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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)


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Hello everyone Stompa here to bring you a mono run using Dark type. I chose this as they are my favorite type (along side rock) and can be done as a Reborn mono run without having to trade or cheat any pokemon in. Also I won't really be covering too much story just enough to show what point I am at.

So without delay lets begin.


Part 1: The Begining

So here I am.



Not an interesting/related name but it is me.

The bombing thing happens and I choose a starter.



I pickup this little cutie after SRing a couple of times to get something decent.


Now I head downstairs and meet Cain. The most outrageously, fabulously gay character I have ever met. So of course we battle after a little flirting.



This was a bit of a let down. Turn 1 we trade a bubble for a sratch but then turn 2 I crit with bubble and take it out.


The crit made this fight quite underwhelming.

So with the first battle over i move onto victoria. Also cain calls ame 'Master'.



Ffirst hit takes it to about 1/3 hp.


Second bubble takes it out.


Easy matchup easy kill.

After the rest of the talking I grab 5 extra balls and 5 common candy cause they are cheeper here than at the sweet shop a bit later on.


That is it for today as I have some things to do but I hope to get a large ammount of progress done and uploaded tomorrow. And sorry for it being a bit short.

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21 hours ago, ogur0007 said:

I'm currently running dark mono myself. Can't wait to see your aproach to Shelly and Kiki, good luck :)

Kiki isn't too bad, doesn't her field give many of her attacks a partial psychic typing? I remember Dark types being pretty good against her...


Shelly, though... good luck :P  My advice would be to take Pawniard or Vullaby as your mystery egg mon 


Looking forward to this, since I like Dark types :) 

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Hello everyone Stompa here brining you part 2 of my mono dark run. Sorry this is comming out a day later than I would have liked I spent all day playing an MMO and lost track of time to do this. Also I am writing this up as I am going along so some sections may be shorter if I don't have the time to do more and there may be gaps if I need to do some grinding. But without further ado onto part 2. Also note i am using the set battle style (you don't get given the option to swap after you KO something) just cause it adds a little chalenge and I prefer it.


Part 2: The First Gym

(and the other bits before it)



So after a bit of grinding and gathering my new team and wiping out all the availible trainers in this part of the city I am off to fight fern with this team.



The 2 normal types are there for the pickup ability only and won't be used in battle.






For anyone who is interested in what my box looks like.


The first tribbish was holding the black sludge that Stunky is holding.



Now onto Fern.



I lead with Purrloin but after taking a couple of absorbs and missing several fury swipes and wiffing a couple of assists I need to swap.


I swap into Stunky and after a poison gas, screech and a scratch I take out Lotad with 1hp and 1 attack stat drop down.


He sends out Snivy next and after a similar treatment (just a few extra scratches cause he used a potion) it goes down as well.


Now onto the poke I was slightly dreading. His budew. Now I was afraid of this cause of growth and I can't just poison it and stall it out. My plan is to lower its defence with screech and then try to brute force it down from there.

Umm ok turns out I didn't need to worry about it cause even at +2 Budew's mega drain did hardly anything and it almost got 1 shot by scratch at -6 def.


That was way easier than I thought it would be.



Now onto the next part. After healing up I head over to the gym only to have to go to the other factory. (I did pick up the ability capsule that was there).

Well the factory was a little bit of a let down as for all of it except aster and eclipse I just spammed assist on purrloin. For aster and eclipse I did that until Purrloin died then brought out Frogadier licked Elekid then died to feint attack (cause protean made me ghost type) by that point Fern was down to Snivy in the red as on the same turn the frog died so did elekid, I brought in Stunky and poisoned magby and scratched it for the win. I didn't take screen shots as it was a little dull and not super important.

But I did take this one which I love.



After clearing the gym out of the regular trainers I head back to the northern allyway to go back to training to make sure everyone (but the 2 pickup mons) is at least level 18. (I also pick up another shiny while I am leveling)

My team heading into the Julia fight.


It evolved while grinding.






So with my team all ready I head into the Julia fight.



So I lead with Frogadier kinda as a suicide lead cause I don't think its typing will let it do much even with protean I don't think it will hit hard enough.

I lead with water pulse... forgetting Helioptile has dry skin. It hits back with a thunder shock for just under 1/2 of my hp.

Knowing it is also part normal the only other move I have left is quick attack or to swap and have something more usefull take extra damage.

So aparently even with a -attack nature STAB quick attack still hits really hard and takes it out in 2 hits. And because protean made the second thunder shock neutral I am still kinda healthy.


Now Voltorb comes out so I go and water pulse it. ...Which puts it to 1 hp confuses it and it then hits itself with confusion and dies. So much for my suicide lead.


I also level up.

Now Emolga comes out so I do the same thing again. I almost take it out in 1 hit then I get nuzzled which doesn't do much damage but paralyzes be.


Not risking being outsped I go for quick attack. Julia uses a potion but quick attack crits leaving the flying squirrel at 1 hp. So i go for another one. She uses her second potion and it lives with slightly more hp this time. A 3rd quick attack (with no paralysis yet) takes it out.


Again doing very well for a suicide lead.

A second voltorb comes in and thinking I can still outspeed because it is only level 12 I go for a water pulse. But I get outsped and sonic boomed to death.


I go into Mightyena and use a howl to try to get a pain train rolling. I get hit by a sonic boom.

I go for a second howl (due to misclick oops) and take a charge beam for almost no damage.

Now I go for a bite 1 shotting it but taking aftermath damage. Also getting the moxie boost to get up to +3 now.


She send out her Blitzle out now. Seeing as I am at low hp but want to keep the pain train going I use a super potion that I probably got from pickup. I fully heal then get crit by charge beam for 20 damage. It also gets the boost.

Hoping I am faster I go for bite. I am and it 1 shots giving me another boost and putting her down to her last pokemon.



That happens even though I am pretty sure it doesn't have selfdestruct or explosion.

I go for a bite. It is faster and hits me with a charge beam for 24 damage but then it gets 1 shot by bite but unfortunatly I go down to the aftermath. :(


Yeh you did I kinda expected this to be harder but Frogadier went ham and rekt her even though I was expecting it to die immediately.


And after that she goes to sleep. Once I leave Victoria tells me about what is happening in Obsidia. After heading back to the grand hall to heal I take out the new trainers arround that area then talk to Florina who gives me passage to Obsidia. I head in and fight my way over to the pokemon center. But before I head in I go over and battle the 'Day care couple'. So after that I head into the center to heal up.


That is where I am leaving it for now I will be back next time to take on the Slums and the PULSE machine.


My boxes.




My Party.



Frogadier is holding a sea incense that I forgot to give him earlier.


Edit1: Fixed some spacing things after the spoilers.

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12 minutes ago, Orasha said:

Protean is an amazing ability :P Turned the suicide lead into something that lasted a long time. Nice work! Moxie Mightyena is really good, and I think you'll come to love Prankster Purrloin (if you don't already). 

I haven't yet as it doesn't have many good status moves yet but I am holding out hope for it as I know of its potential.

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2 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

I haven't yet as it doesn't have many good status moves yet but I am holding out hope for it as I know of its potential.

It learns Sand Attack through level up I think, which makes it really handy later. Might be your only hope against Solaris :P 

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Just now, Orasha said:

It learns Sand Attack through level up I think, which makes it really handy later. Might be your only hope against Solaris :P 

I have some plans one of which is relying on the encounter murkrow having an egg move specifically perish song. But I have never done the event before so I don't know.

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1 minute ago, St0mpa said:

I have some plans one of which is relying on the encounter murkrow having an egg move specifically perish song. But I have never done the event before so I don't know.

Murkrow can have Perish Song if you soft reset enough (or are just lucky), but you miss out on Brave Bird or Roost, though you can just breed them yourself. If you want Murkrow before Shelly you'll need to join the Aqua Gang though (and oh god, Shelly is the worst :D

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Just now, Orasha said:

Murkrow can have Perish Song if you soft reset enough (or are just lucky), but you miss out on Brave Bird or Roost, though you can just breed them yourself. If you want Murkrow before Shelly you'll need to join the Aqua Gang though (and oh god, Shelly is the worst :D

I was planning on joining them to use murkrow on shelly. And I was possibly gonna trade my mystery egg if its not dark. Also I was gonna breed a mixed Skunktank with flame burst. Also I heard you can just random encounter houndor in the magma gang hideout. Is that true?

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7 minutes ago, St0mpa said:

I was planning on joining them to use murkrow on shelly. And I was possibly gonna trade my mystery egg if its not dark. Also I was gonna breed a mixed Skunktank with flame burst. Also I heard you can just random encounter houndor in the magma gang hideout. Is that true?

I recommend Vullaby as your mystery egg if you decide to trade. Sneasel is okay but without the evolution item it isn't as good in the mid-game, and you can pick both Sneasel and Pawniard up later. I heard that too, but I don't think it's true. I spent HOURS on sped up mode running around the Magma hideout. Later, after you defeat Magma Gang and they leave that alleyway, you can encounter a Houndour as an event encounter. 


I could be wrong about Houndour being regularly available, but I'd need to see evidence of it :D 

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4 minutes ago, Orasha said:

I recommend Vullaby as your mystery egg if you decide to trade. Sneasel is okay but without the evolution item it isn't as good in the mid-game, and you can pick both Sneasel and Pawniard up later. I heard that too, but I don't think it's true. I spent HOURS on sped up mode running around the Magma hideout. Later, after you defeat Magma Gang and they leave that alleyway, you can encounter a Houndour as an event encounter. 


I could be wrong about Houndour being regularly available, but I'd need to see evidence of it :D 

I would be using it as a field burner but I may be able to use the mixed Skuntank for that role to deal with shelly while using fake out on the rain setter (don't remember its name) and flame burst it.

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2 hours ago, St0mpa said:

I would be using it as a field burner but I may be able to use the mixed Skuntank for that role to deal with shelly while using fake out on the rain setter (don't remember its name) and flame burst it.

Oh yeah, if you Fake Out the rain setter you should be able to change the terrain :) 

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Just now, Orasha said:

Oh yeah, if you Fake Out the rain setter you should be able to change the terrain :) 

It is the main reason I am keeping purrloin arround and if it does well with prankster along the way then it may stick arround.

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@Orasha looks like there's an ability capsule before Julia, as well :D

Life is swell~


On topic though, I recommend breeding sucker punch on your mightyena: coupled with Moxie, you'll get a great revenge killing machine

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16 hours ago, RedAlert said:

@Orasha looks like there's an ability capsule before Julia, as well :D

Life is swell~


On topic though, I recommend breeding sucker punch on your mightyena: coupled with Moxie, you'll get a great revenge killing machine

Yeh there is one before julia but i used it on... i think mighyena well poochyena at the time its stats were very good but it had the wrong ability

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Hello everyone Stompa here with part 3 of my mono dark playthrough on pokemon reborn. I am just going to remind you here that I write this as I play and that I use the set battle mode (so no free swapping after a kill). Also to help set a few things up for the future I installed the weather change mod. I will only be using this to trigger certain weather related events and to change all major battles weather to neutral. That last part is so that major battles aren't effected by the RNG of the weather. Also I disabled all the other parts of the mod so I only had the weather parts (like being able to use TMX's without teaching them). So without further ado.


Part 3: The First PULSE

(and the other bits before it and maybe some things after it)


So after that last part I am almost ready to go off to the slums. I decided to drop the 2 pickup pokes now as they are now taking up space for the slots of other pokes on my team. (pancham and hopefully the ducklett egg) Using the weather mod as stated above I go and pick up this litte guy for later.


He is going to be used for mixed Skuntank breeding later.


Now after setting the weather back to clear I drop the little guy off and head towards the slums. And we meet Victoria who tries to stop us getting past by battling us.



She leads with Ralts and I lead with Frogadier (who is ever so slightly injured from the drowze fight just before). And water pulse is a OHKO.


She sends out Makuhita and water pulse is another OHKO


She sends out Pignite and now with it being weak to water water pulse is still a OHKO.


Kinda dissapointing fight but what can you do Frogadier is OP!


Once I head into the slums I spy this blue beauty. Now Ducklett is important because it is the only pokemon is Murkrow's egg group that learns brave bird via level up before Shelly and as an added plus it also gets roost which helps as well.



So until I clear out the first room and run arround until I catch this cutie.


I am gonna leave it with Scrappy until it learns Crunch at least for now. I also put him at the front of the party to do some swap training to get him up to level.


I pick up this thing which as I said will be usefull later.


At the end of the slumms after following a Scraggy box we meet the Pokemon Gang.



So I lead with Pancham and Stunky but they both get intimidate drops and with both of them being physical attackers I need to swap so i swap Pancham for Frogadier but leave Stunky in to poison gas the 2 of them. But one of them loses the poison turn 1 due to shed skin. Now I swap out Stunky into Mightyena and water pulse the non poisoned Scraggy.


After taking out 2 of the Scraggy's Mightyena is at neutral attack and Frogadier is at 1/2 hp but other than that is doing alright so its looking good for the Scrafty.

Frogadier drops when Scrafty is almost dead so I send in Pancham Scrafty gets flinched by Mightyena and Pancham even gets the kill.


Now that Scrafty is down the last Scraggy is not much of a threat.


Now with the Pokemon Gang down I can head out of the Slums.


Over in the Coral ward before doing the battle with Cain I head south to pick up a few more items and to battle the fisherman to hopefully get some more exp on pancham. And it did gain another level. Now off to save the oshawott and battle Cain.



I lead with Pancham hoping for more exp to get it caught up in levels and Cain leads with Grimer. I swap into Mightyena and it gets hit by sludge. I set up to +2 attack taking more sludges and then 1 shot with bite.


Now Cain sends out Nidorino. I was worried that if I didn't take it out it could do a number on my team with double kick. But it gets outsped and 1 shot by a +3 bite.


Then he sends out Oshawott. Which proptly gets 1 shot.


Then comes Venonat which does a mirical and takes out Mightyena... jk it also gets 1 shot.


Yeh moxie Mightyena is OP and I love it.




Cain is someone I wish I had as a friend IRL. Same for Julia actually.


I head back to the Obsidia Ward meet a spoink that runs away and get TMX cut, teach it to Purrloin instead of scratch and then go to fight the PULSE. After I head back to the sweet shop give the girl a choc ice cream (gathered via pickup) to get her to move and buy some strawberry ice cream that I might need in the future.

Now onto ZEL and the PULSE.



I send out Pancham first kinda by accident but whatever it can still get some exp. I swap into Frogadier hoping for no turn 1 grass move. Aaaaand it did just under 1/2 hp with a mega drain.


And now my plan to lick it to death or at least paralyze it. turn 1 of plan not successful.




Well the licking thing didn't work so onto plan B.


OK plan B is to screech at it with stunky then go all out physical attacking with everyone left. (not showing all screenshots of screeching)


So after the first turn's hp this is looking like it might work.

After 3 screeches taking it to -6 Stunky is looking healthy enough to try to take it out on its own.


Even at -6 Stunky's scratch still does almost nothing and it started to use acid spray so Stunky is taking alot more damage.


After a few turns Stunky goes down doing some nice damage.

I send in Mightyena next hoping it is strong enough to take it out quickly or flinch spam if it can't. I also choose not to use Swagger as I don't want to be rekt by vine whip and I don't want to waste turns using snarl just to lower its special attack when it still has vine whip.

Bite does enough damage to take it out in 2 hits and it tanks the first acid spray very well.



And thats the First PULSE Tangrowth down.


After the PULSE is gone I spend a bit of time running arround clearing out some trainers, rescuing the day care couple and picking up some items. While doing that I grab this.


The egg hatched into this beauty.


(I did soft reset the egg for different stats and all the ones I got had both nasty plot and low kick so even though they are egg moves I think they are set egg moves not like other encounters. 3 of the 4 eggs I did were timid nature)


So with this gal obtained I finally have a full party. Now off to school. Now I never want to say that again.

I went through the school up to Fern but that is where I am going to leave this here as before I fight the 2 of them I want everyone that can be bred with the egg moves I want them to have to have the egg moves (and nature and good stats) that they need at this point in the game i.e. sucker punch on Mightyena and the mixed Stunky/Skuntank.


I am also not doing a party/box checkup at the end of this part but i will be doing one at the start of the next part because alot of things will be changing. So until next time stay safe, have fun and may RNGesus bless you.


Edit1/ps: I will be buying slugma to help speed up egg hatching

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Hello everyone Stompa here with part 4 of my mono dark playthrough. Now it has been a little while and that is mostly due to all the breeding it did and some of the training that went into it. The first thing I learned from it is that play rough has an awesome animation the second thing I learned was that grinding past the level cap significantly is the most annoying thing I have ever done. Not to mention that one of the pokes I hugely over leveled was a slakoth with truant. So in the end worth the payoff but I am never doing that level of grinding again. Now onto the actual results.

Part 4: The Second Gym


First off. My boxes.





Secondly. My party.








I have also started to name the pokemon that are in their final form. This means that they no longer need breeding for egg moves.


Now finally I get to go and pound Fern into the ground.



I lead with Frogo and Fern leads with Lombre. I go for a round First turn to get some good damage off on it. But Fern goes for fake out so I do the same thing on the second turn. The round crits for half HP and then the Lombre uses absorb for very little damage. I go for a second round and Fern's fury swipes misses so I go for a another round aiming to take it out but Fern heals up with a potion. I go for yet another round but get burned by a nature power > Tri attack. Fern uses another potion as I chip away at Lombre with rounds. I finish it off after only being hit 3 times as he misses another fury swipes before being taken out.


After being leveling up to 25 (being the level cap) and taken to 1hp Servine comes in. Knowing that Frogo won't survive the turn I go for a water pulse mostly to see how much damage it does. The answer was not very much even with a crit. Servine misses a leaf tornado but i go down to burn anyway.


I send in Skunkzilla hoping to flame burst everything to death. Servine used growth and take 1/2 hp from a flame burst. It uses growth again but the first flame burst must have been a high roll and the second one must have low rolled as it doesn't quite take it out. It hits Skunkzilla hard with a 'not very effective' leaf tornado but is luckerly finished off by the flame burst.


He sends out his Roselia and having 4.5 (Skunkzilla isn't doing too well on hp) pokemon left I feel that it won't be too long for this world. It uses mega drain which doesn't hit too hard from max hp Skunkzilla isn't doing great on hp so even with black sludge recovery it may not live another one. I attack back with a flame burst dealing just over 1/4 of its hp.


Having recovered about 1/2 the damage I did I send in Mightyena to try and finish it off. I set up a howl and then use bite taking 2 poison stings (1 was even a crit). And looking at the damage I did I probably didn't even need to set up.


Another bite (In hindsight I should have used sucker punch to avoid some more damage but as I am about to heal up anyways it doesn't matter) takes it down.



After that battle I head back to the pokemon center to get healed up and I also grab some super potions before I head back over to Florina.



After a quick SR because I forgot to change lead and lower Frogo's level to 24 so I don't have to worry about it overleveling in the middle of the battle I lead with Mightyena in hopes to make this a short and easy 6-0 sweep. Rini starts with Maractus. Turn 1 I set up a howl and she sets up 1 layer of spikes. Turn 2 is a repeat. Expecting her to go for a third layer I aim to take it out with a bite. It lives at 1hp :( and crits me with an empowered needle arm for 2/3 of my hp. Rini wastes a super potion and Maractus is taken out with another bite.


After leveling up and not learning assurance Rini sends in Breloom. Expecting a fighting move I go for play rough hoping to take it out before it hits. It did hit with a fighting move... mach punch so there goes that nice 6-0 I had planned oh well. Thinking about it I should have gone for sucker punch and try to brute force it with the boosts I had up.


I send in Skunkzilla and go for a play rough. which does very nice damage but I get hit by spore. Not wanting to swap too much due to the spikes and the game not caring about sleep clause I decide to try and wait out the sleep. Turn 1 of sleep Rini uses her second potion. I wake up next turn and hit it with a very hard play rough and Brellom uses a weak mega drain. It goes down to another play rough.


Rini then send out Ferroseed not knowing I have flame burst. And I 1 shot it with flame burst.


Rini sends out Cacnea and I swap into Spike by accident when I went to double check that it isn't dark yet. And Spike promptly gets 2 shot by 1 pin missile. Oops.


Now after pressing summary not switch in I check that Cacnea is not part dark yet so I send Skunkzilla back in to flame burst it (rather than play rough if it was dark type). It does most of its health but then goes down to a 3 hit empowered pin missile.


Now after having lost most of my pokemon with some sort of type advantage I send in Frogo to try to finnish it off with round. Which works.


Rini sends out her last threat to Frogo, Cottonee. It misses a prankster leech seed and I go for another round. Same thing happens next turn but it misses a poison powder instead. With Cottonee almost down I go for a quick attack instead hoping not to get hit by any status effects. The plan works and Cottonee is down having been unlucky and doing nothing.


Now she sends out Cradilly which I know has no grass moves. But with water moves being weakened and it being rock type I don't have much to hit it with myself (and it may also have storm drain so definatly no water attacks). So with not much to hit it with I go for lick and it paralyzes turn 1 AND Cradilly gets paralyzed so it doesn't do anything. Using the paralysis I swap into Pancham to try and hit it with some fighting moves. It is a free swap in as Cradilly is paralyzed for the second turn in a row. I go for a work up to help out and Cradilly finally gets of a move. A smack down that does less damage than the spikes apon entree. I go for a karate chop which does over 1/2 of its remaining hp and the poor Cradilly gets paralyzed for a third time before going down to another karate chop.



After that fight I get the badge, TM and a PULSE dex and then she askes me to go and investigate the Jasper Ward.




I don't belive that after the end of the match we just had.


After healing up I head over to the Jasper Ward and before heading into the police station I rek the random meteor member that is hiding nearby. I fight my way over to the pokemon center and after healing make my way over towards the PULSE machine. I get side tracked and find the first police officer who is trapped in a corner behind a meteor grunt who gets 2 shot by Skunkzilla's crunches. As I get closer to the PULSE and start fighting the meteor grunts in the forest I have large ammounts of fun burning it down with flame burst. Also Skunkzilla tries to learn toxic so I replace poison gas for it. Though with the burning down the forrest most of the time I was the one taking damage as Skunkzilla 1 shot most of team meteor's pokes. Once I eventually get to the PULSE machine we meet one of the slightly more likeable members of team meteor but have to fight him to destroy the PULSE machine. The fight also has awesome music.



The battle starts and with it so does my plan to make everything BURN! So turn 1 I do just that. And Lileep starts the confusion spam. But after not hitting myself I take Lileep into the red and it goes down to the blaze.


Now demon burb comes out and I hope that it doesn't cause too much trouble. After not hitting myself again I deal 1/2 of its hp with a crunch while it goes for a nasty plot. Next turn Taka heals demon burb but I snap out of confusion and it goes down to 1/3 of its hp and suffers a defence drop. It goes down to a crunch this time.


Now time for the PULSE and upon reading its PULSE dex entree it has filter and because there are no moves that are 4x super effective I only have to avoid its resistances rather than worry about what is is weak to. So I plan to try to crunch it down.


After the first turn of the PULSE it has suffered a -1 to defence but I got acid sprayed and am at -2 special defence. But it goes down to another crunch taking it to red hp then the forest burn taking it out.


Soloed by Skunkzilla.



Well it kinda didn't feel like it.


After the battle he tells us to go and find the other machine that is over in the Beryl Ward so we head that way after being yelled at by the pink haired dragon girl. But before I head over to the PULSE I rescue the girl trapped in the house and head back to her friends to pick up a sticker. I also rescue another policeman. I also get the feild readout for the forest feild but that doesn't matter as I plan to burn the whole forrest down anyway. I head into the jungle and fall into the most obvious trap there is (as long as it isn't dark cause then the trap can kinda be hard to spot). After Fern laughs at us and asks us to beg and we say no demon burb itself comes and helps us out (I still hate the damm thing). I start running arround the jungle and find the 2 caves 1 with the exit switch and 1 with a policeman inside of a trap. I make my way over to the mansion to heal up and to find another policeman only this one is dead. :( We also find the feild readout for the corrosive feild.


Also I couldn't find the room inside the mansion that had all the feild effects in it I assume it has been replaced with the Feild notes on the pokegear.

After fighing my way right to the PULSE and rescuing the last of the officers I head back to the police station to get myself the growlith to pick up my mystery egg.



Its not even that great.


And after that we have the mystery egg!


And after poking arround the game files I find its a cottonee which sucks. I was hoping for a Vullaby or any of the dark types but of well I will just trade for it after I finish this part write up.


After that small distraction I head back to the PULSE and start the battle.



I lead with Skunkzilla as he is my strongest poke atm and also Liepard to fake out the Lileep and then to spam assist. So turn 1 is flame bursting Glaceon and faking out Lileep. Skunkzilla hits glaceon for just under 1/2 of its hp and the fake out + bursting flame does a little chip damage to Lileep. Glaceon hits Liepard with an ice fang for about 1/3 of its hp. Next turn I go for another flame burst and Liepard is going to start using assist. Liepard ends up using needle arm on Lileep flinching it again while glaceon is almost taken out by flame burst it still lives to get off an icey wind almost taking out Liepard. I do the same thing on the next turn but this time Liepard uses flame burst on Glaceon before Skunkzilla can move.


Skunkzilla then uses flame burst on Lileep as his main target is gone criting and taking it very low but it then uses acid doing less than black sludge recovery but leaving Liepard on 1 hp. ZEL then sends out Espeon. I then have Skunkzilla use crunch on Espeon and Liepard keep using assist. Taka uses a super potion on Lileep healing it back up. Liepard's assist becomes low kick which is used on Espeon (why D:) and then it gets taken out by swift from Espeon but crunch takes out Espeon.


Skunkzilla levels up off of the Espeon kill and learns acid spray which replaces the never used toxic.

I send in Pancham to replace Liepard as I know Umbreon is comming out and the 2 of them spamming confusion is going to be anoying. I use play rough and karate chop on Umbreon to try to take it out quickly. Umbreon quick attacks Skunkzilla for chip damage then is almost taken out by the 2 moves but Lileep uses confuse ray on Pancham. I have them both use the same attack because I can't rely on Pancham to take it out because of the confusion. Umbreon uses Confuse ray on Skunkzilla but is then taken out by the play rough but Pancham hits itself in confusion and Lileep wastes its turn using confuse ray on the already confused Skunkzilla.


With ZEL down this is going to be a 1 sided fight as long as I don't get confuse haxed. Skunkzilla hits itself in confusion but Pancham deals good damage to Lileep. They both get hit by an acid doing almost nothing. Next turn Skunkzilla uses crunch and takes out Lileep then Pancham snaps out of confusion and has no target.


Skunkzilla goes for another crunch and Pancham uses slash on the PULSE Tangrowth. Skunkzilla also snaps out of confusion this turn as well. Pancham gets hit by a mega drain.


Same thing happens the next turn.


A third turn of the same thing but Pancham finally goes down.


I then bring in Spike who starts feint attacking it as well as Skunkzilla's crunches. Skunkzilla finally gets a defence drop but even with that Spike can't quite finish it off and takes a bad acid spray.


It finally goes down to 1 last crunch.


Now my final foe Demon Burb. I aim to take it out quickly with a crunch and feint attack before it confuse spams me to death. It uses chatter and takes out Spike before any of the other pokemon could move but it turns out it doesn't like crunches.


I send in Frogo as he hasn't done... well anything for a while. It out speeds and takes it out with a water pulse.


Not too bad. Also I am on a roll I haven't wiped at any fight yet first tryed all of the battles so far.


So after Corey is unmasked him and the police all head to his gym. But before I follow there was an item I spotted in the mansion that I couldn't get to because of the plants so I am going to get first. It was a Twisted Spoon something that wasn't really worth the time but whatever I got it anyway.


That is where I am going to leave it this time. Next time I take on Coreys gym and deal with the repercussions of that and get 1 step closer to *shudders* Shelly.


PS: I will also be doing a bit of level grinding so everyone is up to snuff for the gym and if anyone has a Vullaby egg to trade for my Cottonee pls pm me so we can do that trade.

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