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Potential run

Starry Knight

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  On 7/5/2017 at 8:38 PM, RedAlert said:

Well, it all depends on you and what you think you'll find enjoyable. How about a "Never Used" run, where you're only allowed to use mons that you've never used before?


Thanks for your input. Sorry for the wait. I generally have used all the pokemon especially cause I enjoy breeding.

@Alphagar I thank you for your input as well

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  On 7/5/2017 at 8:36 PM, Wolfox said:

maybe you wanna hate yourself and do a nuzlocke?


Lol sounds almost fun however this will be my first run of sorts I will hate myself next time thanks for the idea tho sorry for taking a while to reply tho


Sorry for the double post

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  On 7/5/2017 at 9:19 PM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

Maybe like no eggs group? Might not give too much diversity but it's an idea 


Would that include ditto onlys and baby pokemon?

Only nidoqueen and Nidorina and legendary mons don't have egg groups technically because baby mons evolve into ones that do and genferless can breed with ditto same with male only

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  On 7/5/2017 at 9:20 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

Would that include ditto onlys and baby pokemon?

Only nidoqueen and Nidorina and legendary mons don't have egg groups technically because baby mons evolve into ones that do and genferless can breed with ditto same with male only


You're right, I was thinking like just genderless, I think that group is actually called undiscovered...? Though by that logic you could also use male only and Nidoqueen I suppose 

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  On 7/5/2017 at 9:40 PM, EndearingCharacterTrait said:

You're right, I was thinking like just genderless, I think that group is actually called undiscovered...? Though by that logic you could also use male only and Nidoqueen I suppose 


U were thinking gender unknown group then, I mistoke it for undiscovered. Might do a gender plus undiscovered then it adds nidoqueen and unown though might use baby pokemon and never evolve them as well

@Jess any suggestions for my first themed run?

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  On 7/5/2017 at 9:45 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

U were thinking gender unknown group then, I mistoke it for undiscovered. Might do a gender plus undiscovered then it adds nidoqueen and unown though might use baby pokemon and never evolve them as well

@Jess any suggestions for my first themed run?


I could suggest something like what I suggested to @Satoshi a few days ago. A very hard and very challenging one. I call it the "Full Handicap run".

You can catch any pokemon and use any Pokemon as long as, in the battles vs Gym leaders and trainers that specialise in one type, you use a team that consists only of mons whose type is weak against the opponent's main type.


For example, you fight Julia. She specialises in Electric ones. So, you can use any pokemon you want, as long as they have Water or Flying typings. So, you can use any Flying type and any Water type, regardless of their second typing (if they have one). 

For Shelly, you will have to defeat her using Psychic, Dark and Grass types.

Similar with non-Gym leaders that specialise on one type (like Fern (Grass)/Cain (Poison)). For trainers like Sirius, ZEL, or all casual trainers, you can use any team you want!


It is quite hard, and might become tedious to grind your pokemon (since you'll need A LOT), but it is sooo rewarding! I think I will do one, as soon as I finish the runs I've got higher on my priority list ;) 


PS: If you want something easier, you can always do a Monorun, or find a character from some anime you like and think what kind of pokemon he/she would train, the do a theme run (maybe with some roleplaying/fanfiction in it too). You can also ask from the people who do spriting for a custom sprite pack ;) 

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Alright thanks Idk I was initially thinking flying Mono since I haven't seen anyone doing one like that or from the mystery series use the base starters as a limit

@Jess, @EndearingCharacterTrait @Wolfox @Alphagar @RedAlert @Candy @Zarc @Paul25

all mystery dungeon starters from first to newest include

bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, pikachu, chikorita, cyndaquil, totodile, treecko, torchic, mudkip, turtwig, chimchar, piplup, riolu, snivy, tepig, oshawott, chespin, fenniken, froakie, axew, vulipx, meowth, eevee, phanphy, skitty, shinx, munchlax, cubone, machop, psyduck, growlithe, teddiursa, buneary, wooper, azurill, whynut, pichu, togepi, mareep, elekid, pachirisu

So not a huge selection but a decent one what do you think of that?

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  On 7/5/2017 at 10:22 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

Alright thanks Idk I was initially thinking flying Mono since I haven't seen anyone doing one like that or from the mystery series use the base starters as a limit

@Jess, @EndearingCharacterTrait @Wolfox @Alphagar @RedAlert @Candy @Zarc @Paul25

all mystery dungeon starters from first to newest include

bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, pikachu, chikorita, cyndaquil, totodile, treecko, torchic, mudkip, turtwig, chimchar, piplup, riolu, snivy, tepig, oshawott, chespin, fenniken, froakie, axew, vulipx, meowth, eevee, phanphy, skitty, shinx, munchlax, cubone, machop, psyduck, growlithe, teddiursa, buneary, wooper, azurill, whynut, pichu, togepi, mareep, elekid, pachirisu

So not a huge selection but a decent one what do you think of that?


sounds good - the more limited the better cause it's harder :D

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Just an idea

there's a thing called a shinylocke

it's what it sounds like

you can only catch shiny pokemon 

and to make things even more difficult you can only catch one after beating a gym

but each mon has 3 lives due to lack of encounters

i figured with reborn's stupid high shiny rate and no shortage of gyms it could be interesting

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  On 7/6/2017 at 3:21 AM, Alphagar said:

If you run Munchlax/Snorlax, name it after me. :P


Unfortunately if I run one of those hguys I think it will have to be after my BF he has an absolute love for the thing my trade name is Snorlax because it was going to be for him but he made one so that we both could trade each other but if you want to choose any other one I would name it after u.

  On 7/6/2017 at 3:56 AM, uberle said:

Just an idea

there's a thing called a shinylocke

it's what it sounds like

you can only catch shiny pokemon 

and to make things even more difficult you can only catch one after beating a gym

but each mon has 3 lives due to lack of encounters

i figured with reborn's stupid high shiny rate and no shortage of gyms it could be interesting


Thanks for the Idea I will consider it might put up a pole though with my favourite ideas

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  On 7/6/2017 at 3:06 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

Unfortunately if I run one of those hguys I think it will have to be after my BF he has an absolute love for the thing my trade name is Snorlax because it was going to be for him but he made one so that we both could trade each other but if you want to choose any other one I would name it after u.


Fineeee. :P

I call dibs on Growlithe.

Also, *poll. 


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Cool! I've never played the Mystery Dungeon games unfortunately (yes, I'll kms), but a Reborn run will definitely be followed! Name Froakie after me! (Jk, it's ridiculous to call a Froakie "Red")

I'm willing to be the Vulpix :P


  On 7/6/2017 at 3:10 PM, StarryDreamerKitten said:

Okay sorry he lets me use his game for breeding and has helped me with a lot of stuff. Hes the one to get me into pokemon reborn. What would u lile Growlithe named as if I go that route?


Call it "Alphagar", I think that's what she means to say.

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  On 7/6/2017 at 4:00 PM, RedAlert said:

Cool! I've never played the Mystery Dungeon games unfortunately (yes, I'll kms), but a Reborn run will definitely be followed! Name Froakie after me! (Jk, it's ridiculous to call a Froakie "Red")

I'm willing to be the Vulpix :P


Call it "Alphagar", I think that's what she means to say.


I loved the original ones they generally have good story lines that are original and unique it's open world and you can pick and choose what missions you want to do or where to explore

If you want I would call froakie Rouge which is French for Red if you want Froakie

  On 7/6/2017 at 5:53 PM, Alphagar said:

Lol, or just Gar...idk whatever. X3


Idk if u wanted something spacific or not I was thinking Alpha.

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