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Choose My Team: Rejuvenation Edition (LP COMPLETE)

Filthy Casual

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Chapter 21: Full Metal Jacket 2: The Terajuma Chronicles

After our run in with Ren, Crawli challenged us to a battle. We spent a lot of time getting the team ready, as well as training a returning member. However, during training, we found a Link Heart. We gave it to one of our members, and now she has an awesome evolution!

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Eventually, our team was trained, and we were ready to enter the gym. Before we did that, we had to meet another new character...

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Despite the "challenging" obstacle course, we made it through, and were poised to challenge Crawli!

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After that tough battle, we are now ready to head on to Route 6! Who should we use? Who should we catch? What should their names be? It's up to you!


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there a totodile and a rowlet that you can catch rowlett can be caught after doing the timburr quest in the help center and totodile can be caught somewhere by surfing east of aquwa town just something to point out, oh yeah forgot about type null surf east from goldenwood south and you will find a house there you can find a shinx there also might need to get a manget, upgrade, and a normal pokeball to get type null

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  On 7/13/2017 at 8:52 PM, espeon860 said:

there a totodile and a rowlet that you can catch rowlett can be caught after doing the timburr quest in the help center and totodile can be caught somewhere by surfing east of aquwa town just something to point out, oh yeah forgot about type null surf east from goldenwood south and you will find a house there you can find a shinx there also might need to get a manget, upgrade, and a normal pokeball to get type null


What should their nicknames be (except for Rowlet: that has been reserved for a while)?

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Filler Chapter 3: Anti-Assisted Agony

Before we headed out to Route 6, it was time to finish up some side quests! We decided to finish the quests in Kakori! Here is what we did:


Clear the Way!: This quest is pretty much a glorified fetch quest. However, it does do something useful: it clears away the vines, making traveling much easier!


Tropius...: It's pretty much a chase mission. However, the fun thing about this one is that you get to fight a POWERFUL Staraptor.


Building Bridges: This one is my personal favorite in the chapter. In it, you have to fight an angry Conkeldurr and his group of Timburr in order for them to finish their jobs. However, the Conkeldurr in particular is jacked up on steroids. Luckily for us, Waffles (Alolan Raichu) and Haikyuu!! (Azumarill) were there to finish the job. You also get introduced to Team Anti-Asist...




Of course, when the bridge is built, you also gain access to an awesome reward!


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Find it...: This mission has you fend off a Roggenrola in order to take it back to its owner. Along the way, you fight off Anti-Assist grunts. I mean, at least it's free experience.


Battle Me Once More: I'm only now realizing Novae sucks. Without her field effects, that Lycanroc is no longer a threat, and she goes down without a fight. Honestly, it was really disappointing...


...but then we have to fight more Anti-Assist grunts to get our final reward: Magnemite!


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Should we use the Magnemite on our team? If so, what should the name be?


Either way, we then traveled to Akora Forest, where we saw a Totodile being abused by a woman from Team Xen. As we were chasing her, we did some training, and got a neat new evolution!

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Of course, we eventually found her. In order to save the Totodile, we went to battle, only to find out something neat:

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Eventually, we caught the Totodile! Here are the stats:

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Next time, we will actually begin our quest through Route 6. I will eventually go back to catch a Shinx and a Type: Null, but until then, we will be continuing with the main story. Who else should we add? What should their names be? Who should get boxed/replaced? It's up to you!


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Chapter 22: Melia Ascends to Greater Heights

After all of that side questing, it was time for us to head out to the next gym! We had to move through Route 6, and while it was short, I did happen to find something fun...

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Even so, we found a strange door where we found Saki, who was being attacked by Sharpedos! Melia and I raced to stop them, and...




Melia, how on earth did you grow ten times your size?!

I believe she is supposed to be normal sized here, but my goodness, I didn't know that she and her Togekiss not only knew how to fly together without the HM, but also how to grow exponentially!


"Yeah, I just had Togekiss eat the Sharpedo! Problem solved!"


We eventually made it to the next gym, where we found a familiar face: Tesla! Apparently, her daughter is a gym leader! We ended up finding her, but it turns out she is much brattier than anticipated. She wouldn't consider fighting us until we found Venam and asked her to give her back her Dogars CD. As we confronted Venam about this, she immediately took to confronting Amber!

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We ended up striking a deal with the brat: we could fight her if we beat Venam and Saki in a battle. Of course, because Melia has been such a "lifelong friend", she decides to fight with us...

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Despite the victory, Amber still refuses to battle us, as she wants to party instead. This, combined with the fact that she calls Tesla useless, causes her to snap. As Amber runs away, distraught by the response, we heard her cry for help. Of course, we bravely rushed to help her ou-


...oh, of course we didn't! Instead, we decided to use this time to train and evolve our newest team member...

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Next time, we will investigate that strange noise. Who should we catch? Use? Name? Also, we have a gym battle coming up soon! Which six team members should we use? It's up to you!


Current Team

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Chapter 23: Over Halfway Done

After doing some offscreen training, we went to investigate the strange screaming earlier on. Unfortunately for us, Amber had been kidnapped!

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Either way, Madelis told us that she had to "play dirty" in order to save her standing as an admin at Team Meteor Xen, so she kidnapped Amber. Unfortunately, we then woke up in our beds with no knowable way of obtaining our next badge.

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Luckily for us, some maids appeared before us and told us a woman named "Angie" would allow us to challenge her for our next badge. She has been alluded to throughout our time on Terajuma, but if we wanted to use Magma Drift, we had no choice. We rushed off to Angie, when a girl told us that she could give us Magma Drift if we would just leave afterwards. As she was giving us the TM, however, Angie fired a beam of ice at the TM store and froze it.


This gave us no choice but to confront Angie, who was annoyed at our attempt to obtain Magma Drift first. She started berating our heroes, calling Venam a coward, Melia two-faced, and our hero...



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Either way, we ended up being trapped in a strange dimension created by Angie. She challenged us to free our friends. While we were there, we ran into an interesting character named Kreiss, who asked us to free him. As we did, we were given Rock Climb as our reward.


Eventually, Melia was about to be sacrificed. As she was, however, we learned a major plot twist...

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This infuriated Angie to no end. We were forced to try and stop her!

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Angie, being displeased with the results of the battle, tried to kill us anyway. Luckily for us, we had backup!

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With that problem solved, Kreiss awarded us with another gym badge! This means we are officially over halfway done with the main game! We shall find a way to access Magma Drift next time! Who should we box/use on the team? Who should we catch? What should their names be? It's up to you!


Current Team

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Finally, since we have officially finished half of the game, I thought I would share with you what the current team looks like right now in all its glory:

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Chapter 24: Satyr's Explosive Trolling

While we defeated Angie, we still had no way of accessing the TM shop for Magma Drift. Because of this, we decided to spend some time training some team members! We even got some cool evolutions out of it!

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We eventually decided to continue our quest. We decided to head back towards Tesla's villa, where we found Aelita waiting for us! She had beaten Crawli, and challenged us to a battle!

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Afterwards, a trainer named Reina told us about something called the Magma Stone, which could melt NeverMeltIce. Since Carotos Mountain has lava in it, we went off to explore, only to find an unwelcome change.


Meet Texen, the new Sensei of Sheridan. His attitude was extremely poor, and he treated Aelita like garbage. Of course, we couldn't wait to thrash him in a battle. One of the interesting things we ended up finding out about Texen is that he got the job because of his relation to his popular sister, a fairy type leader.


Regardless, we went to battle!

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After that quick thrashing, we quickly went into the mountain, where we discovered it was poisoned! As we went downward, we discovered some unwelcome guests...


We dispatched of the two maids, and received an awesome new evolution!

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Rather than stop them, however, it bought Cera enough time to escape under the door! With the help of the Eldest and a Xen grunt we found, we were able to enter the labyrinth, only to find that the two maids we fought had died!


The beast they were fighting was apparently too much for them. Unfortunately for us, Cera caught the beast, and to our displeasure, she caught...

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Despite her power, we had to make her pay! Surely, this would be an extremely intense fight which would be talked about for ages to come!

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We ended up getting the Magma Stone...


...or at least half of it. Cera in a last ditch attempt ended up stealing part of the stone. We'll be ready whenever Angie decides to show up again.


Unfortunately for us, the Garufans set up a fail safe. If Groudon fell, those who held the doors open would enter an eternal coma.


With that heavy loss, we decided to head out and retrieve Magma Drift. Who should we use for this next part? Who should we catch? What should their names be? It's up to you!


Current Team

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Chapter 25: Consequences

After our battle with Cera and her Groudon, we were fortunate enough to unfreeze the TM shop. The owners gave us Magma Drift, and access to the shop whenever we wish...


...which is just a room with nothing else to do in it...


Why they call it a shop is beyond me if you can't buy anything in it, but whatever, I'll roll with it.


Either way, with our new TM in hand, we taught Ashanti (Pyroar) the move, allowing us to cross magma! We rushed off to tell our comrades, only to find something disturbing...

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With this in mind, we ran with Venam to the mountain! When we entered, we met a mysterious character new character...

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This character told us that a group of people stumbled across an ancient monster down below. We arrived to find the monster, only to discover it was none other than Kyogre...


This made me petrified, because in this scenario, Kyogre is much scarier than Groudon, especially with the field effects in place. Regardless, we went to battle!

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Along the way up the mountain, we ran into some old friends.

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Eventually, however, we ran into Sharon and Eli, who weren't in the mood to play around, this time. Luckily for us, we had Venam on our side!

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After their defeat, we proceeded up the mountain... or were going to, but we ran into one slight dilemma...

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With that problem taken care of, we proceeded up the mountain, where we found Melia! She unloaded her plan to us. However, there were a couple problems with this plan:



1) That Zoroark should be red. The shiny is outdated.


2) Did you ever think that it would be hard to imitate a voice on top of a volcano? I think it would be kind of weird to hear someone speaking in the distance.


We ended up trying to execute Melia's plan, but it works about as well as expected.


To be fair, Melia, even thought this was a bad idea.


Since we were caught, Melia decided to take both of them on by herself while we were stuck fighting the big chicken. Luckily for us, Hazard Smell's Toxic made quick work of the Giratina. Of course, with Melia's abilities and astonishing strength, she was also able to fend off-


...our leader, ladies and gentlemen...


Luckily for us, someone was trying to save Nim during the fighting!


Someone should put that on the Top 10 Anime Betrayals.


Unfortunately for him, however, this would cost Jenner his life, as Geara would not let this action go unpunished. He was killed faster than a fighting master against a Garchomp.

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This infuriated Melia to no end. We decided to quickly head to battle!

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We had beaten the duo! With our win, Zetta let us take down Nim from her position...


...but Geara wouldn't.



We had indeed failed.



"We", Melia? All you did was walk around and talk about how sad you were. You then got kidnapped by a religious lunatic, sat in bed, and flew away on your Togekiss without the proper amount of badges to execute a plan that was extremely high risk, with little to no probability of success. Quite frankly, all actions have consequences, and her not acting with any urgency certainly cost Nim her life (or at least as far as we know). Also, before anyone says she did try, may I remind you that there is a difference between saying you care and showing it? Rather than go out and try and do something, she has us do it. In fact, here's an idea:


Why don't you go for the gyms, as well? You talk about strength, as well as how important it is to be strong, but you have nothing to show for it. In fact, Aelita recognized that, and won herself a badge! It's not just about talking the talk, but walking the walk.


Also, this happened:


We indeed ended up falling into a pool of lava. Luckily for us, Crescent was there to revive us from the dead.

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Needless to say, we ended up coming back from the dead, much to the dismay of Geara.


To make matters even worse for him, however, Crescent appeared. She arrived with the Mewtwo Madelis captured, now named Dranna. Dranna decided to occupy his time by freeing the Demon Chicken.


To make matters even more strange, Crescent then decided to revert Zetta back to his original form...


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As Geara was about to run back to the teleporter, Crescent said something to him that has always been one of my favorite lines in the game:

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With that, we only have Amber to deal with, and then we will be done with the main story of Terajuma Island! Who should we catch? What should their names be? Also, who should we use for the Amber fight? It's up to you!


Current Team

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Chapter 26: Party Crashers

We are finally at the end of Terajuma Island's main story! After that intense fight with Zetta and Geara, Amber invited us to a party. She said that she would let us challenge her for a gym badge there, so we immediately went to fight. At her gym, we noticed something Rejuvenation has an edge over Reborn in: the gyms. Amber's gym is nothing short of unique and fun! Many of the gyms in Rejuvenation are like this (except for Eric, RIP).


Either way, after maxing out the hype meter, we went to battle!

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With that done, we are officially done with the main story of Terajuma Island! Honestly, though, I'm a bit disappointed with this chapter. I remember this being my favorite in V8, and in V9 with all of the changes, the unchanged dialogue really stands out. I'm also sad to see Melia, this apparent "chosen one", have no real character development. Comparing this to the saga in Reborn where you first met Lin, and you will find that Reborn comes out on top. Why? There are less characters introduced, and therefore, it's easier to keep track of the plot.


Regardless, next time, we will be tackling side quests! Who should we use? Who should we box? Also, who should we catch, and what should their nicknames be? It's up to you!


Current Team

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  On 7/18/2017 at 12:57 PM, espeon860 said:

do you have a magnet, a normal pokeball, and an upgrade and flash cause you need those things for the type null event



The only thing I haven't found yet is a magnet. I know you can find one at East Gearen, however, so I am waiting until then to complete the quest and retrieve Type: Null. Also, for the Abra you suggested, what should the name be?

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