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Your Hero


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Well was feeling bored so whenever that happens I usually talk with friends but seeing as though i moved recently and my friends are to far away sadly 


I thought i should just go and talk with the lovely people in this community, but nothing would come to mind for a subject


Then it clicked me how about I ask who do u guys look up too? Who inspires u to do better? 


For me the person who I look up too is the late Robin Williams an amazing actor although most people only knew him for that, but no i know him as the person he started out as, the stand up comedian that since i was a kid made me laugh =)


So now I reach out to you guys who is YOUR HERO?



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I would say there's multiple for me. but the biggest one has to be Kurt Cobain. the late singer of Nirvana was always himself and was not afraid to speaki his mind, a nice examples being:



or my personal favorite:


Honorable mention would be Dave Grohl, cuz Dave grohl.

now for a joke that I can not be forgiven for not making:

I guess you could say Dave Grohl is almost truly


Edited by Wolfox
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Hmm... let me think... I don't necessarily look up to someone... more like, I'm inspired to do better because of my desire to achieve my goals in life, but if I have to give names of people, I kind of look up to Ed Sheeran for being a very amazing singer.

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oh man. i look to a lot of writers of anime, manga, comic books, and tv shows for writing characters that i can aspire to be like, so they're the second people who come to mind. the first is my mother, for everything she does for me. 

to choose one specific writer, i would say the late monty oum. i love his show, and as a whole he has inspired me to grow and become a better person. for creator a multitude of beloved characters whos struggles are easily relatable, with such depth, is something i wish to do at a point in my own life. he's a person who made his dream come true with his own hands, and i have nothing but respect for him. 

another person who i admired greatly was the late koji wada. he did much of the music for the digimon series (japanese dub) and there are so many songs written by him that ease my anxiety whenever it decided to rear its head. 




rest in peace :(

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I look up to Megumin. She never gives up on her way of life, the path of explosions. She may be useless literally any time but that doesn't stop her from trying.


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I have two major heroes in my life, who are what help me get up in the morning.


One refuses to be beaten down, doesn't care about how other people see him, ignores the norms of society, and owns a lucrative business that started from nothing, while the other gets up whenever he falls, continues to thrive even when outshone by others, proves you don't need to look good in order to be a great dancer, and gets up everyday and faces adversity.


Have you figured out who I'm talking about yet? If not, I've included a picture of them below.




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I'd probably say Elizabeth Warren. While I'm not an American, I'm pretty interested in its politics and always enjoy listening to what she has to say. She's an incredibly hard working person who fights for left wing ideals and refuses to be pushed around by people who want to dismiss her. She's also an excellent public speaker which I always respect. 

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I am blessed to have witnessed many heroes in my life. Not just celebrities or characters but everyday people who do their best and then go one step further with small gestures to help their fellow humans. However, the celebrities do tell me we can go even further beyond, we can strive to achieve more. We can be superheroes.




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