Zubat. With one flash, we brought out the mother. *Also, that is Lycanroc's sprite. There is no Lycanroc Midday sprite, so it just reuses Rockruff. Sorry, @Vhandrake! Either way, we ended up murdering the parents. This inspired one of the Zubat to fight in the name of justice. Meet our newest team member, inspired by their murder: Reveal hidden contents Batman the Zubat! Also, even if you don't think into it that much, that's messed up We FINALLY were able to travel to the next route, where we saw another example of Jan creating excellent and unique environments. Apparently, this was all because of the work of the grass type gym leader. I don't blame her, either, because after Goldenleaf, I would also think that people would want to feel more relaxed. However, before we could head into the town, Nim tried to stop us. She said it was dangerous, and we should head back. Before taking her on, we trained up little Azurill on the wild Tranquill and Sunkern (thank you Huge Power Bounce), and then quickly went to battle! Reveal hidden contents The battle opens with Dangerous going for detect while Waffles goes for Discharge. Unfortunately, both Lunatone and Solrock predicted this, and double teamed Waffles. Here, I tried to get the boosted power from Helping Hand, but then it said "it doesn't affect Dangerous"... ...what? Either way, poor Azurill gets destroyed, but Dangerous manages to damage Lunatone. Dangerous manages to Mega Drain Solrock while Fenrir goes for Rock Slide. Solrock is flinched, and Lunatone goes down. Fenrir goes for Rock Slide. Dangerous uses Leaf Blade on Solrock, but it switches into Duosion. Fortunately, Fenrir gets another flinch on Malamar. While Duosion takes out Dangerous with a Psyshock, Malamar gets flinched again. Fenrir takes out Duosion with Rock Slide while Ashanti takes out Malabar with her newest move: Flamethrower. Fenrir goes for another Rock Slide. Meowstic lands a thunderbolt on Fenrir, and Ashanti gets hit with Rock Slide. Fortunately, the duo are able to finish the job next turn. Easy. With another win under our belts, we are now ready to head into Akuwa town! Who should we catch? Name? Box? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alphagar Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 I'd say put Pancham on standby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vhandrake Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Glad the Lycanroc i chose for you is being useful! Hope you stick with it for a while Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 11, 2017 Author Share Posted July 11, 2017 (edited) Chapter 16: The Blacksteeple Redemption Oh, man, is this going to be a long chapter! A lot of plot happened, and we were able to progress through a big part of the story. Before we went into Akuwa town, we decided to train our newest member, Haikyuu!! the Azurill. With all of her training: this happened: Reveal hidden contents Our child evolved! Now let's check out those stats! By looking at her stats, we can see that... that... ...wait a minute, is something different? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Apparently, this involves a glitch in traditional Pokemon games. Because of this, 25% of female Azurills grow dicks when they evolve. Despite this interesting new evolution, we ended up in Akuwa town, where everyone had decided to mysteriously disappear. However, in the back of the aquarium, Aelita found a monitor with a police officer trying to contact anyone left. Apparently, the town had been kidnapped by a mysterious group of people. Of course, as we say that, this happened: Well put, Aelita. This is why you're way better than Victoria from Reborn in every way. Either way, we were captured and sent to "the joint" in a place called Blacksteeple Prison. While there, we met some new friends! Reveal hidden contents I might as well say this now: I am so thankful for what Jan did to Saki. She was easily my least favorite character in V8, because she was mean and spoke in "dank memes, lol". Here, however, she actually has normal dialogue, and is bearable to listen to. Also, again, love the animations by the characters here. Eventually, we got in trouble day one (no thanks to our new friend Saki) and had to meet the Warden of the prison, a guy named Neved. He told us he was torturing Aelita for misbehaving, and would make sure to do the same to us if we were caught misbehaving again... ...of course, we did. We ended up finding out that there was a place we could send out our Pokemon. This game me a bit more time to do some training. Reveal hidden contents With her his ability Huge Power, she he is going to be awesome! We ended up finding a way out, but first, we found our mom being held captive by Madelis! It was time to fight! Reveal hidden contents One Rock Slide is an easy KO. Leaf Blade brings the Sharpedo down to red, but it gets a critical Night Slash and KOs Dangerous. With a couple Force Palms, Normal_One is able to finish up the healed Sharpedo. Zweilous gets poisoned by Toxic. It is about to finish off Hazard Smell, but instead keeps missing Dragon Rush and is put down by poison. A Flamethrower finishes off Shiftry. Now, in most cases, two field effect boosted Rock Slides would KO. However, he ended up missing BOTH. Fenrir goes down. Fortunately, Normal_One tanks the last two Thunder Fangs and KOs with Wake-Up-Slap Well said. Afterwards, we were able to free the rest of the prisoners. On our way up to face Neved, we ran into his guard, Emma, who proved to be zero challenge. Normal_One completely walled her (except for Gardevoir, who was defeated by Hazard Smell). We finally made it to the top, and got ready to fight Neved, and with Aelita, no less! Reveal hidden contents OH MY GOD, THAT SPRITE IS STRANGE! I get that it's trying to look realistic, but I don't think that style works with Gen 3 graphics. Hazard Smell gets a toxic off on Aurorus. Aurorus uses Rock Slide, and Weavile uses ice beam (why, Neved). Scraggy inexplicably goes for Crunch on the Weavile before putting it out of its misery with a Brick Break. Normal_One KOs Aurorus with Wake-Up-Slap, Mienfoo goes for Detect. Mienfoo goes down to a Shadow Ball, and Normal_One tanks a Razor Shell, but Normal_One still gets off one Knock Off. Shadow Ball takes down Normal_One, but Barbaracle is blown away by a Brick Break. Dangerous goes for detect while Blaziken finishes off Froslass. Gastrodon then goes for Surf. One Leaf Blade finishes the job. You had a Weavile with Ice Beam. What did you expect? Of course, with our new found confidence, we were ready to head ou- ...shit. Reveal hidden contents "Hi, I'm Temere. Welcome to Jackass!" One thing to note: this battle took multiple tries, so some levels will most likely be different from the previous battle. The fight starts off with Hazard Smell attempting to use Toxic before Heat Wave blows it away. Poor Waffles gets destroyed by a Zen Headbutt (what an asshole). Yveltal goes for Zen Headbutt... ...but misses! This allows the opportunity to set up a Curse. At this point, I sacrifice LostBranch, but she easily pulled her weight in this fight. At this point, Normal_One can only go for Fake Out in order to ensure damage. This strategy works, however, as Yveltal is eventually brought down along with Normal_One. VICTORY! ...oh, wait, let me guess, "Yveltal still has energy left in it", right? ...or that, I guess. After the battle, we are left with no choice but to flee, where Madame X does something terrible. That's right. Our quest to save our mother ended in utter failure. rip in spaghetti never forghetti Thankfully, we were able to also witness a cool plot twist: That's right! Emma is Melia! She's not dead! ...wait, if you could do that, why didn't you just do that when she was pulling out her blade. She was clearly distracted by her own speech! You could have saved her! (Yes, it's nitpicking, and I know it might have failed, but still...) Either way, we all fled on the boat, where we were given a new team member. This member was the spawn of one of the Mawile from our mother. Meet our newest member... Either way, next time, we will be fighting Valerie. Here is the question for all of you: Which six Pokemon should I use? Also, who else should I catch? What should their names be? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Box level is from highest to lowest. Edited July 11, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) Chapter 17: Valerie gets Washed Up After being set free from Blacksteeple, Melia wanted to apologize to Valerie, Aelita, and the player for her mistreatment of us (most of all ourselves, because I guess electrocuting Aelita wasn't a big deal). She said some things about "strength" and "on that fateful day", and then repaired our snag machine! That would be awesome if we weren't about to run out of Shadow Pokemon, but hey, whatever works. Having said that, she did offer up a fight. We were quick to accept the challenge! Reveal hidden contents At first glance, this seems like a horrible matchup. However, Normal_One goes for Fake Out and... She already tried that during the last fight! Either way, a Wake Up Slap decimates the Zoroark. Hazard Smell gets off one Toxic before Gardevoir can use Calm Mind. Hazard Smell gets off a Sucker Punch before Moonblast KOs. Normal_One can only get in one Fake Out before being knocked out of the competition. However, the damage is done, as the poison KOs Gardevoir. I forgot that Pupitar is part ground, so Discharge does nothing. Waffles survives the Crunch, and is forced to switch out. Dangerous gets an easy Leaf Blade KO. One Rock Slide decimates the Yanmega. Despite landing Rock Slide, it doesn't KO. Instead, Togekiss KOs with an Aura Sphere. Luckily, Waffles is able to outspeed and KO with Discharge. Despite the misplay with Waffles earlier, that was easy. Before it was time for us to leave the ship, we were treated to a cutscene involving Team Xen. Reveal hidden contents Oh, a new recruit? I'm sure whoever it is will definitely have deep and interesting motivatio- ...dear god, where do I begin? One of the reasons Ren wanted to get stronger was because of Melia's death. He not only wanted to save his town, but he wanted to make sure he could be strong, unlike when Melia died... why would he ever join the people he thought killed Melia? For me personally, this is easily one of the most laughably ridiculous parts of the game. However, he reminds me of another coward from Reborn: Cal. Cal's methods are also laughably silly. When he set up the PULSE Camerupt, he set it to sabotage. All he had to do was let Kiki destroy it, and everything would be fine. However, he instead kills her Medicham, and leaves her briefly defenseless (as she hopefully brought her other five Pokemon). Indeed, both characters have interesting personalities, but both make boneheaded decisions. In all fairness for Ren, however, we don't know what Crescent told him in Goldenleaf. When we learn about it, that may shed some light to the situation, but until then, Ren is too thickheaded for his own good. After getting off the boat, we discovered we were on the island of Terajuma. Fortunately, we were close to a village named Kakori Village, home to a gym leader named Crawli. However, the jungle was infested with thick vines. We decided to go towards a path which required us to have the HM for Surf. While we couldn't use it, Valerie offered to fight us in order to give us the opportunity to use the HM. Without hesitation, we went to battle! Reveal hidden contents The fight starts off with a Toxic from Hazard Smell. Lanturn decides to go for an Ice Beam, doing little. Hazard Smell then goes for two Sucker Punches, bringing Lanturn down to the red. Both Hazard Smell and Lanturn get knocked out. Waffles sets up one Nasty Plot while Ludicolo goes for Rain Dance. Ludicolo hits with Giga Drain, while Waffles KOs with three Psychics (with one Hyper Potion). Waffles then uses Discharge on Valerie's next Pokemon and... ...well... With a +2 field-effect boosted Discharge, it was safe to say Valerie stood no chance. ...No, Braixen. It was just lame. We were able to secure our next badge! We now have Surf! Who should we catch? Box? What should the nicknames of our new team members be? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Edited July 15, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vhandrake Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 Dang, sad to see Lycanroc leave the run, oh well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) On 7/12/2017 at 1:23 AM, Vhandrake said: Dang, sad to see Lycanroc leave the run, oh well Expand He was only out of the party for this episode. He will be back. But first, if he should come back, who gets boxed? Edited July 12, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candy Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 When I saw this thread updated with "Latest Defeated: Madame X", my eyes went out of their sockets! Amazing work yo, in my case I didn't even get to attack once hahaha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 On 7/12/2017 at 1:40 AM, Candy said: When I saw this thread updated with "Latest Defeated: Madame X", my eyes went out of their sockets! Amazing work yo, in my case I didn't even get to attack once hahaha Expand Thank you so much! I lucked out! All I know is that in Rejuvenation, ghost types reign supreme (at least in my own opinion). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellowspaghetti Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 WAFFLES COME THRUUUUU Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) Can you get now Corphish? Totally don't remember when it is avaliable If you get one name it Mr. Krabs Must be a male Edited July 12, 2017 by HellBoyOnEarth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) Chapter 18 Part 1: Little Rift of Horrors This update will be short, as it is going to be a two parter (the second part is going to be a rant about a particular cutscene coming up next). Either way, last time, we decimated Valerie with field effect boosted +2 Discharges. This time, we were ready to head out to Kakori Village, where Crawli was supposed to live. However, as we were about to use the teleporter... ...nothing. This meant we would have to take the long path. It would be a long and arduous journey, filled with many strong and powerful trainers... Reveal hidden contents ...or it's just over immediately. I guess that works, too. Also, Ashanti, personal space! We ended up making it to the end of the jungle, when suddenly, Nim started apologizing profusely, stating that she couldn't "hold it it" anymore. While confused, we were shocked to find out that she was holding back old enemies! That's right! Jenner, Geara, and Zetta were back! They knew they were outnumbered, but decided to take advantage of a certain dimensional rift... This inspired Melia to say some words of wisdom to rally the troops. Reveal hidden contents I'm sorry, but who's "we"? You haven't done anything! At least Aelita helped out with Carotos Mountain, but other than that, the most the rest of you have done is get captured! That didn't matter to Zetta, however, as he sent us into the rift. There, we fought our next boss... Reveal hidden contents ...and honestly, it's the worst rift in the game. All you need is something that can stall or confuse, and you win. I like the Audrey II reference, but the design just doesn't do it for me. Poor thing is only a mean green mother from outer space, but it's definitely not bad. Either way, we win, and Zetta and Geara rage quit by taking Nim hostage. We then found our way to Kakori Village, where we met a familiar face! Reveal hidden contents That's right, C from Goldenwood Forest was actually Crawli! That was something fun to see! This is the end of part one! Soon, the rant begins... Edited July 12, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) Chapter 18 Part 2: Pointless For the second part, it's going to mainly act as a rant. Keep in mind, I am keeping everything in unless there is one of the text boxes has only one word in it, so if you don't want to be bombarded with text, DON'T CLICK SPOILER: Reveal hidden contents We start off by going to get ready for the meeti- Why, yes, Melia! Are you also ready? Yeah, I know! About that meeting... ...but what? I mean, our friend is in serious danger! I don't think- I'm not even getting a choice, am I? Cool! Can we go start the meeting now? So that meeting... Awesome! Now we can get ready for our top priority: to save- OH COME ON! At this point, I'm feeling sorry for Dangerous (Sceptile). He's the ultimate third wheel in this. ...NO! You've known me for less than a day! That doesn't make us lifelong friends. We ate sandwiches together once! In fact, Nim could be dead by now because of- Okay, maybe I forgot to take out one of the one worded text bubbles Okay, but may I just say- You know, I got the feeling that that was the case a long time ago. Here's a lesson, then. When your friends are in danger, you try and help them. In this case, that means going to a meeti- Just to remind the readers who made it this far, this is still going! this about to become a really bad anime trope? It is, isn't it? Yeah, but our friend is in- I feel as if at this point, Dangerous (Sceptile) is taking a nap. In all fairness, Aelita has actually been a really solid character. Yeah, that's it. Nim gets turned to stone and kidnapped. Live and learn. Yeah, I mean, then you worry about going to meetings to discuss the safety of your friends. Why would you ever- That's a funny way of saying "we", Aelita. This cutscene is still going. You see? Aelita gets it! Is the cutscene finally over? Can we go- OH COME ON! ...what exactly is her job, anyway? Attracting shiny Pokemon? Honestly, I'd rather by the dynamic duo, but I guess I can help out. Either way, the cutscene is finally over! Now, Aelita just has to bring us back and- ...we weren't even brought back... All of that just to get dropped off in the middle of the forest! I can't lie here, this cutscene is pointless. It adds nothing to Melia's character, and without it, it wouldn't make a difference. Melia is a blank slate here, and we pretty much heard a bunch of nothing. I could even shorten the cutscene's dialogue myself: Melia: Walk with me. Oh, look, the teleporters don't work. Oh, well, let's go for another walk. *go for walk* Melia: I'm sad. Aelita: Stop being sad. Melia: Okay! *Melia and Aelita abandon MC in rainforest* Jan, if you're reading this, please at least consider this suggestion: please make the cutscene optional. It's entirely too long, and it really doesn't add much to the game. I could definitely see people liking this if it was their first time, but if Nim was captured, I would think Melia's priority would be to save her, not go on a walk. It undermines her position as a "leader", and just seems silly. However, all of this is just my own opinion, and should only be taken with a grain of salt. Rejuvenation is still an amazing game, but it's just a suggestion that I feel may make the game even more amazing. TLDR: I didn't like it. Either way, next time, we will be beginning this fabled meeting! Who should we catch (we WILL be going after a Corphish soon)? What should their names be? Who should we use/box? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Edited July 12, 2017 by FactoryofSadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 Chapter 19: Shore-ly, You Could do Better Last time, we went ahead an made it to Kakori Village. We started this chapter with the long and fabled meeting Melia talked about. We were granted access to Route 5 by Crawli when suddenly, the mountain erupted! Without hesitation, we went to confront Team Xen. As we were traversing through Route 5, we all ran into Zetta, who was looking to pick a fight! Reveal hidden contents The fight starts off with Normal_One hitting Absol with Fake Out and Wake Up Slap. Both moves decimate the poor thing. Dangerous is sent out against this Jumpluff and goes for Mega Drain in order to bring its HP down enough... ...but then the Ultra Ball fails, and Dangerous goes down to two Acrobatics to the face. Luckily, the next Ultra Ball works, and we have captured a Jumpluff! Hazard Smell goes for the Toxic on Type: Null. She is forced to switch out after two X-Scissors. Fenrir gets a flinch Rock Slide, following it up with an Accelerock to finish the job. One fighting move sends the Weavile to the Shadow Realm. Two Psychics are enough to take out the Vileplume. No, you didn't. Luckily, my awesome friends will credit me for winning the battle singlehandedl- No, no, no! You didn't do anything! Don't take this from- No! You don't get to send out your Pokemon, have them watch the fight, and then act like you did all the work! Come on, Aelita! Not you, too! Of course, Zetta put up no fight. However, he had another card left to play: distraction. With Geara's winged chicken, Zetta ran off to the volcano, where he told us that we would need to learn how to cross lava in order to progress. Why Melia doesn't just use Togekiss to send everyone over is beyond me, but whatever... fact, couldn't Aelita's Hawlucha have also done the job? Before you say it needs to know Fly, Melia's Togekiss doesn't know it, either, and it seems to manage. Either way, Zetta then told us that we have been played in one of the most painful ways possible... ...a really bad pun., Zetta. Just no... We ended up moving back to the beach in order to fend off from the Xen threat: the Dexoy from the boat! This provided Hazard Smell with the perfect opportunity to train. As such, we knocked them out, and went back home... ...which is extremely anticlimactic, but okay, I'll roll with it. Next time, we will be participating in another meeting ran by Melia (which means we'll just be walking with her to tell her to stop being sad, but whatever)! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filthy Casual Posted July 13, 2017 Author Share Posted July 13, 2017 Chapter 20: Ren's Radical Realization As we began the second meeting without interruptions Melia, we discussed who should be left behind in order to guard the ship. Eventually, it was decided that it would be Adam and Braixen. Honestly, while I loved Adam, he added nothing to the story. At least you fought Valerie before, and it's also clear Braixen sucks, anyway. Afterwards, we heard loud music, only to see something awesome: Reveal hidden contents Venam, how I missed you! It's good to have you back! Either way, as Melia and Venam were catching up, we decided to look for Crawli. Instead, we found Rorim B, who was once again a complete pushover. Fortunately, however, we were able to secure that Shadow Sudowoodo with the Snag Machine this time! Other than that, the battle was boring. Rorim B told us his son, Crawli, was at his secret base in the Sheridan Wetlands. We grabbed Melia and Aelita, and decided to head out! Reveal hidden contents Of course, this provided the perfect opportunity to train Satyr (Vivillon), who hasn't seen action in a while! The Sheridan Wetlands were quite hostile. However, they allowed us to test out our Good Rod. As such, say hello to the newest member of our team: Reveal hidden contents Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs! Of course, before I elaborate on the next section, I'm going to nitpick a bit here; how did Melia and Aelita traverse through the Wetlands? Neither of their Pokemon can learn Surf, and Aelita doesn't even have badges. You could say that Melia could have used her Togekiss to take Aelita across the water, but even so, why didn't they do that for the volcano? The quest for Magma Drift would be pointless if we just flew there... ...anyway, as we were walking, we found an abandoned factory, only to see a familiar face... Reveal hidden contents Melia, to be honest, that's the first thing you've said all game I've completely agreed with! And that's supposed to make it better?! "Oh, I'm evil now, but that's okay because I thought the same evil organization I'm working for murdered you..." But of course, that's followed up by this amazing comeback... After that unpleasant reunion, we decided to find power switches in order to lower the bridges. Along the way, we discovered this: Reveal hidden contents More Shadow Pokemon! That's neat! I honestly thought they had run out! Either way, if it is anything like last game, we are officially done with the Shadow Pokemon. More than last time for sure, but still not enough to justify their existence in the game. We eventually made it down the end of the base, where Crawli was attempting to stop Nastasia. As such, she tasked Ren with stalling us. It was time for a fight! Reveal hidden contents The battle starts off with Sableye barely denting Hazard Smell with Shadow Claws. Toxic does its toll and wastes the Hyper Potions, but Sableye is eventually switched out for Scrafty. I switch out to Haikyuu!! (Azumarill), who gets hit by a Critical Hit High Jump Kick. Haikyuu!! heals up, and Scrafty misses two High Jump Kicks, allowing enough time for Haikyuu!! to finish the job. I think Hazard Smell can take a hit, but as a Life Orbed Scald proves, I am very wrong. Normal_One can only go for Fake Out, and then Force Palm Paralysis. While sustaining heavy damage, he survives, allowing him to switch to Haikyuu!! (Azumarill) in the middle of a Critical Scald. Poor Haikuu!! is sacrificed to heal Normal_One (Hariyama). Hariyama finishes the job with Fake Out followed by Life Orb recoil. A field effect boosted Rock Slide decimates poor Houndoom. The same happens to poor Honchkrow. I decide here to let Dangerous get some EXP. After all, he was about to learn X-Scissor. Easy. Despite our best efforts, Nastasia was able to get away. We will eventually catch up to her, but first, we have a gym battle to prepare for! Who should we go after? What should their names be? Who should we box? Who should we use against Crawli? It's up to you! Current Team Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HellBoyOnEarth Posted July 13, 2017 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Quote Haikyuu!! heals up, and Scrafty misses two High Jump Kicks, allowing enough time for Haikyuu!! to finish the job. Expand You have so much luck... On my run, High Jump Kicks hits always.... Quote Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs! Expand Yeah finally Hope he will be good on your side Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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